Conversation statements. Aphorisms about oratory

Conversation is an art in which the whole of humanity acts as a rival.
R. Emerson

The conversation is just an illusion. There are interesting monologues, and that's all.
Rebecca West

A conversation is when three women stop at a corner to talk; gossip - when one of them leaves.
Herb Schreiner

The man who can master the conversation at a London dinner can master the whole world. The future belongs to the dandy.
Oscar Wilde (1854–1900), English writer

To talk is, in essence, to yield to the interlocutor in one matter, so that he yields to us in another.
O. Ernst

Talking to other centuries is almost like traveling.
R. Descartes

Talking to a wit is like trying to keep pace with a monkey; unexpectedly, she finds herself clinging to the cornice of a window or hanging from a tree.
B. Auerbach

The talent of the interlocutor is distinguished not by the one who willingly speaks himself, but by the one with whom others willingly speak; if after a conversation with you a person is satisfied with himself and his wit, then he is quite satisfied with you. People don't want to be admired, they want to be liked.
Jean La Bruyère (1645–1696), French writer

Always inspire your interlocutor with the consciousness of his significance.
Dale Carnegie (1888–1955), American human relations specialist

Talk to a person about himself, and he will listen to you for hours.
Benjamin Disraeli (1804–1881)
British prime minister, writer

Boredom is when I listen to a person who talks about himself when I want to talk about myself.
Tom Pacherek (b. 1946), American baseball player

We like people who dare to tell us what they think, as long as they think like us.
Mark Twain (1835–1910), American writer

The right to be heard does not automatically entail the right to be taken seriously.
Hubert Humphrey (1911–1978)
Vice President of the United States

If you want to tell me something important, for God's sake, start at the end.
Sarah Duncan (1861–1922)
Canadian writer and journalist

It's time to stop talking - when your interlocutor begins to silently nod his head.
Henry Haskins, American economist

Unfortunately, there are more stupid people than taciturn ones.

Friends are made by the ears rather than by the tongue.

Even if you're not such a great conversationalist, you can still be a great listener.

Alas, people talk longer and listen shorter.
Wladyslaw Grzeszczyk, Polish writer

Often we hear: "He talks too much"; but you hardly heard the complaint: "He listens too much."
Norman Augustine (b.1935)
American entrepreneur

Golden Rule #2: Listen to others the way you would like them to listen to you.

The best listener is the one who is able to give you his all without listening to a word of what you say.

Everyone hears only what they understand.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749–1832)
German poet

Everyone hears only what he needs, and no more.
Rabbi Nachman of Bratslov (1770–1811),
Hasidic teacher

You don't learn anything while you talk.
Inscription in the Senate office
Lyndon Johnson (1908–1973)
future US president

How do I know what I'm thinking until I hear what I'm saying?
Graham Wallace (? 1932)

First think three times, and then remain silent.
Henri de Regnier (1864–1936), French writer

When you don't know what to say, speak the truth.
Mark Twain

You will not be able to talk to a person who knows what he is talking about.
"Hutchins' Law"

Don't believe half of what you hear and none of what you say.
"Murry's Law"

Wit is the salt of the conversation, not the food.
William Gaslitt

Conversation is the ability to dream together.
Georgy Kovalchuk

Complete agreement is a very boring property for a conversation.
Michel de Montaigne

Your right is to swear, my right is not to listen.

Mutual conversation should be conducted in such a way that each of the interlocutors benefited from it, acquiring more knowledge.
Heraclitus of Ephesus

Just as old wine is unsuitable for drinking much, so rough treatment is unsuitable for an interview.
Pythagoras of Samos

Despise the talker who interrupts the interlocutor, wanting to insert a word without fail.

When you show a willingness to listen with a minimum of defensiveness, criticism, and impatience, you give understanding and deserve the right to have it reciprocated.
Michael Nichols

We never outgrow the need to tell what it is like to live in our separate personal world of experience. Unfortunately, there is no similar need to listen.
Michael Nichols

When you want to show your interlocutor some truth in a conversation, the most important thing is not to get irritated and not say a single unkind or offensive word.

You should not take possession of the conversation, as a fiefdom, from which you have the right to survive the other; on the contrary, one should try to ensure that everyone has his turn in the conversation, as in everything else.
Cicero Mark Tullius

What could be more delightful and more natural than witty and truly enlightened conversation?
Cicero Mark Tullius

They have learned to speak in front of others, but not to themselves.
Cicero Mark Tullius

Please stop talking in general terms.
Cicero Mark Tullius

It is necessary to say today only what is appropriate today.
Put everything else aside and say it at the right time.

There is no better companion than yourself.
Andrey Lavrukhin

More often you weigh what and to whom to speak about everything.
Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus)

You should calmly listen to the corrections of the ignorant.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

Conversation should be as common to those who feast as wine.

There are three ways to answer questions: say what is necessary, answer with friendliness, and say too much.

When the sun leaves the world, everything is darkened, so also a conversation devoid of impudence is not all good.

We often ask a question, not needing an answer, but trying to hear the voice and ingratiate ourselves with another person, wanting to draw him into a conversation ... Getting ahead of others with answers, trying to capture someone else's hearing and occupy other people's thoughts, is like climbing to kiss a person who is thirsty kissing another, or looking at another, try to attract to yourself.

To tell the truth, witnesses are not needed.
Unknown author

Talking and speaking are not the same thing.
Unknown author

A talkative fellow traveler replaces the crew on the road.
Unknown author

In a diplomatic conversation, it is important to be able to hide behind the principles of the enemy - this will make you invulnerable to his sophisms.

To not speak to a person to whom one can speak is to lose the person; to speak to a person who cannot be spoken to is to lose words. A smart person does not lose a person and does not lose words.
Confucius (Kung Tzu)

A scientist who, while striving for truth, is at the same time ashamed of bad dress and bad food, is not worth arguing with.
Confucius (Kung Tzu)

Words are needed to catch a thought: when a thought is caught, the words are forgotten. How could I find a person who has forgotten about the words - and talk to him!
Unknown Chinese author

Long conversations devour life.
The wounded soul is medicine.
Gregory of Nazianzus

A prudent and eloquent husband is not always noticeable before a conversation with him; just as the fire hidden in the thorn, only when it comes out, produces a flame in the air.
John of Damascus

Talk to people according to their mind.

Do not bother interlocutors
Shut up before they scream "stop!".

Just as stars adorn the sky on clear nights, and flowers in spring adorn green meadows, so sparkles of wit adorn pleasant conversations.
Giovanni Boccaccio

But better than any deceit -
In a conversation with a smart person
Tell him the simple truth.
Lope de Bega

To master the art of conversation, because the personality is reflected in the conversation. None of human occupations requires greater prudence, although there is nothing more ordinary in life - here you can lose everything and win everything.
Baltasar Gracian y Morales

It is easy to let out a word, but it is difficult to catch it. In a conversation, as in a will, there are fewer words, fewer litigations. Talking about trifles, probe the ground for more important things. There is something divine in secrecy. Whoever opens up easily in a conversation is easy to convince - and win.
Baltasar Gracian y Morales

A productive interesting conversation can only be where people do not identify themselves with their own opinions and ideas can be born only where people do not hold on to any of them.
Erich Fromm

Most of all, it is not the mind that enlivens the conversation, but trust.
François de La Rochefoucauld

In nothing is the middle way more desirable than in confessions and silences in conversations with people close to us.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

The ability to properly conduct a dialogue or, more simply, the ability to communicate is the key to all the doors in our lives, Magic wand to fulfill all desires. So let's now take the first step in this direction and consider the basic rules for successful dialogue and productive communication.

the site will tell you how to make a dialogue out of a monologue, what to do if the conversation does not go well and how to improve your communication skills.

