Test inclusive education. Business game "Inclusive education

Test for final certification (test) for the course "Inclusive Education"
1. Choose the correct answer: Joint education and upbringing of children with disabilities with their normally developing peers implies:
inclusion B) interaction,
2. Choose the correct answer: Inclusion is:
A) the form of cooperation;
B) a special case of integration;
B) style of behavior.
3. Choose the correct answer: There are two types of integration:
internal and external,
B) passive and creative,
educational and social.
4. Choose the correct answer: Inclusion, that is, “inclusive education”, which includes
a child with disabilities in the same educational environment with normally developing peers is:
A) group integration,
B) educational integration,
B) communication.
5. Choose the correct answer: Social inclusion must be ensured:
A) to all children without exception with developmental disabilities,
B) only children with developmental disorders in the younger school age,
B) children studying only in special institutions.
6. Choose the correct answer: First time theoretical background integrated learning was a
works of a domestic scientist:
A.N., Leontieva, B) S.L. Rubinshtein,
L.S. Vygotsky.
7. Choose the correct answer: The first country in the field of implementation in teaching practice Inte (inclusive) education has become:
Great Britain, B) Russia,
8. Choose the correct answer: In the 70s. 20th century in the countries of and Eastern Europe, the first prece, closures of correctional institutions are observed, due to:
A) the absence of children with disabilities,
B) transfer of children with disabilities to kindergartens and general schools,
B) teaching children with disabilities at home.
9. Choose the correct answer: In Russia, the first experimental experience of co-education of children with developmental disorders appears in:
60s XX century., B) 90s. XX.,
70s XX century..
10. Choose the correct answer: In Russia, in the first experimental experience of co-education of children with normal and impaired development, children took part preschool age in violation:
visual analyzer,
B) intellect
auditory analyzer.
11. Choose the correct answer: In the context of “inclusive education”, a child with disabilities is faced with the need to master the state. educational standard on a par with normally developing therefore:
A) inclusion cannot be massive,
B) inclusion should be massive,
12. Choose the correct answer: In accordance with the principles of the domestic concept of integrated (learning, it can be argued that inclusive education is most appropriate for:
children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system,
B) children with intellectual disabilities,
children with disabilities, with whom correctional and pedagogical work was started early.
13. Choose the correct answer: Which of the following principles does not apply to the principles of domestic (inclusive) education:
A) integration through early correction;
B) integration through mandatory correctional assistance to each integrated child;
B) integration through reasonable selection of children for integrated education;
D) diagnostic information should be presented visually, in the form of graphs, figures.
13. Choose the correct answer: building between educational institutions different levels, types and interactions, which ensures the choice and predictability of the individual educational route of the child with handicapped health, a complementary system of psychological and pedagogical support for the education of a child and his family is being built, called:
inclusive educational vertical,
B) inclusive educational horizontal,
inclusive educational parallel.
14. Choose the correct answer: At the second stage of the inclusive vertical, the upbringing and socialization of a child with disabilities is carried out within the framework of:
general educational high school,
B) preschool institutions,
15. Choose the correct answer: The final level of the inclusive vertical is the stage:
A) Career guidance for graduates of schools with disabilities in the field of professional interests and elections
B) support with complex psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and correctional assistance for adaptation in an environment of healthy peers,
B) early integration of children with developmental disabilities in preschool institutions.
16. Choose the correct answer: Creating a system of polysubjective interaction involves the creation of:
A) inclusive horizontal,
B) inclusive vertical.
17. Choose the correct answer: The period becomes the initial level of the inclusive vertical:
A) youth
B) early childhood
B) primary school age.
18. Choose the correct answer: The continuous vertical of inclusive education is implemented under the following conditions: a child who enters an integrative environment at an early age should not be deprived of the society of ordinary peers at any stage of his growing up. Choose a condition name:
complexity continuity,
B) walking distance
unity, goals.
19. Choose the correct answer: Determine what condition the continuous vertical of inclusive education is about: all inclusive institutions must be open to cooperation and exchange of experience, both within their vertical and across species diversity; information about the development of the child at each stage of the educational vertical will be recorded in his individual map (“development map”).
A) succession,
B) professional competence,
B) walking distance.
20. Choose the correct answer: The approach that assumes that students with disabilities communicate with their peers on holidays, in various leisure programs, is called:
expanding access to education;
B) integration;
21. Choose the correct answer: According to the concept of SFES, which of the components is considered in the structure of education of students with disabilities as the accumulation of potential opportunities for their active implementation! present and future.
A) the component of "life competence",
B) "academic" component.
22. Choose the correct answer: educational areas:
B) 4
23. Choose the correct answer: Determine which of the educational areas of the SFES we are talking about: knowledge about a person in society and the practice of understanding what is happening with the child himself and other people, interacting with close and distant social environment:
A) natural science
B) art


