Which of the following terms are related. An object specially created by a person designed to transmit or store information is called

Test on the history of Russia 18th century grade 8 option 1

Task 1. "Yes or no"

1. The Northern War lasted 21 years.

2. Peter III was Peter I's son
3. The meeting-ball with the participation of women in the houses of the nobility was called the assembly.
4. Peter I forbade nobles to marry if they did not study.
5. The first museum in Russia was called the Hermitage and it was opened under Catherine I.
6. Catherine II issued paper money for the first time in Russia

7. Sophia Dorothea of ​​Württemberg - the name of Catherine II before the adoption of Orthodoxy

8. The first guards regiments in Russia were called Semyonovsky and Preobrazhensky.
9. The southern regions of Russia were called Novorossiya.
10. According to the decree of Paul I, the peasant had to work for the landowner 6 days a week.

1. This emperor liked to say that in Russia he is great with whom I speak and while I speak?

2. What Pushkin said: I love you, Peter's creation

3. “The Europeanization carried out by him was violent, hasty, poorly thought out, and therefore largely superficial, covering only old Moscow weaknesses and vices with “German” caftans and wigs.” “Some contemporaries proclaimed him like God, others called him the Antichrist. The reason for this is the inconsistency of the era itself, the consequences of its transformations for the further history of Russia, the scale and ambiguity of the figure of the tsar-reformer.

1. Outstanding architects of the XVIII century. were:

2. Which of the cultural figures is considered the founder of the Russian professional theater?

1) D. I. Fonvizin 2) V. K. Trediakovsky 3) F. G. Volkov 4) M. V. Lomonosov

3. After the death of Anna Ioannovna, the throne was inherited by:

1) Ivan Antonovich - the son of Anna Ioannovna's niece; 2) Peter Alekseevich - grandson of Peter I;

3) Karl Peter Ulrich - Nephew of Elizabeth Petrovna; 4) Elizaveta Petrovna - daughter of Peter the Great

4. In whose reign did the Italian and Swiss campaigns of A.V. Suvorov take place:

1) Catherine I 2) Anna Ioannovna 3) Paul I 4) Peter I

5. St. Petersburg was founded: 1) 1700 g 2) 1703 3) 1721 4) 1755

6. Which of the above was a consequence of the ongoing in Russia in the XVIII century. secularization?

7. The policy of patronage of domestic industry and trade is called:

1) export 2) revision 3) import 4) protectionism

1) "Table of Ranks" 2) Cathedral code 3) recruitment 4) provinces 5) bironovshchina 6) zemshchina

1 Karamzin N.M. (1766 - 1826)

A painting

2 Losenko A.P. (1737 - 1733)

B literature

3 Krylov I.A. (1769 - 1844)

IN architecture

4 Kazakov M.F. (1738 - 1812)

G sculpture





Test work on the history of Russia 18th century Grade 8 option 2

Task 1. "Yes or no"

1. The Northern War ended with the signing of the Peace of Nystadt

2. Peter II was Peter I's grandson
3. Colleges are places where they gathered to discuss government issues.
4. Peter I awarded medals for drunkenness.
5. The first museum in Russia was called the Kunstkamera and it was opened under Peter I.
6. Peter I conducted a census

7. Petr Fedorovich real name Peter III

8. Under Elizabeth Petrovna, Russia did not enter into wars.
9. Little Russia is the Black Sea lands of Russia
10. Paul I resumed corporal punishment for the nobles

Task 2. Determine who or what it is about

1. Who did Pushkin say that he embraced all branches of education, a historian, a rhetorician, a mechanic, a chemist, a mineralogist, an artist, a universal scientist?
2. Hard to learn, easy to fight - whose words are these

3. “Before becoming a queen, she lived in Russia for 18 years. She did a lot during these years to understand the Russians: she converted to Orthodoxy and received the name ..., learned the Russian language, history and customs of the country. Possessing an attractive appearance, she placed both Elizabeth and the court in her favor. On August 21, 1745, she was married to Grand Duke Peter.

4. “Surprised Europe saw how the Russian fleet passed through the ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, ... announced freedom to the Greeks and blew up the Muslim fleet in the Chesme Bay; finally, the grand vizier was besieged by Rumyantsev in Shumla, and the shadow of Peter the Great was avenged. The Sultan, defeated and forced to agree to a shameful peace, ceded Azov and Taganrog to the Russians, allowed them free navigation on the Black Sea and recognized the independence of the Crimea.

Task 3. Find the correct answer

1. Outstanding artists of the XVIII century. were:

1) Dmitry Fonvizin, Gavriil Derzhavin 2) Matvey Kazakov, Vasily Bazhenov
3) Vladimir Borovikovsky, Fedor Rokotov 4) Ivan Kulibin, Ivan Polzunov

2. The policy of patronage of domestic industry and trade is called:

1) export 2) import 3) protectionism 4) revision

3. Elizabeth Petrovna left the throne:

1) Pyotr Fedorovich 2) Ivan Antonovich 3) Ekaterina Alekseevna 4) Pyotr Alekseevich

4. The concept of "condition", "Bironism", "cabinet of ministers" refers to the reign of: 1) Peter I; 2) Elizabeth Petrovna; 3) Anna Ioannovna.

5. The battles at Narva, Gangut, Grengam, Lesnoy belong to the history of which war? 1) Northern 2) Seven Years 3) Russian-Turkish

6. The manifesto on the freedom of the nobility was signed: 1) Anna Ioannovna; 2) Elizabeth Petrovna; 3) Pavel 1

7. Which of the above was a consequence of the ongoing in Russia in the 18th century. secularization?

1) the reform of church worship 2) the conversion of church property into state property 3) the separation of the school from the church 4) the creation of the Holy Synod

8. Which three of the listed concepts, terms are associated with transformative activities Peter I? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the answer. 1) "Table of Ranks" 2) provinces 3) bironovshchina 4) zemstvo 5) Soborny code 6) recruitment

Task 4. Match the person and his activities

1 Rastrelli B.K. (1675 - 1744)

A painting

2 Sumarokov A.P. (1717 - 1777)

B literature

3 Starov I.E. (1745 - 1808)

The architecture

4 Falcone E.M. (1716 - 1791)

G sculpture

5 Krylov I.A. (1769 - 1844)

6 Rokotov F.S. (1735 - 1808)

Task 5. Determine the architectural style (direction)


    Rococo 2) classicism 3) baroque

Task 6. Work with the text.

