BGU Faculty of Biology Correspondence Department schedule. Faculty of Biology, Geography and Land Management


doctor of biological sciences, professor,

Honorary Worker of the Higher vocational education RF

Bashkatov Sergey Alexandrovich

The biological faculty of Bashkir State University is one of the leading educational and scientific centers Russian Federation in the field of biology, ecology and biotechnology. Its faculty provides training of highly qualified personnel for scientific and research-and-production enterprises of biological, medical and agricultural profiles. Graduates are also in demand in state management and control bodies ( public service sanitary and epidemiological supervision, State Committee on ecology and environmental management, other state and public environmental organizations), in expert laboratories.

laboratory of reproductive biology and plant cloning,

laboratory of molecular biotechnology,

laboratory for PCR diagnostics,

safety assessment laboratory modern materials and technologies

laboratory of electroencephalography and polygraphy,

Large scientific schools in the field of botany, physiology and biochemistry of plants, human anatomy and physiology, genetics and fundamental medicine have been formed at the Faculty of Biology. The dissertation council D 212.013.11 operates at the faculty for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations in the specialties 03.02.01 - botany, 03.01.05 - physiology and biochemistry of plants.

Graduates of the Faculty of Biology are employed in various scientific and industrial institutions and enterprises, in state environmental structures, specialized laboratories of the ministries of health, internal affairs, agriculture, food and processing industry, and carry out teaching activities in educational institutions. Biologists, ecologists and biotechnologists are also in demand as specialists in small and medium-sized businesses engaged in animal husbandry, floriculture, fish farming, phytodesign, agribusiness, etc.

Many graduates of the Faculty of Biology choose teaching. They successfully teach biological disciplines in universities, schools and colleges in Ufa and the Republic of Belarus, as well as in other regions of the Russian Federation and abroad.

Academic work

Education at the Faculty of Biology includes the development of students in the humanities, natural sciences, general professional and special disciplines. Students successively study philosophy, history, political science, ethics, cultural studies, fundamentals of law, psychology; botany, zoology, biochemistry, biotechnology, anatomy, physiology, biophysics, immunology, ecology, etc.

Of great importance for the formation of specialists in the field of biology are also educational and educational-industrial practices, during which students improve in the application of scientific methods, perform experimental field and laboratory research. These studies are carried out in scientific centers in Ufa and cities of the republic. If necessary, students are sent for practical training to other educational institutions and research institutes of the Russian Federation.

The Faculty of Biology provides training in the following areas and specialties:

Destination: 06.03.01 " Biology» (undergraduate)

Faculty of Biology, BSU

This term has other meanings, see Faculty of Biology.

Department of Biology
Belarusian State University
English name faculty of biology.
Year of foundation 1931
Dean Lysak Vladimir Vasilievich
Location Belarus, Minsk, st. Kurchatova, 10

Faculty of Biology, Belarusian State University- the leading scientific and educational center for the training of specialists in the biological profile in the Republic of Belarus. More than 2100 students, 60 graduate students and undergraduates study at the faculty every year.

The teaching staff includes 89 full-time teachers, of which 2 are academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 21 doctors of sciences, 65 candidates of sciences, 12 professors, 52 associate professors. More than 60 researchers are also involved in the implementation of research projects.

Dean - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Lysak Vladimir Vasilievich.

Photograph of the faculty building


The Faculty of Biology was opened in 1931 . Prior to that, since 1922, the biological training of students was carried out at the natural science department of the pedagogical faculty. The first dean (since August 16, 1931) was associate professor Olga Dmitrievna Akimova, who served as dean from 1931 to 1932 and from 1944 to 1948. In the 30s. the post of dean was considered a social burden, and it was alternately occupied for relatively short periods by faculty teachers: F. I. Derbentsov, E. M. Zubkovich, T. N. Godnev, M. E. Makushok. The enrollment of students in the Faculty of Biology in 1931–1940. were relatively small - 25 - 45 people each.

The beginning of the Great Patriotic War interrupted the work of the university for 2 years (1941–1942). By the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of May 15, 1943, BSU resumed its activities in evacuation, at the Skhodnya station near Moscow. Among others, 25 students of the Faculty of Biology began their studies. The university returned to Minsk in 1944. The faculty was located in a small two-story house on the street. Vitebsk. Classes alternated with work on the analysis of the ruins, the construction of new buildings. By 1947, the work of 5 departments was fully restored, where 21 teachers worked, including 6 professors. In the same period, the creation of a fund herbarium at the Department of Botany began, the Zoological Museum was restored. Already in 1946, the biological station on Lake Naroch began to operate.