Every child is special, that's for sure. And yet there are children who are referred to as "special" not to emphasize the uniqueness of their abilities, but to indicate the special needs that distinguish them. At present, there is an urgent need to understand their problems, respect and recognize their rights to preschool education, the desire and readiness to include them in the children's community, and not hide them behind the walls of a special institution or leave them at home, sitting by the window and watching their peers.

The family of a child with disabilities is faced with the problem of access to educational services, the possibility of full participation in society. The creation of inclusive kindergartens guarantees an increase in the availability and quality of educational services for all categories of children of early and preschool age, as well as their parents.

Inclusive(French inclusif - including, from Latin include - I conclude, include) or included education is a term used to describe the process of teaching children with special needs in educational institutions. Inclusive education is based on an ideology that excludes any discrimination against children, which ensures equal treatment of all people, but creates special conditions for children with special needs. Inclusive education - the process of development general education, which implies access to education for all, in terms of adapting to the different needs of all children, which ensures access to education for children with special needs.

Eight principles of inclusive education:

    The value of a person does not depend on his abilities and achievements;

    Every person is capable of feeling and thinking;

    Every person has the right to communicate and to be heard;

    All people need each other;

    Genuine education can only take place in the context of real relationships;

    All people need the support and friendship of their peers;

    For all learners, progress may be more in what they can do than in what they cannot;

    Diversity enhances all aspects of human life.

The system of inclusive education includes educational establishments preschool, secondary, vocational and higher education. Its goal is to create a barrier-free environment in learning and vocational training people with disabilities. This set of measures implies both the technical equipment of educational institutions and the development of special training courses for teachers and other students aimed at developing their interaction with people with disabilities. In addition, there are special programs aimed at facilitating the process of adaptation of children with disabilities in a preschool educational institution.

World practice of inclusive education

Abroad, since the 1970s, a package of regulations has been developed and implemented, contributing to the expansion educational opportunities disabled people. In the modern educational policy of the United States and Europe, several approaches have been developed, including: widening participation in education, mainstreaming, integration, inclusion, i.e. inclusion. Mainstreaming suggests that students with disabilities communicate with their peers on holidays, in various leisure programs. Integration means bringing the needs of children with mental and physical disabilities into line with an education system that remains largely unchanged, not adapted for them. Inclusion or inclusion reforming kindergartens and schools redesigning classrooms so that they meet the needs and requirements of all children without exception.

In the 1990s in the United States and European countries, a number of publications were published on the problem of self-organization of parents of children with disabilities, social activity of adults with disabilities and defenders of their rights, which contributed to the popularization of the ideas of inclusive education.

Studies of the economic efficiency of inclusive education conducted in the 1980s - 1990s. and demonstrate the benefits of integrated education in terms of benefits, benefits, achievements.

To date, most Western countries there has been some consensus on the importance of integrating children with disabilities. State, municipal kindergartens and schools receive budget funding for children with special needs, and, accordingly, are interested in increasing the number of students officially registered as disabled. The provisions on inclusive education are included in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, approved by the UN General Assembly on December 13, 2006.

The most common questions.

