The use of innovative technologies in physical education lessons and after school hours. Innovative technologies in the field of "Physical culture" Innovative health-improving technologies at physical education lessons

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 22


Physical education teacher

Larionova Julia Anatolievna

MBOU secondary school No. 22


Methodical development lesson in physical culture using innovative pedagogical technologies

Lesson on the topic: "The use of innovative pedagogical technologies in volleyball lessons as a way to increase motivation and interest in physical education."

This development is a summary of a physical education lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard using innovative technologies, the implementation of which in the system helps to solve one of the main tasks physical education in modern school- the formation of students' vital need for personal physical improvement, the development of their interest in physical education.

Proper use of sports and outdoor games in physical education lessons is not only useful for students, but also extremely important, since the correct “inclusion” of game elements in the process of physical education actively contributes to the harmonious development and physical fitness of students. Various types of games and exercises contribute to the improvement of the activity of the main physiological systems of the body (nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory), improvement of physical development, physical fitness of children, education of positive moral and volitional qualities. The use of sports and outdoor games in physical education lessons contributes to the education of positive character traits in students, creates favorable conditions for the development of friendly relations in a team, mutual assistance.

A decrease in the motor activity of children in combination with neuropsychic overload is a constant sad component. school life. The results of monitoring confirm the growing susceptibility of children to chronic diseases, the deterioration of their general state of health. The introduction of various forms of bodily-motor practice in the classroom and during breaks will help to alleviate the current situation.

The purpose of activity at such lessons of physical culture is the active and methodically competent use of sports and outdoor games in the process of physical education of students.

When choosing a game for a lesson, it is necessary to provide for a pedagogical task that must be solved by the game;

the place of the game in the lesson;

main motor content of the game:

physical and emotional stress;

composition of children by age, gender and physical fitness;

the venue of the game and the necessary aids;

methods of organizing children for play.

The relevance of the presented development lies in the fact that

Sports and outdoor games are games aimed at general physical development children and teenagers. The complex and varied movements of play activities involve all muscle groups in the work, contributing to the development of the musculoskeletal system, normal growth, strengthening of various functions and systems of the body and the formation of a healthy posture.

As a result of usinginnovative pedagogical technologies

in improving the efficiency and quality of a physical education lesson in modern conditions, it is possible to:

To reveal the comprehensive abilities of students;

Increase children's interest and enthusiasm for the subject;

Teach students to be more self-confident;

To teach students to try to use the acquired knowledge in various situations;

To improve the quality of students' knowledge;

Students become winners and prize-winners of Olympiads in physical culture.

Health saving technologies, lpersonality-oriented technology, andinformation and communication technologies, technology of differentiated physical education- all these are the most important features of my modern physical education lesson.

Technological map of the lesson in physical culture 5 cells. (FGOS)

Chapter: Sport games. Volleyball.

Basic Tutorial:

Lesson type: Combined.


- health-saving:

- differentiated approach

Lesson topic: "The use of innovative pedagogical technologies in volleyball lessons as a way to increase motivation and interest in physical education."

The purpose of the lesson: increasing motivation and interest in physical education amongstudents through volleyball.

Lesson objectives:

1. Introduction to the history and rules of volleyball.

2. Create an idea of ​​the technique top and bottom gear in volleyball and its importance for successful game activity.

3. Mastering the technique of the lower straight serve in volleyball.

4. Interact with peers during the game: "The ball is average"

Location: gym.

Inventory: mats, a bench, volleyballs, a net, a demonstration board for showing the schemes of players' movements and passing the ball, a laptop.

Technological map of the lesson in physical culture for grade 5 (FSES)

Communication of goals and objectives for the lesson.

Familiarize students with the purpose and objectives of the lesson, prepare for the lesson.

Install the role of warm-up in preparing the body for training with the ball.

anticipate the level of assimilation of knowledge, its temporal characteristics.

Use general methods of solving problems.

Discuss upcoming workout.

1. Warm up: Walking, running, special exercises (movements in the stance of a volleyball player, overlapping of the lower leg, raising the thigh high, cross step, shuttle run.

Prepare the body of students for work in the main part of the lesson.

Specify the effect of warming up the muscles of the shoulder girdle on the readiness for work in volleyball.


Control and evaluate the process and outcome of activities.

Interaction during the warm-up, both with peers and with the teacher.