By our common voluntary and mutual consent, by mature reasoning and with a calm spirit, we decreed this common Act, by which, out of love for the fatherland, we choose the heir, by right

the only one, after my death, Paul, our greater son, Alexander, and after him all his

male generation. Upon the suppression of this male generation, the inheritance passes into the generation of the second

my son, where to follow what is said about the generation of my eldest son, and so on, if I had sons; which is birthright...

Upon the suppression of this kind, the inheritance passes to the family of my eldest son in the female generation, in

which is inherited by a close relative of the last-reigning family of the above-mentioned my son, and in the absence of it, then a male or female person who takes her place, observing that the male face is preferred to the female, as already mentioned above; which is an intercession...


1. What, in your opinion, explained the need to adopt a manifesto on succession to the throne

History test ancient world 5th grade option 1

A. Greece

B. Egypt

V. Persia

J. Palestine

Names: 1) Trajan 2) Pericles 3) Prince Gautama 4) Confucius 5) Xerxes 6) Romulus 7) Solon 8) Octavian August 9) Ashoka 10) Thutmose III 11) Tiberius Gracchus 12) Mark Antony 13) Qin Shi Huang 14) Solomon 15) Imhotep 16) Darius I 17) Cheops 18) Nero

A. Greece

B. Egypt

V. Persia

J. Mesopotamia

Geographic features : 1) Athens 2) Tigris and Euphrates 3) Tiber 4) Yangtze and Huang He 5) Sparta 6) Rome 7) Marathon Plain 8) Memphis 9) Mohenjo-Daro 10) Babylon 11) Indus and Ganges 12) Nile 13) Persepolis 14) Rubicon

A. Greece

B. Egypt

V. Persia

J. Mesopotamia







A. Greece

B. Egypt

V. Persia

J. Mesopotamia

Terms: 1) plebeians 2) cuneiform 3) brahmins 4) democracy 5) pharaoh 6) immortals 7) papyrus 8) Confucianism 9) demos 10) consul

Text No. 1

Text No. 2

Test work on the history of the ancient world grade 5 option 2

Task 1. Distribute the names by country

A. Greece

B. Assyria

In Egypt

J. Mesopotamia

Names: 1) Trajan 2) Pericles 3) Prince Gautama 4) Confucius 5) Ashurbanapal 6) Romulus 7) Solon 8) Octavian August 9) Ashoka 10) Thutmose III 11) Tiberius Gracchus 12) Mark Anthony 13) Qin Shi Huang 14) Phidias 15) Imhotep 16) Hamurappi 17) Cheops 18) Nero

Task 2. Match the country and geographic features

A. Greece

B. Egypt

V. Mesopotamia

J. Palestine

Geographic features : 1) Olympia 2) Tigris and Euphrates 3) Tiber 4) Yangtze and Yellow River 5) Sparta 6) Rome 7) Athens 8) Memphis 9) Indraprastha (Delhi) 10) Babylon 11) Indus and Ganges 12) Nile 13) Jordan 14) Jerusalem

Task 3. Match the country and illustrations

A. Greece

B. Egypt

V. Persia

J. Mesopotamia







Task 2. Match the country and terms

A. Greece

B. Egypt

V. Persia

J. Phoenicia

Terms: 1) demos 2) purple 3) castes 4) democracy 5) pharaoh 6) immortals 7) papyrus 8) emperor 9) patricians 10) Confucianism

Task 5. Choose one of the texts. Find the mistakes and write them down.

Text No. 1

Greece was divided into 3 parts: Northern, Middle and Southern. Over time, in some areas of Greece, small independent states arose - policies. In southern Greece was the region of Attica. The main city of Attica was Piraeus. Piraeus had military and commercial harbors. Thanks to the fertile soils, the inhabitants of Attica grew a lot of bread. On the contrary, there was a shortage of olive oil and wine in Attica: wine and oil were brought from other countries.

Another policy - Sparta was a very beautiful city. Foreigners used to admire her large theater and beautiful statues. Spartan youths were famous for writing correctly, without a single mistake, and for reading a lot. In their education, the Spartans surpassed the rest of the Greeks.

Text No. 2

The city of Rome arose on the banks of the Tigris River. Here once lived a tribe of Umbrians, who became the founders of the city. Italy was located on the Balkan Peninsula. Despite the cold climate of Italy, agriculture and viticulture developed in the country.

Having subjugated Italy, the Romans began to strive to capture the islands of Corsica and Sardinia. Their attempts to take possession of the island were opposed by Carthage, the richest city in Egypt. The first war between Rome and Carthage was won by Carthage. However, both sides were preparing for new fights. The second war began with the attack of Hannibal's troops and again Carthage won. Rome was forced to accept defeat and pay monetary damages (indemnity)

First write down the task number (26, 27, etc.), and then a detailed answer to it. Write your answers clearly and legibly.

Read the text and complete tasks 26-31.

Market economy

For the emergence of market relations, an important role is played by the presence or absence of the right of private ownership of economic resources. In various eras of history, small-scale farms created the best conditions for the formation of a market system with its classic features of competition, balance of supply and demand, and free pricing. The destruction of the traditions of private property destroys the market system itself...

The market is a universal system for the use of limited resources. Limited resources do not allow to produce all kinds of consumer goods that people need. Limitedness is inherent in minerals, capital, knowledge and information about production technologies. The resources of the earth are also limited. And not only in terms of limits terrestrial land or geographically designated territories of individual states. The land is inherently limited in the sense that each of its plots at the same time can be used either in the agricultural sector, or in the mining industry, or for construction. The role of the market as a regulator of economic relations is assessed differently. Along with those who consider the market system to be the most efficient economic model, there are many who see serious shortcomings in this system. Critics of the market, in particular, pay attention to the fact that there are areas of life where market regulation is inappropriate, does not achieve the desired goals (public transport, defense, etc.).

According to the book "Economic Theory" / Ed. V. D. Kamaeva. Moscow, 2003, pp. 47, 50

Plan your text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

Show answer

The following semantic parts can be distinguished:

1) the role of private property in the formation of market relations;

2) the market as a system for the use of limited resources;

3) market economy: pros and cons.

Other formulations are possible that do not distort the essence of the fragment, and the allocation of additional semantic blocks.

What are the three signs of a market system indicated in the text?

Show answer

The correct answer should include the following features of a market system:

1) competition;

2) balance of supply and demand;

3) freedom of pricing.