Many parents are suspicious and wary of inclusive education. They ask the same questions:

A special child may well communicate successfully in kindergarten, finish school, go to college and get a profession, but it is much more difficult for him than for an ordinary child. We cannot know in advance whether a special child will be able to develop to such an extent that others would consider him "like everyone else." But we can and must give it a chance! The child goes to kindergarten, i.e. lives like most preschoolers, and all this is valuable in itself.

In kindergarten, there educational sessions, discipline, a “special” child will be very difficult. And I don't see the benefit of my child's association with the "special" one?

Often, special children are intellectually quite able to cope with the program. It is more difficult for them to learn to interact and communicate. For preschoolers, there is still no difference whether a peer is special in front of them or not. They interact, help, play, with "special children", as well as with ordinary ones. During our work, we have become convinced that the attitude of children to each other's characteristics to a large extent depends on the attitude of adults to the characteristics of children.

Later in school, "special kids" are more likely to not be bullied by other kids. And ordinary children will be kinder, they will have a more developed sense of compassion. They will not scoff, they will always be ready to help.

The teacher pays more attention to "special" children, spends more time on them, as a result, normal children suffer, they receive less attention and knowledge.

There should not be more than 1-2 people in a group for special children, then this experience will only be useful for the rest, it all depends on the position of the teacher. Along with this, in our kindergarten, a volunteer, or a psychologist, is assigned to "special" children. In addition to the teacher, there is always a person who is ready to come to the aid of a “special” child.

Doesn't living with problematic "special" children negatively affect ordinary children?

The child will grow up, and he will have to meet with all sorts of children and adults, and he must be able to communicate with them. Leaving kindergarten for school, he must take out not only basic knowledge from here, but also social skills of communication and interaction with people. There are more and more problem children, so they will meet an ordinary child in any school. Finally, our country saw this problem and began to solve it, and not pretend that the problem does not exist.

If we were unable to convince you of the importance of inclusive education and you still have questions, we will be happy to answer them.

Test for final certification (test) for the course "Inclusive Education"

1. Choose the correct answer: Joint education and upbringing of children with disabilities with their normally developing peers implies:

    inclusion B) interaction,


2. Choose the correct answer: Inclusion is:

A) the form of cooperation;

B) a special case of integration;

B) style of behavior.

3. Choose the correct answer: There are two types of integration:

    internal and external,

B) passive and creative,

    educational and social.

4. Choose the correct answer: Inclusion, that is, “inclusive education”, which includes

a child with disabilities in the same educational environment with normally developing peers is:

A) group integration,

B) educational integration,

B) communication.

5. Choose the correct answer: Social inclusion must be ensured:

A) to all children without exception with developmental disabilities,

B) only for children with developmental disorders at primary school age,

B) children studying only in special institutions.

6. Choose the correct answer: For the first time, the theoretical justification for integrated learning was a

works of a domestic scientist:

    A.N., Leontieva, B) S.L. Rubinshtein,

    L.S. Vygotsky.

7. Choose the correct answer: The first country in the field of introducing Inte (inclusive) education into pedagogical practice was:

    Great Britain, B) Russia,

8. Choose the correct answer: In the 70s. 20th century in the countries of and Eastern Europe, the first prece, closures of correctional institutions are observed, due to:

A) the absence of children with disabilities,

B) transfer of children with disabilities to kindergartens and general schools,

B) teaching children with disabilities at home.

9. Choose the correct answer: In Russia, the first experimental experience of co-education of children with developmental disorders appears in:

    60s XX century., B) 90s. XX.,

    70s XX century..

10. Choose the correct answer: In Russia, in the first experimental experience of joint education for children with normal and impaired development, preschool children with a violation took part:

    visual analyzer,

B) intellect

    auditory analyzer.

11. Choose the correct answer: In the context of “inclusive education”, a child with disabilities is faced with the need to master the state. educational standard on a par with normally developing therefore:

A) inclusion cannot be massive,

B) inclusion should be massive,

12. Choose the correct answer: In accordance with the principles of the domestic concept of integrated (learning, it can be argued that inclusive education is most appropriate for:

    children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system,

B) children with intellectual disabilities,

    children with disabilities, with whom correctional and pedagogical work was started early.

