The world around when learning is interesting how to do. Lesson on the world around "When is it interesting to study?" (Grade 1)

Lessonenvironment in 1st grade.

EMC "School of Russia"

Topic:When is it interesting to study?
Project "My class and my school"

The goals of the teacher's activity: to form the concepts necessary for the organization of successful and interesting studies, communication skills and the ability to conduct a dialogue; develop cognitive and creative activity; to cultivate interest in the study of relationships with classmates.

Lesson type: designing the mode of action.

Planned educational outcomes:

subject (the volume of development and the level of competencies): they will learn to discuss the conditions for an interesting and successful study; talk about cases of mutual assistance in the classroom; talk about your teacher will have the opportunity to learn to identify the most significant events in the classroom, to collectively compose a story about life in the classroom, school; arrange a photo exhibition; use various materials and funds artistic expressiveness to convey the idea in their own activities, to discuss the collective results.

Metasubject (components of cultural competence experience / acquired competence): use various methods of searching (in reference sources and a textbook), collecting, processing, analyzing, organizing, transmitting and interpreting information in accordance with communicative and cognitive tasks; determine the overall goal and ways to achieve it; be able to agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control in joint activities; adequately evaluate their own behavior and the behavior of others.

Personal: mastering the initial skills of adaptation in a dynamically changing and developing world; formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its organic unity and diversity of nature, a respectful attitude towards a different opinion; acceptance and development social role student; development of motives learning activities and personal meaning of the doctrine; readiness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own, express their opinion and argue their point of view and assessment of events.

Universal learning activities(UUD; ability to learn):

Cognitive: general education- a conscious and arbitrary verbal statement in oral form about their classmates, significant moments in the life of the class, school; brain teaser

Personal: understand the value of knowledge for a person and accept it; have a desire to learn; speak positively about the school; strive to study well and are oriented to participate in the affairs of the student.

Regulatory: predict the results of the level of assimilation of the studied material; accept a learning task; adequately perceive the information of a teacher or a friend containing an evaluative nature of the answer.

Communicative: are able to exchange opinions, listen to another student - a communication partner and a teacher; coordinate their actions with a partner; enter into collective educational cooperation, accepting its terms and conditions; construct understandable sentences.

Methods and forms of education: partial search; frontal and individual, in pairs.

Educational Resources: photo exhibition on the theme "My class, my school".

Lesson script

I. Organizational moment.

Personal UUD: development cognitive interest, the formation of certain cognitive needs and educational motives; a positive attitude towards school and an adequate idea of ​​it.

Workplace preparation.

Teacher. Remember how you came to first grade. (Children's answers.) Think about the meaning of the word "class".

Students. "Class!" - so they say about something very good. A class is also a group of students.

II. Explanation of new material.

- formulating answers to the teacher's questions; drawing up dialogues; conscious and arbitrary speech statement in oral form about your class, school, classmates, teachers, high school students; brain teaser- the implementation of the search for the necessary information (from the story of the teacher, parents, from their own life experience, stories, fairy tales, etc.).

Communicative UUD: the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.

Personal UUD:

1. Conversation.

Teacher. Do you like studying? (Students answer.) Why?

Pupils. Interesting, fun.

2. Work on the textbook(pp. 4-5).

Teacher. Look at the picture (p. 4) and tell me what is needed for successful study?

Students. School supplies, furniture, board, computer.

Teacher. And what should be the class team?

Pupils. Friendly, united.

Teacher. Read the conclusion that the Wise Turtle made (p. 5).

Physical education minute

Regulatory UUD: carry out step-by-step control of their actions, focusing on showing the movements of the teacher, and then independently evaluate the correctness of the actions at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment.

Seagulls circling over the waves

Let's follow them together.

Splashes of foam, the sound of the surf,

And over the sea - we are with you! They wave their arms like wings.

We are now sailing on the sea

And frolic in space.

More fun rake

And chase the dolphins. Make "swimming"

Look: seagulls are important hand movements.

They walk along the sea beach. They walk like seagulls.

Sit down, children, on the sand,

We continue our lesson. They sit down at the desks.

III. Practical work.

Cognitive UUD: general education- a conscious and arbitrary verbal statement in oral form about the generations of people living in the family; brain teaser search for the necessary information (from the story of the teacher, parents, from their own life experience, stories, fairy tales, etc.).

Communicative UUD: are able to express their thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.

Personal UUD: knowledge of basic moral norms and orientation to their implementation; assessment of their actions, actions, words; diagnostics of creative preferences and basic level established skills.

Textbook work(p. 5).

Teacher. Compare the photos. How do you help each other learn? (Children's answers.)