Show answer

The answer should indicate the following manifestations of the limited nature of land as an economic resource:

1) the limits of the earth's land;

2) the limits of the territories of individual states;

3) the inevitability of using a particular piece of land at a time in only one capacity.

These manifestations can be given in other formulations that are close in meaning.

List four types of resources that are limited in the text. What type of resource is not mentioned? On specific example show the limitations of this type of resource.

Show answer

A correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) four types of resources are listed: minerals, capital, knowledge and information, land;

2) an unmentioned type of resource is indicated - labor;

3) a specific example shows the limitations of this type of resources: a person can work for a limited time, employment in one area excludes his work in other areas.

The limitation of labor as a resource can be shown in another way.

You know from the course of history that in Russia after the revolution of 1917 the nationalization of industry was carried out. This was the beginning of the liquidation of the market economy in the country. Give the position of the text in which this dependence is expressed. Based on historical and social science knowledge, indicate one of the features of the economic system that was established in the country in the 20-30s of the XX century.

Show answer

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the provision of the text is given: “The destruction of the traditions of private property destroys the market system itself”;

2) one of the features of the command economic system is indicated:

IN modern conditions increasingly strong positions are occupied by large transnational corporations, this indicates the inefficiency of the free competition market today;

The market leads to a sharp social stratification in society;

in case of disagreement. that the market system is not perfect.

it may be indicated that

Many of the countries with a command and control system have moved to a market economic model;

The market economy constantly pushes the manufacturer to improve product quality, to introduce technical innovations.

Other arguments (explanations) may be given.

a) a person;
c) society.

2. When did sociology as a science arise:

c) in the 18th century.

b) a pattern of behavior;

4. Social role is:

a) student group;
b) nation;
c) family.

a) analysis of documents;
b) observation;

7. What does the sociological term "sample" imply?

c) selection of respondents.

a) descriptive;
b) reconnaissance;
c) analytical.

a) histogram;
b) pentagram;
c) hologram.

a) operationalization;
b) typology;
c) verification.

Option number 2

1. The central concept of the sociology of K. Marx is:

b) social action;
c) social space.

2. What is the name of the change in the social status of a person?

a) career
b) social mobility;
c) rating.

c) mutual sympathy.

a) industrial;
b) pre-industrial;
c) post-industrial.

a) military personnel;
b) emigrants;
c) students.

a) deviation from the law;
b) deviation from morality;
c) deviant behavior.

a) two;
b) three;
at four.

a) the recipient;
b) a communicator;
c) a respondent.

a) validity;
b) representativeness;
c) sociometry.

a) ranking;
b) content analysis;
c) survey.

Option number 3

a) M. Weber;
b) K. Marx;
c) O. Comte.

2. What is a society?

c) an outstanding figure.

a) one;
b) several;
c) none.

c) social engineering.

a) society;
b) country;
c) social community.

a) industry;
b) computer science;
c) service industry.

8. A person who is interviewed in a sociological study is called:

a) the recipient;
b) a communicator;
c) a respondent.

9. If a sociologist joins the participants of the rally to conduct research, then he conducts:

a) experiment;
b) included observation;
c) uninvolved observation.

10. Repeated research in order to study the changes occurring in any group of people over a certain period of time is called:

a) aerobatic;
b) panel;
c) probing.

Option number 4

1. What is the object of sociology?

a) social community;
b) personality;
c) society.

2. Which of the listed authors substantiated the law of the correspondence of productive forces to the nature of production relations?

a) O. Comte;
b) K. Marx
c) M. Weber.

a) social structure;
b) social system;
c) social community.

5. Who can be classified as marginalized?

a) military personnel;
b) emigrants;
c) students.

a) industrial;
b) pre-industrial;
c) post-industrial.

7. What is meant by a social group?

a) social;
b) economic;
c) political.

a) interviewing
b) questioning;
c) document analysis.

a) the recipient;
b) a communicator;
c) a respondent.

Option number 5

1. Which of the listed scientists developed the theory of the evolutionary development of society?

a) P. Sorokin;
b) K. Marx;
c) G. Spencer.

2. What does microsociology study?

a) any set of individuals united by common interests, interacting;
b) a group representing a certain social standard by which an individual evaluates himself and others;
c) any collective, real or imagined, valued low or high, with which the individual relates his behavior or future.

4. What are the links between social statuses?

a) dynamic;
b) statistical;
c) functional.

5. Social law can be defined as:

6. In which society is industry the determining factor in development?

a) industrial;
b) pre-industrial;
c) post-industrial.

7. A document containing a theoretical substantiation of methodological approaches and methodological techniques for studying a certain phenomenon or process is called:

b) analytical report;

8. A variety of selective research method in sociology is:

a) population census;
b) telephone survey;

9. Repeated research in order to study the changes occurring in any group of people over a certain period of time is called:

a) aerobatic;
b) panel;
c) probing.

10. A set of special techniques that characterize a particular method of collecting, processing and analyzing empirical information is called:

a) the research procedure;
b) research technique;
c) research method.

Option number 6

1. The subject of sociology is:

2. The works of which scientist opened the scientific period in the history of sociology?

a) Machiavelli
b) Aristotle;
c) Comte.

3. Which of the listed communities are organized communities?

a) a fan of the match;
b) labor collective;
c) a group of friends.

a) only in infancy;
b) only in youth;
c) all my life.

a) social structures;
b) social systems;
c) social institutions.

7. The transition from one stratum to another is called:

b) social mobility;
c) socialization.

a) purpose;
b) task;
c) a hypothesis.

a) an indicator;
b) a document;
c) tabulagram.

a) a table;
b) polygon;
c) a cluster.

Option number 7

a) Spencer
b) Aristotle;
c) Hobbes.

2. Social is:

3. Which of the listed communities refers to unorganized communities?

a) citizens of Russia;
b) landing company;
c) bums.

4. Which of the following terms is most closely related to the concept of a social institution?

a) social processes;
b) social stratification;

a) anomie;
b) autonomy;
c) disharmony.

a) social structure;

7. Which of the following concepts indicates the number of respondents in a sociological study?

a) sampling;
b) the general population;
c) representativeness.

8. What are the links between social statuses?

a) dynamic;
b) statistical;
c) functional.

9. A question that allows the interviewee to express his own opinion without any prompting is called:

a) half-closed;
b) half-open;
c) open.

a) nominal;
b) ranking;
c) interval.

Option number 8

1. What period refers to the prehistory of sociology?

a) 18th century
b) new time;
c) antiquity.