2. Rebuilding in two lines.

Acquaintance with the history and rules of the game of volleyball during the lesson.


self-determination in order to learning activities.

Conscious and voluntary construction verbal utterance in oral form.

Evaluation situations of interaction in accordance with the rules of conduct and ethics.

3. Outdoor switchgear on site (conducted by students).

Control over the correct execution of the commands of the master outdoor switchgear. Control over knowledge of the theory of the main racks.

Awareness mastered at the lesson of the reception of educational activities, as a value.

Define the sequence and priority of the warm-up of muscle groups.

Use general methods of solving problems.

Adequately use

Main stage (30 min.)

Warm-up with balls: (5 minutes.) - ball throws with two hands in pairs;

High throws with two hands;

Throwing the ball with a hit on the floor;

Arrange students in pairs.

Describe technique of the studied game receptions and actions.

Bring in the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and accounting for the mistakes made.

form mental operations for each of the learned elements of volleyball

Distribute functions of students while working at the places of employment

1. Passing the ball with two hands from above and below: (12min.)

Volleyball stand;

The correct position of the hands when passing the ball with two hands from above and below;

Passing the ball with two hands from above and below at the optimal (convenient) distance;

Passing the ball with two hands from above yourself and from above to a partner;

Explain the technique of the studied game techniques and actions, achieve their independent development, identify and eliminate typical mistakes.

Model the technique of mastered game actions and techniques, vary it depending on the situation and conditions that arise in the process of game activity.

Apply rules for choosing clothes for sports and using the game of volleyball in organizing outdoor activities.

Repeat and master

adequately perceive



2. Bottom straight feed (8min.)

Show presentation:"The technique of the top serve, the reception after the serve, in full coordination."

1. Imitation of the ball.

2. Delivery from a distance of 3-6 m.

3. Delivery through the net from a distance of 3-9 m from the net.

Remind the safety precautions when performing the ball over the net.

Repeat and master motor actions independently, identify and eliminate typical errors.

Transform cognitive task into a practical one.

Informational: search, recognition useful information based on its analysis. Construction of a speech statement in oral form.

Adequately use speech means for solving communicative problems.

3. Mobile leading game to volleyball:

"Ball to the average" (5 min.)

Rebuilding in a circle (passing the ball from above and below through the middle player).

Explain the rules of the game.

Define the degree of fatigue of the body during gaming activity.

adequately perceive teacher's suggestion for correcting mistakes.

navigate in a variety of ways to solve problems.

Develop the ability to express their thoughts about mastering the work of classmates with elements of volleyball.

Final (3 min.)

1 .Exercises for attention.

2. Analysis of the fulfillment of goals and objectives by students .

Analysis of the implementation of the KM by students, reflection, homework.

The teacher asks questions:

What exercises did you do in class today?

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What was the best thing about the lesson?

What do you need to work on in the next lesson?

Restore pulse, breathing after the game.

We check the degree of assimilation by students of US.

Conducts a selective oral survey on the theory studied in the lesson.

Demonstrates the ability to generalize the results of educational work.

Sets homework.

Determine your own feelings when mastering the learning task in the lesson.

Recognize the importance of homework

Determine the meaning of the task set in the lesson.

Evaluate their work in the lesson, listen to the teacher's assessment

Isolate new knowledge.

To form skills and highlight the main features of comparing the performance of tasks.

Repeat the new knowledge gained in the lesson.

Provide social competence and taking into account the position of others.

Students listen to classmates, actively participate in solving a communicative task, express their opinion on the results of the work in the lesson.

Innovative technologies used in the lesson:

- health-saving: the use of dosed physical activity, the alternation of intensity and relaxation in training;

- person-centered approach: formation of knowledge on physical culture, formation of motor fitness.

- computer technology (ICT): presentation and review of the motor action of the technical plan.

- differentiated approach : an individual approach to students to achieve the goal.

Teaching methods:

Methods of general pedagogy (visual and verbal);

Game method;

Group method;

Flow and frontal methods;

Methods of stimulation and motivation.

In the process of conducting the main part of the lesson, the teacher uses the basic principles of organizing activities:

The principle of consciousness (increasing interest in the lesson);

The principle of activity (organization of mutual learning and mutual assistance);

The principle of accessibility (from simple to complex);

The principle of strength (a sufficient number of repetitions and variability of tasks).

