The development of the speech of a preschool child. Methods of work on the development of speech of preschoolers

Modern research show that many traditional methods of software do not work effectively enough.

More and more scientists working in the field of pedagogy and psychology are proposing to use new non-traditional methods of working with children who have difficulties in. Among domestic researchers working in this field, one can single out Chistyakova M.I., Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. and others.

These researchers argue in favor of the introduction of new non-traditional methods in the work of speech correction, in combination with effective traditional ones.

Modern innovative methods, which have already proven themselves well, are fairy tale therapy, psycho-gymnastics and relaxation. Work on these methods allows you to overcome various speech and psychophysical disorders of preschool age, conducting individual and group classes.

Any classes should be based on an integrated approach that combines the use of a variety of methods and techniques. As a rule, it is the combination of several standard techniques with non-traditional ones that gives the most striking result.

Let's consider some of the most effective non-traditional methods that allow you to adjust and.

Visual modeling method

This method has shown its effectiveness in the work on the correction of speech in children of preschool age. Thanks to this technique, the child begins to imagine visually such abstract phenomena as text, words and sounds. This makes it easier to understand the process of working with these language elements.

essence visual modeling consists in demonstrating the properties of the phenomenon under study, creating a prototype of the object under study and working with this prototype.
Let's take a couple of illustrative examples. Suppose a speech therapist is working to correct violations of the syllabic structure with preschool children.

To do this, he can use the game "Pyramid". The essence of the game is that preschoolers lay out pictures in the desired rings of the pyramid. For example, the bottom ring should contain single-syllable words, the middle ring should contain two-syllable words, and the top ring should contain three-syllable words.

For the teacher, he can arrange several pictures in a certain order and ask the children to compose a sequential story, and build the plot of this story in the same order as the displayed pictures.

The teacher actively helps the children in this work and makes sure that the story really has a coherent plot.

Developmental speech therapy massage

Massage is usually associated in people with a deep healing effect on the human body. But it is interesting that massage has a direct effect on the functioning of the brain. It tones the central nervous system and strengthens the nerve connections of the brain with muscles and blood vessels.

Auglin F.R. developed such massage techniques that have a positive effect on memory, human thinking, the analytical abilities of the brain, and the development of speech. An experiment was carried out. For eight months, preschool children came for a special massage procedure.

Already at the end of the third week of the experiment, increased brain activity was noticed in the vast majority of the participants in the experiment. This was manifested in the way they study at school and what they are interested in. The experiment revealed that a regular massage complex, developed by a scientist, can increase the mental abilities of a child by as much as 75 percent!

Massage pass in 6 stages. Each step must be repeated 10 times. It's easy and only takes 10 minutes.

At the same time, over time, the child can learn to do such a massage on his own.

  1. Pull the earlobes down. Then pull the tops of the ears up. Then pull the middle of the ears forward, back and to the sides.
  2. Draw circles on the cheeks with two fingers of each hand at the same time with both hands.
  3. With two fingers in different directions, draw outlines around the forehead and chin.
  4. With two fingers, draw an outline around the eyes at the same time around each eye.
  5. With index fingers, press in turn on the four points of the nose (on the bridge of the nose, in the middle, at the edge, at the He-lyao point).
  6. With the mouth open, move the jaw left and right.

In order to enhance the effect of this massage, you can also add articular massage and hand massage.

Pencil massage

Scientists have long noticed that the work of the brain is actively influenced by the movement of human hands.

The experiments carried out showed that even the simplest exercise with the hands, expressed in clenching and unclenching the fists, contributes to a faster one. The good old massage with the use of nursery rhymes about the white-sided magpie received a scientific explanation.

Children of all ages love to draw. You can offer the child each time before starting to draw, to do self-massage of hands with a pencil.

Thanks to the edges on the pencil, the child can massage his wrist, palms, fingers, areas between the fingers, the back of the palms. This is not only, but also has a positive effect on the development of speech.

Game techniques in automating sounds

Traditional audio automation classes tend to be very boring and tedious. Children usually do not like them, which adversely affects the success of the technique itself. However, if you include an element of the game in these classes, then everything becomes much more interesting.

Here are just some of the tricks that can help.

  • a speech therapist, using a metronome, sets a certain rhythm in which the child must pronounce the given syllable sequences or words.
  • the child pronounces the necessary words or sounds until the sand in the hourglass runs out.
  • the child pronounces the given words, and if he makes a mistake in pronouncing any sound, he hears a bell signal.

Paradoxical gymnastics

Strelnikova A.N. has developed non-traditional, but very effective methods of doing gymnastics for a specific childhood. Thanks to a set of exercises, an increase in the volume of inhaled air is achieved. For example, when making movements that compress the chest, you need to inhale.

Gymnastics is subject to rhythm. Each exercise must be performed eight times, after which a break is made for 5 seconds and a transition is made to the next paragraph.

As a result, the lesson lasts about 7 minutes.

  1. You need to clench your fists hard enough and at the same time take an intense breath. Then exhale for a long time, unclenching and relaxing the hands.
  2. During a quick, intense breath, the fists are pushed to the floor with the nose, as if something unpleasant is being thrown from the hands. The fists open and the fingers spread out.
  3. Leaning over, round your back and take an intense breath at the lowest bend point. Bending your back to make a smooth exhalation.
  4. While crouching, take an intense breath and spread your arms to the side, as if you want to catch someone.
  5. Taking an intense breath, wrap your arms around your shoulders.
  6. Bend over and place your hands on your knees. At the same time, take a strong breath. Then lean back, leaning slightly in the opposite direction, wrap your arms around your shoulders and take another breath. Exhalation takes place between these phases.
  7. Turning your head to the right, then to the left, take intense breaths in extreme positions. In the intervals between them, a slow exhalation.
  8. Tilt your head to the left and right shoulder, take intense breaths in extreme positions and in between them make a smooth exhalation.
  9. Look down and take a deep breath. Tilt your head back - again an intense breath.
  10. Put your right foot forward and transfer all the weight of the body to it. Squat on this leg and at this moment take a deep breath. Then straighten up, exhaling. Do the same with the left leg
  11. Raise the right leg, as if marching, slightly bend the left leg and take a deep breath. Exhalation is performed during the return to the starting position. Repeat the same for the left leg.

The main task of kindergarten teachers is the development of active pupils of a certain age.

It is important that children not only understand well the speech of the surrounding adults, but also know how to clearly express their thoughts, pronouncing the sounds correctly.

The methodology is carried out in several stages. The methodology is based on the assimilation of the simplest material and techniques, which subsequently turn into complex classes. However, the gradual complication of tasks for kids goes unnoticed. And after a few sessions, you can see positive results.

It is gradually complicated tasks that are very well absorbed by the child and very effectively influence his further speech development.