- Read what conclusion the Wise Turtle suggests us to make.
(Students read the summary on page 5.)

IV. Preparation for the implementation of the project "My class, my school".

Personal UUD: diagnostics of creative preferences and the basic level of existing skills.

Regulatory UUD: predict the results of the level of assimilation of the studied material.

1. Acquaintance with the materials of the textbook(pp. 6–7).

Teacher. Do you remember how you came to the first grade in September?
(Children's answers.) What do you like to do during breaks?

Pupils. Play, walk along the school corridors.

Teacher. How can you remember your school years, after you finish it, after many years?

Students. With the help of photographs, video filming.

2. Distribution of tasks, discussion of methods and terms of work.

V. The results of the lesson.

Teacher. What is a class?

Students. This is a classroom and a group of students.

Teacher. How do classmates help each other learn?

Pupils. friendly attitude and cohesion.

The world Grade: 1 Theme of the lesson. "When is it interesting to study?" Objectives of the lesson: to teach to analyze the conditions for successful study, a favorable climate in the classroom; to form interest (motivation) in learning; develop logical thinking, Creative skills, outlook, oral speech students communication skills; to cultivate an attentive and respectful attitude towards teachers and comrades Teaching methods: verbal, visual, practical. Forms of work: frontal, individual work, work in pairs, work in groups. Equipment: illustrations, photographs. Lesson type: combined Lesson progress. I. Organizational moment. Good afternoon, good hour! How glad I am to see you. They looked at each other, And quietly they all sat down. You came here to study, not to be lazy, but to work. Work hard, listen carefully. II. Updating of basic knowledge. Yesterday they only told you - baby, Sometimes they called you - a prankster. Today you are already sitting at your desk, Everyone is calling you - a first-grader! Serious. Diligent. Come on, student! Primer: after the page - the page. And how many Wonderful books are around... Learning is a great thing! V. Kodryan Remember how you came to the first class. What did they do? How did they do it? What have you learned? Solve riddles. Large, spacious, bright house. There are a lot of good guys in it.

Beautiful writing and reading. Children draw and count. (School) Here we sit at our desks, We write, we listen, we are silent. Every day and every hour We go to study in ... (class) Here girls and boys Take out notebooks, books, Work diligently, Listen carefully. Those children are one family. Who are they, I ask you? (Students) Think about the meaning of the word "class", "student", "school"? III. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson. Are you interested here? When are you interested in learning? This is the question we will try to answer today in the lesson. IV. Working on new material. 1. Problem situation Since ancient times, man has sought to know the world in which he lives. Primitive people had little knowledge of nature, and therefore they deified the forces of nature. Now even a first grader has more knowledge than ancient man. And a person receives knowledge at school. Make up a sentence with the words "class", "student", "school". What do you call people who ask a lot of questions, want to know a lot? (Inquisitive.) An inquisitive is a person who loves knowledge, asks a lot of questions and wants to find answers to them. Who is the most inquisitive person? The school teaches, gives knowledge, but children need to be hardworking, persistent, inquisitive in order to take and assimilate this knowledge. No wonder folk wisdom says: "It's good to teach who wants to know everything."

How do you understand this statement? 2. Work on the textbook, p. 4 View the photos. How do you help each other learn? 3. Working with cards in pairs. You have envelopes on your desk, take out the cards, examine them. Choose those pictures that teach correct behavior at school. 4. Frontal work Work on textbook questions, p. 5 Who helps you study? Make a conclusion: when is it interesting to study? Read what conclusion the Wise Turtle suggests us to draw. V. Physical education. It's time for us to rest, stretch and breathe. (Deep inhalation and exhalation.) They turned their heads, And all tiredness is gone! One two three four five, the neck must be kneaded. (Rotation of the head in one direction and the other.) We stood up straight. Bent over. One forward and two back. Stretched. Straightened up. We repeat everything. (Tilts forward and backward.) And then we squat. This is important, we know. We stretch our knees, We exercise our legs. (Squats.) VI. Consolidation of the studied material. 1. Work in groups. Make up a story on the topic "Our class" 2. Creative work. Let's play the game "Unfinished sentences". I will read the beginning of the sentence, and you will come up with a continuation to it. A good student is someone who... A bad student is someone who... I would like to have in school... I always wonder when in class... 3. Attention game. Guys, tell me, please, what should students be like to make everyone happy and successful? If you agree with what I say, answer "Yes" in unison, and if you do not agree, "No". Always help out a friend? Write down the answer in class?