13. Choose the correct answer: Which of the following principles does not apply to the principles of domestic (inclusive) education:

A) integration through early correction;

B) integration through mandatory correctional assistance to each integrated child;

B) integration through reasonable selection of children for integrated education;

D) diagnostic information should be presented visually, in the form of graphs, figures.

13. Choose the correct answer: building between educational institutions of different levels, types and in interaction, which ensures the choice and predictability of an individual educational route for a child with disabilities, builds a complementary system of psychological and pedagogical
accompanying the education of the child and his family is called:

    inclusive educational vertical,

B) inclusive educational horizontal,

    inclusive educational parallel.

14. Choose the correct answer: At the second stage of the inclusive vertical, the upbringing and socialization of the child
disabilities are carried out within the framework of:

    general secondary school,

B) preschool institutions,

15. Choose the correct answer: The final level of the inclusive vertical is the stage:

A) vocational guidance for graduates of schools with disabilities in the field of the emergence of professional interests and elections,

B) support with complex psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and correctional assistance for adaptation in an environment of healthy peers,

B) early integration of children with developmental disabilities in preschool institutions.

16. Choose the correct answer: Creating a system of polysubjective interaction involves the creation of:

A) inclusive horizontal,

B) inclusive vertical.

17. Choose the correct answer: The period becomes the initial level of the inclusive vertical:

A) youth

B) early childhood

B) primary school age.

18. Choose the correct answer: The continuous vertical of inclusive education is implemented under the following conditions: a child who enters an integrative environment at an early age should not be deprived of the society of ordinary peers at any stage of his growing up. Choose a condition name:

    complexity continuity,

B) walking distance

    unity, goals.

19. Choose the correct answer: Determine what condition the continuous vertical of inclusive education is about: all inclusive institutions must be open to cooperation and exchange of experience, both within their vertical and across species diversity; information about the development of the child at each level of educational
verticals will be fixed in his individual map (“development map”).

A) succession,

B) professional competence,

B) walking distance.

20. Choose the correct answer: The approach that assumes that students with disabilities communicate with their peers on holidays, in various leisure programs, is called:

    expanding access to education;

B) integration;


21. Choose the correct answer: According to the concept of SFES, which of the components is considered in the structure of education of students with disabilities as the accumulation of potential opportunities for their active implementation! present and future.

A) the component of "life competence",

B) "academic" component.

22. Choose the correct answer: Educational areas are allocated in the SFES:

23. Choose the correct answer: Determine which of the educational areas of the SFES we are talking about: knowledge about a person in society and the practice of understanding what is happening with the child himself and other people, interacting with close and distant social environment:

A) natural science

A videoconference was held in Moscow on the problems and issues of inclusive education in Russia. During the conference, experts from different regions of the country shared their experience. The audience of the conference had the opportunity to ask their questions.

United Publishing Group"DROFA - VENTANA" invites teachers working with children with special educational needs, share your methodological developments to lessons in inclusive classes.

All entries will be posted on the site.

Do you think children with different diseases (Down syndrome, ASD, mental disorders, cerebral palsy) can study in the same class?

In any matter, it is necessary to rely on the reasonableness of its decision. Of course, it is not necessary to enroll children from different nosological groups in one class. All of the listed disorders can be combined with intellectual insufficiency, which may be the basis for their joint training. At the same time, if the severity of autism spectrum disorders is extremely high, then it is advisable to consider other training opportunities. The same recommendation applies to children with cerebral palsy. If a child's motor impairments are pronounced and sharply narrow the independence of movement and the formation of self-service skills, then the option of joint education of the above categories of children should not be considered.

Recall that there is a document - Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training and education in organizations that carry out educational activities according to adapted basic general education programs for students with disabilities” (approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2015 No. 26), in the Appendix to which the recommended standards for completing classes are indicated.