AT preschool institutions use a lot of techniques that help kids to actively develop and improve their knowledge and skills. However, there are some children who need an individual approach, where the problem will be clearly identified and its solution will depend on the right methodology and technique.

When identifying a problem, the following factors should be considered:

  • The age of the child;
  • Peculiarity;
  • Baby skills and abilities.

In addition, genetic predispositions should be examined. For example, if one of the parents had a speech delay or other speech problems in childhood. All this will help to direct the technique to an effective result.

Technique of speech development of preschoolers

Each technique according to the Ushakova method is designed for the individual characteristics of the child, which involve the performance of certain tasks and exercises.

Thus, taking into account the psychological state of the child, his acquired skills and abilities, a positive result is possible.

To date, some methods are actively used in practice in kindergartens and even at home. For the most efficient speech development parental involvement is required.

Ushakova O.S. developed teaching aids for teachers of preschool and school institutions, which describes in detail each stage and method of working with a child. The whole technique is designed to improve and correct the speech of the baby.

Each technique has a specific goal and a structured plan that involves learning from simple exercises to more complex ones. In all processes, the reasons why the child has certain deviations that do not allow the baby to fully develop his speech are taken into account.

These factors can be:

  • Lack of attention from adults. That is, they communicate little with the child, do not read books to him, do not voice the ongoing actions;
  • A child who has distracted attention;
  • · Children with psychological features. It can be genetic diseases, congenital speech retardation.

It is an individually selected technique that allows you to establish the correct, and most importantly, effective process of speech development in a baby. It is the correct diagnosis of the problem that significantly increases the chances of the full development of the baby.

What should parents pay attention to

Every parent should remember that the development of the child is largely dependent on them. And the timely definition of any speech problem can be eliminated.

It is at preschool age that it will be easier for a child to improve his speech, learn how to use new information and formulate sentences beautifully.

Each baby from an early age begins to make various sounds and syllables, and by the age of one and a half years he can say some simple words. Children at the age of three are already calmly formulating sentences, and can explain what they need or what they don’t like.

If parents note that it is easier for the baby to express their thoughts through gestures or crying, then you should seek the advice of a speech therapist. The sooner you do this, the sooner you can fix the problem.

Parents should not rely on the fact that the baby will speak out over time. You should help him, and then he will be able to fully communicate and live in society.

How to help your child develop speech at home?

First of all, the speech development of the child depends on the parents themselves. With proper communication and sufficient attention, unwanted problems can be avoided:

  • Parents should properly talk to the child, even if he is very small. Do not distort speech, each situation or subject must be said clearly and correctly;
  • Constantly read books to the baby and tell fairy tales;
  • During the game, say the name of this or that object;
  • Ask the child to repeat simple words after you;
  • At mispronunciation or wording try to fix it;
  • Sing more songs. It is the song form that contributes to the rapid memorization of words;
  • Talk to your child everywhere. Even if you are busy with something, in the process you can tell the baby about the work done. In this case, the baby will even be interested. This may provoke him to some questions or actions;
  • During games, use a variety of toys and various items.

All this will become a faithful assistant in the speech development of a preschooler.

Today, almost every kindergarten there are speech therapy groups, where the main task for the specialist is the development of the child's speech and the elimination of shortcomings.

It is worth remembering that the correct speech of a preschooler is the main criterion for his readiness for school.

The main signs that determine readiness for school

There are several main criteria by which you can determine whether the baby is ready for school or not:

  • The child must be able to listen to the interlocutor;
  • Correctly perceive information;
  • Be able to express your actions;
  • Display information;
  • Use your speech knowledge as a means of influence;
  • Retell a short text or story.

All these moments determine that the child will be able to fully learn and develop.

All methods of speech development of a child involve the help of parents. That is, classes with only specialists will not give a 100% result without the participation of parents.

This or that program should be fixed and worked out at home. If you follow all the recommendations and pay full attention to the baby, then soon the child will begin to delight his parents with his skills and abilities.

Each lesson should take place in the form of a game. Otherwise, the child may simply refuse to study. If the baby is tired, then you can postpone the tasks for another time.

All children really like communication and active games. Therefore, devote more time to the kids, talk with them and play.

Pure and correct speech is an important component for the formation of a full-fledged personality. After all, a person with a remarkably developed speech is not afraid of communication, and also expresses his own thoughts and desires understandably for the people around him. Fuzzy speech is often the reason for the development of a large number of complexes in a person, complicates the process of communication and its self-realization.

It should be noted that correct speech of a preschooler is main indicator his readiness for learning at school. If a child has certain speech defects, then in the future this can lead to academic failure, problems in communicating with peers and the formation of self-doubt. Thus, modern parents should start off take care of speech development your child from a very young age. Speech therapists and defectologists warn parents that speech disorders in a baby will not disappear spontaneously as it grows and develops. If you have identified a delay in speech development or a speech defect in a child, you should immediately seek help from specialists. Indeed, over time, these speech problems can worsen and turn into persistent violations.

Of particular importance for the development of speech in a child is communication with parents and joint systematic exercises with them. In order for classes for the development of speech to be effective, parents must know the main stages in the development of a child's speech.

Stages of speech development of a preschooler

Experts note the following stages in the development of speech in preschool children:

  1. 3-4 years. In this age range, the baby names the shape, color, size and quality of the object. Uses general words: furniture, clothes, tools, vegetables, etc. In the process of looking at a picture or an object, he answers the questions of an adult in monosyllables. Can make 3-4 descriptive sentences with parents according to the illustration. The kid actively retells his favorite fairy tales.
  2. 4-5 years. The kid uses adjectives in the process of communication, which denote the properties of objects, verbs that characterize labor actions, as well as nouns. Easily navigates the location of objects, time of day, and also perfectly describes the mood of people. The kid during this period improves communication skills through dialogue, and also actively asks questions and answers them. The child already knows how to retell short stories and make short stories according to the plot picture.
  3. 5-6 years. Children in this age range use all parts of speech in the correct form and precisely in meaning. In addition, the child coherently and consistently retells literary works of small volumes, and also makes up short stories on his own. Can easily communicate with an adult, asking questions on the topic and answering them correctly.
  4. 6-7 years old. For this age period characterized by a rich vocabulary, as well as the use of antonyms and synonyms in the process of communication. The child develops a culture of speech communication. He can independently and expressively convey the content of the heard work. In addition, the child easily composes a coherent story of a creative nature from a picture or a series of pictures.

It should be noted that these steps speech development are conditional and do not take into account the individual characteristics of each child.

If you have fixed certain problems in the formation of speech in a child, then systematic exercises will help correct the situation.