Forms of activity:




Means of education:




Applying innovative technologies in a modern physical education lessoninvolves the organization of the student's independent activity and his interaction with the teacher in the learning process, between "supportive" and "innovative" learning. Innovative activity in the teaching of physical culture involves such a process and result of educational activity that stimulates changes in the existing cultural and social environment.All physical qualities develop most intensively up to 10 years. It is this period that is sensitive for creating favorable prerequisites for educating volitional qualities. At the same time, it is important that the requirements for students when performing physical exercises are repeated systematically and gradually increased - children will be aware of the growth dynamics of their results.

This is expressed not only in a variety of tasks, in the use of game and competitive methods, musical design, but also in providing high motor and general density of lessons. It is important that each student, when performing each task, feels the interest of the teacher, expressed in his exactingness.

The load that the student receives in this case should not only correspond to his capabilities, but also have a different focus - both motor and cognitive. Only the optimality of the load can cause a positive attitude towards it. In addition, it is the cognitive component of the load, received at the lesson of physical culture, that allows to form to this academic discipline the same serious attitude of students, as well as to all theoretical subjects.

It follows from the above that the greatest responsibility for the formation of schoolchildren's motivation for physical education lessons lies with the teacher, it depends not only on his professional, but also on his personal qualities.

Apps 1

Games for the development of jumping ability

"Fishing rod"

The players stand in a circle. In the center is the leader, who rotates a rope above the floor, at the end of which a load is tied (a bag of sand, a tennis ball, etc.).

a) Everyone tries to jump so as not to hit the rope. Whoever touches the rope becomes the leader.

b) They play until the winner, he becomes the leader.

c) They stand in pairs, threes, holding hands.

d) Stand in a column of two, three.

e) You can jump with a load (with a stuffed ball).

"Hares in the Garden"

Two circles are drawn on the site, one in the other. The inner circle is the garden. It has a "guard". "Hares" are in the gap between the circles. They jump (on both legs) either into the "garden" or out of the "garden". The “watchman”, at the signal of the driver, catches the “hares” remaining in the “garden”, catching up with them only within the outer circle. "Hares" can jump out of the circle. When two or three "hares" are caught, a new "watchman" is selected.

"Rooster Fight"

The players are divided into two teams. Each team is built in one line. Both teams are located facing each other at a distance of 6-8 m.

In the corridor between the lines, a circle with a diameter of 2.5-3 m is drawn. One player from each team takes turns standing in the middle of the circle. They stand at opposite ends of the circle on one leg, lay their hands behind their backs. On command, the players, jumping on one leg, try to push each other out of the circle without the help of their hands. A player who touches the floor with the other foot or uses a push with his hands is considered defeated. Each player's victory earns a team point. The team with the most points wins.

Rope exercise

1. Jumping simultaneously on both legs. Stand on toes, legs straight, do not bend your legs when jumping, the rope goes from back to front. Jumping forward or in place.

2. Jumping on one leg with the other leg forward.

3. Jumping on both legs: at the moment of jumping, the legs are pulled forward with the knee to the horizontal position of the thigh.

4. Jumping alternately on one leg.

5. Jumping on both legs: the legs at the moment of jumping are bent back to a right angle.

6. Two turns of the rope in one jump.

7. Jumping in a squat with a shortened rope.

8. Jumping rope over obstacles.

Strength Games

"Pull in a circle"

The players stand on the outside of the circle, holding hands tightly. On a signal, they move to the right or to the left, then, on a signal, they stop and try to draw their neighbors beyond the circle without separating their hands. Whoever gets into the circle with at least one foot is out of the game. Then the game continues. Players not drawn into the circle are considered winners.

The players are divided into several teams and line up in columns. In front of the players in front of each team, a line is drawn that cannot be crossed with the foot.

The first numbers have a stuffed ball. They push the ball without crossing the line. At the place where the ball fell, the judges allocated from each team draw a line. The next players perform pushes without crossing this line, etc. The winner is the team whose last line at the place where the ball fell is at a greater distance from the line of the initial push.

"Don't hit the ball"

Three or four players stand around a stuffed ball lying on the floor. Players put their hands on the shoulders of nearby partners. On a signal, they begin to push each other so that someone touches the ball with their foot. Whoever touches the ball is out of the game. The game ends when the strongest is determined.

