Combat everyday life of the Amur Red Banner military flotilla. Amur military flotilla All warships of the Amur flotilla

Original taken from habarnew in the Red Banner Amur Flotilla in the battles against Japan in 1945. Part 3 Landing in Fuyuan.09.08.1945

The Red Banner Amur Flotilla in the battles against Japan in 1945. Part 3 Landing in Fuyuan. 08/09/1945
The Red Banner Amur Flotilla in the battles against Japan in 1945. Sungarian campaign.
Part one.
KAF during the Great Patriotic War. Preparation for the war with Japan.

The Red Banner Amur Flotilla in the battles against Japan in 1945.
Part two: The enemy. Sungarian flotilla of Manchukuo.

Being an important defense hub and being 61 km from Khabarovsk (at the beginning of the border part of the Amur), Fuyuan gave the Japanese troops the opportunity to prevent the ships of the KAF and the ships of the Amur Shipping Company from sailing freely from Khabarovsk up the Amur. The elimination of this defense point eliminated this obstacle.

1. The gunboat "Proletary" is firing at Japanese fortifications in the Fuyuan area

located on a high, rocky shore. Sopkina he settles down, dominated surrounding area and are clearly visible from Khabarovsk. Such terrain, overgrown with bushes, heavily rugged, made it possible for the enemy to covertly equip defensive structures, build long-term firing points, move unnoticed and concentrate in the right direction.

All the actions of the border guards and intelligence services of the flotilla made it possible to establish the presence and location of fire weapons, as well as completely open the enemy defense system.

Therefore, in the capture of Fuyuan, the factor of surprise played a decisive role. It was important to choose the right landing site for the first landing to capture the bridgehead. The further course of events confirmed the correctness of the assessment and calculations of the command. The suddenly landed troops not only captured the intended bridgehead, but also captured the first line of defense of the Japanese.

This ensured the unhindered approach of the ships with the second echelon of the landing force, its successful landing and the organization of a further offensive.

The interaction between the ships and the landing force was worked out in advance, during numerous training sessions. Such exercises have been conducted since pre-war times. They have always been carried out jointly with army units. Acceptance was practiced on them,

placement of landing forces, duties of personnel at the transition, landing on the shore occupied by the "enemy", as well as the organization of fire interaction.

2. Scheme of military operations in the area of ​​​​the Fuyuan defense center

On the night of August 8-9, 1945, the ships of the 2nd brigade of river ships of the KAF concentrated in the area of ​​the village of Verkhne-Spasskoye, located on the left bank of the Amur opposite locality Fuyuan. Preparations for the operation took place under the cover of Malaykin Island, which reliably covered the ships from the eyes of the enemy. An additional factor that increased stealth was a very dark night and full compliance with light and noise masking measures on ships and troops. The presence of this island was a great success, which made it possible to covertly concentrate in close proximity to the place of the upcoming hostilities, quietly take the landing, organize interaction with the artillery of the monitors that took up firing positions behind this island.

3. Armored boat No. 13 pr. 1124. Pre-war photo. Boat before modernization. Photo from the collection of Kiselev A.P.

Before dawn, on 4 armored boats of the second detachment of armored boats - BK No. 21, BK-13, BK-22, BK-24, a company of machine gunners in the amount of 200 people was adopted. In addition to machine guns, the landing force was armed with light machine guns and mortars. Each BC received about 50 submachine gunners, 1 machine gun and 1 mortar.

4. Landing on the BC project 1124. in one of the Amur channels. Photo from the collection of Kiselev A.P.

5. Armored boat pr.1124 of the Amur flotilla in anticipation of the start of hostilities. Photo from the collection of Kiselev A.P.

The task of the armored boat detachment was to suddenly rush to quickly overcome the water line, land the first wave of troops, seize the bridgehead, holding it to the second echelon, and ensure its landing on the captured bridgehead.

Two drop-off points were identified. 1. At the mouth of the full-flowing, not wide river Nungdyan, at the place of its confluence with the Amur, where there was a ravine convenient for landing (Southern part of the settlement, landing from armored boats BK No. 13 and No. 21). 2. In the northern part of Fuyuan, next to a small pier, landings from armored boats No. 22 and No. 24. The command of the detachment of armored boats was carried out with the BK-21.

Immediately after the armored boats left the island, BKA No. 13 began firing from the bow gun at the resistance node. According to the results of the sighting, transmitted to other boats by radio, all four BCs simultaneously launched from rocket launchers. Immediately, after the volley of the armored boat, they made a 90-degree turn to the left, went at full speed to the landing sites.

The volley of rocket launchers was very spectacular - the simultaneous launch of 160 130-mm shells did not leave anyone indifferent, caused great destruction and fires, and sowed panic among the Japanese.

The actions of the BC were so sudden and swift, during the crossing of the Amur, and then during the landing, that the defenders were unable to organize resistance in a timely manner. When approaching the coast, the armored boats opened heavy fire from machine guns at the landing sites, dense bushes and buildings.

The landing party landed on the shore immediately, immediately after touching the stems. The landing was successful, without loss.

Immediately after the landing, one boat from each group moved away from the shore and began maneuvering the suppression of enemy gun emplacements that had been spotted by artillery fire. Two other boats remained at the landing sites, supporting with artillery fire from a place, at the request of the landing commander. Art fire control was carried out by control groups landed from these boats.