Classes for the development of speech of preschoolers: a game

Each parent must Be sure to find time for your child and in light game form conduct short classes for the development of speech. Teachers recommend that the following goals be pursued during the lesson:

  • to form and replenish the child's vocabulary, develop his logical thinking;
  • help to master the skills of coherent speech and teach how to build sentences;
  • correct the sound side of speech in close relationship with the development of the sound analysis of words and the formation of phonemic hearing.

With a child, it is best to carry out classes in a playful way.

We offer options for games with the baby, which will help to actively develop the child's speech:

Games with different words

This selection of entertaining games will help the child develop speech, teach to compare and analyze, and will also contribute to the development of attention and memory. In addition, the baby will be able in the future to independently describe and characterize various objects by external signs.

"Choose adjectives"

This game is very popular among children, regardless of age category. The essence of the game is that parents show the baby a toy or a picture, and he must name maximum amount features that characterize this object. For example, "fox" - red, cunning, fast, beautiful, etc. The game is recommended to complicate over time. The child must match the original adjective with actual nouns. For example: "red" - tomato, poppy, rose, apple, etc.

"Who's doing what"

This game helps to enrich vocabulary with verbs. For the lesson, you need to prepare thematic cards. Next, the parent shows the child a card and asks the question: “What can I do with it?” or “Why is this necessary?”. It is recommended to complicate the game over time by adding facial expressions and gestures to it. For example. Children must name the type of activity for certain actions of an adult.

"Object and its actions"

The game contributes to the intensive development of the child's speech. Its meaning lies in the fact that the baby is invited to identify objects that perform certain actions. For example: “What and who flies?” - bird, plane, fly, snowflake, fluff, etc.

Games on the topic: "What it looks like"

This category of games is effective method development of speech in children of any age category. At the initial stage, certain game material will be required for the lesson: dummies of vegetables, a shell, a pine cone, a piece of cloth, a piece of fur, etc. In the future, only words can be used for the game. The rules of the game are that the child answers the questions, arguing his own answer. For example: “What does a dry leaf or a piece of fur look like?”. Further, parents ask additional questions: “Why?”, “What?”. Variations of this game a large number of. Consider the most popular of them.

"Letters and Numbers"

This game is great for language development. creative thinking, imagination and the ability to focus on the necessary object. For the lesson, you will need images of letters and numbers, which are on separate large sheets. The child is invited to first consider one letter or number, and then name the objects, phenomena that these images are similar to. In addition, the kid can draw his own associations or come up with a story about the object he saw. Further, the number of children's associations per object should gradually increase.

"Draw a picture"

The meaning of this game is as follows: the child is offered to consider some unfinished drawing drawn on the album sheet. geometric figure and ask, at their own discretion, to finish the necessary elements to the figure. In the next lesson, you can increase the number of shapes or lines in the picture.


This game is used in the classroom for the development of speech with preschoolers aged 5-7 years. For the lesson, subject cards of a variety of topics will be required. This game is best played with a small group of children. The facilitator selects one subject card and, without showing it to anyone, examines the image. Next, the child asks the participants of the game a series of questions: “What does it look like?”, “What color is it?” etc. Each child must offer their own answer. After that, the facilitator opens the reversed image and invites the players to "defend" their versions with the help of arguments.

This game remarkably develops speech, and also forms the ability to correctly build sentences, draw conclusions and teaches the skills to prove one's own point of view with the help of specific facts.

Game on the theme: "Who is from where"

This game effectively develops the child's speech skills, teaches to determine the relationship and general patterns between objects. To do this, you need to prepare thematic cards and familiarize the child with them. For example, if you show your child images of animals, then pay attention to their external characteristics, habitat and ability to adapt to it. Birds use wings, fish use fins, and so on.

A lesson for the development of speech is carried out as follows: the child is shown images of the sea and the forest, for these habitats you need to select and distribute pictures with various animals, arguing your own actions. Next, show the child a part of an animal: tail, paws, ears, and invite him to identify this animal and its habitat. After the arguments, the child is shown a complete picture of this animal, and he formulates a conclusion about the correctness of his own arguments.

Game on the theme "Avalanche of words"

"I put in the basket..."

The adult begins the game with the following phrase: "I put a pear in the basket." The kid repeats this sentence and adds his own version: “I put a pear and a peach in the basket.” The next player adds their own version by repeating the previous phrase.

For older children, it is recommended to add words starting with one letter: “I put pineapple, apricot, avocado in the basket ...”. In addition, you can play by keeping the sequence of letters in the alphabet: "I put an orange, an eggplant, a grape in the basket ...". For clarity, a poster with images of the letters of the alphabet should be in front of the child.

"Endless story"

This game is not only for memorization of words and their sequence, but and keeping the meaning of the sentence. Any word is chosen for the game and other words are added to it, which form a short story. New words can be placed in any part of the sentence. For example: choose the word - flower. One child comes up with the beginning of the story - a flower has grown. Another child continues - a flower has grown in the clearing. The third baby - a beautiful flower grew in the clearing, etc.

All classes for the development of speech, which are held in a playful way, are diverse and creative.

Thanks to games, a child’s speech culture is formed, speech activity and communication skills are stimulated.

The kid also learns to correctly pronounce words and clearly put stress on them.

In order for classes for the development of the speech of preschoolers to be effective and bring maximum benefit, parents should monitor the mood of the child, not suppress his emotions and take into account his speech capabilities. Adults should not think that after a few games the baby will begin to use the correct forms of the word in the process of communication at the morphological, syntactic and grammatical level. This process is gradual and takes time.

Classes for the development of speech of preschoolers: tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, riddles

For development, activation of the speech apparatus child and getting rid of "porridge in the mouth" is recommended in the classroom pronounce tongue twisters. Parents should initially read the tongue twister to the baby slowly and pronouncing each sound clearly. Next, offer to say it with you, and then ask to tell the tongue twister yourself. Do not scold the child if he does not succeed. Turn your activity into exciting game so that the child wants to repeat the tongue twister many times. Stop your choice on simple, short and easy-to-pronounce tongue twisters.

For example: Our bear has big bumps in the bag or gray cat sits on the window. After a while, you can learn tongue twisters that are more complicated in pronunciation.

In addition, for the development of speech, read children's poems and riddles to your child more often, which broaden his horizons, help develop thinking, attention, and memory.

Classes for the development of speech of preschoolers: breathing, articulation, finger gymnastics

One of the main conditions beautiful and correct speech in a person is a relaxed articulation with a smooth, long exhalation. In children with various speech defects, breathing is arrhythmic and superficial. Speech therapists recommend parents fulfill with the child systematically simple breathing exercises, which will contribute to the formation of a long exhalation and, as a result, the correct development of speech.

For example, you can do exercise "Snowfall". To do this, you need to roll small lumps of cotton wool and put them on the child's palm. Next, invite the baby to blow off the cotton wool from the palm, like a snowflake. Then place a ball of cotton under the child's nose and ask him to blow up.