2. What does macrosociology study?

3. What are the main specifics of small groups?

4. What gives the totality of large social groups?

b) social system;
c) social organization.

5. Which of the following refers to social institutions?

a) a society of philatelists;
b) family;
c) meeting.

6. How many sections does the sociological research program have?

a) two;
b) three;
at four.

a) an indicator;
b) a document;
c) tabulagram.

8. A person who is interviewed in a sociological study is called:

a) the recipient;
b) a communicator;
c) a respondent.

a) half-closed;
b) open;
c) closed.

b) sampling bias;
c) shift of the average value of the sample reliability

Option number 9

a) mechanisms of functioning of social systems;
b) the most significant phenomena in human life;
c) the most general laws of being.

a) social structure;
b) social system;
c) social community.

3. What is the social structure?

a) organization of relations between people;
b) a pattern of behavior;
c) the way of interaction of individuals occupying certain social positions and performing certain social functions.

4. What are the main specifics of small groups?

a) they are small in number of people;
b) their members are in interpersonal relationships;
c) there is little contact between their members.

5. Which of the listed formations belong to the small group?

a) student group;
b) nation;
c) family.

6. Mark the most common method of sociology:

a) analysis of documents;
b) observation;

7. Which of the following terms is most closely related to the procedure of logical analysis of concepts?

a) operationalization;
b) typology;
c) verification.

8. What does the sociological term "sample" imply:

a) selection of objective information;
b) choice of research methods;
c) selection of respondents.

9. The most in-depth type of sociological research is:

a) descriptive;
b) reconnaissance;
c) analytical.

10. What visual means are used to visualize the results of sociological research?

a) histogram;
b) pentagram;
c) hologram.

Option number 10

1. Which of the listed scientists lived in the era of antiquity?

a) Spencer
b) Aristotle;
c) Hobbes.

2. Social is:

a) characteristic human consciousness, due to nature;
b) any social phenomena due to our aspirations;
c) a description of the phenomena and processes that arise within the human community and are determined by the relationships and relationships that arise in this system between people.

3. What determines social ties between people?

a) social division of labor;
b) the need to get support and help from each other;
c) mutual sympathy.

4. What society is called traditional?

a) industrial;
b) pre-industrial;
c) post-industrial.

a) deviation from the law;
b) deviation from morality;
c) deviant behavior.

6. The question to which the questionnaire provides a full set of answers is called:

a) half-closed;
b) open;
c) closed.

a) validity;
b) representativeness;
c) sociometry.

8. How many stages of empirical research are usually distinguished?

a) two;
b) three;
at four.

9. The types of sociological survey include:

a) ranking;
b) content analysis;
c) survey.

10. The transition from one stratum to another is called:

a) social stratification;
b) social mobility;
c) socialization.

Option number 11

1. The works of which scientist opened the scientific period in the history of sociology?

a) Machiavelli
b) Aristotle;
c) Comte.

2. The subject of sociology is:

a) the laws of the functioning of human consciousness and the formation of interpersonal relations on their basis;
b) patterns of life and development human society and the behavior of people in it as representatives of certain social groups;
c) connections between human behavior and the motives by which it is conditioned.

3. What is meant in sociology by the term "personality"?

a) every person from the moment of his birth;
b) everyone living in society and observing its norms;
c) an outstanding figure.

4. How many roles can a status include?

a) one;
b) several;
c) none.

5. Applied sociology is:

a) a macrosociological theory of society, revealing the universal patterns and principles of a given field of knowledge;
b) a set of theoretical models, methodological principles and research procedures, as well as social technologies, specific programs and recommendations;
c) social engineering.

6. What is the name of the largest group of people living in this area?

a) society;
b) country;
c) social community.

7. If a sociologist joins the participants of the rally to conduct research, then he conducts:

a) an experiment
b) included observation;
c) uninvolved observation.

8. A scientific assumption put forward to explain any facts, phenomena and processes, which must be confirmed or refuted based on the results of the study, is called:

a) purpose;
b) task;
c) a hypothesis.

9. An item specially created by a person designed to transmit or store information is called:

a) an indicator;
b) a document;
c) tabulagram.

10. The form of data presentation based on grouping is called:

a) a table;
b) polygon;
c) a cluster.

Option number 12

1. Which of the listed authors substantiated the law of the correspondence of productive forces to the nature of production relations?

a) O. Comte;
b) K. Marx;
c) M. Weber.

2. What is the object of sociology?

a) social community;
b) personality;
c) society.

3. Which of the following is not a sign of society?

a) independence and high level self-regulation;
b) the ability to maintain and reproduce the high intensity of internal relationships;
c) the absence of an integrating force.

4. What makes up the set of empty statuses?

a) social structure;
b) social system;
c) social community.

5. Who can be classified as marginalized?

a) military personnel;
b) emigrants;
c) students.

6. In which society is agriculture the determining factor in development?

a) industrial;
b) pre-industrial;
c) post-industrial.

a) interviewing
b) questioning;
c) document analysis.

8. What institutions does the institution of property belong to?

a) social;
b) economic;
c) political.

9. Social role is:

a) an idea of ​​what a person would like to achieve;
b) certain functions that a person performs in a group, society;
c) what a person would like to do in life.

a) the social composition of the population;
b) social system;
c) social organization.

Option number 13

1. In which society is industry the determining factor in development?

a) industrial;
b) pre-industrial;
c) post-industrial.

2. A document containing a theoretical substantiation of methodological approaches and methodological techniques for studying a certain phenomenon or process is called:

a) the work plan for the study;
b) analytical report;
c) a program of sociological research.

3. A variety of selective research method in sociology is:

a) population census;
b) telephone survey;
c) analysis of statistical data.

a) aerobatic;
b) panel;
c) probing.

5. A set of special techniques that characterize a particular method of collecting, processing and analyzing empirical information is called:

a) the research procedure;
b) research technique;
c) research method.

6. Which of the listed scientists developed the theory of the evolutionary development of society?

a) P. Sorokin;
b) K. Marx;
c) G. Spencer.

7. What does microsociology study?

a) the manifestation of the social in certain spheres of society;
b) daily interaction of people;
c) individual results of human behavior.

8. What is meant by a social group?

a) any set of individuals united by common interests, interacting;
b) a group representing a certain social standard by which an individual evaluates himself and others;
c) any collective, real or imagined, valued low or high, with which the individual relates his behavior or future.

9. What are the links between social statuses?

a) dynamic;
b) statistical;
c) functional.