The factor of surprise and speed continued to operate for some time. The defenders were not ready for organized resistance. Taking advantage of the favorable situation, our landing force seized a bridgehead, organized a circular defense with the support of armored boats and held it.

Gradually, the situation began to clear up - it became clear that in the immediate vicinity of the coast there were no powerful enemy fortifications. They were located on hills and, over time, began to fire at the landing.

Soon, a real battle began in Fuyuan. Both sides used all types of small arms, machine guns and mortars. The epicenters of intense fire moved from one place to another. The first wounded began to arrive.

Two hours after the landing of the first wave of troops, the Proletary gunboat with troops approached the pier. Then, after half an hour, a floating anti-aircraft battery 1232 approached. When approaching the coast, they did not meet opposition from the enemy.

According to other sources, the gunboat “Proletarian” came under heavy rifle and machine-gun fire. Soon the Japanese rolled out a cannon from the shelter and began to hit the gunboat with direct fire. The gun was suppressed by return fire. During the battle, many sailors from the crew of the ship were wounded, but did not leave their post, continued to fight.

6. Gunboat "Proletary" on the Amur. 1945.

The personnel of the armored boats ensured the mooring and landing of troops from the moored ships.

Soon the landing party entered the battle and began to push the enemy dug in on the tops.

The personnel of the first wave of landing, for some time acted together with the second echelon, but was later recalled to the commandant of the Fuyuan settlement, appointed by that time.

During the battle, the first Japanese prisoners were captured. One of them (an officer) was interrogated by a representative of the reconnaissance department of the flotilla at the Fuyuan pier. to Fuyuan? The captured officer replied: “No, they didn’t know. We didn’t notice the approach of your ships and troops to Fuyuan”

On the initiative of the commander of the floating battery, together with the army, a small group of shipborne assault forces was landed, led by foreman 1st article Nikolai Golubkov.

On one of the hills, a pillbox opened fire on the landing force, firing from a heavy machine gun. The offensive of the landing was stopped. The landing began to suffer heavy losses from the fire of the pillbox. Nikolai Golubkov and his subordinate, senior sailor Patrushev, decided to approach the pillbox unnoticed by the enemy and throw grenades at the embrasure.

After waiting for the most favorable moment, Nikolai Golubkov, rushing to the embrasure, threw two grenades into it one after the other. For some time, the fire of the pillbox stopped. This was enough for the advancing paratroopers to close in, surround the bunker, and silence it.

Next to Golubkov was Patrushev. Both of them died in this battle. For his courage and heroic deed, foreman of the 1st article Nikolai Golubkov was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union.

Together with Golubkov, the Red Navy sailors Pyotr Popkov, Mikhail Tyurin, Nikolai Zemlin and Makar Puzanov went ashore and bravely fought. These brave sailors attacked the Japanese barracks, in which a large group of Japanese settled down. An open attack on the barracks was risky, as the Japanese could easily deal with a small group of Soviet sailors. Pyotr Popkov, who served on the flotilla for 12 years, made the right decision: he set up his comrades in ambushes around the barracks, from where the approaches to the building were visible and shot through, and he himself rushed to the nearest door and flung it open. There was no one in the first room. The sailor went to the next one. Instinctively he saw that from the street, from the window, a rifle was aimed at him. A Japanese soldier fired and wounded Popkov, but was immediately struck down by a return shot. In the second room, Popkov saw Japanese soldiers jumping out of the window. However, they failed to escape, as they came under fire from the sailors who were in ambush. Soon gunfire and grenade explosions were heard from all sides. In a hot battle, Mikhail Tyurin was mortally wounded. 19-year-old Red Navy sailor Nikolai Zemlin found himself face to face with a Japanese officer and was wounded in a fight with him. With the help of a comrade who came to the rescue, the officer was destroyed. The battle at the barracks ended in the complete defeat of the Japanese unit.


At about 8 o'clock, that is, half an hour after the landing, Fuyuan's resistance center was taken, and by 16 o'clock the city was completely liberated from scattered enemy groups. In the battles for Fuban, the enemy lost up to 70 people killed, over 100 wounded and 150 captured. Our losses were 21 people killed and 51 wounded.

After the battle, the bodies of Golubkov and Patrushev and Tyurin were transported to our shore and temporarily buried at the Verkhne-Spassky border outpost. And after the end of hostilities with Japan, they were transported to Khabarovsk and buried at the KAF base. (I will have a separate story about this burial and the monument.)

Nowadays, the view of all the ships on board passing by Fuyuan opens up a view of a tall obelisk standing on a rocky shore. It was erected in memory of the Soviet soldiers who died during the capture of the Fuyuan defense center.

10,11,12.Memorial to the dead Soviet wars in Fuyuan.Photos thecooper

13. Photo from Wikipedia.

For the successful landing, during the capture of the Fuyuan knot, the commander of the gunboat "Proletary", Senior Lieutenant Igor Andreevich Sornev, received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The gunboat "Proletary" became a guards boat.