Great for developing proper breathing exercise "Storm in a teacup". For its implementation, prepare a glass of water and a tube for cocktails. The child should place one end of the tube in the center of the wide part of the tongue, and the other end in a glass of water. Then the baby begins to blow through the tube, making a real storm. Parents should control this process so that the child's cheeks do not puff out, and the lips are in a motionless state.

It should be noted that the author of breathing exercises is the famous teacher and vocalist A.N. Strelnikov. Her author's technique not only restores breathing, but also has a positive effect on the functioning of all body systems.

For the development of speech of preschoolers is also popular articulatory gymnastics aimed at main muscle organ of speech - tongue. Gymnastics for the tongue is simply necessary, since promotes formation correct pronunciation. After all, defects in sound pronunciation violate emotional and mental the balance of the child, as well as negatively affect the full communication with peers.

Articulation gymnastics performed in front of a mirror so that the child can see the movements of his own tongue. The duration of the lesson should not be more 10 minutes a day. At the same time, do not offer the child to immediately perform a large number of exercises. Good for one lesson 2-3 exercises. Do not be discouraged if the child did not succeed in repeating the exercise after you. Be calm, consistent and patient with the baby and he will definitely succeed. Do articulation exercises in a playful way. Positive emotions from the lesson will help the child quickly learn new exercises.

Speech therapists and teachers for the development of speech in preschoolers use finger gymnastics that promotes active development of fine motor skills of the hands and, respectively, speeches The child has. The essence of this gymnastics is that a child with parents pronounces small verses, accompanying their certain finger movements. These exercises are important for the child, as they improve the coordinated work of the speech centers, contribute to the development of attention, memory and imagination, and also increase the flexibility of the fingers.

Thus, modern speech therapy and pedagogy offer parents a wide variety of activities for the development of speech preschoolers. Systematically play with your child, do not criticize him for wrong answers and be sure to support him on an emotional level.

The child masters speech gradually, starting from birth. First, he learns to understand the speech addressed to him, and then begins to speak himself. Therefore, you should protect your hearing from strong sound effects (do not turn on the TV or music at full power), prevent chronic colds, monitor the health of the hearing organs.

Already up to a year, you can hear the first "dad" and "mum" from the child. By the age of three, as a rule, the child already begins to speak in phrases. Simultaneously with the development of speech, the thinking and imagination of the child develops. Attention, memory, thinking are the foundations on which speech is built.

When talking with a child, constantly pay attention to your own speech: it should be clear and intelligible. Do not lisp, the child must learn to speak correctly. Do not speak loudly or too quickly to your child.

The causes of poorly developed speech in a child can be:

violations in the development of the muscles of the articulatory-speech apparatus, low development of phonemic hearing, poor vocabulary, deficiencies in the development of grammatical skills.

Violation of sound pronunciation and articulation - the child incorrectly pronounces individual sounds, his speech is characterized by insufficient intelligibility and expressiveness, and its pace is slower than that of peers.

Shortcomings in the development of sound-letter perception and sound-letter analysis (low development of phonemic hearing) - insufficient development of the ability to hear, recognize and distinguish sounds and their combinations, not confuse them. No less important are the skills of sound-letter synthesis - the ability to understand the relationship between sounds and their combinations.

The main violations of this kind include: the inability to isolate sounds sequentially or according to their location; inability to distinguish sounds by hardness, softness, sonority, deafness; inability to designate hardness - softness in writing. For the same reasons, the acquisition of the skill of word formation and inflection is inhibited. Deficiencies in the development of vocabulary grammatical structure speech - the child does not know how to correctly compose and understand grammatical constructions, incorrectly uses gender and cases. This also includes the inability to correctly place stresses, which leads to distortion of the word beyond recognition. Insufficient development of semantic guessing - the child does not know how, based on the context, to correctly predict the end of a word or phrase. Insufficient development of vocabulary - poor vocabulary, difficulty in understanding the meaning of words due to their absence in the child's active vocabulary. The child finds it difficult to establish a lexical connection between the words he read, he does not understand the new meaning that they acquire in combination with each other.

It should be noted that the quality and quantity vocabulary the level of development of speech as a whole is largely determined by the child. It is very important to pay attention to both passive (that is, those words that are stored in memory) and active (words that are constantly used) vocabulary. It is necessary for the child to know what meanings the word has, to be able to use it correctly in independent speech.

In this section of the site you will find speech development classes designed for classes with children from 1 to 7 years old (and possibly older, if the child does not speak well for school). The first lessons with a child are finger games, because fine motor skills greatly affect the development of speech abilities. Next - poems, sayings, reading books. Articles will help you understand if your child speaks correctly: are the words he uses enough, whether he connects them together and pronounces them correctly.

The emergence of speaking is the sacrament of language ka.
Paul Ricoeur

IS - information block

Text number 1.

Goals and objectives of speech development in preschool educational institutions.

The goal of speech development of preschool children- the formation of not only correct, but also good oral speech, of course, taking into account their age characteristics and capabilities. The general task of speech development consists of a number of private, special tasks. The basis for their selection is the analysis of the forms of speech communication, the structure of the language and its units, as well as the level of speech awareness.Research on speech development problems recent years, conducted under the guidance of F. A. Sokhin, made it possible to theoretically substantiate and formulate three aspects of the characteristics of speech development tasks:

Structural (formation of different structural levels of the language system - phonetic, lexical, grammatical);

Functional, or communicative (formation of language skills in its communicative function, development of coherent speech, two forms of verbal communication - dialogue and monologue);

Cognitive, cognitive (formation of the ability to elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech).

The main work on the development of speech- the formation of oral speech and the skills of verbal communication with others on the basis of mastering literary language of his people. The development of speech is closely connected with the development of thinking and is the basis for mental, moral and aesthetic education. The problems of speech development of preschoolers were studied by teachers and psychologists: Rubinshtein, Zaporozhets, Ushinsky, Tikheeva and others.

The theoretical approach to the problem of speech development is based on ideas about the patterns of speech development of preschoolers (formulated in the works of psychologists and linguists Leontiev, Ushakova, Sokhin, Konina (patterns of speech activity)).

The main directions for determining the tasks of speech development:

Structural - the formation of phonetic, lexical, grammatical components.

Functional or communicative - the formation of speech communication skills (forms of dialogue and monologue).

Cognitive, i.e. cognitive - the formation of abilities to understand the phenomena of language and speech.

Tasks of speech development:

1) education of sound culture of speech(development of speech hearing, teaching the correct pronunciation of words, expressiveness of speech - tone, intonation, stress, etc.);

The tasks of educating the sound side of speech can be formulated as follows:

Work on the sound and intonation characteristics of speech;

Formation of ideas about linear sound units: sound - syllable - word - sentence - text;

Distinguishing sounds according to their qualitative characteristics: vowels and consonants (voiced and deaf, hard and soft);

Learning the sound analysis of a word (selecting a sound at the beginning, middle and end of a word), isolating hissing and whistling sounds at the beginning of a word, finding the same sound in different words;

Development of the ability to analyze words of various syllabic structures: naming words with one, two and three sounds, determining the number of syllables;

Finding words that are similar and different in sound.