Application No. 1

to SanPiN

Completion of classes (groups) for students with disabilities

Options for educational programs*

1 option

Option 2

3 option

4 option

maximum amount students

Deaf learners

No more than 2 deaf students in an inclusive class. General class occupancy: with 1 deaf student - no more than 20 students, with 2 deaf students - no more than 15 students

Hearing-impaired and late-deaf students

No more than 2 hearing-impaired or late-deaf students in an inclusive class. General class occupancy: with 1 hard of hearing or late deafness - no more than 25 students, with 2 hard of hearing or late deafness - no more than 20 students

I department: 8 II department: 6

Option not available

Blind learners

No more than 2 blind students in an inclusive class. General class occupancy: with 1 blind - no more than 20 students, with 2 blind - no more than 15 students

visually impaired students

No more than 2 visually impaired students in an inclusive class. General class occupancy: with 1 visually impaired - no more than 25 students, with 2 visually impaired - no more than 20 students

Option not available

Students with severe speech impairments (SNR)

No more than 5 students with TNR in a class under inclusive conditions. The total class size is no more than 25 students.

Option not available

Option not available

Students with musculoskeletal disorders (NODA)

No more than 2 students with NO YES in a class under inclusive conditions. The total class occupancy: with 1 student with NO YES - no more than 20 students, with 2 - no more than 15 students.

Delay learners mental development(ZPR)

No more than 4 students with mental retardation in a class under inclusive conditions. Total class size - no more than 25 students

Option not available

Option not available

Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

No more than 2 students with ASD in a class under inclusive conditions. General class occupancy: with 1 student with ASD - no more than 20 students, with 2 students with ASD - no more than 15 students

No more than 2 students with ASD in a class under inclusive conditions with a total class size of no more than 12 students

No more than 1 student with ASD in a class under inclusive conditions with a total class size of no more than 9 students

No more than 1 student with ASD in a class under inclusive conditions with a total class size of no more than 5 students (no more than 2 students with ASD in a class with students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities)

Students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities)

Note:* program options:

Option 1 assumes that the student receives an education that is fully consistent with the final achievements by the time of completion of training, the education of peers, being in their environment and at the same time of study;

Option 2 assumes that the student receives education in a prolonged period of study;

The 3rd option assumes that the student receives an education that, in terms of content and final achievements, does not correspond to the time of completion schooling with the content and final achievements of peers who do not have additional health limitations, in a prolonged period (for students with hearing, vision, musculoskeletal disorders, autism spectrum disorder and mental retardation);

The 4th option assumes that the student receives an education that, in terms of content and final achievements, does not correlate with the content and final achievements of peers who do not have additional health limitations, in terms of content and final achievements at the time of completion of schooling (for students with mental retardation (moderate , severe, profound, severe and multiple developmental disorders).Based on this version of the program educational organization develops a special individual program development (SIPR).

Why does the Pedagogical Institute graduate a subject teacher, but not a defectologist, not a specialist in working with children with disabilities?

For each direction of training in higher education there is always a small course "Fundamentals of Special Pedagogy and Correctional Psychology", aimed at forming a certain range of ideas about children with disabilities, techniques and methods of working with them. Of course, such a course is not enough to properly organize educational process for these children. However, the professional growth of a teacher involves mastering new competencies not only within the framework of self-education, but also within the framework of advanced training courses. Today there is a large number of additional professional education programs that allow mastering the technologies of teaching children with disabilities in the context of inclusive education, in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards for HIA. An example is the Moscow register of additional professional education programs for teaching staff.

Please describe the experience of creating a correctional and developmental environment in teaching mentally retarded children.

Why should children with mental retardation and Down syndrome study in a regular classroom? How can a teacher be torn between such different students?

Children with mental retardation are very successful in an inclusive classroom in organizing the right approach and understanding the nature of mental retardation. In this case, we should also talk about successful socialization and the success of training. In the case of children with Down syndrome, positive educational outcomes, but SOCIAL INCLUSION delivers unrivaled results.

How can you organize work with children with stuttering?