Will we never lie? Do not be shy when trouble? Not to spare for the affairs of labor? Wash off the dirt from your hands without a trace? We lazy people send greetings? What about those who always work? Well done boys! You all answered correctly. VII. Summary of the lesson. What new and interesting things did you learn at the lesson? Assess your progress in class. Game "That's it!" How is it going? Do you swim? Are you looking into the distance? How do you run? Do you sleep in the morning? Are you kidding? Are you in a hurry for the lesson? Are you looking at the clock?

Project "My class and my school". 1 class.

Goals: to acquaint with the goals and objectives of the section; discuss the conditions for an interesting and successful study; prepare for the implementation of the project "My class and my school".

Planned results: Students learn to recognize themselves as part of a team.

The goals of the teacher's activity: formation of concepts necessary for the organization of successful and interesting studies; development of cognitive and creative activity; the formation of communication skills and the ability to conduct a dialogue; fostering interest in studying relationships with classmates.



Topic. When is it interesting to study?

Project "My class and my school". 1 class.

Goals: to acquaint with the goals and objectives of the section; discuss the conditions for an interesting and successful study; prepare for the implementation of the project "My class and my school".

Planned results:Students learn to recognize themselves as part of a team.

The goals of the teacher's activity:formation of concepts necessary for the organization of successful and interesting studies; development of cognitive and creative activity; the formation of communication skills and the ability to conduct a dialogue; fostering interest in studying relationships with classmates.

Lesson type: a lesson on the study and primary consolidation of knowledge and methods of activity.

Planned educational results:

Subject: Learn: discuss the conditions of an interesting andsuccessful study; talk about cases of mutual assistance in the classroom; talk about your teacher.

They will have the opportunity to learn:determine the most significant events in the class, collectively write a story about life
in the classroom, school; arrange a photo exhibition; use various materials and means of artistic expression to convey the idea in their own activities, discuss collective results.

Personal: mastering the initial skills of adaptation in a dynamically changing and developing world; formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its organic unity and diversity of nature, a respectful attitude towards a different opinion; acceptance and development of the social role of the student; development of motives for learning activities and the personal meaning of learning; readiness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own, express their opinion and argue their point of view and assessment of events.

Universal learning activities (UUD; ability to learn):

Regulatory: to distinguish between the method and the result of the action: the formation of the conditions necessary for the organization of successful and interesting studies.

Cognitive: general educational - a conscious and arbitrary verbal statement in oral form about their classmates, about significant moments in the life of a class, school; brain teaser - the implementation of the search for essential information (from the story of the teacher, parents, from their own life experience, stories, fairy tales, etc.).

Communicative:determine the goals, functions of participants, ways of interaction; construct a monologue.

Equipment: sheets with a crossword puzzle; students - colour pencils.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time

It's a cold, winter morning outside, but it's warm and cozy in our classroom. Look at each other, smile, tune in to serious work!

I think that today's lesson will bring us the joy of communicating with each other. I want you to move up a notch as you work. Success to you and good luck!

  1. Knowledge update

Crossword work in pairs.


  1. Five brothers, equal for years, different in height.(Fingers.)
  2. An inscription on a letter, postcard indicating the destination.(Address.)
  1. Where she runs, she does not know.

In the steppe is flat,

Wandering in the forest

Stumbles at the threshold.

What's this? (Road.)

  1. Who in every met flower

Lowers his proboscis

And after - in the hive

Shooting like a bullet

And what is hiding in a corner? (bee)


  1. A small paper sign with a design that is glued to the envelope.(Mark.)
  2. With him traveled Zlyuchka-Gryazyuchka from the chimneys of plants and factories.(Smoke.)
  3. Written text sent to friends, acquaintances, relatives.(Letter.)

5. House - a glass bubble,

And the light lives in it!

He sleeps during the day, but when he wakes up,

It will ignite with a bright flame.(Bulb.)

  • What word did you get?(Well done.)

(The teacher sums up the work, marks the distinguished teams.)

  1. Self-determination to activity
  • We are starting a new part of the textbook "The World Around". Consider it. How is it different from the first part?(There is another picture on the cover: there was a butterfly, and now- watch clocks.)
  • Discuss what this picture tells us.(An exemplary answer.Probably, the authors of the textbook wanted to say that time flies quickly, imperceptibly. And also about the fact that you need to be able to see the beauty of the world around you, so the artist’s clock turned out to be fabulous - they are depicted in the form of a house. Maybe the authors of the textbook wanted to say that the whole world around us is ours. native home to be loved, cherished and protected.)
  • What can you say about conventions?(They stayed the same.)
  • Find on the pages of the textbook our helpers - the Ant and the Wise Turtle. Did they stay with us?(Yes.)
  • Read on p. 3 section name.(What and when?)
  • Read what we will learn.
  • The ant is ready to give you a riddle again. Are you ready to guess?