"Tug of War"

The rope is laid parallel to the teams at the same distance from them. The teams turn their backs to the rope and perform various hand movements until the signal. When the whistle blows, everyone turns and rushes towards the rope. The task of the players is to grab the rope (by any means) and carry it over the line of their “home” (from the starting position). During the game, a struggle unfolds. The rules allow players to take the rope by the middle, ends and other parts of the rope. A team wins if the entire rope is behind its home line.

Exercises for the development of speed

1. Jerks and accelerations from various initial positions (sitting, lying, standing) on ​​a signal.

3. Jerks with a sharp change in the direction of movement.

3. Downhill running (duration of exercises from 5 to 10 s, number of repetitions - 3-4, rest interval - 2-3 minutes).

4. Also useful are exercises in swinging, circling, turning, throwing and pushing light objects, performed with the maximum possible speed (duration of exercises 5-6 s, number of repetitions - 4-6 s.

5. Exercises that require an instant response to some pre-set signal or changes in the conditions in which physical activity occurs.

Speed ​​Games


In the corner of the volleyball court, a “nest” is marked with a circle, in which one of the players is located - “owl”. All players run around the court. At the signal "day" they run around the site, and at the signal "night" they instantly freeze in the position in which they were. "Owl" flies out of the nest and follows the players. If someone moves, the "owl" takes this player to his nest. At the “day” signal, she flies to her “nest”, and the players begin to run around the court. Players who are caught by the "owl" skip one turn and then re-enter the game.

"Falling Stick"

The players are calculated in order of numbers and, having remembered their numbers, stand in a circle. The driver places a stick in the center of the circle, holding it with his hand. Calling someone's number, he lowers his hand and runs out of the circle. The player whose number was called must run out and grab the stick before it falls. If he managed to do this, he returns to his place, and the former driver continues to drive. If the player does not have time to hold the falling stick, he changes places with the driver.

"Sparrows and Crows"

Two teams (“Sparrows” and “Crows”) stand at the center line of the site with their backs to each other. Someone alone, not included in the team, stands to the side of them and calls “Vo-ro-bee” or “Vo-ro-ny”, holding out the syllable “ro” for a long time and quickly and quickly pronounces the continuation. The named team must quickly run behind the end line of the court, and the players of the other team try to catch the fleeing ones. The names of the teams alternate in random order. After each game, I count the players caught. The team that catches the most players wins.


Two teams play: "shooters" and "runners". "Arrows", divided in half, are located on the side lines of the volleyball court, and "runners" - at one end of the site. A line is drawn along the platform in the middle - the path of the "runners". On a signal, one of the “runners” runs along this line to the other end of the site, and the “shooters” throw a volleyball from both sides. If they manage to hit the runner, the shooting team wins one point. Then the next one runs - so to the end, after which the players change roles. The team with the most points wins.

"Ball Passing"

The players become in a circle. Two players standing one opposite the other are given a volleyball each. On a signal, players try to quickly pass the ball to nearby partners so that one ball overtakes the other.

Agility. The peculiarity of the game of volleyball is that game techniques and actions change depending on the situation in the game. Therefore, a volleyball player needs to have the agility to perform fast and accurate movements in a variety of circumstances.

The easiest way to determine the agility of a volleyball player is as follows: from a standing position, legs together, hands on the belt, turn to the left with a jump; then change the angle of rotation - from the start of the jump to the landing. The larger the angle of rotation, the better the result.

Agility exercises

Walking on the balance beam, making movements with your hands in different directions.

Jumping from a place and from a running start with a turn of 180, 360 degrees.

In couples. The player pinches the ball with his feet and with a sharp movement of his legs forward throws the ball to his partner.

Standing with your back to the wall at a distance of 2 m, throw the ball over your head, turn around and catch it.

Games for the development of dexterity.


"Beasts" freely walk around the site. Three or four "hunters" stand in different places, each holding a small soft ball. On a signal, all the animals stop and each "hunter" throws his ball at them. Those who are hit by the ball replace the "hunters". It is allowed to stand still and dodge balls. It is not allowed to skip any of the obstacles.


The players form 2 circles - inner and outer. To the music or song, they move in different directions. At the leader's signal, the players stop. Those standing in the inner circle join hands and raise them up, forming a "gate". Everyone else runs under the "gates" in different directions. On the second signal, the “gates” are closed (hands go down). All those who at that moment were inside the circle are considered to be caught. Those caught move to the inner circle and the game continues. When few children remain in the outer circle, they, holding hands, form an inner circle, changing roles with those who were in it before.