From 1948 to 1953, the dean of the faculty was associate professor S. V. Kalishevich. During this period, the enrollment of students increased significantly, the level of the professional staff of the teaching corps noticeably increased (only in 1953, 2 doctoral and 9 candidate's dissertations were defended).

From 1953 to 1971, Associate Professor P. G. Petrovich worked as the Dean of the Faculty of Biology. During this period, new departments were created: Darwinism and Genetics (1947), Microbiology (1960), Biochemistry (1964). Prominent scientists worked at the faculty - academicians N. V. Turbin, P. F. Rokitsky, A. S. Vecher, professors G. G. Vinberg, B. Ya. Elbert, P. A. Bulanov, A. P. Kesoreva and etc. The number of graduates of the faculty has increased due to the development of forms of daytime, evening and correspondence education.

In 1971–1973, the dean of the faculty was Professor Yu. K. Fomichev, who made significant efforts to improve the level scientific research and expanding their subject matter.

From 1973 to 1980, Professor A. T. Pikulev held the position of dean. During this period, the department of general ecology was created at the faculty (1974), several new areas of scientific research were developed, the faculty was relocated to a new educational building on the street. Kurchatov.

In 1980-1996 Professor A. S. Shukanov was the dean of the Faculty of Biology. During this period, the preparation of students in the specialty "Bioecology" and the direction "Biotechnology" began. In addition to the continuously functioning Naroch biological station, from 1987 to 1992, the Vileika biological station worked as a base for student practices.

Since December 1996, the dean of the faculty has been Associate Professor V.V. Lysak. During this period, improvements educational plans training of specialists, new courses are being introduced. Since 2011, the training of students in the specialties "Biochemistry" and "Microbiology" has been open.


  • Department of Biochemistry
  • Department of Botany
  • Department of Genetics
  • Department of Zoology
  • Department of Microbiology
  • Department of Molecular Biology
  • Department of General Ecology and Methods of Teaching Biology
  • Department of Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants
  • Department of Human and Animal Physiology

Research laboratories

  • biotechnology
  • biochemistry and pharmacology of biologically active substances
  • biochemistry of metabolism
  • hydroecology
  • molecular genetics and biotechnology
  • applied problems of biochemistry
  • transgenic plants
  • physiology
  • plant physiology and biotechnology

Student Research Laboratories

  • molecular biotechnology
  • applied problems of biology and plant cell biotechnology
  • conservation and dynamics of biodiversity

Zoo museum

Vertebrate Hall

Vertebrate Hall

The Zoological Museum of the Faculty of Biology of the Belarusian State University was established in 1921 on the initiative of the head of the Department of Zoology, Professor A. V. Fedyushin. At present, the collection fund of the museum is the largest collection of zoological objects in the republic (stuffed animals, bird clutches, preparations, osteological material and other both vertebrate and invertebrate animals) with a total number of over 102 thousand items. The scientific collections of the museum are stored in special modern rooms with a total area of ​​980 m2. The zoological collections include 260 species listed in the Red Books of the CIS countries and the world. Over the past decade, the exposition fund has been replenished with such rare species as the red wolf, wandering albatross, ostriches, hyacinth macaw, chimpanzees, as well as numerous tropical insects and a number of other exhibits that are not found in the natural history museums of Belarus. In addition, the museum has a significant number of fossil animals that have long disappeared, for example, fragments of the skeleton of a fossil elephant (the only find in Belarus), discovered in 2006 during the construction of the Minsk Metro. Also, a series of species new to science are concentrated here, unique zoological exhibits of the 19th–20th centuries are stored, as well as albinos and chromists with an unnatural color of integument, which have no analogues in the republic. The main fund of the museum is replenished annually with new acquisitions (average annual growth rate of 1100 items). Throughout the entire period of its existence, the Zoological Museum has been doing a great job of popularizing the ideas of nature conservation and as a center of education in the environmental sphere. The museum enjoys well-deserved popularity among the population, not only residents of the city, but also guests of the capital. Every year it is visited by about 10 thousand people. Among the visitors are not only pupils and students, but also researchers from a number of foreign countries.