15. Commander of the Amur Flotilla, Rear Admiral Antonov N.V. awards the personnel of the flotilla. Taken.

By the end of the 1920s, the Soviet Union actually had only the Amur military flotilla. In 1928, the Soviet Navy appeared new class ships - monitors. They included all the Amur tower gunboats, with the exception of the Whirlwind.

In 1927, work began on their rearmament and repair. On all four ships, transferred to the class of monitors from November 1928, towers were again installed, but they were re-equipped: on Lenin (former Shtorm), Krasny Vostok (Hurricane) and Sun -Yatsene ”(“ Shkval ”) installed 8 120-mm guns in four towers (instead of the previous two 152-mm in single-gun and four 120-mm in two-gun), and on the Sverdlov - 4 152-mm in single-gun towers. The transition to a single caliber facilitated fire control. Each ship was equipped with 2 76-mm or 40-mm Vickers anti-aircraft guns, and instead of the usual masts, tripods with artillery fire control posts placed on them.

In 1928, the flotilla was replenished with the Amur aircraft carrier, converted from the Whirlwind gunboat. For this, superstructures and all weapons were removed from it, especially since there was not enough serviceable artillery for all ships. A large hangar was built on the upper deck of the ship, which housed 4 MP-1 seaplanes (the float version of the R-1), as well as the necessary repair shops and warehouses. The floating base of the hydroaviation "Amur" had living quarters for the crew and flight personnel. The reclining rear wall of the hangar served to launch aircraft into the water.

By 1929, the Sverdlov (former Blizzard), Krasny Vostok (former Hurricane), Sun Yatsen (former Flurry), and Lenin monitors were repaired and put into operation. (former "Storm"), as well as the gunboats "Buryat", "Poor" (former "Vogul"), "Proletary" (former "Votyak") and "Red Banner" (former "Sibiryak"). True, the composition of the weapons of the monitors has changed. This was partly due to the fact that at one time the removed artillery did not return to the flotilla. As a result, art Illeriya monitors became homogeneous. Since only 4 152-mm guns were available, they were installed on the Sverdlov, but until 1928 these guns were behind the shields, since there were no serviceable towers. "Lenin", "Red East" and "Sun Yatsen" received 4 twin 120-mm towers. In addition, each monitor was armed with two 76.2 mm anti-aircraft guns or 40 mm Vickers automatic guns.

The armament of the gunboats "Proletary" and "Poor-ta" has changed - instead of the previously removed 120-mm Kane guns, they installed 102-mm guns with a barrel length of 60 calibers. In addition, instead of 122-mm howitzers, they received 76.2-mm Lender anti-aircraft guns instead of 122-mm howitzers, and the Red Banner received a 76.2-mm field gun of the 1902 model on the ship's installation of the Lieutenant Makarov system.

The Amur flotilla included the already known to us armored boats "Spear" and "Peak", as well as "Bars". The latter was a former motor boat 17.5 m long, built in 1908 and armed with 1 37 mm Maclein automatic gun and a machine gun. In 1930, it was dismantled for metal. The armored boats had 8 mm side, deck and conning tower armor.

In this composition, the Amur military flotilla took part in the first after civil war major armed conflict in 1929 on the CER. During the fighting, Soviet sailors participated in the defeat of the Sungari military flotilla. The troops landed from the ships, supported by naval artillery, captured the cities of Lahasusu and Fugdin. For successful military operations, the Amur Flotilla in 1930 was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

These events, firstly, confirmed the need to strengthen the Amur Flotilla, since in that border area it was the most powerful and mobile grouping. Secondly, they helped the command of the Navy to find understanding and subsequently some support from the leadership of the Red Army regarding the start of construction of new river ships. Perhaps that is why when discussing shipbuilding programs, questions on them usually did not arise.

In 1931, the restoration of mothballed monitors began. A year later, the first two of them - "Triandafillov" ("Smerch") and "Vostretsov" ("Typhoon"), later renamed "Kirov" and "Dzerzhinsky", - entered service. Their armament also changed and consisted of 4 130-mm guns in single-gun turrets. In 1934, the last monitor of this type, the Far Eastern Komsomolets, was put into operation, which for some time served as an aircraft carrier (Amur). For its repair, the Komsomol members of the Far East collected 4 million rubles.

When installing the armor belt, armor plates and equipment from the same type of ship "Groza", which died during the ice drift in 1921, were used. In two-gun turrets from 120-mm guns, 1 new 130-mm gun had to be placed, which required the sealing of two embrasures and a device one in the center. The displacement of the monitors increased, so the engines were replaced with more powerful ones to maintain the same speed.

Further strengthening of the Amur flotilla went through the commissioning of the remaining 3 Shkval-type monitors in the early 30s: Far East Komsomolets (former floating base Amur), Dzerzhinsky (former Typhoon) and Kirov "(former" Smerch "). Since there was no standard artillery for the Kirov monitor, it was armed with four 130/55 single-gun turrets. In 1932, the repaired gunboat "Mongol" and the first Soviet armored boats "Trevoga" and "Partizan" (during the war with Japan they would be called BK-91 and BK-92) entered service.