A good conversationalist

Many trainers in oratory and dialogue say that mastering this art does not begin with the technique of the conversation itself, but with a general attitude towards people and towards your interlocutor in particular.

A good interlocutor is a person who is interested in life in all its manifestations, so he can perfectly conduct a conversation about the development of a perpetual motion machine, and mixtures for babies. If you do not have a keen interest in life, curiosity in all areas, a thirst for knowledge, then you will be able to master the art of dialogue only technically, and it will be difficult for you to enjoy this process.

In general, all the rules can be summarized under one sentence: trying to show the interlocutor an interest in the conversation and your disposition towards him, you give rise to interest in him and a good attitude towards yourself.

Good Interlocutor Rules:

1. With any person, there is something to talk about

You just have to find what interests him! The percentage of people who are not interested in anything in life is negligible! At a minimum, you can always talk about the person himself. Therefore, instead of saying “There is nothing to talk about with her!”, It is better to say “We have no common topics for conversation!”.

2. Use active listening

Active listening is a way to show the interlocutor that you are listening, hearing and understanding what he is talking about. To do this, you can look at the interlocutor, nod, say words like “yeah” or “yes”, briefly comment on individual phrases of the story (“how cool!”, “wow!”, “and he?”), continue for the interlocutor thought (when everything is clear, you can say the ending together with the interlocutor), help find necessary phrases or words (when the interlocutor hesitated), ask questions.

With all your behavior, show the interlocutor that you are interested, this will inspire him to continue the story and communicate with you further.

3. The conversation should be interesting for you

Even if it happens that you are forced to keep up a conversation about a hunt infinitely distant from you, try to imbue the topic and interest of the interlocutor. If a person talks about what is interesting to him, but does not feel feedback, then the conversation will not last long.

Reception "Piggy bank of knowledge": after the conversation, instead of being angry with yourself and the interlocutor for a useless empty evening, tell yourself what knowledge goes into your piggy bank: how to fix the light at home, how to fish, or what is the image of an average military man.

4. If the interlocutor did not understand you, then you expressed yourself incorrectly

Accept this simple rule, and it will be easier for you to carry on a conversation: you will stop being angry at the interlocutor for being dull or annoyed that the conversation is going the wrong way.

5. Smile!

With a smile, you show your disposition and openness to a person - this is an excellent platform for dialogue. By the way, the smile is felt even on the phone, verified!

6. Eliminate the pronoun "I" from the dialogue!

All people are selfish by nature, and everyone is interested in hearing only about themselves, at least at first. If you are talking about yourself in the story, change the form of the statement: instead of "I'm surprised" you can say "surprisingly", instead of "I want" - "I want to". Thus, the tone of the statement changes slightly.

From personal experience: “I run a dating club, I have been working in this area for more than 5 years. Initially, my clients communicate with men in correspondence on the Internet. Reading letters from clients to men, I notice the endless "me, me, me, me, me." It is not surprising that they receive no replies to their letter. During personal meetings, during Skype conversations, such ladies sit, thinking hard what to answer. You need to be able to keep up the conversation not only when it comes to you. Elena, head of the dating club

7. Call the interlocutor by name

Scientists say that it is difficult to find something more pleasant than the sound of your own name. Use it!

8. Speak in the language of the interlocutor

At acquaintance, choose easy topics, ask simple questions. Even if you are at a scientific convention, do not start the conversation with complex topics, start with something simple (“where are you from”, “how long have you been”, etc.). Difficult topics often make the interlocutor, especially not very familiar to you, tense up.

9. Speak simply and clearly

Respect the interlocutor, do not load your speech with complex words, terms, turns. Even if he has five higher education, it is unlikely that he will want to get into the essence of your proposal through the jungle of allegories and tricky words.

Even Einstein bequeathed us to simplify everything that is possible. Remember, even on deep scientific topics, you can speak in a "human" language.

Do not try to give yourself status by the form of conversation. A smart person will understand what you are anyway.

(usual friendly conversation): "Do you know what is the most popular social elevator that delivers to the political elite, in addition to those given in the analyzed text, party activities and civil service?" Translation - “Do you know how most often people get to the top of politics if they are not in the civil service or in the party?” From a conversation with a friend, Love.

10. Don't give unsolicited advice

If a person does not ask you for advice, then he does not need it, and he just needs to speak out. If you give unsolicited advice, your interlocutor will feel that you put yourself above him, consider yourself smarter, and this discourages communication.

11. Don't interrupt

Often we want to burst into the middle of a conversation with an exclamation: “Yes, yes, but I did it too!” or something similar. Listen to the interlocutor, let him feel that his words are significant and interesting for you.

12. Respect boundaries

Pay attention to the limit of what you can talk about with this person and / or in this setting and / or at this time. For example, at a wedding it is not always appropriate to talk about yourself, at a meeting of a beer club you will not cause delight if you talk about the dangers of a drink, even if it is harmless and scientifically sound.

How to continue the conversation

Useful techniques for continuing the conversation:

Mastering the general rules and recommendations for conducting a dialogue will certainly take some time. To make it easier for you to communicate on a daily basis, we offer some very simple techniques that will help you find a common language with your interlocutor and save even the most hopeless conversation (communication from the series “there is absolutely nothing to talk about with him”).

So, if the conversation does not stick, the interlocutor answers you in monosyllables, the topic does not really fascinate you, then you can always use 3 simple tricks. Let's take a look at a simple example:

your interlocutor is a boring person, he gives monosyllabic answers, is not interested in you. The conversation does not stick, the interlocutor tells you that he works as a postal courier.

1. Acceptance of questions

How to become pleasant conversationalist? The Art of Dialogue

If you can’t comment on what the interlocutor is saying at all, arm yourself with the magic questions “how?, when?, who?, where?, what?, why?, where?”. Just try to substitute each question word and think about what to catch on in the question itself.

  • “How do you like this job, it’s probably hard?”,
  • "How long have you been working there?"
  • "Where would you like to work?",
  • What newspapers do you most often deliver?
  • “What do people prefer to prescribe now?”.

2. Chain reception

It is good to use this technique after you have collected information in the answers to your questions. Having hooked on some information from the interlocutor, transfer the conversation to another topic. If the information is not enough, ask more questions. But don't turn this into an interrogation.

  • “Yes, it’s hard, you’re on your feet all the time, and bags are often heavy” - “It means that you get very tired at work. And how do you prefer to relax, relax? You are probably not a fan active rest
  • “I have been working since the age of 20” - “From the age of 20? Is this your first job? They say that people often don’t stay long at their first job, what do you think?”.
  • “They subscribe to City News and various political newspapers” - “City News is an interesting newspaper. Speaking of city news, have you heard that on Saturday there will be a big concert in the main square? You will go?"

Further along this chain, you can translate the conversation to anything: where the interlocutor has been, whether he is married, what are his views on family and social life, etc. In other words, this method can be called the “poke method”: by changing topics, you increase the likelihood of getting into the right one, with which the conversation will finally turn into a normal dialogue.

3. Reception of paying attention to the reaction

If a person does not pay attention to your attempts to start a normal conversation, believes that it is you who should interest and amuse him, then you can always involve him in resolving this issue. Receiving direct questions, lazy interlocutors either join the conversation or completely withdraw from it. Both options suit us. Pay attention to HOW he speaks, to his gestures. Questions can be asked with a smile.

  • “Are you always so laconic? You look so thoughtfully into the distance when I ask you questions. Is it easier for you to concentrate or are you tired?
  • “Maybe something happened to you?”,
  • “You look at me with such interest, but you keep up the conversation so reluctantly, I don’t even know how to behave.”

Or just pay attention to HOW the person speaks. If he speaks loudly, ask why what is being said means so much to him. If he speaks with sadness or embarrassment, comment on it.