Taking into account the traditional principles of working with children with stuttering, as well as involving a speech therapist to provide assistance.

What do doctors think about inclusive education?

Recall that there is a document from doctors - Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training and education in organizations engaged in educational activities on adapted basic general education programs for students with disabilities" (approved by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2015 No. 26). Of course, each specific case of teaching a child with disabilities and disabilities is an individual educational history. Everyone has their own recommendations for training received from the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission.

Inclusion to us« lowered from above» ? Or is it needs Everyday life?

Inclusion is a necessity of everyday life. Interesting fact- inclusion has always been, only had a spontaneous, ill-conceived character. Law on education in Russian Federation(2012) helps us make the process of inclusion meaningful and thoughtful. We think that it will take time for inclusion to be accepted as a normal natural process.

Question from school distance learning disabled children. There is a tutor. The accounting department has many questions about the introduction of the tutor's rate. What questions govern its introduction?

currently accepted professional standard tutor. If necessary, the head, forming the staffing table, can enter such a rate.

What to do if the school does not have conditions for teaching children with disabilities? How to conduct lessons?

Lessons should be conducted on the basis of an individual and differentiated approach to teaching children, based on knowledge of the characteristics of the psychophysical development of children with disabilities and disabilities.

How to improve relationships between children in such classes?

You should be very careful about the formation of a positive psychological climate in the school community, in the class community, taking into account the parental opinion. Trainings for children are very useful, where they can face the limitations and understand how children with special educational needs feel. It is necessary to look at yourself, at your attitude towards children with disabilities, since the teacher is a significant adult for the student. We think that you will be interested in watching the webinar of the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center “History accessible to everyone!?”

It seems to me that socialization is one thing, but gaining knowledge is another. Sometimes you think if child with disabilities to study separately, then he will understand more

Working in the education system, every teacher must understand that the basis of education is not knowledge for the sake of knowledge, but knowledge for life! Therefore, socialization and education are two inseparable processes.

Please write, what diagnostic tools should a psychologist rely on when working with different categories of children?

I think the answer will be very common. I would like to advise you to turn to various diagnostic aids of such authors as E.A. Strebeleva, S.D. Zabramnaya, M.M. Semago, N.Ya. Semago, S.B. Lazurenko, A.R. Luria and others; teaching aids in special psychology.

And what programs to rely on when compiling a correctional and developmental program for different categories of children (ASD, cerebral palsy, mental retardation ...)

Adapted basic educational programs should be written based on exemplary AOOP located at the link

I would like to learn more about the positive experience of organizing inclusive education in vocational education(college)

You can see the positive experience of organizing inclusive training in vocational education on the example of the activities of the State Budgetary Vocational Educational Institution of the City of Moscow "College of Small Business No. 4", the State Budgetary Vocational Educational Institution of the City of Moscow "Technological College No. 21". I think that it will be interesting for you to watch the recording of the interregional seminar "Development of an inclusive school in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for HIA", which was held by the State Budgetary Institution GPPC DOgM on December 5-7, 2016. In the near future, a recording of the seminar will be posted on the website of the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow in the section WEB-advice/

Test for final certification (test) for the course "Inclusive Education"

1. Choose the correct answer: Joint education and upbringing of children with disabilities with their normally developing peers implies:

    inclusion B) interaction


2. Choose the correct answer: Inclusion is:

A) the form of cooperation;

B) a special case of integration;

B) style of behavior.

3. Choose the correct answer: There are two types of integration:

    internal and external,

B) passive and creative,

    educational and social.

4. Choose the correct answer: Inclusion, that is, “inclusive education”, which includes

a child with disabilities in the same educational environment with normally developing peers is:

A) group integration,

B) educational integration,

B) communication.

5. Choose the correct answer: Social inclusion must be ensured:

A) to all children without exception with developmental disabilities,

B) only for children with developmental disorders at primary school age,

B) children studying only in special institutions.