The participants of the game are divided into 4 groups of 6 players or 5 groups of 5 players, line up and hold hands. In the corridors formed, the driver tries to catch the fleeing player. At the signal of the leader, the players lower their hands, make a quarter turn and again join hands, forming new corridors. Thus, the leader can help the one who is running away, then the one who is catching up. Thanks to frequent whistles, new situations are created.

Exercises with balls development of agility

I.p. Feet shoulder width apart, hands with small balls in front. Simultaneously release tennis balls from the hands, followed by catching them with an overhand grip.

The same, but release the balls alternately.

The same, catching two balls, but throwing them from one hand to the other at the same time with a grip from above and below.

I.p. Partners are in a low squat facing each other. Passing the ball in pairs in any way at a distance of 2-3 m.

The same, but from a kneeling position.

The same, but from a prone position.

I.p. Partners stand with their backs to each other at a distance of half a step, one of the partners holds a volleyball.

Passing the ball between partners with a turn of the torso to the right and left.

The same, but combining the transfer of the ball with rotation around itself, from the right and left sides.

The same, but combining passes with the rotation of the ball around itself and the "eight" around the legs.

Endurance exercises

Running with acceleration and change of direction - 1 min.

A series of jumps - 15-20 s; in the first series, jumps are performed with the maximum frequency; after a minute rest - a series of jumps to the maximum height.

Moving in a low stance in various directions - 1-1.5 minutes, then rest for 30 seconds. And so several series, it is possible with weights of 2-5 kg.

In games, endurance is manifested not in static, but in dynamic working conditions, when moments of tension and relaxation alternate. In some games used for this purpose, the movements are cyclic, in others - continuous efforts are not associated with a certain rhythm (ball games). There are many games that combine the development of speed and endurance with high-intensity muscular work.

There are tricks with which you can adjust the load in the game. This is a decrease in the number of players while maintaining the size of the field, an increase in the size of the site, the complication of game techniques and rules with the same number of players.

Endurance games

"Call a Change"

The players are placed in a circle, everyone knows their number. Two drivers are selected, of which one runs away, the other catches up with him. Both the escaping and the chasing can run into the circle and call a change for themselves - by calling any number. The called player continues to run (runs away or catches up), and the caller takes his place.

« chain fishing»

The volleyball court, bounded by lines, serves as a place where the players are located. The driver is selected, who stands outside the court before the game. He starts the game by chasing the players running freely in the field. Having caught up and overpowered the player, the driver takes him by the hand, and together they begin to chase other players. The third player joins them (stands in the middle) and the catching continues. Each time, a player who is surrounded by catchers is considered to be caught, and the outer players must close their hands. The winners are the last two not caught participants.

« Running in teams»

The players are divided into two teams and line up in columns one by one in parallel at a distance of 2-4 steps from one another. A starting line is drawn in front of the columns. Against each column at a distance of 15 - 20 m put a rack or other object. Each player wraps his arms around the person in front. On a signal, the players in the columns, holding on to the belts of those in front, run forward to the counter, go around it and return back to the starting line. The team whose players ran the entire distance without breaking up and were the first to return to their place wins.


Zheleznyak Yu.D. Training of young volleyball players. - M .: Fizkultura and sport, 1998.

Kleshchev Yu.N., and Furmanov A.G. Young volleyball player. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 2006.

Markosyan A.A. Questions of age physiology. - M.: Enlightenment, 1999. - 138 p.

Matveev L.P. Theory and methods of physical culture - M.: Fizkultura i sport, 2001. - 543 p.

Furmanov A.G. Primary education volleyball players..- Minsk. 1999.

Physical Culture. Grades 5-7: textbook. For educational institutions (M.Ya. Vilensky, I.M. Turevsky, T.Yu. Torochkova, etc.); ed. M.Ya. Vilensky. - 2nd ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2013.

Modern conditions of human life are intensive labor, educational and social activity. They are affected by negative factors. environment, emotional and stressful loads in society, technological progress, socio-economic cataclysms. Youth behavior becomes aggressive, which causes emergence of new social, psychological, spiritual and moral and physical effects on humans.