10. Social law can be defined as:

a) something common in the development of social phenomena;
b) specific conditions for the manifestation of social phenomena;
c) relatively stable and systematically reproducible relations between the elements of society.

Option number 14

1. Institutions designed to meet the fundamental needs of society are called:

a) social structures;
b) social systems;
c) social institutions.

2. The transition from one stratum to another is called:

a) social stratification;
b) social mobility;
c) socialization.

3. If a sociologist joins the participants of the rally to conduct research, then he conducts:

a) an experiment
b) included observation;
c) uninvolved observation.

4. The works of which scientist opened the scientific period in the history of sociology?

a) Machiavelli
b) Aristotle;
c) Comte.

5. The subject of sociology is:

a) the laws of the functioning of human consciousness and the formation of interpersonal relations on their basis;
b) the patterns of life and development of human society and the behavior of people in it as representatives of certain social groups;
c) connections between human behavior and the motives by which it is conditioned.

6. Which of the listed communities are organized communities?

a) a fan match;
b) labor collective;
c) a group of friends.

7. Deviant behavior is behavior that:

a) complies with the norms of society;
b) is characterized by a deviation from the norms accepted in society;
c) changes depending on the situation in society.

8. The process of socialization of the individual occurs:

a) only in infancy;
b) only in youth;
c) all my life.

9. Which of the following is less typical of a post-industrial society?

a) industry;
b) computer science;
c) service industry.

10. A person who is interviewed in a sociological study is called:

a) the recipient;
b) a communicator;
c) a respondent.

Option number 15

Who introduced the term "sociology" into scientific circulation:

a) M. Weber;
b) K. Marx;
c) O. Comte.

a) socio-economic formation;
b) social action;
c) social space.

a) career
b) social mobility;
c) rating.

4. Social is:

a) a characteristic of human consciousness, due to nature;
b) any social phenomena due to our aspirations;
c) a description of the phenomena and processes that arise within the human community and are determined by the relationships and relationships that arise in this system between people.

5. Which of the listed communities refers to unorganized communities?

a) citizens of Russia;
b) landing company;
c) bums.

6. Which of the following terms is most closely related to the concept of a social institution?

a) social processes;
b) social stratification;
c) a set of social statuses and roles.

7. What is established in society when there are no laws and norms in it?

a) anomie;
b) autonomy;
c) disharmony.

8. The set of large social groups arranged hierarchically according to the criterion of social inequality is called:

a) social structure;
b) social stratification;
c) social identification.

9. The property of a sample to reflect the characteristics of the studied (general) population is called:

a) validity;
b) representativeness;
c) sociometry.

10. The types of sociological survey include:

a) ranking;
b) content analysis;
c) survey.

Option number 16

1. When did sociology as a science arise:

a) after the Second World War;
b) in the first half of the 19th century;
c) in the 18th century.

2. What is the subject of sociology?

a) a person;
b) social life individual, group, society;
c) society.

3. Social role is:

a) an idea of ​​what a person would like to achieve;
b) certain functions that a person performs in a group, society;
c) what a person would like to do in life.

4. What is the social structure?

a) organization of relations between people;
b) a pattern of behavior;

5. What gives the totality of large social groups?

a) the social composition of the population;
b) social system;
c) social organization.

6. Which of the following refers to social institutions?

a) a society of philatelists;
b) family;
c) meeting.

7. How many sections does the sociological research program have?

a) two;
b) three;
at four.

a) half-closed;
b) open;
c) closed.

a) representativeness error;
b) sampling bias;

10. Which of the following terms is most closely related to the procedure of logical analysis of concepts?

a) operationalization;
b) typology;
c) verification.

Option number 17

a) the manifestation of the social in certain spheres of society;
b) daily interaction of people;
c) individual results of human behavior.

a) any set of individuals united by common interests, interacting;
b) a group representing a certain social standard by which an individual evaluates himself and others;
c) any collective, real or imagined, valued low or high, with which the individual relates his behavior or future.

a) dynamic;
b) statistical;
c) functional.

4. Repeated research in order to study the changes occurring in any group of people over a certain period of time is called:

a) aerobatic;
b) panel;
c) probing.

5. Which of the listed formations belong to the small group?

a) student group;
b) nation;
c) family.

6. Mark the most common method of sociology:

a) analysis of documents;
b) observation;

7. What does the sociological term "sample" imply:

a) selection of objective information;
b) choice of research methods;
c) selection of respondents.

8. The most in-depth type of sociological research is:

a) descriptive;
b) reconnaissance;
c) analytical.

9. What visual means are used to visualize the results of sociological research?

a) histogram;
b) pentagram;
c) hologram.

10. The set of large social groups arranged hierarchically according to the criterion of social inequality is called:

a) social structure;
b) social stratification;
c) social identification.

Option number 18

1. What determines social ties between people?

a) social division of labor;
b) the need to get support and help from each other;
c) mutual sympathy.

2. The central concept of the sociology of K. Marx is:

a) socio-economic formation;
b) social action;
c) social space.

3. What is the name of the change in the social status of a person?

a) career
b) social mobility;
c) rating.

4. What society is called traditional?

a) industrial;
b) pre-industrial;
c) post-industrial.

5. Deviant behavior is:

a) deviation from the law;
b) deviation from morality;
c) deviant behavior.

6. The property of a sample to reflect the characteristics of the studied (general) population is called:

a) validity;
b) representativeness;
c) sociometry.

7. How many stages of empirical research are usually distinguished?

a) two;
b) three;
at four.

8. The types of sociological survey include:

a) ranking;
b) content analysis;
c) survey.

9. Which of the following concepts indicates the number of respondents in a sociological study?

a) sampling;
b) the general population;
c) representativeness.

10. A scale that only reflects the properties of objects by which they differ from each other is called:

a) nominal;
b) ranking;
c) interval.

Option number 19

1. What is the name of the largest group of people living in this area?

a) society;
b) country;
c) social community.

2. What is understood in sociology by the term "personality"?

a) every person from the moment of his birth;
b) everyone living in society and observing its norms;
c) an outstanding figure.

3. What is a society?

a) the totality of acting personalities;
b) a set of different intersecting groups of people;
c) a large set of people carrying out social life together within a whole range of social institutions and organizations.

4. Who introduced the term "sociology" into scientific circulation:

a) M. Weber;
b) K. Marx;
c) O. Comte.

5. How many roles can a status include?

a) one;
b) several;
c) none.