2) vocabulary development(enrichment, activation, clarification of the meaning of words, etc.);

Vocabulary tasks:

Vocabulary Enrichment thematic groups words;

Consolidation of ideas about generalizing concepts (vegetables, fruits, transport);

Development of ideas about the semantic side of the word: work on the correct understanding of the meanings of a polysemantic word; disclosure of semantic relations (familiarization with synonyms and antonyms of different parts of speech - nouns, adjectives, verbs); formation of word selection skills and word usage accuracy.

3) formation of the grammatical structure of speech(syntactic, morphological side of speech - ways of word formation);

Tasks of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech:

Formation of the ability to coordinate nouns and adjectives in gender, number, case;

Learning the correct formation, declension and use of words in the singular and plural;

Development of the ability to form the names of baby animals (cat-kitten, dog-puppy, chicken-chicken);

Teaching the ability to correlate the name of the verb-motion with the action of an object, person, animal;

Compilation of sentences of different types - simple and complex.

4 ) development of coherent speech(central task) - the main function of the language is implemented - communicative (communication), the formation of ideas about different types of text - description, narration, reasoning;

Tasks for the development of coherent speech:

Formation of elementary ideas about the structure of the text (beginning, middle, end);

Learning to connect sentences in different ways of communication;

Development of the ability to reveal the topic and main idea of ​​the statement, to title the story;

Learning to build statements of various types - descriptions, narratives, reasoning; bringing to the awareness of the content and structural features of a descriptive, including artistic, text; compiling narrative texts (fairy tales, stories, stories) in compliance with the logic of presentation and the use of means of artistic expression; learning to compose reasoning with selection to prove strong arguments and precise definitions;

Use for statements of different types of appropriate models (schemes), reflecting the sequence of presentation of the text.

Central, leading task is development of connected speech. This is due to a number of factors:

Firstly, in coherent speech, the main function of language and speech is realized - communicative (communication). Communication with others is carried out precisely with the help of coherent speech.

Secondly, in coherent speech, the relationship between mental and speech development is most pronounced.

Thirdly, all other tasks of speech development are reflected in coherent speech: the formation of a dictionary, grammatical structure, and phonetic side. It shows all the achievements of the child in mastering the native language.

5) preparation for literacy(sound analysis of the word, preparation for writing);

6) acquaintance with fiction(as an art and a means of developing intellect, speech, a positive attitude to the world, love and interest in the book).

The teacher's knowledge of the content of the tasks is of great methodological importance, since the correct organization of work on the development of speech and teaching the native language depends on this.

Most of the tasks of speech development are set in all age groups, but their content has its own specifics, which is determined by the age characteristics of children. So, in the younger groups, the main task is to accumulate a dictionary and form the pronunciation side of speech. Starting from middle group, the leading tasks are the development of coherent speech and the education of all aspects of the sound culture of speech. In older groups, the main thing is to teach children how to build coherent statements of various types, work on the semantic side of speech. In the senior and preparatory groups for school, a new section of work is introduced - preparation for literacy and literacy.

Version of the program in 2005. (under the editorship of Vasilyeva, Gerbova, Komarova) includes a new heading "Developing speech environment" (speech as a means of communication).

Leading tasks by age:

up to 1 g.

to develop the ability to understand adult speech, to form the prerequisites for active speech

from 2-3 to 5-7 min. - activity games

up to 2 l.

+ development of understanding of speech, vocabulary, art.

I ml.

+ formation of a dictionary + development of sound culture of speech + coherent speech

15 minutes. - individual lessons or in subgroups (introductory, main, final parts)

I I ml.

+ formation of the grammatical structure of speech


- “ -

20 minutes. - memorization, storytelling - exc.


- “ -

30-35 min. - classes are frontal and complex, less visibility, children are more independent


+ preparation for literacy

Exercise. Consider schemes No. 1, 2. Describe the tasks of speech development in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in DL.

Scheme 1.

Scheme 2.

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On the tasks of speech development


One of the important tasks of education and training in kindergarten is the development of speech, teaching the native language. This general task includes a number of particular tasks: the education of a sound culture of speech, the enrichment, consolidation and activation of the dictionary, the improvement of the grammatical correctness of speech, the teaching of colloquial (dialogical) speech, the development of coherent monologue speech, the cultivation of interest in the artistic word, preparation for teaching literacy. Let's look at some of these tasks.

Children, assimilating their native language, master the most important form of verbal communication - oral speech. Speech communication in its full form - understanding of speech and active speech - develops gradually.

The formation of verbal communication between a child and an adult begins with emotional communication. It is the main content of the relationship between an adult and a child in the preparatory period of speech development (in the first year of life). The child responds with a smile to the smile of an adult, makes sounds in response to an affectionate conversation with him, to sounds uttered by an adult. It's like he's "infected" emotional state adult, his smile, laughter, gentle tone of voice.

In emotional communication with an adult, the child reacts to the peculiarities of the voice, the intonation with which the words are pronounced. Speech participates in this communication with its sound form, intonation, accompanying the actions of an adult. The semantic content of speech is not clear to the child.

In emotional communication, an adult and a child express their general relationship to each other, their pleasure or displeasure, they express feelings, not thoughts. This becomes completely insufficient when, in the second half of the year, the relationship between the baby and the adult (as well as with other children) is enriched, his movements and actions become more complicated, and the possibilities of cognition expand. Now it is necessary to talk about many interesting and important things around, and in the language of emotions it is sometimes very difficult to do this, and most often it is simply impossible. We need a language of words, we need verbal communication between an adult and a child.

In a situation of emotional communication, the child is initially only interested in adults. But when an adult draws his attention to something else, he, as it were, switches this interest to an object, an action, to another person. Communication does not lose its emotional character, but it is no longer actually emotional communication, not an “exchange” of emotions for their own sake, but communication about an object. The word spoken at the same time by an adult and heard by a child, bearing the stamp of emotions (in such cases it is pronounced expressively), is already beginning to be released from the captivity of emotional communication, gradually becoming for the child a designation of an object, action, etc. On this basis, from the second half a year of the first year of life, the baby develops an understanding of the word, speech. Elementary, incomplete verbal communication appears, as the adult speaks, and the child responds only with facial expressions, gestures, movement, and action. The level of such understanding is sufficient for the child to be able to meaningfully respond to remarks, requests and demands in everyday, well-known situations. At the same time, the baby's initiative appeal to adults also develops: he draws their attention to himself, to some object, asks for something with the help of facial expressions, gestures, sounds.