About border boats of project 12130 from the Amur division of border ships of the Russian Coast Guard. An interesting story and a chic photo selection illustrating the construction of boats and subsequent service on the Ussuri and Amur. I’ll just add that the Red Banner Amur Flotilla was disbanded in 1953. the past, after numerous reorganizations and scrapping of most of the ships and boats of the flotilla. The lights themselves (according to the reviews of sailors who served on other types of river military vessels) are an unsuccessful project for the Amur and Ussuri. Designed for service on the rivers Central Asia, with high superstructures, unstable and slow-moving. With uncomfortable living conditions for the crew. But the most modern boats serving on the river border.

Original taken from evshukin V

13:10 08.01.2016 Combat "Lights" of the Amur Flotilla

Winter. The Amur is ice-bound, but I would like to recall its water surface and huge river spaces stretching to neighboring China. It is precisely because of the close location of the neighboring state that the mighty river is the border for the Far East, and the country's borders must be protected, well, or to show foreigners that we have power and poking around without permission is categorically contraindicated. For protection state border As part of the Amur division of border ships of the Coast Guard of Russia there are ships of various models. One of them is project 12130 Ogonyok artillery boats. Khabarovsk residents and guests of the city could see these ships standing at their combat post on the roadstead opposite the central embankment closer to the left bank of the river. Boats of the "Spark" series are designed for the protection and defense of the state border on rivers and lakes and perform the following tasks: - destruction of combat boats, firing points, military equipment and manpower of the enemy; - fire preparation for landing and fire support for landing operations on the coast; - protection of vehicles at the crossing and parking lot, etc. in case of waves up to 3 points.

The history of the creation of ships began in the late 80s of the last century. It was then that the design of the combat vehicle was created in the Zelenodolsk Design Bureau. But the onset of the collapse of the USSR forced to put the drawings on the shelf, and only after 1991 they saw the light again. Later, the papers were transferred to the Khabarovsk shipbuilding plant, where the production of boats of this series began.

In total, 4 ships were launched into the water. All of them remained in the Far East and became part of the Amur River Flotilla. PSKR-200 (serial number 301) entered service in 1998. In 2003, the ship got its own name - "Admiral Kazakevich". PSKR-201 (serial number 302) was commissioned on August 8, 2001.

PSKR-202 (serial number 303) was launched on May 3, 2006, but was officially commissioned only on February 2, 2007 under tail number 030.

The last in the series was the PSKR-203 (serial number 304). The commissioning of the ship took place on September 10, 2010. MAIN CHARACTERISTICS Displacement, t ............................ 91 Length, m ........................................ 33.4 Width, m ....................................... 4.2 Board height, m. ............................. 2.1 Draft, m ....................................... 0.81 Travel speed, km / h. ................... 37.5 Navigation range, km. ............... 500 Autonomy, days ........................ 6 Seaworthiness, points ........................ 3 Crew, pers. ...................................... 17 (2 officers) A warship is designed in such a way that, with its rather large weight, it has a very small draft and is able to sail where the water will reach a person’s waist, and also come close to the shore. High speed is achieved by the work of two thousand-horsepower engines.

The main armament of the boats of the "Spark" series are two 30-mm six-barreled automatic ship installations AK-306. They are capable of hitting air targets at ranges up to 4000 m, and light surface vessels at distances up to 5000 m. In addition, there is a portable anti-aircraft gun on board. missile system"Needle".

On the PSKR-201 and PSKR-202, the AK-306 in the bow was replaced with a coaxial 12.7mm Utyos-M heavy machine gun, considering that this modification was better designed to destroy enemy manpower.

We are used to seeing high-tech military systems from TV screens with a mass of monitors, electronic systems and huge rows of blinking buttons. In real combat conditions, the simplest systems are the most reliable. On the ship, they are controlled by a mass of toggle switches and switches. Information is displayed not on computer monitors, but on time-tested devices with arrows and scales.

In 1941, in view of the danger of imperialist Japan entering the war against the Soviet Union, personnel and equipment were transferred from the West of the USSR to the East. The Amur flotilla, despite the high combat readiness, was completed by 80 percent, which caused Stalin's concern.

It so happened that fate threw my father, a native of the Kuban, in the very first months of the war to the Far East, to the Red Banner Amur Flotilla. In his rare stories about the war, dad recalled distant Khabarovsk and Harbin.

Old photo. 1926 Art. Medvedovskaya, Krasnodar region.
Father with mother, Marfa Emelyanovna Shakun.

My grandfather, Ivan Alekseevich Shakun, died in the Kuban in the mid-20s of the last century.
In this regard, my father addressed all his letters from the front to my mother, my grandmother.

1918. Grandfather is 22 years old.

Summer 1941. My father and mother (my grandmother) made a memory card
before being sent to the front.

Signature on the card:
Spring 1942, AKF. "Mother in memory from her son and his friend."
Unfortunately, the friend's last name is not listed.

Ivan Ivanovich Shakun at the age of twenty. AKF, 04/01/1942.

AKF, 14 April 1943.

Reverse side of the previous card.
AKF, 14 April 1943.

On the left is Ivan Ivanovich Shakun.
I do not know the name of the second sailor.
17.12. 1944.

military council :)
The father is third from the left.