Phrases to Avoid in Dialogue

1. “Say something”, “Don’t be silent, please!”

It’s better to say something yourself, and if the conversation has reached a hopeless dead end, then maybe it makes sense to stop it. In any case, don't force the person to say "anything", they may feel stupid and embarrassed.

2. "You're wrong!"

Each person has their own truth, and it is not for you to rate and judge. Take an interest in why the person came to this conclusion, perhaps his story will surprise you, and you even decide to agree with him in some way. The main thing is to be open to changing opinions and new information.

3. “I told you!”, “I warned you!”

Your interlocutor sees his mistake and using such phrases, you hurt him more. Let everyone make their own mistakes, this time you guessed it, tomorrow he might guess right. To assert oneself at the expense of other people's mistakes is teenage behavior.

4. “You got it all mixed up!”, “You’re late!” etc.

If you don't want to jump into conflict, then pay attention to your feelings, that were born after the act of your interlocutor. In response to your emotions he can always offer good reasons who forced him to do so, and there will be an argument. But the interlocutor will no longer be able to challenge your attitude to the situation.

Replacement examples:

  • "You've got it all mixed up!" = "I'm upset that it happened,"
  • "You are late!" = “It’s a pity, but now we won’t have time to do everything that we planned.”

Do you have communication difficulties?


Psychologists have been able to teach chimpanzee some gestures deaf and dumb. But it turns out the monkey can't have a dialogue: speaks out at random and "not listening to the end", runs away. Apparentlyability to listen - propertyperson acquired by hima process of long evolution.The ability to conduct a dialogue ismessage of understanding. How more cultured man, so he more able to understand the other.

Centuries of human experience communication has developed a number of traditions and rules for conducting conversations.

Since ancient times it has been considered the greatest insultlisten to the interlocutor. historyki say that one dayChinese envoy in hisconversation with the elders of Ferganagot angry and left without finishingconversation. Such an insult oriental customs, could bewashed away with blood. In orderambassador for breach of etiquettewas killed. A persuasive argument inthe need to study the rules good manners, isn't it?

And here are the rules formulated bathrooms as far back as ancient Sumer, in III millennium BC. e. Entries forclay tablets read: "Do not widen your mouth, do not speak immediately,if irritated, have to immediatelylazy to repent for thoughtless speech."

It would seem, well, what can no problem when talkingwith a person in a clear nativelanguage. But already in Ancient Russia in early XII in. was widely known"Instruction for Children" by VladimirMonomakh, where he gave adviceconducting a conversation: “When the eldersbe silent, listen to the wise, eldersto obey, to abide in love with equals and younger ones,talking without malicious intent, andthink more, don't be madto speak “by the word, do not condemn by speech,don't laugh too much..."

In 1713, France published a book that was later soldthroughout Western Europe. nameshe lamented “The Art of the Gallant conversations, or how to become a manwith good manners." "Towin over your Ladies, the book advised, gotta deal with it rightconversation. As a topic beforemore respectful weather. Cantalk like bad weatheras well as good. If a ladydon't mind, it's already startedsuccess. Then you should speak about winter weather, learn likes Does the lady skateor sled. And loves ... so beforetake her for a walk." AT1788 Contemporary Baron Goethevon Knigge published the book "Onrules for conducting conversations,leading to versatility. At the same time, Catherine II urged courtiers who did not shine with good manners to observerules of the "Hermitage charter":the third paragraph asked to be "vegray, but do not destroy anything, do not break or bite, ”the sixth allowed disputes, but withoutslander, urged "to speakmoderately and not very loudly, so thatthe rest of those who were there did not get a headache or a headache.” Guests who violated these instructions were severely punished.

Ancient Uzbek proverb says it's enoughexamine how a person argues in order to determine all his meritsand disadvantages. The most important thing inspore is restraint, skillself-control and respect for the opponent and his opinion.

Famous writer of the XIX century. Vladimir Odoevsky wrote,what an educated person can dolisten. In the most heated argument, he will not interrupt your speech and let you talk enough, but notleaves you unanswered. After all, alwaysyou can argue without leavinglimits of good manners, not

allowing the dispute to turn into a quarrel, even if the conversation is verytemperamental and touches on acute issues. And most of the time we judge the degree of human culturein the way he speaks and argue.

The speech of a cultured person should be clear, figurative, weightspeak in a language that is understandablemost of those around you.

In a conversation, it is unacceptable carelessly talk aboutthose present, especiallyand those who are absent and Not onlybecause among our conversationsnicknames may be friends or relatives, about which we are not alwayswe know, and the world is small, but also becausesuch statements can leadpeople to the idea that in another compania and they can become the subject of an equally unpleasant discussion.If in your presencethe shortcomings of acquaintances are judgedor even people you don't knowtry to avoid politelyfrom such a conversation.

To communicate with you it’s always clear to everyone, try not tospread the word about your successesor troubles and generally desireIt's only worth talking about yourself whenwhen you are asked for it

The art of listening is almost tantamount to the art of speaking well.

Reading makes one knowledgeable, conversation makes one resourceful, and the habit of writing makes one accurate.

I can listen. This particular art consists of nodding the head and expressing intense sympathy. It is also useful from time to time to open and immediately close your mouth, as if you want to interrupt the narrator with a thousand questions, but you are silent, overwhelmed by the enormous interest of the story.

What we get from is somehow more important than what we get from books.

Sometimes a small confidential conversation can turn into an unexpectedly big scandal.

Conversation is a common boat in which everyone has their own oar and their own fishing rod.

Lush sayings about conversation

Just as old wine is unsuitable for drinking much, so rough treatment is unsuitable for an interview.

It's hard to talk when you're being listened to so closely. It's confusing.

A conversation without pauses is not capable of giving birth to anything. It takes time for the fruit to mature.

Unusual pompous statements about the conversation

It is necessary to say today only what is appropriate today.

Who loves a long conversation - he strives to do little. He who celebrates victory early will never win.

And at night the conversations become more sincere...

You should not take possession of the conversation, as a fiefdom, from which you have the right to survive the other; on the contrary, one should try to ensure that everyone has his turn in the conversation, as in everything else.

The perfect conversation is when two perfect ones nicely discuss their virtues :)

In order to be pleasant in conversation, adapt yourself to the character and mind of the interlocutors. Do not pretend to be a censor of other people's words and expressions, otherwise you will be considered a pedant; especially do not find fault with thoughts and judgments, otherwise they will avoid you, even turn away from you altogether. Prudence in conversation is more important than eloquence.

When you want to show your interlocutor some truth in a conversation, the most important thing is not to get irritated and not say a single unkind or offensive word.

Not a single deep person will begin to dominate where there are equals to him in abilities, to dominate is the lot of shallow people. The fact is that the greatest value in a conversation is the other person's original thoughts, which occur less often when someone dominates.

Three old men are talking. First: I'm 82 years old, I can't pee, it takes all morning, probably stones. Second: I - 85 can not poop, all morning it takes, probably constipation. Third: And I'm already 87 and I don't have any problems. Exactly at 7 in the morning I pee, at exactly 7.30 I poop, and at exactly eight I wake up!

The most successful conversation is the one whose details are forgotten the next day...

Tragicomic pomp about conversation

If you crave approval for all your words, tell them to the "Chinese dummy", he will agree with everything.

To tell the truth, witnesses are not needed.

A prudent and eloquent husband is not always noticeable before a conversation with him; just as the fire hidden in the thorn, only when it comes out, produces a flame in the air.

To maintain a fascinating conversation with a woman, it is quite methodical, silently nodding your head ...

Alcohol - drinking, tea - conversation. There are very few people to talk to over a glass of tea. The rest have to drink.

It is not for nothing that an echo lives in the mountains, and responsiveness lives in people. We are the eternal echo of each other.