The pronunciation of sounds during an initiative appeal is especially important for the development of verbal communication - this is where the intention of speech is born, its focus on another person. Equally important is the imitation of sounds and sound combinations that an adult pronounces. It contributes to the formation of speech hearing, the formation of the arbitrariness of pronunciation, and without it it is impossible to imitate whole words that the child will later borrow from the speech of surrounding adults.

The first meaningful words appear in a child's speech usually by the end of the first year. However, they are not very suitable for verbal communication with an adult. Firstly, there are not enough of them - only about ten (“mother”, “grandfather”, “yum-yum”, “av-av”, etc.). Secondly, the child very rarely uses them on his own initiative.

Approximately in the middle of the second year of life, a significant shift occurs in the development of the child's speech: he begins to actively use the vocabulary accumulated by this time in order to address an adult. The first simple sentences appear.

A characteristic feature of these sentences is that they consist of two words used in the same form (three- and four-word sentences appear later, by two years): “ise maka” (more milk), “poppy boil” (milk boils) , "kisen petska" (jelly on the stove), "mom bobo" (mom hurts) [i]. Even such a grammatically imperfect speech of a child significantly expands the possibilities of his verbal communication with an adult.

By the age of one and a half years, the child speaks about a hundred words, by the age of two, his active vocabulary increases significantly - up to three hundred words or more. Individual differences in the development of speech can be very large, and the data given are, of course, approximate. The development of speech during this period (by the end of the second year) characterizes not only the quantitative growth of the dictionary, but also the fact that the words that the child uses in his sentences (now often three- and four-word sentences) acquire the appropriate grammatical form: “the girl sat down” , “the girl is sitting”, “the woman is doing the shoulder blade” (made) (examples from the book by A.N. Gvozdev) [i].

From that time on, one of the most important stages in mastering the native language begins - mastering the grammatical structure of the language. The assimilation of grammar is very intensive, the child learns the basic grammatical patterns by the age of three - three and a half years. So, by this time, the child in his speech correctly uses case forms without prepositions and with many prepositions (“looks like a wolf”, “hid under the ground”, etc.), uses various forms of verbs, complex sentences with conjunctions: “In I saw in a dream that a wolf had bitten my hand”; “The window is open to ventilate,” etc. (examples from the book by A.N. Gvozdev).

By the age of three, a child's vocabulary has grown to a thousand or more words. The dictionary includes all parts of speech, particles, interjections.

During this period of intensive development of speech, speech communication remains the main one.benka with adults. At the same time, the possibilities of verbal communication of children with each other are significantly increasing. When perceiving the imperfect speech of a child, an adult corrects the shortcomings of pronunciation, word usage, “deciphers” an incorrectly constructed phrase, etc. A child, perceiving the imperfect speech of his peer, cannot do all this, such a correction is inaccessible to him. But when, in the third year of life, the speech of children begins to approach in its structure the speech of adults (and they already understand it quite well), then conditions are created for verbal communication of one child with another, with a group of children. The teacher should use this opportunity by specially organizing the communication of children (for example, in a game).

Knowledge of the native language is not only the ability to correctly construct a sentence, even if it is complex (“I don’t want to go for a walk, because it’s cold and damp outside”). The child must learn to communicate coherently.

In the formation of coherent speech, the close connection between the speech and mental development of children, the development of their thinking, clearly appears; perception, observation. In order to tell a good, coherent story about something, you need to clearly imagine the object of the story (object, event), be able to analyze the subject, select its main (for a given situation of communication) properties and qualities, establish cause-and-effect, temporal and other relationships between objects and phenomena.

Connected speech is not just a sequence of words and sentences, it is a sequence of thoughts related to each other, which are expressed in exact words in well-formed sentences. A child learns to think by learning to speak, but he also improves his speech by learning to think.

Coherent speech, as it were, absorbs all the achievements of the child in mastering the native language, in mastering its sound side, vocabulary, and grammatical structure. This does not mean, however, that it is possible to develop a child's coherent speech only when he has mastered the sound, lexical and grammatical aspects of the language very well. Work on the development of coherence of speech begins earlier.

An adult shows a small child a subject picture with a blue ball and asks: “What is this?”. It is unlikely that the baby will answer: "Blue ball." Rather, he will say: "It's a ball" or just "Ball". The next question of an adult: “What? What colour?". Answer: Blue.

And then comes the important point: the child's isolated cues must be put together to give him a sample of a more complete answer. But how to connect? After all, you can say both “blue ball” and “blue ball”. Let's listen to these combinations of words, think about them. "Blue ball" is a simple name, designation of an object, including one of its properties. “The ball is blue” is no longer just the name of an object, it is a judgment about the object, i.e. a thought in which, through affirmation or negation, the sign of this object is revealed (“The dog is running”).

Therefore, if we limit our task only to teaching the baby to distinguish and name different colors or other qualities and properties of objects, we can say: "This is a blue ball." But you can say in another way: “This is a ball. The ball is blue. It seems to be a small difference, but it is significant. After all, here we give the child a model for constructing a coherent statement. In fact, two judgments are consistently expressed here: "This is a ball" and "The ball is blue." And the second does not just follow the first, it is closely connected with it, follows from it. In the first, the object stands out from many others: it is a ball, and nothing else. In the second, this selected and named object is characterized by one of its properties, in this case, by color. This is a very simple, elementary case of a coherent utterance, the rudiment of coherent speech, but it develops in the child gradually, from simple to complex forms.

The simplest tasks for constructing a coherent utterance, for example, retelling a short fairy tale, impose two most important requirements on the child’s monologue speech: firstly, speech must be built intentionally to a greater extent than, for example, a replica in a dialogue (an answer to a question, etc.). ), secondly, it must be planned, i.e. milestones should be outlined along which a complex statement, a story will unfold. The formation of these abilities in simple forms of coherent monologue speech serves as the basis for the transition to its more complex forms (for example, to creative storytelling).

The coherence of monologue speech begins to form in the depths of the dialogue as the main form of verbal communication. Dialogue should also be evaluated in terms of coherence, but in it coherence depends on the abilities and skills of not one person, but two. The duties of ensuring the coherence of the dialogue, distributed at first between the adult and the child (of course, with the leading role of the adult's speech), the child gradually learns to fulfill as well. In the dialogue, each of the interlocutors answers the questions of the other; in monologue speech, the speaker, consistently expressing his thoughts, as if answers himself. The child, answering the questions of an adult in a dialogue, learns to ask questions to himself. Dialogue is the first school in the development of a child's coherent monologue speech (and in general the activation of his speech). Therefore, it is important to learn how to “design” a dialogue and manage it.