6. Applied sociology is:

a) a macrosociological theory of society, revealing the universal patterns and principles of a given field of knowledge;
b) a set of theoretical models, methodological principles and research procedures, as well as social technologies, specific programs and recommendations;
c) social engineering.

7. Which of the following is less typical of a post-industrial society?

a) industry;
b) computer science;
c) service industry.

8. A person who is interviewed in a sociological study is called:

a) the recipient;
b) a communicator;
c) a respondent.

9. The question, to which the questionnaire provides a full set of answers, is called:

a) half-closed;
b) open;
c) closed.

10. The degree of deviation of the sample population from the general population shows:

a) representativeness error;
b) sampling bias;
c) shift of the average value of the sample reliability.

Option number 20

1. Which of the following is not a sign of society?

a) autonomy and a high level of self-regulation;
b) the ability to maintain and reproduce the high intensity of internal relationships;
c) the absence of an integrating force.

2. What makes up the set of empty statuses?

a) social structure;
b) social system;
c) social community.

8. In which society is agriculture the determining factor in development? a) industrial;
b) pre-industrial;
c) post-industrial.

9. The method of collecting sociological data, in which text messages are the sources of information, is called:

a) interviewing
b) questioning;
c) document analysis.

a) an experiment
b) included observation;
c) uninvolved observation.

Option number 21

1. What is the subject of sociology?

a) a person;
b) the social life of a person, group, society;
c) society.

2. When did sociology as a science emerge?

a) after the Second World War;
b) in the first half of the 19th century;
c) in the 18th century.

3. What is the social structure?

a) organization of relations between people;
b) a pattern of behavior;
c) a certain way of interaction between individuals occupying certain social positions and performing certain social functions.

4. What society is called traditional?

a) industrial;
b) pre-industrial;
c) post-industrial.

5. Who can be classified as marginalized?

a) military personnel;
b) emigrants;
c) students.

6. Deviant behavior is:

a) deviation from the law;
b) deviation from morality;
c) deviant behavior.

7. The method of collecting sociological data, in which text messages are the sources of information, is called:

a) interviewing
b) questioning; a) the manifestation of the social in certain spheres of society;
b) daily interaction of people;
c) individual results of human behavior.

3. What is meant by a social group?

a) any set of individuals united by common interests, interacting;
b) a group representing a certain social standard by which an individual evaluates himself and others;
c) any collective, real or imagined, valued low or high, with which the individual relates his behavior or future.

4. Deviant behavior is behavior that:

a) complies with the norms of society;
b) is characterized by a deviation from the norms accepted in society;
c) changes depending on the situation in society.

5. The process of socialization of the individual occurs:

a) only in infancy;
b) only in youth;
c) all my life.

6. Institutions designed to meet the fundamental needs of society are called:

a) social structures;
b) social systems;
c) social institutions.

7. The set of large social groups arranged hierarchically according to the criterion of social inequality is called:

a) social structure;
b) social stratification;
c) social identification.

8. Which of the following concepts indicates the number of respondents in a sociological study?

a) sampling;
b) the general population;
c) representativeness.

9. A person who is interviewed in a sociological study is called:

a) the recipient;
b) a communicator;
c) a respondent.

10. The degree of deviation of the sample from the general population shows:

a) representativeness error;
b) sampling bias;
c) shift of the average value of the sample reliability.

Option number 23

1. What does macrosociology study?

a) mechanisms of functioning of social systems;
b) the most significant phenomena in human life;
c) the most general laws of being.

2. What is a social structure?

a) organization of relations between people;
b) a pattern of behavior;
c) a certain way of interaction between individuals occupying certain social positions and performing certain social functions.

3. What society is called traditional?

a) industrial;
b) pre-industrial;
c) post-industrial.

a) deviation from the law;
b) deviation from morality;
c) deviant behavior.

5. A question to which a complete set of answers is given in the questionnaire is called:

a) half-closed;
b) open;
c) closed.

6. If a sociologist joins the participants of the rally to conduct research, then he conducts:

a) experiment;
b) included observation;
c) uninvolved observation.

7. An item specially created by a person designed to transmit or store information is called:

a) an indicator;
b) a document;
c) tabulagram.

8. What institutions does the institution of property belong to?

a) social;
b) economic;
c) political.

9. Social role is:

a) an idea of ​​what a person would like to achieve;
b) certain functions that a person performs in a group, society;
c) what a person would like to do in life.

10. What gives the totality of large social groups?

a) the social composition of the population;
b) social system;
c) social organization.

Option number 24

1. A variety of the selective method of research in sociology is:

a) population census;
b) telephone survey;
c) analysis of statistical data.

2. Institutions designed to meet the fundamental needs of society are called:

a) social structures;
b) social systems;
c) social institutions.

3. The transition from one stratum to another is called:

a) social stratification;
b) social mobility;
c) socialization.

4. If a sociologist joins the participants of the rally to conduct research, then he conducts:

a) experiment;
b) included observation;
c) uninvolved observation.

5. What is established in society when there are no laws and norms in it?

a) anomie;
b) autonomy;
c) disharmony.

6. The set of large social groups arranged hierarchically according to the criterion of social inequality is called:

a) social structure;
b) social stratification;
c) social identification.

7. The property of a sample to reflect the characteristics of the studied (general) population is called:

a) validity;
b) representativeness;
c) sociometry.

8. A question to which a complete set of answers is given in the questionnaire is called:

a) half-closed;
b) open;
c) closed.

9. The degree of deviation of the sample population from the general population shows:

a) representativeness error;
b) sampling bias;
c) shift of the average value of the sample reliability.

10. Which of the following terms is most closely related to the procedure of logical analysis of concepts?

a) operationalization;
b) typology;
c) verification.

Option number 25

1. What does microsociology study?

a) the manifestation of the social in certain spheres of society;
b) daily interaction of people;
c) individual results of human behavior.

2. What is meant by a social group?

a) any set of individuals united by common interests and interacting;
b) a group representing a certain social standard by which an individual evaluates himself and others;
c) any collective, real or imagined, valued low or high, with which the individual relates his behavior or future.

3. What are the links between social statuses?

a) dynamic;
b) statistical;
c) functional.

4. Deviant behavior is:

a) deviation from the law;
b) deviation from morality;
c) deviant behavior.

5. The property of a sample to reflect the characteristics of the studied (general) population is called:

a) validity;
b) representativeness;
c) sociometry.

6. Which of the following is less typical of a post-industrial society?

a) industry;
b) computer science;
c) service industry.