The two most terrible phrases in the world are: "I need to talk to you" and "I hope we remain friends." The funny thing is, they always lead to the opposite result, breaking both conversation and friendship.

There is no greater pleasure in the world than a friendly conversation.

When the sun goes out of the world, everything is darkened, so also a conversation devoid of impudence is not all good.

Despise the talker who interrupts the interlocutor, wanting to insert a word without fail.

You can't make one dialogue out of two monologues.

Lord, thank you for creating books as an alternative to conversation.

Hard-to-explain pompous statements about a conversation

Connect with people you can learn from. Let your communication with friends be a school of knowledge, and conversation an exquisitely pleasant learning: look at friends as mentors and season the benefits of learning with the pleasure of conversation.

Long conversations devour life.

casual conversation - best school for the mind.

Nothing enlivens small talk like the departure of a few faces)))

Most of all, it is not intelligence that enlivens conversations, but mutual trust.

Mutual conversation should be conducted in such a way that each of the interlocutors will benefit from it, acquiring more knowledge.

There are things that are somehow dumb to talk about ... but to remain silent, in general, is a shame!

A conversation is a conversation between two people when their views on a problem are the same. If each other's positions on the same question differ, then each will hear only himself and will remain with his own.

When a girl doesn't know what to say, she starts smiling silently!

Reading is a conversation with a wise man, action is a meeting with fools.

I am no interlocutor, but I can easily keep up the conversation with an energetic nod of my head.

Both feeling and mind we improve or, on the contrary, corrupt by talking with people. Therefore, some conversations improve us, others corrupt us. This means that you should choose your interlocutors carefully.

If a woman can hold a half-hour conversation, that's a good sign.

Please stop talking in general terms.

Unpaid pompous remarks about conversation

Conversation is like the art of a juggler: balls and plates fly up in the air, fly up and down, up and down - good, reliable things that sparkle in the spotlight and break with a roar if they are missed.

To master the art of conversation, because the personality is reflected in the conversation. None of human occupations requires greater prudence, although there is nothing more ordinary in life - here you can both lose everything and win everything.

A talkative fellow traveler replaces the crew on the road.

From a conversation with a learned man, I always conclude that happiness is not given to us; when I talk to the gardener, I am convinced of the opposite.

I don't like interlocutors who now and then interrupt my reasoning with their silence.

A leisurely conversation sometimes so imperceptibly turns into a drowsiness that the interlocutors soon no longer talk, but snore.

When we find ourselves before God, He will ask: - Where are your wounds? And we will say: - I have no wounds. Then God will ask: - Was there really nothing to fight for?

If during a conversation with another person you suddenly become silent, you can hear what he wants to tell you. If at the same time you suddenly freeze, you can see what and how the body of the interlocutor tells you. If you stop your gaze longer on the face of the interlocutor, then you can see the whole storm of emotions experienced by him during communication. If you stop breathing while communicating, you can distinguish the breathing of a friend. And if, during communication, at least for a moment, stop your thoughts, then you can begin to "perceive" the thoughts of the interlocutor. And if you carefully stop your attention on the partner's eyes and dive into their depth, then you can meet with... Infinity.

The only true luxury is the luxury of the human

The ability to carry on a conversation is a talent.

Conversation is a building that is built by joint

An hour of conversation is better than fifty letters.

Many people know how to argue, few people know how to just talk.

People stubbornly disagree with the most sane
judgments, not from lack of insight, but from
excess of pride: they see that the first rows in the right
affairs are sorted out, and they do not want to occupy the latter.

How can a person be recognized by a society in which
it rotates, so it can be judged by language,
by which it is expressed.

Talk to people according to their mind.

When speaking to the wise, use few words.
Cato the Elder

Trying to exhaust all the details is tiring.
and insultingly capable of feeling subtly

Usually a form of egoism, justly condemned -
the endless development of the topic of conversation by man.

If it takes great art to speak at the right time,
it is no small art to
shut up in time.

Talking a lot and saying a lot are not the same thing.

Serious things should be said simply: pomposity
is inappropriate here; talking about small things
remember that only the nobility of tone, manner and expression
can give them meaning.

What is poorly understood is often tried to be explained
with words that are not understood at all.

Mutual conversation should be conducted in such a way that each of
interlocutors benefited from it, acquiring more

The most pleasant for us are those words that give us
some knowledge.

Anyone who likes to speak too much, no one
pleasant; he constantly talks about himself, as if depicting
the hero of his own novel.

He who thinks a lot speaks little, trying to fit in
perhaps more thoughts in a few words.

A person who talks about himself for a long time is difficult to avoid

They speak little solid when they strive to say

You should not seize the conversation as a fiefdom, from
which you have the right to survive another; on the contrary, it should
try to ensure that everyone has their turn in the conversation,
like everything else.

If you talk alone all the time, you will always

No interlocutor would listen to you if
didn't know it would be his turn to speak later.

Don't let your tongue get ahead of your mind.

The sooner and more rapidly the impression is expressed,
the more often it turns out to be superficial and fleeting.

There is nothing more stupid than the desire to always be smarter than everyone else.

When you want to show your interlocutor in a conversation
some truth, then the most important thing in this case -
not get annoyed and not say a single unkind or
offensive word.

Proving your opinion and disproving others if they
erroneous, be restrained both in words and expressions.

For other people, to speak is to offend: they are prickly
and caustic, their speech is a mixture of bile with wormwood tincture;
ridicule, mockery, insults flow from their
mouth like saliva.

The word is the deed.

We don't represent enough of all the evil that we are
capable of harming themselves and others with a single
word; this evil is almost always irremediable.

Know that your unreasonable, cold, indifferent
a word can offend, hurt, upset, cause confusion,
shock, stun.

There is only one way to be a good conversationalist
- be able to listen.
k. Morley

Lots of people may say nice things, but
very few people know how to listen, because it requires the power of the mind.

Listening is a courtesy that a smart person
often renders a fool, but to which this last
never answers the same.

Learn to listen and you can benefit even
of those who speak badly.

Be the first to listen and the last when
have to speak.

Restraint and appropriateness in conversations are worth more

Silence and modesty are very useful qualities
for a conversation.

Whatever word you say is the answer you will hear.

If you want a smart answer, ask smart.

If you want to be smart, learn to ask intelligently
listen carefully, respond calmly and stop
speak when there is nothing more to say.

Silence is the most reliable answer to any contradictions,
dictated by insolence, vulgarity or

There is no answer more humiliating than a contemptuous silence.

People learn how to speak, and the main science is how to
when to be silent.

The silence of a man known for his ability to speak inspires
far more respectful than the chatter of a man who
speaks foolishly.

We are most willing to talk about what we do not know. For
that's what we're thinking about. Here the work of thought is directed,
and it can be directed only one.

The so-called ideological conversation is how
known, to a large extent, in quoting the titles of various

After a long conversation, try to remember everything
what was said, and you will be surprised how empty and not
everything that was said was necessary and often bad.

Imagine how quiet it would be if
people only said what they know.

It is better to remain wisely silent than to speak foolishly.