The highest form of connected monologue speech is written speech. It is more deliberate, conscious, more planned ("programmed") than oral monologue speech. Development Challenge writing preschoolers now, of course, cannot be put (namely, written coherent speech, the ability to compose a text, and not the ability to compose from a split alphabet or write two or three sentences; the latter can be carried out when teaching preschool children to read and write). This requires a good level of literate writing skills.

But still psychological features written speech can be used to form in preschoolers the ability to intentionally, arbitrarily build a statement (story, retelling), plan it, to form the coherence of oral speech. This possibility is realized on the basis of the "division of labor": the child composes the text, the adult writes it down. Such a technique - writing a letter - has long existed in the methodology for the development of speech of preschoolers. E.I. Tikheeva pointed out: “It is necessary to develop in children an attitude towards letters as a serious matter; you need to think carefully about what you will write, how best to express your thoughts. E.I. Tikheeva even considered it possible to conduct letter-writing classes “already with three- and four-year-old children,” but this provision should be verified.

Writing a letter is usually carried out collectively, but this does not mean at all that the monologue of speech disappears, the requirements for premeditation, awareness of text construction are reduced: after all, every child composes a text. Moreover, the collective writing of the letter makes it easier for the educator to develop in children the very important ability to select the best, most appropriate version of the sentence (phrase) or larger part of the text that continues the presentation of the content. This ability, in fact, is the essence of arbitrariness (premeditation), awareness of the construction of the statement. However, the predominant use of the collective form of work does not exclude the individual writing of the letter. A combination of both is needed.

Psycholinguist A.A. Leontiev, considering the ratio of oral and written speech and emphasizing the greater development, arbitrariness and organization of the latter, puts forward the position that it is easier to start teaching organized (i.e. planned, “programmed”) speech from written speech. As for such education of preschoolers, it is precisely carried out in the form of writing a letter.

Using the composition of a letter, one can achieve significant results in the development of the coherence of a child’s oral speech, in enriching it with complex syntactic constructions. In this case, speech, remaining oral in external form, is built on the level of expansion and arbitrariness characteristic of written speech, and due to this, in its structure, in the quality of coherence, it will approach it.

The formation of the arbitrariness of speech, the ability to choose language means is an important condition not only for the development of coherence of speech, but also for language acquisition in general, mastering what the child does not yet have in active speech. Let us assume that a small child actively owns only the first two words from the synonymous series "walk - walk - stomp - trudge" (although he can understand all these words). If he has not yet developed the ability to select linguistic means in accordance with the tasks of the utterance, he will simply reproduce the word that, so to speak, first comes to mind (most likely it will be "go", as a more general meaning). If the ability to select already exists (at least an elementary, initial one), then the child will use a word that is more suitable for the given context (“walk”, not “go”). The main thing is that the child faces the very task of selection. He can choose, of course, only from what he has. But “is” is both in the active vocabulary and in the passive one, i.e. in the vocabulary that the child understands, he does not use his noses. And when the conditions for constructing an utterance are such that none of the words that the child actively owns fit the given context, he can turn to his passive stock and use not “go”, but, for example, “walk”. The situation is similar with the activation of complex grammatical (syntactic) constructions.

Coherent speech, thus accumulating the child's success in mastering all aspects of the native language, acting as one of the most important goals of speech education, at the same time, from the first lessons on its formation, becomes an important condition for mastering the language - the sound side, vocabulary, grammar, a condition for educating skills appropriate use of language artistic expressiveness speech.

In the general system of speech work in kindergarten, vocabulary enrichment, its consolidation and activation occupy a very large place. And this is natural. The word is the basic unit of the language, the improvement of verbal communication is impossible without expanding the child's vocabulary. At the same time, the development of the child's thinking is impossible without the assimilation of new words, which reinforce the new knowledge and ideas received. Therefore, vocabulary work in kindergarten is closely related to cognitive development child, to familiarize him with the surrounding reality.

Emphasizing the importance of vocabulary work in terms of its connection with the cognitive development of the child, it should be noted the importance of working on the word as a unit of language, in particular on the ambiguity of the word. So, under certain conditions of familiarizing children with the properties and qualities of objects, new words are introduced: “green” (to designate color), “fresh” (in the meaning of “just made”). Here we introduce new words based on the properties of the subject. And this is very important, since both the child's vocabulary and his knowledge of the subject are enriched. But at the same time, it is important to take into account the actual linguistic characteristics of the word, in particular its ambiguity. For example, the word "green" has both "colour" and "immature" meanings, while the word "fresh" means both "freshly made" and "cool." Revealing to children (older preschoolers) the ambiguity of a word, we show them the “life” of the word itself, because objects and phenomena corresponding to its different meanings can be completely different, unrelated or little related to each other. So, the word "strong", if used in the sense of "durable, such that it is difficult to break, break, tear", refers primarily to physical properties objects ("hard nut", "strong rope"). If we take this word in a different meaning - “strong, significant in manifestation”, then it will be used to refer to the properties of completely different phenomena and, moreover, very different (“hard frost”, “strong sleep”, “strong wind”). The disclosure of the polysemy of a word (and most words are polysemantic) plays a large role in shaping the accuracy of word usage.

The Kindergarten Education Program states: preparatory group For the first time speech becomes a subject of study for children. The educator develops their attitude to oral speech as a linguistic reality; he leads them to the sound analysis of words.

In the perception and understanding of speech, first of all, the semantic content that is transmitted in it is realized. When expressing a thought in speech, when communicating it to the interlocutor, the semantic content of the speech is also realized, and awareness of how it is “arranged”, what words the thought is expressed with, is not mandatory. The child does not realize this for a very long time, he does not even know at all that he is speaking in words, just as the hero of one of Molière's plays, who has been speaking prose all his life, did not know that he was speaking in prose.

If we single out in preparation for literacy training, first of all, common task(“speech becomes the subject of study”), then in simpler forms the solution of this problem begins and must begin not in the preparatory group, but earlier, in the previous groups. For example, in the classroom and didactic games on sound culture speech, in particular, in the formation of auditory attention, phonemic hearing, correct sound pronunciation, children are given tasks to listen to the sound of a word, find the most frequently repeated sounds in several words, determine the first and last sounds in a word, remember words that begin with the sound indicated by the teacher, etc. With children, work is also carried out to enrich and activate the vocabulary, during which they receive tasks, for example, to select antonyms - words with the opposite meaning ("high" - "low", "strong" - "weak", etc.), synonyms - words that are close in meaning ("way", "road"; "small", "small", "tiny", "tiny", etc.). The teacher draws the attention of the older preschooler to, for example, how snow is described in a poem or story, what it is (“fluffy, “silver”). At the same time, the teacher can ask about the word, use the word “word” (for example: “What word does the author describe snow, talk about his impression of snow, about how he sees snow?”).