In the new conditions, physical exercises are divided according to their impact on a person according to the following criteria:

Biomechanical structure of movements (cyclic and acyclic);

The manifestation of physical qualities (speed, endurance, strength, agility, coordination)

Features of locomotion;

Power performed work, the predominant source of energy, the level of energy consumption;

The nature of the load regulation;

The volume of active muscular masses;

character muscular work.

Physical exercises are considered according to the degree of their historical use in the system of health-improving physical culture and sports, i.e. as an innovative tool physical culture and sports education, health preservation, psychological state and social activity of a person.

Building contemporary programs of health-improving physical culture of active sports involves the use of technology (forms, means and methods) that affects the life-supporting functional systems of the human body: cardiovascular, respiratory, immune.

Individually targeted, complex, training effect of physical activity on the functional systems of the body allows you to maintain human health at the optimal level of its development. The way to achieve this phenomenon in human development is extremely difficult, but possible.

Physical activity- a tool for the general socio-psychological development of a person, even with any deviations from the norm in the state of health, regardless of age and the nature of psycho-emotional and physical limitations. Physical influences on a person in the system of education, rehabilitation, labor, recreation provide for the development, restoration or compensation, development or improvement of lost or impaired functions. This means a purposeful psychological and pedagogical process, the ability to achieve an optimal physical and social level, taking into account the interests and needs of students.

Technology physical culture and health activity includes the following groups of exercises:

Respiratory, developing mobility in the joints;

Formative skills to maintain correct posture;

Increasing the strength of resistance;

With subjects, in balance and asymmetric;

Game and specially-applied;

with a given result.

These exercises can be used on land and in water, collectively and individually, under the guidance of a teacher, as well as independently.

Physical culture and health exercises are divided into groups according to the degree of their impact on the body human, indicators of the final result characterizing the effectiveness of the pedagogical tasks being solved at a specific stage of education and training.

Implementation innovative technologies of physical culture and sports education, health improvement of students is one of the main tasks of development training plans and programs of the university. To boost management in the system of physical culture and sports education, teachers necessaryconduct Scientific research and put into practice positive experience.

The physical culture of a student must be interpreted not only as a set of physical qualities of a person, but also as a certain lifestyle. The decisive factor in promoting health is the position of the student himself, his attitude to his own social, psychological and physical health. This implies the essence of the concept of the formation of value-motivational attitudes of a person focused on healthy lifestyle, which becomes the basis of modern society.

The development of innovative means of physical activity caused a certain socio-cultural demand, since a certain motivation for one or another type of physical culture and health work and sports activities has already developed.

The integration of various forms and means with the use of physical exercises can be effectively developed at the university within the framework of independent and mass complex events. It is necessary to include innovative tools in curricula to train teachers, promote all forms of physical activity, develop and implement methodical literature, as well as to carry out logistics, conduct research work on the problems of the effectiveness of innovative means of physical culture and sports.

An example is the following innovative physical culture and sports activities of students:

classical aerobics- a set of exercises that combines step-by-step, general developmental exercises and dance actions, performed to music, aimed at the formation of aerobic endurance, coordination of movements;

power aerobics- a set of classical aerobic exercises performed with dumbbells, mini-barbells, rubber shock absorbers, expanders, gymnastic sticks, directed on the formation of anaerobic endurance, strength, coordination of movements;

step aerobics- rhythmic walking (step training) using a step platform to music, with frequent changes in rhythm and movements, aimed at developing general endurance, weight correction, the shape of the lower leg, thighs, buttocks, as well as the treatment of arthritis.

The cultivation of new types of physical activity among students is associated with the development of sports and recreational work, the presence of a significant number of commercial clubs for various sports and health systems, the activities of "personal trainers", the organization of family sports, the adaptation of training programs to specific special groups, the convergence of sports and health clubs, medical and socio-psychological institutions.

At present, the lifestyle of young people has changed significantly. Their new image vital activity contributes to the achievement physical and spiritual development, improving well-being, mental and physical health.

A new approach to physical activity is allowing more and more young Julys to incorporate exercise into their daily routine, whether as a developmental tool, a cure for disease, or as a preventive measure.

Control questions and tasks

Akulenko E.V.