A person lives in a society, so he must be able to communicate with other people, and communication implies the ability to conduct a conversation, includes both the tone of the conversation, and its content, and the manner of speaking, tact and the ability to argue.
Conversation is one of the main forms of human communication. People have long been thinking about how to properly build a conversation so that it “does not humiliate or offend” anyone.
The main rule of the conversation, which the interlocutors must observe, is not to speak in general, but in accordance with the situation and the specific subject of the conversation.
Normal conversation can serve as an additional source of knowledge, and contribute to the acquisition of new friends. Dictionaries give slightly different definitions of the concept of "conversation". I preferred the following: “A message on a topic in the form of an exchange of views, discussion of issues” (Big dictionary Russian language, 2001). And here, perhaps, one can slightly doubt, because a conversation is far from always a “message”.
Therefore, it is not surprising that there are a lot of materials on the Internet related to the proper construction of a conversation. Some of them are even stated in the form of rules. The whole question is, do we have to agree with them? And if so, to what extent? If completely, then my notes would lose their meaning.
I have repeatedly pointed out that I am writing this book according to the model borrowed from M. Montaigne. He has a whole big chapter on the art of conversation. It's even listed in its entirety online. However, there are many provisions in this article with which it is difficult for us to agree. "Other times, other customs." The author himself belonged to an aristocratic circle, and he saw his readers as his equals.
Since we are not really pulling at his level, therefore the requirements are less stringent. However, I will still give some of his thoughts.
“The most fruitful and natural exercise of our mind is, in my opinion, conversation Of all the activities of life, it is the most pleasant for me. That is why, if I were forced to immediately make a choice, I would probably rather lose my sight than my hearing, or the gift of speech.
Montaigne paid as much attention to the form of presentation as to the substance of the issue. He was a supporter of the most violent disputes during conversations, if only they were conducted by the owners of strong and clear minds, because, in his opinion, communication with base and flawed minds vulgarizes even someone who is immeasurably higher than this.
I must say that in almost all other sources that I have read, this point of view is nowhere to be found. Everyone, including myself, are supporters of a peaceful and calm conversation, where a common desire to do something pleasant for each other is clearly visible.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld, a famous French thinker, believes: “To please others, you need to talk to them about what pleases them and what interests them, avoid disputes about unimportant subjects, rarely ask questions and in no case let them suspect, that you can be smarter than them."
Experts distinguish between such concepts as "conversation" and "conversation". The conversation is always purposeful, the conversation can be idle speech.
Since ancient times, the ability to speak was considered the highest art. It has not lost its weight even today.
By the way a person speaks, one can judge how well he is brought up. But it is even easier to distinguish a well-mannered person by the way he listens. Most sources emphasize that "the art of speaking is the art of silence."
This paradox can be easily deciphered - listening carefully is just as hard as telling entertainingly, so it is very important to learn to listen to the interlocutor. And even when you do not agree with his opinion on any occasion, it is best to listen to the end, and then express your point of view in a form that is very acceptable to the interlocutor. With an interlocutor who listens carefully, it is much more pleasant to have a conversation.
They say that once a student was brought to Socrates. He went a long way, overcame many obstacles, however, after a short conversation with him, the philosopher demanded a double payment. The explanation was simple. “I will have to teach you not one, but two sciences at once. Socrates said. “Not only eloquence, but also the ability to remain silent.”
At one time, I noticed that Dale Carnegie, in his instructions to managers, referring to the specific experience of history, emphasized that his counterpart has the best impression of a person if he was mostly silent, listening. “What a wonderful interlocutor,” one great nobleman concluded, completing such a “conversation”.
In the art of conversation, a special place is occupied by the topic that will be chosen for it.
At present, when society is extremely politicized, starting a conversation about politics is extremely undesirable. After all, the people present at the meeting, as a rule, hold extremely opposite views, and are deeply convinced that only their point of view is correct. This immediately leads to a skirmish, all participants in the conversation forget about tact, yell loudly at each other, and no one listens to anyone. Outcome? Unambiguous. Everyone will leave offended. In addition, there are times when, as a result of such a “conversation,” not only friends lose each other, but even families break up.
Therefore, there has long been an unspoken rule that during a conversation one should never talk about politics and religion, and even about love, except when one of the interlocutors himself spoke about this, and even about himself.
There are cases when one of the participants in the conversation is a person who is more educated than the rest of the interlocutors, endowed with talent and the highest scientific titles. During the conversation, when he sees that someone has said something that he cannot prove, or is generally incorrect in essence, right there, relying on his erudition, he will show everyone the inconsistency of the judgments of the one with whom he is arguing. Moreover, it will be done with brilliance, passion and pressure. Of course, you cannot envy the person against whom this force is directed. Is this good or bad?
Perhaps on a forum where some scientific problem is discussed, it is necessary. But in an ordinary, family or friendly conversation, such a form is not only undesirable, but even unacceptable.
In one of the articles related to the art of conversation, I came across a phrase that I fully support: “Do not put the interlocutor in an awkward position, trying to suppress him with your baggage of knowledge - no one wants to feel stupider than another.”
In my notes, I have already mentioned Benjamin Franklin, who, in addition to all his other virtues, was also a member of the academies of many countries of the world, including Russia. In his biography, he tells how he managed to overcome the terrible habit of arguing.
“I have made it a rule to avoid directly contradicting the opinions of others, as well as self-confidently defending my point of view. When others asserted something that seemed to me erroneous, I denied myself the pleasure of sharply contradicting and immediately showing the absurdity of their assertions. This demeanor, in his opinion, allowed him to become what he became. I think that the example is worthy of imitation.
There are many recommendations and opinions on where to start and how to conduct a conversation.
Many tend to think that the ideal beginning of a conversation with a counterpart is his favorite topic, and that people are interesting to us when we see that they are interested in us. This is probably correct, but feasible if you know the interlocutor well. Otherwise, it is difficult to immediately determine the range of his interests.
It is not customary to discuss people in their absence, although to one degree or another, this is often violated. It is not customary to ask women their age, and their interlocutors the amount of their wages.
It also matters how a person behaves during a conversation. When listening to the interlocutor, it is advisable to look him straight in the eyes, from time to time showing your interest with a nod of the head, or a short remark.
“Nothing can be more rude and least of all forgivable than inattention to the interlocutor,” wrote Lord Chesterfield. In general, interest, disposition towards others and tolerance for different points of view are one of the main guarantees of a pleasant conversation.
sincere interest - driving force conversation. At the same time, a timely compliment is one of the important moments of good communication.
I liked the remark that a casual conversation is primarily an exchange of opinions, not a dramatic monologue, and no matter how interesting your story is, it cannot last more than one or two minutes if the interlocutor does not ask for it. Otherwise, you risk earning a reputation as a bore, or a narcissistic egoist.
It is pleasant for any person to feel like a smart and interesting interlocutor, therefore, if you liked the idea of ​​a counterpart, then why not mark it?
And yet, in the art of conversation, one of the key points is the question of where to start a conversation, especially with strangers.
There are many opinions on this matter. Draw the attention of the interlocutor to any expressive object with a discussion of its purpose, or ask him a question in which he is competent. You can start a conversation with some current news, with questions of art, ask his opinion on any issue, etc.
When communicating with unfamiliar people, it is best to avoid talking about yourself, discussing household chores with purely personal information. Moreover, it is desirable to talk these people, asking questions that begin with the words “what”, “why” and “how”, which require more detailed answers than just “yes” or “no”.
During a conversation, it is ugly to interrupt or argue with the interlocutor, especially if he is of advanced age. He should not be prompted or corrected.
In general, there is a recommendation that young people should avoid arguing with elders. Even if the elder is really wrong, and you failed to convince him of this in a calm conversation, it is more correct to stop the argument and transfer the conversation to another topic.
Very important in any conversation is your demeanor. If it is immediately clear that you are free and at ease, and most importantly - friendly and benevolent, you create the background that provides the desired tone of the meeting and conversation.
Along with advice on how to conduct a conversation, there are many rules about what is undesirable to allow in conversations.
There are opinions of most authors who write about the art of conversation that one should not correct the narrator, even if he makes mistakes, argue until he is heard to the end; you need to monitor the volume of your voice, not start conversations with the intimate details of your life.
The same sources pay attention to what should be said on the merits, and at the same time, keep track of how interesting it is for those present, and how they react to your words. During the conversation, it is unacceptable to extol yourself and your activities, or to condemn anyone. “The power of speech lies in the ability to express a lot in a few words” (Plutarch).
Etiquette recommends avoiding the pronoun “I” during the conversation, not showing your dissatisfaction with everyone and everything, you should not burden listeners with stories about your failures. Nobody likes whiners.
There are many other rules about "what is good and what is bad" in our topic. But I don't think they need to be memorized. The main thing is to understand well that people who have gathered for a conversation should be pleased with the society in which they are, and they should feel comfortable. And the task is to create these conditions either with the soul, or with the mind, or with both together. In general, if a person understands the basic rules, one should not think about them all the time, everything will turn out normally in its turn. After all, we don't pass exams.
It should be emphasized that everything stated above concerns non-business meetings and related conversations. Business conversations are different and subject to different rules. And a lot of what is unacceptable during friendly conversations is absolutely necessary during business. And disputes, and evidence, and calculations, and refutation of opponents. That is, everything that helps to come to the truth.
I would like to emphasize that you can talk about the art of conversation as long and as much as you like, but this is unlikely to make the question clearer or simpler. In every question, there is almost always something important, its core. For example, the Bible is a huge book, and millions of pages have been written on Christian issues.
However, the main commandment in the teachings of Jesus is very laconic - "love your neighbor as yourself, and never do to anyone what you do not want to yourself."
So it is in conversation, especially idle speech. If people close to each other participate in it, moreover, they are brought up in one way or another, knowledge of some rules, most likely, will not be needed.
Sincerity and benevolence in a conversation, especially with the friendliness of the hosts, will most likely develop by themselves.
In other cases of conducting a conversation, especially when unfamiliar persons participate in it, it is not bad for everyone that the above thoughts, or at least some of them, are still meant, and help to build a conversation so that after it the person does not have muddy residue on the soul, or feelings of resentment.
Sincerity, interest in what the interlocutor states, and a sense of tact, are often able to replace specific knowledge of certain rules.
However, since these qualities are not always and not all present, an elementary knowledge of generally accepted rules can help to conduct any meeting, or conversation, at the proper level.
It is these considerations that have motivated the writing of this chapter.