Botanical Garden

Succulents in the greenhouse

The Botanical Garden of BSU was organized at the Department of Plant Systematics of the Faculty of Biology in 1930. Its founder was Professor S. M. Melnik. From the time of its formation until 1956, the botanical garden with an area of ​​2 hectares was located on the territory of the university campus. The collection contained 37 species of trees, 19 species of shrubs and numerous herbaceous plants. In 1956, the botanical garden was moved to the Krasnoe tract (south-eastern outskirts of Minsk). The botanical garden was planned according to the geographical principle. Sections of plant taxonomy, useful plants and an arboretum were created in it. The collection included more than 800 species. In 1965, the botanical garden was moved to Shchemyslitsa on the territory of the BSU educational and experimental farm. Since 2002, the botanical garden has been located near the Faculty of Biology at the address: Minsk, st. Kurchatova, 10. The botanical garden also includes a greenhouse, an arboretum and a natural monument of republican significance "Dubrava". The open ground area of ​​the botanical garden is represented by collections of useful, spicy medicinal, ornamental annuals and perennials, rare and endangered plants. There is also a department of plant taxonomy, an orchard, a plot of ornamental trees and shrubs. The collection includes more than 900 species, varieties and forms. The collection of tropical and subtropical plants contains about 400 species and varieties belonging to 190 genera from 69 families. The main species composition of tropical and subtropical plants is located in the greenhouse, as well as in the winter garden and on the floors of the building of the Faculty of Biology. The arboretum of the Botanical Garden of BSU was founded in 1928 on the basis of the stronghold of the All-Union Institute of Plant Industry (VIR) "Schemyslica" on the initiative of Academician N. I. Vavilov. Currently, it includes about 250 species and forms from 96 genera and 38 families.

Educational and Scientific Center “Narochansk Biological Station named after G. G. Vinberg»

The building of the Naroch Biological Station

The Naroch Biological Station (NBS) was established in 1947. In 2002, it received the status of the Educational and Scientific Center "Narochan Biological Station". In 2006, the biological station was named after the outstanding hydrobiologist G. G. Vinberg. The first director (from 1948 to 1960) was Candidate of Biological Sciences P.S. Nevyadomskaya, then the biological station was headed by A.I. Sergeev, I.A. Zhuk, G.P. F. Orlovsky, since 2002 - Doctor of Biological Sciences Tatyana Vasilievna Zhukova. In 2002, a new multi-storey building was put into operation, including 14 modern laboratories, as well as classrooms, a conference hall, a library and a hostel. The NBS has a staff of 18 people who provide maintenance and assistance in conducting student practices and research. The biological station has motor and rowing boats, a car, special hydrobiological equipment for field work and the necessary instruments for experimental studies. As part of educational process The NBS provides training and industrial practices, laboratory studies, organization of coursework, diploma, master's and postgraduate work; promotes the training of highly qualified personnel (performing candidate and doctoral dissertations). On the basis of the NBS, studies are carried out aimed at studying the patterns of functioning of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, the mechanisms of formation of water quality and productivity of water bodies in order to preserve their natural features and sustainable use of resources, conduct long-term regime observations ( environmental monitoring) on the lakes of the Naroch group. The basic subdivision that ensures the conduct of research work of the NBS is the Research Laboratory of Hydroecology of the Faculty of Biology. The biostation contributes to the research of departments, scientific divisions of BSU and the scientific department of the National Park "Narochansky", takes part in the development and implementation of scientifically based recommendations for the conservation of the natural potential of the Naroch region. As part of scientific and educational activities, the biostation organizes and conducts scientific conferences, meetings and seminars, promotes environmental knowledge among the local population and vacationers, provides scientific and methodological assistance to schools in the region in the field of environmental education and nature protection.


  • Biology (scientific and industrial activity); qualification "Biologist"
  • Biology (scientific and pedagogical activity); qualification “Biologist. Biology and chemistry teacher”
  • Biology (biotechnology); qualification “Biologist-biotechnologist. Biology teacher”
  • Biochemistry; qualification “Biologist. Biochemist"
  • Microbiology; qualification “Biologist-Microbiologist”
  • Bioecology; qualification “Biologist-ecologist. Biology and ecology teacher”