7. A person who is interviewed in a sociological study is called:

a) the recipient;
b) a communicator;
c) a respondent.

8. A question to which a complete set of answers is given in the questionnaire is called:

a) half-closed;
b) open;
c) closed.

9. The method of collecting sociological data, in which text messages are the sources of information, is called:

a) interviewing
b) questioning;
c) document analysis.

10. If a sociologist joins the participants of the rally to conduct research, then he conducts:

a) experiment;
b) included observation;
c) uninvolved observation.

History Olympiad school stage 10-11 class 2016-2017

1. In what year did the Yaroslavichi triumvirate break up?

1) 1054 2) 1067 3) 1073 4) 1093

2. Yazhelbitsky treaty between Moscow and Veliky Novgorod was concluded at:

1) Ivan Kalita 2) Vasily the Dark 3) Ivan III 4) Vasily III

2) Vasily the Dark

3. Which of the following cities was part of the oprichnina?:
1) Kazan 2) Tula 3) Vologda 4) Arkhangelsk

3) Vologda

Maximum 3 points for tasks.

In tasks 4-6, select several correct answers from the suggested ones.

4. Which of the listed figures headed Ambassadorial order in the 16th-17th centuries?

1) I. Viskovaty 2) I. Bruce 3) V.V. Golitsyn 4) A. Ordin-Nashchokin 5) L. Pleshcheev 6) M.V. Skopin-Shuisky

1) I. Viskovaty 3) V.V. Golitsyn 4) A. Ordin-Nashchokin

5. Which of the following terms are associated with the judicial reform of 1864?

1) Attorney at Law 2) Prosecutor General 3) Cathedral Code 4) Justice of the Peace 5) Investigator 6) Provincial Magistrate

1) attorney at law 4) magistrate's court 5) judicial investigator

6. Which of the following events are related to Russian-Swedish wars 18th century?
1) Gogland battle
2) Abos world
3) Valiesar Truce
4) Battle of Poltava
5) the accession of the Aland Islands to the Russian Empire
6) a trip to Novgorod by Jacob Delagardie

1) Battle of Gogland 2) Peace of Abos 4) Battle of Poltava

Maximum 6 points per assignment.

7. From a historical point of view, what unites the elements listed in the series? Give the most accurate answer.

7.1. P.N. Milyukov, S.A. Muromtsev, V.D. Nabokov, F.A. Golovin.
7.2. 1549, 1566, 1649, 1653


Maximum 4 points per task.

7.1. Leaders of the Cadets.
7.2. Dates of Zemsky Sobors.

8. Give a brief justification for the series (what unites the listedelements from a historical point of view) and indicate which of the elements isredundant for this reason.

8.1. S.G. Volkonsky, S.P. Trubetskoy, P.I. Pestel, P.N. Durnovo.
8.2. 1924, 1936, 1961, 1977

Maximum 4 points per task.

8.1. Decembrists. Superfluous - P.N. Durnovo, Minister of the Interior.
8.2. Years when the Constitutions of the USSR were adopted. Superfluous - 1961

9. Arrange events in chronological order world history XVII century:
A) Peace of Westphalia
B) "Glorious Revolution" in England
B) the end of the Fronde in France
D) Manchu conquest of China
E) Restoration of the Stuarts
E) the beginning of colonization North America immigrants from England

Maximum 4 points per task.

4 points for a completely correct sequence. 2 points for a sequence with one error (i.e. the correct sequence is restored by swapping any two characters). 0 points if more than one error is made. Total for the task 4 points.

10. Arrange the events in chronological order:
A) issuance of the Decree on free cultivators
B) the creation of military settlements
C) the beginning of the Stolypin agrarian reform
D) the abolition of the temporarily obligated state of the peasants
E) the work of the Editorial Commissions
E) inventory reform

Maximum 4 points per task.

4 points for a completely correct sequence. 2 points for a sequence with one error (i.e. the correct sequence is restored by swapping any two characters). 0 points if more than one error is made. Total for the task 4 points.

11. Establish correspondences between the years and the events that took place in these years. Write the chosen numbers under the corresponding letters:

Maximum 4 points per task.

4 7 6 5 3 1

Total for the task 4 points.

12. Establish correspondences between writers and the directions to which they belonged. Write the chosen numbers under the corresponding letters.

Maximum 4 points per task.

4 3 2 6 1 5

6 correct matches - 4 points;
5 correct matches - 3 points;
3-4 correct matches - 2 points;
1-2 correct matches - 1 point.
Total for the task 4 points.

13. Match the centuries and the monasteries founded in them. Write the chosen numbers under the corresponding letters.

Maximum 4 points per task.

2 7 5 3 6 4

6 correct matches - 4 points;
5 correct matches - 3 points;
3-4 correct matches - 2 points;
1-2 correct matches - 1 point.
Total for the task 4 points.

14. Determine the missing names in the text, words, names, dates, indicated by serial numbers. If necessary, with serial numbers, explanations are given about the nature of the required insertion. Enter the necessary inserts under the corresponding numbers in the table below.

The first Russian revolution, which began in (1) year, was the result of the refusal of the autocracy to solve the workers', national and most painful - (2 - name) - issues. The signal for the action of the broad masses was
“(3 - name) Sunday”, when the procession of workers led by priest George (4 - surname) to the Winter Palace was dispersed by the troops. As Minister of the Interior (5 - title) Svyatopolk-Mirsky was replaced by (6 - surname), who headed for the creation and convocation of the House of People's Representatives - (7 - institution) with legislative powers. However, the representatives of the people were not going to give up: already in the spring, the first Soviet of Workers' Deputies arose in (8 - city). The revolutionary movement in the countryside resulted in the expulsion of the landowners from the estates and the subsequent "(9-name) redistribution" of land between the communities. The country was also covered by a new wave of political terrorism - in February, the former Governor-General of Moscow was killed Grand Duke(10 - name and patronymic), which was sentenced by the party (11 - name of the party). By autumn, the situation in the empire became critical - individual strikes at enterprises and railways poured out
into a single All-Russian October political (12 - term). Nicholas II under pressure from S.Yu. (13 - surname) signed the so-called. "Manifesto (14 - date) of October", which guaranteed political rights to the population. It was announced the creation of a new government - (15 - name) ministers.
The center of the revolutionary movement from St. Petersburg moved to (16 - city), where in (17 - month) an armed uprising broke out.


1 10
2 11
3 12
4 13
5 14
6 15
7 16
8 17

Total for the task 9 points.