End of 1945.
Top row - Alexey Shakun and Ivan Shakun.
There were no grandfathers left in our family after the 20s,
in this regard, those who came from the front were met by wives, mothers and aunts.
Family photo.
My grandmother, bottom row in the center, after the death of her husband during the period of collectivization,
never married.
Let me tell you, the woman was kind but tough. Kingdom of Heaven to her.

I buried my father on August 22, 2002. He lived a little over 80 years. He was very strong in spirit.

Mom, older brother Igor, aunt Lucy (mother's sister, participant in the defense of Leningrad, anti-aircraft gunner) and father.
I didn't exist at that time. I was born in 1968. I don't know.... Respect to Bate.
My father lived several lives.

Dry facts:

Navy sailors in the liberation of Northeast China

Navy sailors took an active part in the defeat of the Kwantung Army and the liberation of Northeast China from the Japanese invaders along with the Soviet troops in the Far East. Pacific Fleet and the Red Banner Amur Flotilla. The success of the Manchurian operation of 1945 was largely facilitated by the successful combat operations of the Pacific Fleet and the troops of the 1st Far Eastern Front in capturing the main ports and naval bases of the enemy on the Liaodong Peninsula (Port Arthur and Dalniy) and in North Korea in a short time, which led the main forces of the Kwantung Army to complete isolation from their own mother country, deprived them of the possibility of transferring reserves and evacuation.

The main command of the Soviet troops in the Far East entrusted the Red Banner Amur Flotilla with a very difficult and responsible task - to ensure the crossing of the river. Amur troops of the 2nd Far Eastern Front and assist their offensive in the Sungaria and Sakhalyan operations.

It should be noted that r. Amur is the largest water communication in the Far East, navigable almost along its entire length (more than 2800 km). Full-flowing and its tributaries - the Sungari and the Ussuri. In the most important directions along the state border of the USSR with Northeast China, which runs mainly along the Amur and Ussuri, the enemy created strong fortified areas. The main ones were: Sakhalyan (opposite Blagoveshchensk), Sungari (covering the entrance to the Sungari River) and Fujin (70 km from the mouth of the Sungari, protecting the approaches to Harbin). The fortified areas consisted of nodes of resistance and strong points connected by communications, the basis of which were pillboxes, bunkers, and reinforced concrete structures. The Red Banner Amur Flotilla (commanded by Rear Admiral N.V. Antonov) by the beginning of hostilities had up to 150 warships and boats in its composition and significantly outnumbered the Japanese Sungaria River Flotilla in terms of combat strength and armament.

In the Sungaria operation, which was led by the commander of the 15th army, Lieutenant-General K.S. rank L. B. Tankevich and captain of the 2nd rank A. V. Fadeev).

On August 9 and 10, 1945, troops of the 15th Army and the 5th Separate Rifle Corps successfully crossed the Amur and Ussuri rivers, captured all the islands on the Amur and cleared the opposite banks of these rivers from the enemy in a 120-kilometer strip from the mouth of the river. Sungari to the mouth of the river. Khor and captured the cities of Lubei, Tongjiang, Fuyuan, as well as the centers of resistance of the Sungari fortified region. As a result, an opportunity was created for our troops to rapidly advance in the Harbin direction.

Personnel played an important role warships Red Banner Amur Flotilla.

In a short time, tens of thousands of people, a huge amount of military equipment and various military equipment were transported across the Amur. Together with the soldiers of the armies, the Amur sailors bravely fought the enemy. They were at the forefront of the advancing troops, with well-aimed artillery and machine-gun fire from the ships, they suppressed enemy firing points on the coast and paved the way for the paratroopers.

In the battle for the city of Fuyuan, the personnel of the gunboat "Proletary" (commander senior lieutenant I. A. Sornev) and armored boats - under the command of senior lieutenant K. S. Shnyanin, lieutenant P. S. Semenyak and junior lieutenant S. F. Yakushenko. Under enemy fire, they quickly landed troops ashore and, with accurate shooting from ships, ensured the successful completion of the capture of the city by paratroopers.

In this battle, the foreman of the 1st article, communist Nikolai Golubkov, performed a heroic feat. Participating in the landing, together with the soldiers of the 630th Infantry Regiment, when attacking one of the enemy's objects, he destroyed an enemy firing point with grenades. This created the possibility of a rapid advance by our paratroopers. However, he was mortally wounded. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, N. N. Golubkov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The people of Fuyuan warmly welcomed their liberators. Crowds of them went to the embankment, where our ships stood, their faces shone with joy. They warmly welcomed and thanked the Soviet soldiers and sailors for their liberation from the Japanese colonialists.

On the monument erected in Fuyuan by local residents in memory of the dead Soviet sailors, a deeply symbolic inscription was made: "Soviet liberator soldiers will forever remain in the hearts of the Chinese people."

Every Soviet soldier, having set foot on Chinese soil, knew very well that he was fulfilling a lofty internationalist duty, fighting for the liberation of the Chinese people from Japanese oppressors, and this found a grateful response in the hearts of Chinese workers.

Stubborn battles unfolded for the capture of the Funjin fortified area and the city of Funjin. On the morning of August 11, under the cover of naval artillery fire, armored boats of the 1st brigade of river ships approached the berths at full speed, quickly moored and landed an assault company. Following them, the 3rd Battalion of the 364th Infantry Regiment was landed from the Sun Yatsen monitor (commander 3rd-Class Captain V.D. Korner). At the same time, naval assault forces were sent from the monitors to cover the rear of the advancing troops.