Scientific research

Main directions of scientific research
  • Biological diversity, problems of ecology and xenobiology
  • Genetic, physiological and biochemical mechanisms of vital activity of living organisms
  • Scientific foundations of biotechnological processes and biological safety
  • Physical and chemical biology and regulatory mechanisms of functioning of biosystems
Main directions of applied developments
  • Biotechnology: pharmaceuticals, genetic engineering, food and feed additives, plant protection products
  • Molecular biochemical and molecular genetic testing of genomes
  • Assessment of the quality and comparative bioavailability of drugs and pharmaceutical substances
  • Technologies for the isolation and purification of recombinant proteins, the creation of highly effective and biologically safe medicines and nutritional supplements of a new generation on their basis
  • Xenobiotics and biosecurity


Over 80 years of functioning at the faculty, more than 11 thousand highly qualified biologists have been trained. Among the graduates there are 3 academicians, 13 corresponding members, 8 laureates of state awards, more than 85 doctors of sciences, more than 600 candidates of sciences.

Academicians and Corresponding Members Astapovich Natalia Ivanovna Gorin Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Davydenko Oleg Georgievich Dzyatkovskaya Elena Nikolaevna Kuchuk Nikolay Viktorovich Nikiforov Mikhail Efimovich Ostapenya Alexander Pavlovich Semenchenko Vitaly Pavlovich Serzhanin Ivan Nikolaevich Slobozhanina Ekaterina Ivanovna Smeyan Nikolay Ivanovich Stelmakh Adolf Fomich Sushchenya Leonid Mikhailovich Usanov Sergey Alexandrovich Chaika Maria Tikhonovna Yakushev Boris Ivanovich Laureates of State Prizes Belyavsky Vladimir Martinovich Kaminskaya Larisa Nikolaevna Kucher Aksana Nikolaevna Litvinko Natalya Mikhailovna Prosnyak Mikhail Ivanovich Slobozhanina Ekaterina Ivanovna Smeyan Nikolay Ivanovich Finenko Zosim Zosimovich


  1. The procedure for admission to the Faculty of Biology.
  2. Honored Workers of the Belarusian State University
  3. The oldest herbarium in Belarus is 85 years old
  4. Pavel Grigorievich Petrovich
  5. Belorussian State University named after V. I. Lenin / A. I. Kozhushkov, V. P. Vorobyov, O. A. Yanovsky. Minsk, 1991
  6. Belarusian State University - 85 years. Illustrated edition. Minsk: "Riftur", 2006
  7. Belarusian State University plans to start admission to new specialties
  8. TOP-15 most unusual museums in Belarus
  9. Zoological Museum of BSU
  10. Natural monument of republican significance "Dubrava"
  11. The spring season has ended learning practices for BSU students
  12. IV International Conference “Lake Ecosystems” takes place on Naroch
  13. Educational and Scientific Center "Naroch Biological Station named after G. G. Vinberg." / A.P. Ostapenya, T.V. Zhukova, R.Z. Kovalevskaya, T.M. Mikheeva - Minsk: BGU, 2008.
  14. V.V. Lysak, T.I. Ditchenko, V.V. Grichik, I.M. Popinachenko. "Graduates of the Faculty of Biology", Minsk: BGU, 2011. - 327 p. ISBN 978-985-518-517-9
  15. National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: Corresponding Member ASTAPOVICH Natalia Ivanovna (1940-2005)
  16. National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: Corresponding Member DAVYDENKO Oleg Georgievich
  17. Dzyatkovskaya Elena Nikolaevna - Scientists of Russia
  18. Kuchuk Nikolai Viktorovich - IKBGI



Specialty (direction) Daily budget Daytime paid Correspondence budget Correspondence paid
Biology (scientific and industrial activity) 20 40 25 40
Biology (scientific and pedagogical activity) 25 5 10 5
Biology (biotechnology) 45 30 - -
Biochemistry 25 20 10 15
Microbiology 30 20 10 15
Bioecology 15 10 10 10
Total 160 125 65 85


Biology (DH)
Chemistry (DH)
Russian/Belarusian language (DH)


For full-time and part-time forms of education:
- at the expense of the budget — from 12 to 17 July 2019;
- on payment terms - from July 12 to August 4, 2019


For education at the expense of the budget:
- daytime and correspondence form— from 18 to 28 July 2019

To receive education on terms of payment:
- full-time and part-time forms - from August 5 to August 6, 2019


1. Winners (diplomas of І, ІІ, ІІІ degrees) of the International Olympiad (in accordance with the list approved by the Ministry of Education) and the Republican Olympiad in Biology, held by the Ministry of Education in academic year, which ended in the year of admission.
2. Persons awarded during the last two years at the time of receiving general secondary, secondary specialized education with the badge “Laureate of the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for Satsyalnaya Padtrymtsy zdolny nauchentsev and students” for high achievements in certain subject areas corresponding to the chosen profile (direction) education.
3. Upon admission to the specialty, the winners (diplomas of I, II, III degrees) of the third (regional, Minsk city) stage of the republican Olympiad in biology, held by the Ministry of Education in the academic year that ended in the year of admission, as well as persons awarded gold, silver a medal or graduated from institutions of secondary specialized education with a diploma with honors (if there is a recommendation from the pedagogical council of the educational institution they graduated from).