There is a tall bright house,

There are a lot of nimble guys in it.

They write and count

Draw and read. (School.)

  • What school and class are you in? (Children's answers.)
  • You are not just girls and boys. What are you called now?(Schoolchildren, students, first graders.)
  • Guess what the lesson will be about today.(O our school life.
  • Read the topic of the lesson on p. 4 textbooks*. (When is it interesting to study?
  • What kind learning objectives we set ourselves in this lesson?
  1. Work on the topic of the lesson

Conversation, textbook work

  • Remember how you came to first grade.
  • What can you tell about your first day at school? What did you feel? What was the mood like?

(Stories-memories of children about the first sh to the next day.)

Video demonstration (3 min. 40 sec.)

- Have you changed during this time?

Does everyone know the school rules? Which? (children's answers)

School No. 500 is the oldest school in St. Petersburg, over 100 years old.

its first school at , the first teacher and the first class a person remembers all his life.

I wish you to have the kindest memories of school life.

Let's think about what the word "class" means. (Children's answers.)

The classroom is the room in which the lessons take place. It can also be called an office. Here is our classroom.

(The teacher calls the room number.)

A class is also a group of students of the same year of study, a group of classmates. You are all one cool team, that is, a class.

  • Are you interested in studying? Why? (Children's answers.)
  • Consider the drawing on p. 4. What do you think should be in the classroom to make it interesting to study? (Children's answers.)
  • And what should be your team to make it interesting to study? (Children's answers.)
  • Look at the photos on p. 5. Tell how you help each other learn. (Children's answers.)
  • Who else helps you learn, discover new knowledge? Tell about it. (Children's answers.)
  • Do you know the rules of conduct in the classroom?
  • Let's make a memo and hang it in our classroom.

Memo "Rules of conduct in the classroom"

Don't snitch

Don't hurt each other

Don't fight

Don't tease

Do not interrupt

Don't criticize

- Let's go back to the question at the beginning of the lesson:


What conclusions can you draw?

Compare our conclusion with that of the wise turtle on page 5 (When the class room is well equipped, it is clean and comfortable. When a cool team is friendly and close-knit.)

  1. Physical education minute

Remember which fairy tale character exchanged the ABC for a ticket to the puppet theater?

Pinocchio stretched,

Once - bent over

Two - bent over

Raised hands to the sides -

The key, apparently, was not found,

To get us the key

You need to get on your toes.

  1. Continuation work on the topic of the lessonProject work

Guys, how wonderful you talk about your class. We have so many events going on! It would be great to create a photo album of our class, then we will certainly not forget a single event. Well, do you agree? Then the next project “My class and my school” awaits us.

  • Look at the photos from the albums on p. 6-7 textbook. What can be said about the life of this class? (The guys are friendly, help each other, go to the museum together, play outdoor games, chess during breaks. The kids are interested in the class.
  • Let's try and make our own cool album or chronicle. Think about what events can be told in our album.

(The class is divided into groups, the teacher names the topics of the projects.)

  1. Hello school (September 1)!
  2. We are already students!
  3. Our holidays.
  4. Our assistants (teachers and parents).
  5. Our classroom.
  6. Our school (canteen, library, locker room, museum, director's office, etc.), etc.

(Students can also suggest their own topics. Then the children in groups discuss the topic of the project and distribute responsibilities among themselves.)

(Projects are drawn up on sheets and posted on the board).

How will we work in groups?

Each group has its own theme.

- Evaluation criteria: drawing on the topic of the project, artistic execution and accuracy are taken into account.

Project Protection

Has the goal been achieved?

What didn't work for you?

How did the project participants perform?

What did you like the most about your work?

  1. Reflection

Who is happy with their result?

  1. Summing up the lesson
  • What did we talk about in class today?
  • Who knows the answer to this question?
  • Have we achieved our goals?
  1. Discuss the project "My class and my school".
  2. Find (you can learn) poems, riddles about the school.

Additional material School

“The school itself should be a pleasant place, giving the eye an attractive spectacle from within and without. Inside, it should be bright, clean, decorated with paintings: portraits famous people, geographical maps, monuments of historical events, emblems. And from the outside, not only a playground should adjoin the school and games, but also a small garden..." Isn't that the description something reminds you of your school and schoolyard? BUT because these lines are written more than 330 years ago by the great Czech teacher Jan Amos Comenius. It was his piles that the school acquired modern look, there were classes and a lesson. The school looked very different before.