The role of physical education lessons is increasing in connection with the problem of maintaining health and developing the physical potential of schoolchildren. The effectiveness of education and training largely depends on the personality of the teacher, who plays a decisive role in shaping the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

The health of children deteriorates with age: their functional capabilities decrease during their studies, which makes it difficult to master the curriculum, and limits the choice of a future profession. Basic, and even more so specialized school education should not worsen, but improve the health of students by improving their knowledge, developing skills and abilities to strengthen their own health and the health of others.

Therefore, one of the most important tasks At the present stage of teaching students, I consider the development of physical qualities.

Relevance problems, its practical significance determined the choice of the object and subject of research.

Object of study– teaching and educational process at the lessons of physical culture.

Subject of study- ways of developing the physical qualities of students using innovative technologies in physical education lessons.

In accordance with the above, we have determined goals:

1. To study the state of the problem in theory and in practice;

2. Reveal the role and importance of innovative technologies in the educational process;

3. To determine the extent to which the formation of innovative technologies is implemented in physical education lessons;

4.Summarize and disseminate the experience of using innovative technologies in physical education lessons.

5. Form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

7. Use diagnostic techniques in preparing for lessons and planning work.

8. Implement an individual approach.

The most important research sources are:

Literature on the theory and methods of problems;

To develop the concept of building their professional activities on innovative pedagogical technologies.

Innovation(from lat. in - in, novus - new) means innovation, innovation.

In the conditions of education modernization, the educational paradigm is changing: different content, different approaches, different law, different attitudes, different behavior, different pedagogical mentality are offered.

Innovation: the presence of original author's ideas and hypotheses regarding the restructuring of the pedagogical process.

The development of the school, progress in certain areas of its work can only be carried out as an innovative process: the replacement of outdated and inefficient means with new means for given conditions and more effective ones, the use of new ideas and technologies.

Pedagogical technology- building a system of goals (from general to specific) to achieve a certain result of the development of the student with a high variability in the use of methods, techniques, means and forms of organization of education [T.V. Masharov].

Working on the problem of creating a sustainable interest in physical education classes, I realized that physical education itself and the creation of a positive emotional mood in the process of motor activity is 99% success in mastering the proposed tasks and 100% success in solving the problem of forming a desire to perform physical exercises daily.

What do I see as ways to increase the effectiveness of the development of the physical qualities of students. First of all, I implement innovative technologies in physical culture, which are aimed at developing vital motor skills and abilities in students, developing such physical qualities as strength, agility, endurance, flexibility, and speed.

To do this, I use health-saving technologies. Health-saving technologies in physical education are a set of techniques, methods, techniques, teaching aids and approaches to the educational process. In which at least 4 requirements are met:

1. Accounting for the individual characteristics of the child.

2. The activity of a teacher in terms of the implementation of health-saving technologies in physical education lessons should include familiarization with the results of medical examinations of children, their consideration in educational work; assistance to parents in building a healthy life of students and the family as a whole

3. Avoid excessive debilitating physical, emotional, stress during the development of educational material.

4. Ensuring such an approach to the educational process that would guarantee the maintenance of only a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team.

To achieve the goals of health-saving educational technologies of training, the following groups of means are used:

1. Means of motor orientation;

2. Healing forces of nature;

3. Hygienic factors.

The complex use of these tools allows us to solve the problems of pedagogy of health improvement.

The means of motor orientation include such motor actions that are aimed at the implementation of the tasks of health-saving educational technologies of training. This is movement; physical exercise; physical education and moving changes; emotional relaxation and moments of "peace" gymnastics (health, finger, corrective, respiratory, for the prevention of colds, for cheerfulness); physical therapy, outdoor games; specially organized motor activity of the child (health-improving physical education, timely development of the basics of motor skills); massage, self-massage; trainings, etc. [see. Appendix 1].

All experience on this topic has been summarized in methodological guide « Guidelines on the organization of a special medical group in secondary schools.", "Complexes of exercises for conducting classes in a special medical group”, which was considered at the city expert council. In him:

1. The main tasks of physical education of students classified as SMG

2. Characteristics of the physical culture program for schoolchildren classified as SMG

3. SMG picking

4.Organization of the educational process.

6. Medical and pedagogical control in the classroom with children of the SMG

7. Features of the method of recreational physical education, due to the clinical diagnosis of debilitated children.

All this contributes to the health of the child, his physical and mental development.

I also use gaming technology in the classroom in order to increase emotionality and further motivation for physical education.