4. When entering a specialty 1-31 01 01-02 Biology (scientific and pedagogical activity) persons who have been trained in specialized classes (groups) of pedagogical orientation of institutions of general secondary education, if there are marks in the document on education not lower than 7 (seven) points for all academic subjects and marks not lower than 8 (eight) points in academic subjects corresponding to the subjects of profile tests (if there is a recommendation from the pedagogical council of the educational institution they graduated from and based on the results of an interview conducted by the HEI in the manner established by the Ministry of Education), subject to subsequent mandatory work by distribution after receiving higher education in the daily form at the expense of the budget for at least five years.

Graduates of specialized classes of pedagogical orientation must submit documents from 12 to 14 July 2019

List of positions, professions, types of entrepreneurial activity, specialties of vocational and secondary specialized education, giving the right to participate in the competition for higher education of the 1st stage in correspondence or evening forms at the expense of the republican budget

The list was compiled by educational and methodological associations in the field of higher education in accordance with parts one and two of paragraph 4 of the Rules for the admission of persons for higher education of the 1st stage, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 07.02.2006 No. 80.

Approved by the First Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus V.A. Bogush May 06, 2015

Features of accounting for the average score of a document on education

For enrollment of applicants who have received secondary specialized education, the average score of the diploma of secondary specialized education is taken into account in the total score.

For enrollment of applicants who have received vocational education on the basis of general secondary education, the total scores take into account the average score, defined as the arithmetic mean when summing up all marks in education documents (certificate of general secondary education and diploma of vocational education).

Memo to students of the 2nd year of the correspondence department

on organizing field training practices

1. The educational zoological and botanical practice of 2nd year students in the 2018/2019 academic year will be held on the basis of the sports and recreation complex (S.O.K.) of the BSU "Brigantina" at the address: 222322, Minsk region, Molodechno district, outskirts of the city of p. Radoshkovichi

2. Director of S.O.K. "Brigantine" - Polyakov Vladimir Alexandrovich, phone: 8-01767-93-4-92.

Practice leaders - deputy. Dean Assoc. Burko Leonid Dmitrievich, tel. :8-017-209-59-00 and

senior teacher Balash Alexander Vyacheslavovich, tel. (8-01767) 93-4-92

3. Terms of training practices:

specialties "Biology" and "Bioecology":from May 13 to May 31, 2019.; (18 full days)

specialties: "Biochemistry" and "Microbiology» from May 20 to May 31, 2019;(11 full days)

4. Daily routine for the period of training practices:

Getting up, exercise, personal time 7.00 - 8.00

breakfast 8.00 - 8.30

preparation for classes 8.30 - 9.00

working hours 9.00 - 13.00

lunch break 13.00 - 15.00

working hours 15.00 - 19.00

personal time 19.00 - 20.00

dinner 20.00 - 20.30

personal time 20.30 - 23.00

lights out 23.00

5. student must have:

Passport, record book, student card;

Study supplies: textbooks obtained from the library; paper for labels, notebooks for field notes or 5 student notebooks, a ruler, simple pencils, felt-tip pens, an album for drawing (2 pcs.);

Individual first-aid kit, repellents from flying insects, ticks;

Waterproof shoes and clothes, warm woolen clothes for excursions in the cold season, a hat, an umbrella, as well as comfortable summer shoes and clothes; - personal hygiene items;

- receipt of money transfer for 3 hot meals a day ( for 18 full days; and 11 full days, respectively ) (cm.Payment for meals; amounts and account number will be announced by April 15, 2019);

6. During the internship period, students obliged:

To acquire knowledge and practical skills in accordance with practice programs;

Impeccably comply with the internal regulations of the SOK BSU "Brigantina", the duty of the duty officer in the room, hostel;

Comply with safety regulations;

Follow the established daily routine;

Take care of the property of the SOK BSU "Brigantina" and educational equipment;

Strictly observe the established rules of behavior in nature;

In case of illness, immediately report to the leaders of educational practices.