And for me, too, in your article there was a lot useful tips. In general, I always easily found a common language with all sorts of people, at work, communicating in a few hundred team, I did not find ill-wishers. But in my personal close circle, from time to time there are people with whom it is very difficult for me to communicate, it is difficult to understand, and, most importantly, it is felt that these people do not understand me either ... at the moment this person does not understand at all. But this is not an outsider who can be bypassed and not asked about anything else. This person is dear to me. But he is from the category of intellectuals, and precisely from those people who easily, with their knowledge, lower the interlocutor who is not so enriched with intellectual wealth, disregarding the rules of tact and attention to the interlocutor. But, as far as I understand, it does so not from a conscious desire to humiliate the interlocutor, but from the absence of any doubts about one’s opinion, its correctness, and from the desire to prove one’s case to everyone. Here I sit now and think about how to try to apply your article in conversations with him. Thanks for the advice.

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"Short sentences cut into people's minds,
take root, give flowers, bear fruit
and don't stop working."
Friedrich Bodenstedt

"Aphorisms are wisdom in a portable form, a concentrated extract of thoughts and feelings", "it is a great content, expressed in a few words." "Realizing one aphorism is like reading one book." "Acquaintance with the thoughts of bright minds is an excellent exercise: it fertilizes the mind and refines the thought." "Short thoughts are good because they make the serious reader think for himself."

It seems that each of the following brief ideas was formed very thoughtfully (as Blaise Pascal noted, "this letter turned out to be somewhat long for me, because there was not enough time to make it shorter"), therefore, it requires a corresponding thoughtful reading. I suppose that you will find answers to some questions that interest you, and if not immediately after reading, then definitely a little later, as Leo Tolstoy said, "time passes, but the spoken word remains."

"Language is as old as consciousness." With the advent of language, eloquence also appeared - oratory. Let's hear what thinkers of different times have said about eloquence.

The word is man's most powerful weapon


Every thought expressed in words is a force whose action is infinite.

L. N. Tolstoy

All great events begin with communication


Clear thought through clear speech is inevitably embodied in a clear form.


Eloquence is more precious than money, fame and power, for the latter are very often achieved through eloquence.


Take from me all that I have, but leave me my speech, and soon I will have all that I had.

Daniel Webster

The grace of the tongue is akin to the grace of the body

Honore de Balzac

Speak so that I can see you


Whether you are smart or stupid, whether you are great or small, we do not know until you have said a word.


The syllable is the outer garment; thought is the body hiding under the clothes

F. M. Dostoevsky

If speech is the clothing of thought, then eloquence is its elegant attire.


Slang is a language that took off its jacket, spat on its hands and set to work.

Carl Sandburg

Language is given to man to express his thoughts

Jean Baptiste Molière

Language is given to man to hide his thoughts

Maurice Talleyrand

The speeches of people sometimes hide their thoughts, sometimes reveal

Dionysius Cato

Since the custom of carrying a sword at one side has gone, it is absolutely necessary to have a sharp tongue.

Heinrich Heine

Success is the product of interesting thoughts and the ability to convey them.


A beautiful thought loses its value if it is badly expressed.


Everything well said is believed

Friedrich Nietzsche

You can convince anyone of anything


A great mind will show its strength not only in the ability to think, but also in the ability to speak

Ralph Emerson

Even children can speak, but many adults cannot speak properly either.


Talking without thinking is like shooting without aiming

Miguel de Cervantes and Thomas Fuller

Speech is an amazingly powerful tool, but it takes a lot of intelligence to use it.


The most important thing in communication is to hear what was not said.


Who shoots a lot is not yet a shooter, who talks a lot is not yet a speaker


The greatest luxury in the world is the luxury of human communication

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

He who speaks, he sows; he who listens, he gathers

Russian proverb

Eloquence begins with the ability to listen


To listen is a courtesy which a wise man renders to a fool, but to which the latter never reciprocates. The ability to hear another person is not just politeness - it is intelligence

A. M. Kollontai

Whoever gives an answer without listening is stupid, and shame on him

Book of Proverbs of Solomon, ch. 18:13

Whoever expects to improve his speech by silence acts just as foolishly as a person who thinks to secure his health by being lazy.

Paraphrased by Plutarch

You can only learn to speak


Audience - the best teacher eloquence


There is no less eloquence in the sound of the voice, in the eyes and in the whole appearance of the speaker than in words.

François de La Rochefoucauld

Content, however, is the main component of speech, to which all other


Eloquence, like pearls, shines with content

L. N. Tolstoy

He is truly eloquent who expresses ordinary things simply, great things sublimely, and average things with moderation.


Be eloquent, but not idle talk, for empty talk is the same madness


There are three mistakes in human communication: the first is the desire to speak before it is necessary; the second is shyness, not to speak when necessary; the third is to speak without watching your listener


There are three categories of speakers: some can be listened to, others cannot be listened to, and still others cannot be ignored.

Archbishop Magee

If a man is never in control of his feelings, then he must always be in control of his expressions.

Pierre Buast

Stop talking immediately when you notice that you are annoyed by yourself or the one you are talking to.

L. N. Tolstoy

Speak only when you are calm

Chinese proverb

Eloquence is the painting of thought

Blaise Pascal

The development of speech leads to the development of thinking


If you think twice before you say it once, you'll say it twice as well

Thomas Paine

Misuse words leads to mistakes in the field of thought and then in practical life

D. I. Pisarev

I point out to the gentlemen senators that they should not speak according to the written word, but in their own words, so that everyone can see the nonsense

Peter I

Don't Always Say What You Know, But Always Know What You Say


It is necessary to say today only what is appropriate today. Put everything else aside and say it at the right time.