The fight was intense. The Japanese met the landing with powerful artillery fire, mortars and machine guns. The enemy fiercely resisted, repeatedly launched counterattacks, but could not withstand the onslaught of the Soviet troops. The heroism of the Soviet soldiers was massive. Everyone tried his best to fulfill the task set for him. combat mission.

Our warships-monitors, armed with 130-mm cannons and rocket artillery, had an advantage over Japanese artillery, the caliber of which did not exceed 75 mm. None of the enemy firing points could resist their fire. For example, the Sun Yatsen monitor destroyed and suppressed 5 bunkers, 12 bunkers, 6 mortar batteries, destroyed an ammunition depot and big number Japanese soldiers and officers.

The paratroopers were also greatly assisted by armored boats, which came close to the shores and fired at point-blank firing points and enemy manpower.

Our ships did not give respite to the retreating enemy troops. On August 16, with their active support, our troops captured the city of Jiamusi, for which they received gratitude from the Military Council of the 2nd Far Eastern Front. Eliminating pockets of enemy resistance, the ships of the flotilla continued to successfully move up the Sungari to connect with the airborne assault force that landed on August 18 in Harbin.

On the way from Sanxing to Harbin, the population of villages and villages, seeing our ships, gathered in crowds on the shore with red flags and warmly welcomed the Soviet sailors. On the morning of August 20, the ships of the Red Banner Amur Flotilla arrived in Harbin. The Harbin embankment was filled with people for many kilometers. Thousands of Chinese with flowers, banners and flags greeted their liberators. Soon a parade of Soviet sailors took place on the central square. Detachments of the Amur people with a clear step passed through the streets of the city to the stormy applause of the inhabitants. The day the Soviet sailors entered Harbin turned into a big day. folk holiday.

Military sailors were active in the Sakhalin offensive operation. During August 10 and 11, troops of the 2nd Red Banner Army (commander Lieutenant General of Tank Forces M.F. Terekhin) were successfully landed from the ships of the Zee-Bureinsky brigade (brigade commander 1st-rank captain M. G. Voronkov) in area of ​​the cities of Sakhalyan, Aigun and Tsike. Thus, three large bridgeheads were created on the right bank of the Amur, and the further development of the operation depended on how quickly the main forces of the army would be transferred here. This task was entrusted to the sailors of the Red Banner Amur Flotilla, and they fulfilled it with honor.

From August 10 to September 1, ships of the flotilla and ships of the Upper Amur Shipping Company transported 22,845 people, 1,459 vehicles, 161 tanks, 116 armored vehicles and tractors, 429 guns and mortars, over 4 thousand tons of various cargoes from Blagoveshchensk to Sakhalin.

During the same time, 64,861 people, 460 guns and mortars, 3,800 cars and tractors, 14,330 tons of various cargoes were transported through another crossing from the village of Konstantinovka to Khadagan (110 km below Blagoveshchensk).

All this contributed to the rapid advance of the army into the central regions of Manchuria.

The population of the liberated cities cordially greeted the Soviet soldiers. In Sakhalin, when our ships approached the pier, thousands of Chinese rushed to them. Many of them carried red flags and flags in their hands. A rally arose spontaneously. Captain 1st rank M. G. Voronkov, who spoke at the rally, said that Soviet troops came to them not as conquerors, but as friends, to help them free themselves from Japanese domination. The speech was listened to with great attention. The rally was accompanied by stormy jubilation and cheers in honor of the Soviet soldiers-liberators.

In battles with the Japanese invaders, the soldiers and officers of the Red Banner Amur Flotilla showed high combat skills, discipline, courage, and a high understanding of the liberation mission.

During the operation, the ships were the only means of ensuring a high rate of advance of the ground forces. They were constantly in the forefront of the advancing units and in 12 days they fought from Fuyuan to Harbin 930 km, of which over 700 km along the Sungari.

fighting flotillas were highly appreciated by the Soviet command. The commander of the 2nd Far Eastern Front, General of the Army M.A. Purkaev, in an order noted: "The Red Banner Amur Flotilla, following the order of the Supreme High Command, in close cooperation with the troops of the 2nd Far Eastern Front, contributed to a decisive victory over imperialist Japan. The ships of the flotilla, being the vanguard of the troops 2nd Far Eastern Front, crossed such water barriers as the Amur, Ussuri and Sungari rivers, and thereby accelerated the capture of strong strongholds of the Japanese and the cities of Manchuria.

For military merit in the war against imperialist Japan, 3315 sailors, foremen and officers of the flotilla were awarded orders and medals. Rear Admiral N. V. Antonov, Captain 1st Rank M. G. Voronkov, Captain 3rd Rank V. D. Korner, Lieutenant Commander I. A. Sornev and I. A. Khvorostyanov, Captain S. M Kuznetsov and foreman of the 1st article N. N. Golubkov were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union. All four brigades of river ships of the flotilla were awarded orders and received honorary titles: 1st Harbin Red Banner, 2nd Amur Red Banner, 3rd Ussuri Order of Nakhimov and 4th Amur Order of Ushakov.