7. Students strictly prohibited:

Use of electrical appliances in the hostel: boilers, heaters, stoves;

Unauthorized leaving the place of practice during the daytime or staying outside the SOK BSU "Brigantina" at night;

Smoking in undesignated places;

8. Temporary absence of students in practice can be allowed only in connection with extreme necessity and only with the written permission of the head of educational practices.

9. For violation of the Internal Regulations, Labor Protection Instructions and personal indiscipline, the leaders of educational practices have the right to remove the student from further internships and petition the dean's office to expel him from the number of BSU students.

10. Organized departure of students to the place of practice is planned

from the building of the Faculty of Biology on the street. Kurchatov 10.

The faculty was established on October 1, 1995 on the basis of the Faculty of Natural Sciences. 39 full-time teachers work at 3 departments of the faculty, including 1 doctor of science, 2 professors, 19 candidates of science. More than 800 students study, there are full-time and part-time departments. For their education, 19 equipped classrooms and a biological museum were provided. Ample opportunities are provided for teachers and students of the faculty by the Center for Ecology of the University, in the structure of which there is a department "Agrobiology", a Winter Garden, a garden of continuous flowering, an arboretum.

Contact Information

Dean's office hours

Monday - Friday: 8.30 - 17.00

Saturday: 8.30 - 13.30

Sunday is a day off


Nichishina Tatyana Viktorovna

dean, candidate pedagogical sciences, docent,
tel. 21-69-49
Reception time: Tuesday 15.00 - 17.00

Kovalenko Viktor Viktorovich

deputy dean for academic work, senior lecturer,
tel. 21-70-78

Tolkach Galina Vladimirovna

deputy dean for educational work, Art. teacher, tel. 21-70-78

Lenivko Svetlana Mikhailovna

deputy dean for scientific work, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor

Severin Natalya Vladimirovna

specialist in the organization and provision of the educational process, tel. 21-70-78

Ogievich Yulia Viktorovna

secretary, tel. 21-70-78





  • 1-31 01-02 01 "Zoology"
  • 1-31 01-02 02 "Botany"
  • 1-31 01-02 07 "Genetics"

Specialist Qualification: Biologist. Biology and chemistry teacher.

Duration of study: 4 years

  • Biologist


  • 1-33 01 01 01 General ecology

Duration of study: 4 years

List of primary specialist positions:

  • trainee teacher
  • Ecologist
  • Biologist
  • Teacher
  • Junior Research Fellow

Specialist Qualification: Lecturer

Duration of study: 4 years

List of primary specialist positions:

  • Teacher
  • Teacher



  • 1-31 01-02 01 "Zoology"
  • 1-31 01-02 02 "Botany"
  • 1-31 01-02 07 "Genetics"

Specialist Qualification: Biologist. Biology and chemistry teacher

Study period: 5 years

List of primary specialist positions:

  • Biologist
  • Junior Research Fellow


1-33 01 01 01 General ecology

Qualification of the specialist: Biologist-ecologist. Biology and ecology teacher

Study period: 5 years

List of primary specialist positions:

  • trainee teacher
  • Ecologist
  • Biologist
  • Teacher
  • Junior Research Fellow

Scientific activity

The departments of the Faculty of Biology work on the following scientific topics:

  • Research work on the topic "Evaluation of the morphophysiological and genetic activity of brassinosteroids and steroidal glycosides to expand the spectrum of action of plant bioregulators of steroid nature" (supervisor - Karoza S.E., Associate Professor of the Department of Zoology and Genetics, Ph.D., Associate Professor);
  • Research work on the topic "Establishing the role of programmed cell death in the response of the wheat root to the impact of copper nanoparticles" (supervisor - teacher of the Department of Zoology and Genetics Kirisyuk Yu.V.);
  • Research work on the topic " Methodological support ecological and botanical disciplines" (supervisor - head of the department of botany and ecology Matusevich N.M., candidate of biological sciences, associate professor);
  • Research work on the topic "Ecologization of the content of biological education of students" (supervisor - Martysyuk I.A., Associate Professor of the Department of Zoology and Genetics, Ph.D., Associate Professor);
  • Research work on the topic "Formation of professional competencies among students in the study of disciplines of the chemical cycle" (supervisor - head of the department of chemistry Stupen NS, Ph.D., associate professor).