You should never say, "You misunderstood me." It's better to say: "I didn't express myself well"


From one word yes forever quarrel

Russian proverb

Arrows strike the body, bitter words - the soul

Baltasar Gracian

The word is the commander of human strength

V. V. Mayakovsky

There is nothing more powerful than words. The rows of strong arguments and lofty thoughts cannot be broken. The word strikes down the fierce and destroys the strongholds. This is an invisible weapon. Without him the world would belong to brute force

Anatole France

Brevity is the soul of wit

William Shakespeare

And the most brilliant speech gets boring if it is dragged out

Blaise Pascal

The speaker must exhaust the topic, not the patience of the listeners

Winston Churchill

The speech should have a good beginning and a spectacular end. But the main thing is that these two parts should be closer to each other.

Anthony Eden

Talking a lot and saying a lot are not the same thing.


Follow the rule stubbornly: so that words are cramped, thoughts are spacious

N. A. Nekrasov

True eloquence is the ability to say everything you need, but no more

François de La Rochefoucauld

The greatest achievement of a speaker is not only to say what is necessary, but also not to say what is not necessary.


Speaking incidentally is better than speaking eloquently

Baltasar Gracian

The best orator is the one who, by his word, both teaches listeners, and gives pleasure, and makes a strong impression on them.


Speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood


Every speech must be composed like a living being - it must have a body with a head and legs, and the torso and limbs must fit together and correspond to the whole.


Speak not in the way you are comfortable speaking, but in the way the listener is comfortable to perceive


A person who thinks that he expresses his thoughts very clearly is not always understood by others, because he goes from thoughts to words, and the listener - from words to thoughts.

Why do we communicate? the abbot asked.
"To exchange information," replied Lunacharsky, seemingly absorbed in his chopsticks.
- But why do we want to exchange information?
- We consume it. Information is essential for our survival. Without information, we will perish.
“But I think,” the abbot continued, “that love or sympathy prompts us to communicate.
Carl Sagan "Contact"

You should not start a conversation from afar when you communicate with narrow-minded people. Boris Krieger

It is easier to impose your opinion on someone who is not interested in it. Boris Krieger

The ability to listen is lost, the ability to speak is barely acquired. Kashcheev Evgeny

If you consistently develop a worthy thought, then eventually it will reach the consciousness of worthy people. Jim Rohn

To speak is to share, it is an art that requires cooperation.
Ursula Le Guin "Dispossessed"

When you put off confession for too long, it becomes harder and harder to make it, and finally there comes a point where it just becomes impossible.
Margaret Mitchell "Gone with the Wind"

Think about what to talk to me about if you want me to produce on you good impression... Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Few human beings can resist the flattery of admiring attention.
Jack Wolford

Don't move in unassuming companies. You won't grow up. To increase your level, go where the spirit of exclusivity and exactingness to yourself reigns.
Jim Rohn

There is never a second chance to make a first impression. Sergey Lukyanenko "Cold Shores"

The quality of a conversation can be greatly improved by consistently using three simple words: I don't know. André Maurois

The world is half made up of people who have something to say but no opportunity to speak out, and half of those who have nothing to say but are constantly talking.
Robert Frost

There is no greater joy in life than the joy of human interaction. BUT. De Saint-Exupery

I will never be able to convince another except through his own thoughts.
Immanuel Kant

A person has a tendency to communicate with his own kind, because in this state he feels more like a man, i.e. feels the development of his natural inclinations. I.Kant

Only the mute is envious of the verbose. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

There must be two of us to discover the truth: one to speak it, the other to comprehend it. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

There are fifty ways to say "yes" and five hundred ways to say "no" and only one way to write it. Bernard Show

But remember that the ability to hide something is sometimes more valuable than the ability to speak. O.Felier

The hardest thing is to talk heart to heart with yourself. V. Khochinsky

You may have great ideas in your head, but if you don't know how to bring them to the minds of your listeners, you will not achieve anything. Lee Iacocca

In speech, it is not the word itself that is understandable, but the tone, the strength of the sound, the modulation of the voice and the rate of speech with which a number of words are pronounced. In short, the music behind the words, the passion behind this music, the personality behind this passion, that is, everything that cannot be written. Nietzsche

The efforts that you make to make amends for the faux pas you have committed with your interlocutor are much more painful for him than your faux pas itself.
André Maurois

He who speaks sows; he who listens reaps the harvest. P. Buast

Be careful in conversation: with rivals - out of fear, with others - out of decency.
It is easy to let out a word, but it is difficult to catch it. In a conversation, as in a will, there are fewer words, fewer litigations. Talking about trifles, probe the ground for more important things. There is something divine in secrecy. Whoever opens up easily in a conversation is easy to convince - and win.

Not every truth can be told: keep silent about one for yourself, about the other - for the sake of another.
Baltasar Gracian "Pocket Oracle"

Politeness does not prevent you from expressing everything you think, but only to yourself. Mikhail Mamchich

The talent of the interlocutor is distinguished not by the one who willingly speaks himself, but by the one with whom others willingly speak. Jean La Bruyère

Hardest to learn common language. Alexander Kumor

I respect all kinds of deviations from common sense: the more ridiculous the mistakes that a person makes in your presence, the more likely it is that he will not betray, will not outsmart you. Charles Lam, 1775-1834

If you do not want to make enemies for yourself, then try not to show your superiority over people. Arthur Schopenhauer, 1788-1860

To know a person, you need to love him. Ludwig Feuerbach, 1804-1872

I do not believe in the collective wisdom of ignorant individuals. Thomas Carlyle, 1795-1881

The golden rule of married life is patience and indulgence. Samuel Smiles, 1812-1904

I defeat my enemies by turning them into friends. Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1865

Avoid those who seek to undermine your faith in achieving something significant in life. This feature is characteristic of small souls. Mark Twain, present name Samuel Clemens, 1835-1890

The strong have the right to be optimists. Heinrich Mann, 1871-1950

Those who put blinkers on their eyes should remember that the kit also includes a bridle and a whip.

Stanisław Jerzy Lec, 1909-1966

A magnanimous person must have several flaws in order not to upset his friends. Benjamin Franklin, 1706-1790

Where there is a lot of love, there are a lot of mistakes. Where there is no love, everything is wrong. Thomas Fuller, 1654-1734

If you want to get rid of a friend, lend him money. Thomas Fuller, 1654-1734

A good upbringing is the most reliable protection against those who are similarly brought up.

Good manners are made of small sacrifices. Philip Chesterfield, 1694-1773

A charming woman is one in whose presence you begin to like yourself more. Henri Amiel, 1821-1881

Never attribute to human malignity that which can be explained simply by stupidity. John Churton Collins, 1848-1908

There are no people more stingy with praise than those who do not deserve it. Pierre Boist, 1765-1824

If a woman wants to refuse, she says no. If a woman starts explaining, she wants to be convinced. Alfred de Musset, 1810-1857

Death is close enough to not be afraid of life.

Friedrich Nietzsche, 1844-1900

Praises - best diet for us. Sidney Smith, 1771-1845

Shyness is the greatest sin against love. Anatole France, 1844-1924

You can't learn to skate if you're afraid to be funny. The ice of life is slippery.

Freedom means responsibility. That is why most people are afraid of freedom.

George Bernard Shaw, 1856-1950

Never judge a man by his friends. With Judas they were impeccable. Paul Valery, 1871-1945

Friendship is the art of distance, while love is the art of intimacy. Sigmund Graf, 1898-1979

He likes me only in what he excels me.

Grigory Landau, 1877-1941, philosopher, critic, publicist

Coquetry is the art of taking the first step so that it seems to a man that he made it. Georges Armand Masson, b. in 1960

Humans tend to make mistakes. Only those who admire us are not mistaken.

Oliver Hassenkamp, ​​1921-1987

The surest sign of a broken promise is the ease with which it is given.