The first school, according to legend, was opened after the Flood by Sim, the son of the biblical Noah. Judging by archaeological excavations, the first schools appeared in the countries of the Ancient East. Schools arose at churches - for the training of future clergy, at palaces - for families of noble and wealthy people. There were also schools of scribes, because literate people were needed to manage the economy and state affairs. Then it was not customary now school year, holidays, school desks, calls from the lesson or to the lesson. At the Academy of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, for example, classes often took place in the garden, there were no rules at what age to start studying and how many years to study.

Previously, knowledge was often literally driven into students with rods. In one Egyptian papyrus, it is told how a student was chained in stocks for some months for some kind of offense. AT late XIX in. a passer-by again observed something similar near the lyceum on Ostozhenka Street in Moscow: "Someone was beaten: I heard crying." All this is gone from the modern school.

Everything has to be learned, and therefore there are many, many teachers in the life of every person. But what he learns in these schools, from these teachers, depends on himself. You have to really study!

Teacher: Poznyak L.A.

Class: 1

Presentation for the lesson

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Lesson Objectives:

  • introduce the concepts “school is our common home”, “class is a big and friendly family”;
  • continue the formation of UUD


  • to form the skills of a culture of communication at school and in the classroom, the skills to unite the children's team;
  • to learn to recognize oneself as part of a team; discuss with the children the rules of communication in the classroom;
  • cultivate an attentive and respectful attitude towards teachers and comrades;
  • develop logical thinking, creativity, horizons, oral students' speech, communication skills;
  • to form observation, the ability to work with different sources of information, to summarize and systematize information;
  • help bring families together.


  • multimedia projector and board, teachers' and children's computers;
  • presentation “My class and my school”, class photo album;
  • portrait gallery“Celebrities of our class”;
  • "Family tree" of the class, the image of a child's hand on colored paper;
  • reminders for children.

Lesson structure

1. Organizational moment. <Приложение1. Презентация. Слайд 1>

Dear guests: colleagues, parents. We are glad to see you at our lesson.

Guys, today we have an unusual lesson: we will take a virtual tour of the routes of our class.

So check your workplace. Each of you has a folder that contains a memo with the rules of friendly life in a team<Приложение1. Рисунок 1>, colored palms with your wishes<Приложение1. Рисунок 2>, a computer.

Picture 1

Figure 2

All of you are active participants in the project, therefore, in order to show your contribution to common work, after the answer you will attach your palm to our tree< Приложение1. Рисунок 3>.

Figure 3

2. Introduction of the topic of the lesson.<Приложение1. Презентация. Слайд 2>

Read the topic of the lesson.<Приложение1. Презентация. Слайд 3>

Who do you see in the picture? (Illustration from the textbook "The world around" A.A. Pleshakov, grade 1, part 2, Federal State Educational Standard).

Do you think these children are interested in learning?

Prove it.

3. Systematization and generalization of knowledge available to children.

Today in the lesson we will talk about what a friendly team is. We have serious work ahead of us. Check out the lesson plan.<Приложение1. Презентация. Слайд 4>.

I read a story about a boy your age and thought you might be interested in listening to it.

(The student reads the story aloud.<Приложение 1. File 1 >)

What did Tolya say?

Did he enjoy being invisible?

What conclusion can be drawn? (Conclusion - a person cannot live without communication with other people.)

Where does human communication begin? To whom is his first word addressed? (Communication begins in the family).

(After answering, students attach their palm to the tree).

In the past lessons, you defended the project “My Family”. Here is some of them.<Приложение1. Презентация. Слайд 5, слайд 6>.

Who will help to remind what a family is?

Who will add? (A family is close people who live together, spend their free time together, relax together, run a common household, take care of each other, love each other!)<Приложение1. Презентация. Слайд 7>.

(After answering, students attach their palm to the tree).

Every family has its own family tree. You made your own. Let's remember what it looked like.<Приложение1. Презентация. Слайд 8, слайд 9>.

4. Work on new material.

From your stories, we learned how different everyone is: we have different characters, interests, hobbies. But all of you have one place where we meet, communicate.

What kind of place is it? Guessed? (This is our school).

And more closely, where do you communicate? (In class).

What is the meaning of the word class?<Приложение1. Презентация. Слайд 10>. (Classroom, room; class - a group of students of one year of study).

Can a class be compared to a family?

What can a school be compared to? (School is our home).

And what of the family traditions can be transferred to the classroom? (Tree).

Is it possible to say that our family is friendly, that everyone in it is trying to make some contribution?

(After answering, students attach their palm to the tree).

5. Summing up the life of children in the classroom.

And now we will see how on September 1, on an unusual train, we went to a wonderful country. What is the name of this country? (Land of knowledge!)

(Watching movie)<Приложение 1.>Video 1>)

How to understand "to be continued?" (There is more than one year of study ahead ...)