6. Choose the correct answer: For the first time, the theoretical justification for integrated learning was a

works of a domestic scientist:

    A.N., Leontieva, B) S.L. Rubinshtein,

    L.S. Vygotsky.

7. Choose the correct answer: The first country in the field of introducing Inte (inclusive) education into pedagogical practice was:

    Great Britain, B) Russia,


8. Choose the correct answer: In the 70s. 20th century in the countries of and Eastern Europe, the first prece, closures of correctional institutions are observed, due to:

A) the absence of children with disabilities,

B) transfer of children with disabilities to kindergartens and general schools,

B) teaching children with disabilities at home.

9. Choose the correct answer: In Russia, the first experimental experience of co-education of children with developmental disorders appears in:

    60s 20th century B) 90sXX .,

    70s XX century..

10. Choose the correct answer: In Russia, in the first experimental experience of joint education for children with normal and impaired development, preschool children with a violation took part:

    visual analyzer,

B) intellect

    auditory analyzer.

11. Choose the correct answer: In the context of “inclusive education”, a child with disabilities is faced with the need to master the state. educational standard on a par with normally developing therefore:

A) inclusion cannot be massive,

B) inclusion should be massive,

12. Choose the correct answer: In accordance with the principles of the domestic concept of integrated (learning, it can be argued that inclusive education is most appropriate for:

    children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system,

B) children with intellectual disabilities,

    children with disabilities, with whom correctional and pedagogical work was started early.

13. Choose the correct answer: Which of the following principles does not apply to the principles of domestic (inclusive) education:

A) integration through early correction;

B) integration through mandatory correctional assistance to each integrated child;

B) integration through reasonable selection of children for integrated education;

D) diagnostic information should be presented visually, in the form of graphs, figures.

13. Choose the correct answer: building between educational institutions of different levels, types and in interaction, which ensures the choice and predictability of an individual educational route for a child with disabilities, builds a complementary system of psychological and pedagogical
accompanying the education of the child and his family is called:

    inclusive educational vertical,

B) inclusive educational horizontal,

    inclusive educational parallel.


14. Choose the correct answer: At the second stage of the inclusive vertical, the upbringing and socialization of the child
disabilities are carried out within the framework of:

    general secondary school,

B ) preschool institutions,


15. Choose the correct answer: The final level of the inclusive vertical is the stage:

A)career guidance for graduates of schools with disabilities health in the field of the emergence of professional interests and elections,

B) support with complex psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and correctional assistance for adaptation in an environment of healthy peers,

B) early integration of children with developmental disabilities in preschool institutions.

16. Choose the correct answer: Creating a system of polysubjective interaction involves the creation of:

A) inclusive horizontal,

B) inclusive vertical.

17. Choose the correct answer: The period becomes the initial level of the inclusive vertical:

A) youth

B) early childhood

B) primary school age.

18. Choose the correct answer: The continuous vertical of inclusive education is implemented under the following conditions: a child who enters an integrative environment at an early age should not be deprived of the society of ordinary peers at any stage of his growing up. Choose a condition name:

    complexity continuity,

B) walking distance

    unity, goals.

19. Choose the correct answer: Determine what condition the continuous vertical of inclusive education is about: all inclusive institutions must be open to cooperation and exchange of experience, both within their vertical and across species diversity; information about the development of the child at each level of educational
verticals will be fixed in his individual map (“development map”).

A) succession,

B) professional competence,

B) walking distance.

20. Choose the correct answer: The approach that assumes that students with disabilities communicate with their peers on holidays, in various leisure programs, is called:

    expanding access to education;

B) integration;


21. Choose the correct answer: According to the concept of SFES, which of the components is considered in the structure of education of students with disabilities as the accumulation of potential opportunities for their active implementation! present and future.

A) the component of "life competence",

B) "academic" component.

22. Choose the correct answer: educational areas:

B) 4

23. Choose the correct answer: Determine which of the educational areas of the SFES we are talking about: knowledge about a person in society and the practice of understanding what is happening with the child himself and other people, interacting with close and distant social environment:

A) natural science

B) art