On final stage The Manchurian operation, following the airborne landing of army units in Dalny and Port Arthur under the command of Lieutenant General of Aviation E.N.

The Chinese population of Dalny and Port Arthur met the Soviet soldiers and sailors very friendly. These days, the streets of cities were filled with thousands of lively and joyful people. The Chinese tried to provide all possible assistance to our units. So, for example, when landing the first planes on the water in the ports of Dalniy and Port Arthur, the Chinese quickly sent boats and schooners to land on the shore. Cheers were heard everywhere in honor of Soviet army and the Navy. And when our warships soon arrived in Port Arthur, the city literally changed. The news of the arrival of Soviet warships spread around the city with lightning speed. Crowds of Chinese with flags and banners began to flock to the port. They enthusiastically greeted the Soviet soldiers, sailors and officers - their liberators from the Japanese colonialists.

In the very first days of our stay in Port Arthur, the command of the naval base established in the city (base commander Rear Admiral V. A. Tsipanovich) established the most friendly relations with the local administration and the Chinese population. Taking into account the need of the population for food and consumer goods, the base command met the requests of local authorities and donated a significant amount of food, fabrics and various materials from their stocks.

In the city and in the clubs of the base, joint concerts of amateur performances, performances by Soviet and Chinese artists, and viewing of Soviet films were constantly organized. Systematically carried out sport games and competition.

I remember well how the population of Port Arthur, full of feelings of gratitude and gratitude to the Soviet Army and Navy for their liberation, took an ardent part in the celebration of the 28th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

During these days, the Chinese did not work, a festive mood was felt everywhere. On November 7, a large number of people in festive clothes, with red armbands on their sleeves, gathered in the city squares. Soviet and Chinese flags were hung everywhere. The mass procession did not stop but the streets of the city. There were continuous shouts of welcome in honor of the Soviet people, their army and navy.

In Dalny and Port Arthur, a significant number of Chinese workers worked at ship repair enterprises and in various workshops and institutions of the army and naval base. For their work, they received the same pay as the Soviet workers. In conversations with us, the Chinese workers thanked the Soviet people for the work they had been given, for their fraternal attitude towards them. You should have seen what joyful, friendly smiles shone on their faces.

The second expedition led by ataman E. P. Khabarov, which reached the Amur in 1650 also on plows, managed to create Russian settlements along the Amur for a while, but after unsuccessful military operations with Qing China in the city, under the terms of the unequal Nerchinsk peace, the Russians were forced leave Cupid for 160 years.

Along the Amur and its tributaries since the 1860s. there were private and state-owned steamships, some of which belonged to the Military Department and could be armed: Zeya, Onon, Ingoda, Chita, Konstantin, General Korsakov. On the Amur there were also unarmed steamships of the Siberian flotilla "Shilka", "Amur", "Lena", "Sungacha", "Ussuri", "Tug", "Polza", "Success", screw launches and barges. Steamships were mainly engaged in economic transportation and supply. By the end of the 19th century, 160 steam ships and 261 barges were sailing along the Amur and its tributaries.

The first connection appeared in - years, although it was not naval.

For the defense of the border line, the maintenance of the Cossack villages, located on the banks of the Amur, Ussuri and Shilka, was created Amur-Ussuri Cossack flotilla. It initially consisted of the Ataman steamships (flagship), the Ussuri Cossack, the Patrol steamboat, the Lena and Bulava barges. The crews included Transbaikal, Amur, Ussuri Cossacks. Senior commander (a position equated in status to the position of commander of a separate Cossack hundred) to the city - Lukhmanov, Dmitry Afanasyevich. The financing of the flotilla was determined from the funds of two Cossack troops at once - Amur (8976 rubles per year) and Ussuri (17423 rubles per year). The Cossacks also procured firewood and coal for the ships of the flotilla (since 1898, 20% of the proceeds from private flights were allocated to pay for their supplies), but since 1904 this duty was replaced by a payment from military capital (2,156 rubles a year from Amur and 4,724 rubles from the capital). from the Ussuri troops).

The flotilla was based on the Iman River and was subordinate to the Amur Cossack troops and quite successfully defended Russian subjects from the attacks of the Chinese Honghuz, transported goods and passengers until 1917.

In the 1930s, during a large-scale campaign to develop the Far East, the base of the flotilla was significantly improved. In Khabarovsk, in 1932, the shipbuilding plant "Osipovsky Zaton" (Shipyard No. 368, later the shipbuilding plant named after S. M. Kirov) was opened. Since 1934, the interests of the Rechflot were served by the Sretensky Shipyard, established in Kokuy on the basis of small civil shipyards and branches of factories. For the Navy and border guards, this plant built auxiliary ships and boats. But the largest shipbuilding enterprise on the Amur was the shipbuilding plant No. 199 named after. Leninsky Komsomol (now the Amur Shipbuilding Plant) in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, which has been building ships since 1935. Repair bases operated in Khabarovsk and Komsomolsk.