Yes, we have a lot of interesting things ahead of us. And you will undoubtedly reach certain heights. But now we have something to be proud of. Let's take a tour of the "Celebrities of Our Class" photo gallery.<Приложение1. Презентация. Слайд 12, слайд 13, слайд 14>.

Recall the competitions “Come up with a logo for the class”, “Our class”, “Our teacher”<Приложение1. Презентация. Слайд 15, слайд 16, слайд 17, слайд 18, слайд 19, слайд 20>.

(Photos and drawings are presented in class at the stand).

Know what you can do to make your class more friendly!<Приложение1. Презентация. Слайд 21>

I think it is necessary to determine the line of development of the class team for the future.<Приложение1. Презентация. Слайд 22> (Student reads slide 22 aloud).

When and where can you socialize outside of school? (On holidays, on weekends, at the cinema, at the theater, in the park...send a letter or postcard).

(After answering, students attach their palm to the tree).

6. Create an electronic version of the postcard to friends.

Let's team up in pairs and create a postcard for friends.

(Students create a postcard on a computer using the Pervologo program)<Приложение1. Рисунок 4>.

Figure 4

7. Generalization of the material studied in the lesson.

Remember the topic of the lesson.<Приложение1. Презентация. Слайд 23>

Have we done everything that was planned?

What have you learned? What did you like?

- Conclusion: the class is a big and friendly family. And in order for our family to be truly friendly and strong, we will adhere to the rules that you yourself have deduced. .<Приложение1. Презентация. Слайд 24>

(Students read the rules).<Приложение1. Презентация. Слайд 25, слайд 26>

Look at our tree, how beautiful it turned out, what good wishes grow on it.<Приложение1. Рисунок 5>.

Figure 5

And who will read the traditions of our class?<Приложение1. Презентация. Слайд 27>. (The student reads the traditions aloud.)

Well done, I really liked the way you worked today.<Приложение1. Презентация. Слайд 28>.

Summary of the lesson in the first grade on the subject "The world around"


The goals of the teacher's activity: introduce with the goals and objectives of the section; to form the concepts necessary for the organization of successful and interesting studies, communication skills and the ability to conduct a dialogue; develop cognitive and creative activity; to cultivate interest in the study of relationships with classmates; prepare for the implementation of the project "My class and my school".

Lesson type: designing the mode of action.

Planned educational results:

subject (the volume of development and the level of competencies): they will learn to discuss the conditions for an interesting and successful study; talk about cases of mutual assistance in the classroom; talk about your teacher will have the opportunity to learn to identify the most significant events in the classroom, to collectively compose a story about life in the classroom, school; arrange a photo exhibition; use various materials and means of artistic expression to convey the idea in their own activities, discuss collective results.

Metasubject (components of cultural competence experience / acquired competence): use various methods of searching (in reference sources and a textbook), collecting, processing, analyzing, organizing, transmitting and interpreting information in accordance with communicative and cognitive tasks; determine the overall goal and ways to achieve it; be able to agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control in joint activities; adequately evaluate their own behavior and the behavior of others.

Personal: mastering the initial skills of adaptation in a dynamically changing and developing world; formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its organic unity and diversity of nature, a respectful attitude towards a different opinion; acceptance and development of the social role of the student; development of motives for learning activities and the personal meaning of learning; readiness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own, express their opinion and argue their point of view and assessment of events.

Universal learning activities (UUD; ability to learn):

Cognitive: general educational - a conscious and arbitrary verbal statement in oral form about their classmates, significant moments in the life of the class, school;brain teaser - the implementation of the search for the necessary information (from the story of the teacher, parents, from their own life experience, stories, fairy tales, etc.).

Personal: understand the value of knowledge for a person and accept it; have a desire to learn; speak positively about the school; strive to study well and are oriented to participate in the affairs of the student.

Regulatory: predict the results of the level of assimilation of the studied material; accept a learning task; adequately perceive the information of a teacher or a friend containing an evaluative nature of the answer.

Communicative: are able to exchange opinions, listen to another student - a communication partner and a teacher; coordinate their actions with a partner; enter into collective educational cooperation, accepting its terms and conditions; construct understandable sentences.

Methods and forms of education: partial search; frontal and individual, in pairs.

Educational Resources: photo exhibition on the topic"My class, my school."

During the classes

1. Organization of the class. Emotional mood.

It's a cold, winter morning outside, but it's warm and cozy in our classroom. Look at each other, smile, tune in to serious work!

I think that today's lesson will bring us the joy of communicating with each other. I want you to move up a notch as you work. Success to you and good luck!