17 correct inserts - 9 points;
15–16 correct inserts - 8 points;
13-14 correct inserts - 7 points;
11–12 correct inserts - 6 points;
9–10 correct inserts - 5 points;
7–8 correct inserts - 4 points;
5–6 correct inserts - 3 points;
3-4 correct inserts - 2 points;
1–2 correct inserts - 1 point;

15. Carefully review the diagram and complete the tasks.





5. Are the statements below correct (“yes” - “no”)? Write down the selected numbers.
1) The name of the city is printed on the diagram, the defense of which by the Russian troops became important event during the war, one of the battles of which is presented in this diagram.
2) By the beginning of this war, the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway was fully completed.
3) The operation indicated on the diagram ended with the victory of the Russian army.
4) The main naval battle of this war was the Battle of Chesma.
5) In the hostilities indicated on the diagram, the losses of Russian troops amounted to more than one hundred thousand people killed.
6) The peace treaty that ended this war was signed in the USA.
7) Simultaneously with the military operations indicated on the diagram, an Anglo-Russian agreement was concluded on Central Asia and Iran.

Maximum 12 points per task.

1. During which war did the battle indicated in the diagram take place? List her years.
Answer: Russo-Japanese War 1904‒1905 1 point for each correct answer item. Only 2 points.
2. Name the state on whose territory the hostilities indicated on the map unfolded.
Answer: China. (1 point)
3. Name the city indicated by the number 1, after which the operation indicated in the diagram got its name.
Answer: Mukden. (1 point)
4. Name the country that, out of solidarity with Russia, declared war on the country, the battle with which is indicated on the diagram.
Answer: Montenegro. (1 point)

5. Answer:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
yes no no no no yes no

16. Before you are images of nine Russian military leaders. They can be divided into 3 groups of 3 commanders in each, based on the classification of joint participation in one war. Write down in the top line of the table below the names of the wars, on the basis of participation in which military leaders can be divided into 3 groups, indicate the years of the beginning and end of each war. In the second row of the table, enter ordinal
numbers of images of military leaders who participated in the corresponding war.

War (with dating)
No. of Pictures

The maximum for the task is 18 points.

War (with dating) Russian-Turkish
No. of Pictures 1, 4, 7 2, 8, 9 3, 5, 6

For the name of one war - 1 point. For the correct years of the war - 2 points, if any error in years, no points are awarded for years. For the correct correlation of the image of a military leader with the war in which he participated and participation in which can be taken as a basis classification - 1 point.

17. Read an extract from historical source and dothe tasks below.
Following its historical precepts, Russia, united by faith and blood with the Slavic peoples, has never looked at their fate indifferently. With complete unanimity and special strength, the fraternal feelings of the Russian people for the Slavs in last days when Austria-Hungary presented Serbia with demands that were obviously unacceptable for the Sovereign State.
Despising the compliant and peaceful response of the Serbian government, rejecting the benevolent mediation of Russia, Austria hastily launched an armed attack, opening the bombardment of defenseless Belgrade. Forced, by virtue of the created conditions, to accept the necessary worlds
precautions, We ordered that the army and navy be brought to martial law, but, cherishing the blood and property of Our subjects, We made every effort to achieve a peaceful outcome of the negotiations that had begun. In the midst of friendly relations, Austria's allied Germany, contrary to Our hopes for a century of good neighborliness and not heeding Our assurance that the measures taken were not at all hostile to her, began to seek their immediate cancellation and, having met with a refusal of this demand, suddenly declared war on Russia. Now it is no longer necessary to intercede only for the unjustly offended
our kindred country, but to protect the honor, dignity, integrity of Russia and her position among the Great Powers. We unshakably believe that all Our faithful subjects will unanimously and selflessly stand up to defend the Russian Land.
In the terrible hour of trial, may internal strife be forgotten. May the unity of the Tsar with His people be strengthened even more closely, and may Russia, which has risen as one man, repulse the daring onslaught of the enemy.
With deep faith in the righteousness of Our cause and humble hope in the Almighty Providence, We prayerfully call on Holy Rus' and Our valiant troops for God's blessing.



4. The text states that "Austria-Hungary presented Serbia with demands that are obviously unacceptable for the Sovereign State." Give examples of two demands made by Serbia. What was the reason for the nomination



Total for the task 27 points.

1. Indicate the year and month when this act was promulgated. Under what name did the war mentioned in the document go down in history? List her years.
Answer: July 1914. First World War 1914‒1918 1 point for each element of the answer. Only 3 points.
2. The text states that Russia "is united with ... the Slavic peoples, has never looked at their fate indifferently." Give three examples to support this thesis.
Answer: A) Russo-Turkish War 1877‒1878 for the liberation of the Slavic peoples from the Ottoman yoke; B) assistance to the Serbian uprisings in 1806‒1812. and in 1876; C) attempts to jointly resolve the Bosnian issue with Serbia in 1908. 2 points for each given example. Only 6 points.
3. The author of the text writes that by the beginning of the war, Germany and Russia were connected by “an age-old good neighborhood”. Give two examples from the history of Russian-German (Prussian) relations in the century preceding the outbreak of the war.
Answer: examples of the history of Russian-German (Prussian) relations over a century: the joint participation of Russia and Prussia in anti-French coalitions in early XIX c., the neutrality of Russia during the Franco-Prussian war of 1870, the “Union of the Three Emperors”, the “reinsurance” agreement of 1887, the Treaty of Bjork. 3 marks for each given example. Only 6 points.
4. The text states that "Austria-Hungary presented Serbia with demands that are obviously unacceptable for the Sovereign State." Give examples of two demands made by Serbia. What was the reason for the nomination
similar demands by Austria?
Answer: A) admission of Austrian investigators to the territory of Serbia; B) dismiss anti-Austrian officers and officials. The reason was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo by Serb Gavril Princip. 2 points for each given example, 1 point for correct
the specified reason. Only 5 points.
5. Based on the text, what measures did Russia take to resolve the conflict? Give two examples.
Answer: A) an attempt at mediation between Serbia and Austria; B) assurances from Germany and Austria that the partial mobilization is not directed against them.
2 points for each given example. Only 4 points.
6. What military operations did the Russian armies undertake in the same year in which the above document was issued? Name three such operations.
Answer: East Prussian operation, Galician operation, Warsaw-Ivangorod operation, Lodz operation, Sarakamysh operation. 1 point for each named operation. Only 3 points.

Total for the task 27 points.