Axel Oxenstierna, 1583-1654

A person who does not trust himself does not really trust anyone. Jean Francois Retz, 1613-1679

It always hurts me so much that I underestimate those I don't respect too much.

Charles Montesquieu, 1689-1755

Often in dealing with people it is necessary, out of benevolence, to pretend that we do not understand the motives of their actions. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

Aphorisms about oratory

The word is man's most powerful weapon (Aristotle)

Every thought expressed in words is a force whose action is infinite (L. N. Tolstoy)

All great events begin with fellowship (Skilef)

A clear thought through clear speech is inevitably embodied in a clear form (Skilef)

Eloquence is more precious than money, fame and power, for the latter are very often achieved through eloquence (Skilef)

Take from me all that I have, but leave me my speech, and soon I will have all that I had (Daniel Webster)

The grace of the tongue is akin to the grace of the body (Honoré de Balzac)

Eloquence is probably the rarest, as well as the most elegant of all talents (Luc de Vauvenargues)

Speak so that I can see you (Socrates)

Whether you are smart or stupid, whether you are great or small, we do not know until you have said a word (Saadi)

The syllable is the outer garment; thought is a body hiding under clothes (F. M. Dostoevsky)

If speech is the clothing of thought, then eloquence is its elegant attire (Skilef)

Slang is a language that takes off its jacket, spit on its hands and gets to work (Carl Sandburg)

Eloquence should be preferred to knowledge (Luc de Vauvenargues)

Language is given to man to express his thoughts (Jean Baptiste Molière)

Language is given to man to hide his thoughts (Maurice Talleyrand)

The speeches of people either hide their thoughts, or reveal them (Dionysius Cato)

Since the custom of carrying a sword on your side has gone, it is absolutely necessary to have a sharp tongue (Heinrich Heine)

Success is the product of interesting thoughts and the ability to convey them (Skilef)

A beautiful thought loses its value if it is badly expressed (Voltaire)

A great mind will show its strength not only in the ability to think, but also in the ability to speak (Ralph Emerson)

Even children can speak, but many adults cannot speak properly either (Skilef)

Talking without thinking is like shooting without aiming (Miguel de Cervantes and Thomas Fuller)

Speech is an amazingly powerful tool, but you need to have a lot of intelligence to use it (Hegel)

The most important thing in communication is to hear what was not said (Drucker)

Who shoots a lot is not yet a shooter, who talks a lot is not yet an orator (Confucius)

The greatest luxury in the world is the luxury of human communication - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

He who speaks - he sows, he who listens - he collects (Russian proverb)

Eloquence begins with the ability to listen (Skilef)

To listen is a courtesy which a wise man renders to a fool, but to which the latter never reciprocates (Adrian Decourcelles)

The ability to hear another person is not just politeness - it is the mind (A. M. Kollontai)

He who gives an answer without listening is stupid, and shame on him (Book of Proverbs of Solomon, ch. 18:13)

Whoever expects to improve his speech by silence acts as foolishly as a person who thinks to secure his health by being lazy (Plutarch paraphrased)

You can learn to speak only by speaking (Skilef)

The audience is the best teacher of eloquence (Skilef)

Eloquence, like pearls, shines with content (L. N. Tolstoy)

Truly eloquent is he who expresses ordinary objects simply, great ones sublimely, and medium ones with moderation (Cicero)

Be eloquent, but not idle talk, for empty talk is the same madness (Qaboos)

There are three mistakes in human communication: the first is the desire to speak before it is necessary; the second is shyness, not to speak when necessary; the third is to speak without watching your listener (Confucius)

Stop talking immediately when you notice that you are annoyed yourself or the one you are talking to (L. N. Tolstoy)

Speak only when you are calm (Chinese proverb)

Eloquence is the painting of thought (Blaise Pascal)

The development of speech leads to the development of thinking (Skilef)

If you think twice before you speak once, you will speak twice as well (Thomas Paine)

Wrong use of words leads to mistakes in the field of thought and then in practical life.
(D.I. Pisarev)

I instruct the gentlemen senators to keep their speech not according to the written word, but in their own words, so that everyone can see the nonsense (Peter I)

Do not always say what you know, but always know what you say (Claudius)

It is necessary to say today only what is appropriate today. Put everything else aside and say it at the right time (Horace)

You should never say, "You misunderstood me." It's better to say: "I didn't express myself well" (Robert)

From one word yes forever quarrel (Russian proverb)

Arrows strike the body, bitter words strike the soul (Baltasar Gracian)

The word is the commander of human strength (V. V. Mayakovsky)

There is nothing more powerful than words. The rows of strong arguments and lofty thoughts cannot be broken. The word strikes down the fierce and destroys the strongholds. This is an invisible weapon. Without him, the world would belong to brute force (Anatole France)

Brevity is the soul of wit (William Shakespeare)

And the most brilliant speech gets boring if it is dragged out (Blaise Pascal)

The speaker must exhaust the subject, not the patience of the listeners (Winston Churchill)

The speech should have a good beginning and a spectacular end. But the main thing is that these two parts should be closer to each other.
(Anthony Eden)

Talking a lot and saying a lot are not the same thing (Sophocles)

Follow the rule stubbornly: so that words are cramped, thoughts are spacious (N. A. Nekrasov)

True eloquence is the ability to say everything you need, but no more (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)

The greatest achievement of an orator is not only to say what is needed, but also not to say what is not needed (Cicero)

Speaking incidentally is better than speaking eloquently (Baltasar Gracian)

The best orator is the one who, with his word, both teaches listeners, and gives pleasure, and makes a strong impression on them (Cicero)

Speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood (Quintilian)

Any speech must be composed like a living being - it must have a body with a head and legs, and the torso and limbs must fit each other and correspond to the whole (Plato)

A person who thinks that he expresses his thoughts very clearly is not always understandable to others, because he goes from thoughts to words, and the listener - from words to thoughts (Nicolas Chamfort)

Speak not as it is convenient for you to speak, but as it is convenient for the listener to perceive (Skilef)

The main virtue of language is clarity (Stendhal)

Speaking simply and clearly is just as difficult as being sincere and kind (Somerset Maugham)

The first sign of the mind is vernacular (A. S. Pushkin)

A good speaker is one who can speak simply about complex things (Skilef)

Simplicity of presentation - neatness of thought (Skilef)

Simplicity is not easy (Skilef)

The main thing in oratory is not to let the art be noticed (Quintilian)

That true sage who knows how to say a lot briefly and clearly (Aristophanes)

Wit is the salt of the conversation, not the food (William Gazlitt)

Many people can argue, few can just talk - Amos Olcott

Poets are born, speakers are made (Cicero)

All good speakers start out as bad speakers (Ralph Emerson)

A sharp tongue is the only cutting weapon that becomes even sharper with constant use.
(Washington Irving)

The goal of eloquence is not truth, but persuasion. (Thomas Macaulay)

Logic is, apparently, the ability to prove some truth, and eloquence is a gift that allows us to master the mind and heart of the interlocutor, the ability to explain or inspire him with whatever we want (Jean La Bruyère)

Those who claim that they have many thoughts in their heads, but cannot express them due to lack of eloquence, have not learned to understand themselves (Michel Montaigne)

A few examples, given in a few words and in their place, give the thought more brilliance, more weight and authority; but an excessive abundance of examples and an excess of details always weaken speech (Luc de Vauvenargues)

Be brief; the surest way to make yourself listen is to say a lot in a few words (Pierre Boiste)

If a man is never in control of his feelings, then he must always be in control of his expressions (Pierre Boiste)

Words are indeed the most powerful drug used by mankind - Rudyard Kipling

Sword and fire are less destructive than tongue (Richard Steele)

Of all the destructive weapons that man can invent, the most terrible and most powerful is the word (Paulo Coelho)