2. Updating knowledge of UUD at the beginning of the lesson

What did we talk about in the last lesson?(We talked a lot about how dirt appears around us and what to do to reduce it.)

What was the topic of the lesson? (Where does the dirt come from in snowballs?)

What is polluting our planet?? (plants, factories, cars)

What experience did we have?We examined snowballs and snow water for dirt content.

What did he show?What conclusion did the young researchers draw?(Snow only looks pure white, it actually contains dirt particles.)

Where do snow and ice come from? (Snow and ice are frozen water. Snowflakes form high in the sky, in clouds. Ice appears in a puddle, on a river, on a wet road.)

How did we help Ice and Snowflake prove that they are sisters?

(conducted experiments) What conclusions did you draw?

What are the properties of snow and ice? (Snow-white, opaque, soft, loose. Ice-colorless, transparent, hard, brittle.) -

3.Self-determination to activity

    We are starting a new part of the textbook "The World Around". Consider it. How is it different from the first part?(There is another picture on the cover: there was a butterfly, and now - watch clock.)

    Discuss what this picture tells us.(An exemplary answer. Probably, the authors of the textbook wanted to say that time flies quickly, imperceptibly. And also about the fact that one must be able to see the beauty of the surrounding world, which is why the artist’s clock turned out to be fabulous - they are depicted in the form of a house. Perhaps, by this the authors of the textbook wanted to say that the whole world around us is our home, which needs to be loved, protected and protected.)

    What can you say about conventions?(They stayed the same.)

    Find on the pages of the textbook our helpers - the Ant and the Wise Turtle. Did they stay with us?(Yes.)

    Read on p. 3 section name.(Where and when?)

Read what we will learn.

4. Reporting the topic of the lesson, setting the goal of the lesson. Motivation for learning activities

Think about it and say why you need to study at school?

    Listen to the song and try to guess the theme of our lesson.

    Who is ready?Guess what the lesson will be about today.(O our school life.

Read the topic of the lesson on p. 4 textbooks*. (When is it interesting to study?

This is the question we are going to answer in this lesson.

    Read about the learning objectives we set for ourselves.

    The ant is ready to give you a riddle again. Are you ready to guess?

There is a tall bright house,

There are a lot of nimble guys in it.

They write and count

Draw and read. (School.)

First-graders had to make sentences with the word "school". Here's what they got.

Mitya wrote: “The whole school celebrated New Year". Kolya wrote: "Our school is high and made of bricks."

Which of the guys coped with the task, and who did not?

Both boys did a good job. The word "school" has several meanings. Mitya spoke of the school as a group of students, and Kolya spoke of the building.

    What school and class are you in? (Children's answers.)

    You are not just girls and boys. What are you called now?(Schoolchildren, students, first graders.)

5. Physical education minute

Seagulls circling over the waves

Let's follow them together.

Splashes of foam, the sound of the surf,

And over the sea - we are with you! (wavingarms like wings.)

We are now sailing on the sea

And frolic in space.

More fun rake

And chase the dolphins. (Do "swimming movements"

Look: seagulls are important (Movementshands.)

They walk along the sea beach. (They walkimitating seagulls.)

Sit down, children, on the sand,

We continue our lesson. ( They sit down at their desks.)

6. Conversation, work on the textbook

    Remember how you came to first grade. Tell about it. The photos you see on the board will help you.

(Stories-memories of children about the first shto big day.)

Listen to the poem and say in what sense the word "class" is used.

Every year the call is cheerful

Brings us together.

Hello, autumn!

Hello school!

Hello our favorite class!

    Let's think about the meaning of the word "class"(as a room).-I hope that the class you are in has also become your favorite during these six months.

The classroom is the room in which the lessons take place. It can also be called an office. Here is our classroom. Our office number is -107

A class is also a group of students of the same year of study, a group of classmates. You are all one cool team, that is, a class.

    Are you interested in studying?

    Consider the drawing on p. fourfind on it all the items that make the learning process more interesting (children's answers).

Do you think these children are interested in learning?

What subjects do we have in our class that help us learn?

    And what should be your team to make it interesting to study? (Friendly, sociable, kind, tolerant.)

    H Man cannot live without communication with other people.

    Where does human communication begin? To whom is his first word addressed?(Communication begins in the family).

    Who will help to remind what a family is?(A family is close people who live together, spend together free time, rest together, run a common household, take care of each other, love each other!)

Each family has its own family tree. You made your own.

From your stories, we learned how different everyone is: you have different characters, interests, hobbies.

But all of you have one place where we meet, communicate.

What kind of place is it? Guessed?(This is our school).

And more closely, where do you communicate?(In class).