On June 27, 1931, the flotilla was renamed Amur Red Banner Military Flotilla. In the prewar years, from 1935-1937. began to be actively replenished with special river warships of the new construction. These included one of the first-born of the Soviet monitoring program - the Active monitor (1935), large Amur armored boats of project 1124 (BKA pr. 1124) with two tank turrets (or with one turret and a Katyusha-type installation) and small "Dnieper" armored boats of project 1125 with one tank turret. By 1945, there were 31 of the first, and 42 of the second. In addition, by 1941, the flotilla was replenished with eight gunboats converted from river steamers, as well as mine and bono-net layers, river minesweepers, mine boats, floating anti-aircraft batteries and other necessary vessels .

By the time of the zenith of its military power in 1945, the flotilla consisted of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd brigades of river ships based in Khabarovsk (each brigade consisted of 2-3 monitors or two divisions of 2-4 gunboats, two detachments of armored boats of 4 units, a division of 4 minesweepers, one or two detachments of boat minesweepers and individual ships), as well as the Zeya-Bureinsky brigade of river ships based in Blagoveshchensk (1 monitor, 5 gunboats, two divisions of armored boats, a total of 16 BKA, a division of 3 minesweepers, a detachment of boat minesweepers, two detachments of gliders), the Sretensky separate detachment of river ships (8 armored boats in two detachments and two gliders), the Ussuriysk separate detachment of 3 armored boats based in Iman, the Khanka separate detachment of 4 armored boats and the Raid Guard the main base of the flotilla. The Amur River Flotilla had nine separate anti-aircraft artillery divisions, armed with 28 76-mm guns, 18 40-mm Bofors anti-aircraft guns and 24 20-mm Oerlikon anti-aircraft guns. In addition, the flotilla had its own air force as part of a fighter regiment, separate squadrons and detachments. In total there were 27 LaGG-3s, 13 Fuyuan, Sakhalyang, Aigun, Fujin, Jiamusi and Harbin, fired at Japanese fortified sectors, captured ships of the Manchukuo-Digo Sungarian River Flotilla in Harbin.

After the war, the flotilla was replenished with trophies, among which the most valuable were four Japanese-built gunboats, which previously belonged to the Manchurian Sungarian flotilla. In addition, 40 new, more protected and with better weapons, project 191M armored boats, which could truly be considered "river tanks", entered service. Finally, for the mouth of the Amur in 1942-1946. Three powerful project 1190 monitors (of the Khasan type) were built, which for a short time were in the Amur flotilla. However, since the early 1950s in the USSR, the decline of river fleets begins. No new ships are being built for them. Not the last role was played by the formation in 1949 of the initially friendly People's Republic of China. By 1955-1958. all existing river military flotillas were disbanded, and the ships and boats that were part of them were scrapped. This was short-sighted, since armored boats do not require large expenses to save - they are easy to store on the shore in a mothballed form, as a huge number of tanks, artillery and cars were once stored. The Amur flotilla was disbanded in August 1955. Created instead Red Banner Amur Military River Base of the Pacific Fleet.

PSKR-200, PSKR 4th rank (artillery boat of project 12130 "Spark")

Project 14081M "Saigak" boat belongs to the Federal Customs Service.

Since the beginning of the 1960s, relations between the USSR and China began to deteriorate sharply. The defenselessness of the Amur River became so obvious that the military leadership of the country was forced to urgently revive the military river forces. Established in 1961 Amur brigade(subsequently division) Pacific Fleet river ships. For her, new ships had to be built: the basis of the river forces was project 1204 artillery boats, which in 1966-1967. built 118 units, as well as 11 small artillery ships of project 1208, built in 1975-1985. The first were to replace the old armored boats, the second - river monitors. However, according to experts and the military, a full-fledged replacement did not work out: if the 191M armored boats were created specifically for the war as "river tanks", then the new artillery boats are more like peacetime patrol boats with bulletproof protection. MAKs pr. 1208 for various reasons were also not very successful. In addition, especially for border guards in 1979-1984. built eleven border patrol ships of project 1248 (based on MAK pr. 1208), and for headquarters and management purposes - in the same years, eight PSKR Amur border river flotilla. In 2003, MAKs (small artillery ships) were cut into scrap metal, part of the Murena landing ships (the rest were sold to South Korea). As of 2008, in addition to several dozen border patrol ships (for example, Project 1248 Mosquito) and boats, only one warship survived from the Amur military flotilla - the small artillery ship Vyuga. In 2009, the Border Guard Service on the Amur had 15 (possibly already decommissioned), 1 river small artillery ship of project 1208 "Slepen", from 7 to 9 river artillery boats of project 1248.1 "Mosquito", 8 river armored boats of the management of project 1249 and 3 artillery armored boats project 12130 "Spark".

Disbanded 11 OBRPSKR (Dzhalinda), PSK Division as part of the Skovorodinsky POGO

PSKR project 1248, PSKR project 1249, 18 PSKR project 1204, PSKR project 1408.1, PSKR project 371

2 PSKR project 1248, 2 PSKR project 1249, PSKR project 1208, 12 PSKR project 1204, PSKA project 1408.1, PSKA project 371, 3 MACs, 2 Saiga, 3 tankers (2 large and 1 small), 2 self-propelled barges, 1 unarmed river boat, 2 tankers

PSK of various projects, PMK of project 1398 "Aist", as well as a group of PMK in the village. Priargunsk (subordinate to the commander of the ODnPSK)