Receiving such tasks and completing them, children begin to learn the meanings of the words "sound", "word", but this is possible only when the educator sets himself the special task of including the word "word" or the word "sound" in the wording of the task, otherwise the use of them becomes a matter of chance 1 .

After all, the task can be formulated in such a way that the word "word" will not be needed. For example, instead of saying: “Remember the words that have the sound sh,” you can say: “What objects have the sound sh in the name?”. Another example. The children are given the task: “Which house is shown in the picture? (Small.) Yes, a small house. What is another word for this house? (Small house.) That's right, a small house. However, instead of the question: “What other word can be said about such a house?” another question is quite possible: “How else can you say about such a house?”. The meaning of the task does not change if the teacher set as his task only, for example, the activation of the dictionary.

What is the difference between the above formulations? In cases where the word "word" is used, the attention of children is drawn to the fact that different words are used in speech, that we say words.

Here the teacher leads the children to understand the meaning of the word "word", the verbal composition of speech (long before they begin to form such an understanding). In cases where the word “word” is not used in the formulation of speech tasks, children perform tasks without thinking about the fact that they are using the word.

For preschoolers (if special work has not yet been done with them), the words "word" and "sound" have a very vague meaning. As observations show, in response to the question of what words he knows, even an older preschooler can utter a sound, name some letter (me, be), say a sentence or phrase (“good weather”), or even note that no does not know words, but knows a poem about the ball. Many children name words, as a rule, only nouns denoting objects (“table”, “chair”, “tree”, etc.). When children are offered to pronounce a sound, they very often also name some letter (this, by the way, is not the worst option: even quite literate adults often mix sound and letter), recall onomatopoeia (tu-ru-ru), say about some kind of sound phenomenon (“thunder rumbles”), etc. Such indistinctness of children's ideas about the word and sound is largely due to the ambiguity of the corresponding words.

"Word", "sound" - the same words as many others. Like others, they have a certain meaning, they denote a certain phenomenon. But the meanings of these words are not simple things. In explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, one can read that a word is a “unit” of speech that serves to express a separate concept” or “a unit of speech, which is a sound expression of a concept about an object or phenomenon of the objective world.” However, along with this main meaning, “speech”, “conversation, conversation” (“gift of the word”, “transmit the request in words”, “tell in your own words”, etc.) and a number of others. The word "sound" has two meanings: 1) "perceived by the ear physical phenomenon”, 2) “an articulate element of human spoken speech”.

Dictionary definitions of the meanings of the words “word” and “sound” cannot be given to a preschooler - he will not understand them (although in general it is possible and necessary to develop a methodology for using dictionary definitions for the development of speech of preschoolers in kindergarten). However, it does not follow that children do not receive any definitions at all.

In the science of logic, there is the term "ostensive definition", which is opposed to a verbal, verbal definition. The word "ostensive" comes from the Latin words ostensio - "showing", ostendo - "show, demonstrate, indicate as an example." It is precisely such definitions that are given to children when, in the formulations of the tasks discussed above, the educator uses the words "word" and "sound." The situation is exactly the same with the words “sentence”, “syllable”, when direct work is carried out to prepare children for literacy. Children are not given a grammatical definition of a sentence (for example: “A sentence is a grammatically and intonationally formed combination of words or a single word expressing a complete thought”). The "Kindergarten Education Program" notes that children's ideas about the sentence, the word (and, of course, the syllable) are fixed in practical exercises. Such exercises are the use of ostensive definitions.

The formation of the elementary meanings of the words "word" and "sound" on the basis of ostensive definitions in various speech exercises allows you to give the child initial ideas about the distinction between word and sound. In the future, when teaching children the division of sentences into words, the sound analysis of a word, etc. these meanings are used, since the child singles out, isolates the word and sound precisely as units of speech, has the opportunity to hear them as components of the whole (sentence, word).

When introducing children to the verbal composition of a sentence, to the sound composition of a word, we not only form their ideas about the sentence, about the word, etc. We open the most general properties human speech as a process - discreteness, separateness of its constituent units (human speech is called “articulate speech”) and linearity, the sequence of these units.

Speaking about the understanding of speech by a child, the isolation of language units in it, it should be emphasized that it makes sense both for direct preparation for learning to read and write, and for the formation in children of those elementary knowledge and ideas about speech that will help them learn the course of their native language at school. The awareness of speech that occurs in preparation for learning to read and write is very important. great importance and for general speech development. On the basis of awareness, the arbitrariness of speech is formed: the intention of choosing both the semantic content of the statement, and the language means by which it can be expressed most accurately. The child acquires the ability to consciously, arbitrarily build his speech.

Comprehending the laws of physics, a person gets the opportunity to control certain phenomena of the external world. Knowing the laws of one's own, human activity, he acquires the ability to manage it, to improve it. Therefore, awareness of speech by a child is not just a condition for the successful mastery of reading and writing, not just an expansion of knowledge and ideas about speech. This is an important means of its further development, improvement and enhancement of its culture.

The famous Soviet linguist and methodologist A.M. Peshkovsky considered the conscious use of linguistic means to be the main difference between literary speech and everyday speech. “Any awareness of the facts of language is based primarily on the conscious snatching of these facts from the general flow of speech-thought and on observation of what has been snatched out, that is, first of all, on the dismemberment of the process of speech-thought ... Natural speech representations flow together. It goes without saying that where there is no knack for such a division, where speech complexes move in the brain with the dexterity of a bear dance, there can be no question of conscious use of the facts of a language, of their selection, comparison, evaluation, etc. d. There, it is not a person who owns the language, but the language owns the person.

At the senior preschool age, one of the most important periods of a person's life (and perhaps the most important), his first "university" ends. But, unlike a student of a real university, a child studies at all faculties at once. He comprehends (of course, within the limits available to him) the secrets of living nature and inanimate nature, learns the basics of mathematics. He also takes an elementary course. oratory, having learned to express his thoughts logically, expressively, joins the philological sciences, acquiring the ability not only to emotionally perceive works fiction, to empathize with his characters, but also to feel and understand the simplest forms of linguistic means of artistic expression. He also becomes a little linguist, because he learns not only to pronounce words correctly and build sentences, but also to realize what sounds a word consists of, what words a sentence consists of. All this is very necessary for successful learning at school, for the comprehensive development of the child's personality.


1 Instead of the expression "word "word" ("sound")", the expression "term "word" ("sound") is usually used, however, it should be borne in mind that in relation to the definition of meaning, the term is subject to much higher requirements than the word.


  1. Gvozdev A.N. Questions of studying children's speech. M.: Publishing House of APN RSFSR, 1961.
  2. Leontiev A.A. Fundamentals of the theory of speech activity. Moscow: Nauka, 1974.
  3. Peshkovsky A.M. Selected works. M. 1959.
  4. Tiheeva EM. Development of speech of children (early and preschool age). 4th ed. M., 1972.