When and where can you socialize outside of school?(On holidays, on weekends, at the cinema, at the theater, in the park...send a letter or postcard).

Can a class be compared to a family?

What can a school be compared to?(School is our home).

And what of the family traditions can be transferred to the classroom?

Is it possible to say that our family is friendly, that everyone in it is trying to make some contribution?

Guys in front of you is an emblem and genealogical tree our class. Tree is an obsolete form of the word wood.

And I think that each of you has good wishes addressed to our friendly, cool family. (After the students attach their palm to the tree).

Look at our tree, how beautiful it turned out, what good wishes grow on it.

Know what you can do to make your class more friendly!

What did you feel? What was the mood like? (Children's answers.)

And with what will you be able to remember your school years, after you finish it, many years later? (With the help of photos, videos.)

Kristina Shcherbakova prepared her project in photographs. Now we will remember what ideas our team has been living all this time.

Raise your hands, who liked the project?

Christina, who helped you in your work? Thanks a lot.

We have a lot of interesting things ahead of us. And you will undoubtedly reach certain heights. But now we have something to be proud of. « Celebrities" of our class - ....

    Look at the photos on p. 5.

    What can you say about the guys in the photos (friendly, respect each other, do not interfere with each other, help)

Raise your hands, who thinks our class is friendly?

Share how you help each other learn. (His friendship and solidarity.)

    Who else helps you learn? - Who helps you discover new knowledge in the classroom?(Teacher.)

    Make a conclusion: when is it interesting to study?

    Read what conclusion the Wise Turtle suggests us to draw.(Students read the summary on page 5.) (When the class room is well equipped, it is clean and comfortable. When a cool team is friendly and close-knit.)

    The class is a big and friendly family. And in order for our family to be truly friendly and strong, we will adhere to the rules

7.Continuation work on the topic of the lesson Project work

Guys, how wonderful you talk about your class. We have so many events going on! It would be great to create a photo album of our class, then we will certainly not forget a single event. Well, do you agree? Then the next project “My class and my school” awaits us.

    Look at the photos from the albums on p. 6-7 textbook. What can be said about the life of this class? (The guys are friendly, help each other, go to the museum together, play outdoor games, chess during breaks. The kids are interested in the class.

    Let's try and make our own cool album or chronicle. Think about what events can be told in our album.

(The class is divided into groups, the teacher names the topics of the projects.)

    We are already students!

    Our holidays.

    Our assistants (teachers and parents).

    Our classroom.

    Our school (canteen, library, locker room, museum, director's office, etc.), etc.

(Students can also suggest their own topics. Then the children in groups discuss the topic of the project and distribute responsibilities among themselves.)

A presentation of our project, i.e. a presentation from each group, will take place at the end of this section. Do not forget about your faithful helpers - parents.

(Projects are drawn up in workbook(p. 4-5).)

8. Reflection

(Students answer textbook questions (p. 5, boxed).)

(Students take out one of the signs and explain their choice.)

9. Summing up the lesson

    What did we talk about in class today?

    What project are you going to do?

    Discuss the project “My class and myshk ola".

    Find (can be learned) poems, riddles aboutshk ole.

11.Additional material School

“The school itself should be a pleasant place, giving the eye an attractive spectacle from within and without. Inside, it should be bright, clean, decorated with paintings: portraits of famous people, geographical maps, monuments of historical events, emblems. And from the outside, not only a playground should adjoin the schooland games, but also a small garden..." Isn't that the descriptionsomething reminds you of your school and schoolyard? BUTafter all these Strings more than 330 years ago by the great Czech teacher Jan Amos Comenius. It was his heaps that the school acquired a modern look, classes and a lesson appeared. The school looked very different before.

The first school, according to legend, was opened after the flood by Shem, the son of the biblical Noah. Judging by archaeological excavations, the first schools appeared in the countries of the Ancient East. Schools arose at temples - for the training of future clergy, at palaces - for the children of noble and wealthy people. There were also schools of scribes, because literate people were needed to manage the economy and state affairs. Then there was still no school year, vacations, desks, calls from class or to class that are now familiar. At the Academy of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, for example, classes often took place in the garden, there were no rules at what age to start studying and how many years to study.

Previously, knowledge was often literally driven into students with rods. In one Egyptian papyrus, it is told how a student was chained in stocks for some kind of offense for three months. At the end of the XIX century. a passer-by again observed something similar near the lyceum on Ostozhenka Street in Moscow: "Someone was beaten: I heard crying." All this is gone from the modern school.

Everything has to be learned, and therefore there are many, many teachers in the life of every person. But what he learns in these schools, from these teachers, depends on himself. You have to really study.