Game activity occupies an important place in the educational process. The value of play activity lies in the fact that it takes into account the psychological and pedagogical nature of the child, meets his needs and interests. The game forms the typical skills of social behavior, specific value systems, orientation towards group and individual actions, develops stereotypes of behavior in human communities.

Gaming activities in the classroom at school makes it possible to increase students' interest in training sessions, allows you to learn more information based on examples of specific activities modeled in the game, helps the guys in the game to learn how to make responsible decisions in difficult situations. Usage game forms classes leads to an increase in the creative potential of students and to a deeper, more meaningful and faster mastering of the material. The very value of the game lies in the fact that it is carried out not under the pressure of vital necessity.

A game is a manifestation of the desire to act.

Game forms of work in the educational process can carry a number of functions:








The acceleration of the pace of modern life sets the task of using the game more actively to educate the younger generation. It is now obvious that games are necessary to ensure a harmonious combination of mental, physical and emotional stress, a general comfortable state. In the Athletics section of the program, I use outdoor games aimed at consolidating and improving the skills of running, jumping and throwing, at developing speed, speed-strength abilities, spatial orientation abilities, etc. In the section of the program "Sports games" - games and relay races to master the tactical and technical skills of the students sports games. In the section "Gymnastics" - outdoor games with elements of martial arts. [cm. appendix 2].

All these games are very important for personal development.

When for the first time you hear the phrase “a computer in a physical education lesson”, then bewilderment immediately arises and the question is: is this compatible? After all, physical education is, first of all, movement. At first I thought so too, but until I myself mastered information technologies and began to apply them in my work. Now it is quite clear to me that it is impossible to do without ICT.

Physical education lessons include a large amount of theoretical material for which a minimum number of hours are allocated, so the use of modern information technologies allows you to effectively solve this problem. Using computer technology in the educational process, the lesson becomes more interesting, visual and dynamic. Many explanations of the technique of performing the movements being learned, historical documents and events, biographies of athletes, coverage of theoretical issues in various areas cannot be shown to students directly. Therefore, it is necessary to use different types of visualization. The very fact of holding a physical education lesson in a classroom equipped with computer technology intrigues children, they get external motivation. Interest in the subject “grows” out of external motivation.

The school has all the conditions for conducting lessons with computer support: an interactive whiteboard, a multimedia projector, a computer, so lessons with computer support are included in my practice.

I also use electronic presentations in physical education lessons. This allowed me, when using computer technology in the educational process, to make the lesson more demonstrative.

The content of the teacher's activity changes; teacher becomes a developer new technology training, which, on the one hand, increases his creative activity, and on the other hand, requires a high level of technological and methodological preparedness.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the use of innovative technologies in physical education is, first of all, a creative approach to pedagogical process in order to increase interest in physical education and sports - this is the main goal we are striving for in connection with the task of raising the level of the process of teaching physical culture to maintain health.


  1. Molokov Yu.G., Molokova A.V. Actual issues of informatization of education // Educational technologies: Collection scientific papers. - Novosibirsk, IPSO RAO.-1997.- 1. p.77-81.
  2. Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies: Tutorial. - M.: People's education, 1998. - 256 p.
  3. Theory and methods of physical education, v. 1, 1967; History of physical culture and sports, 1975; Report of the Professor, Ph.D. Lukyanenko V.P.
  4. Bespalko V.P. Components of pedagogical technology. - M.: Enlightenment, 1999.-105s.
  5. Kan-Kalik V.A., Nikandrov I.D. Pedagogical creativity. - M.: Pedagogy, 1990.-68s.
  6. Shevchenko S.D. School lesson: How to teach everyone. – M.: VLADOS, 2004.-208s.
  7. "Health-saving technologies in physical education lessons and extracurricular sports work" Akimova Elena Vladimirovna.
  8. Akhutina T.V. Health-saving learning technologies: an individually-oriented approach // School of Health. 2000. V. 7. No. 2. P.21 - 28.
  9. Maksimenko A.M. Fundamentals of the theory and methods of physical culture. - M., 1999.-345s
  10. 14 "Formation of a health-saving environment in the classroom."
  11. Anokhina I.A. Individual approach in the physical culture and health work of the preschool educational institution: Methodological recommendations / I.A. Anokhin. - Ulyanovsk: UIPCPRO, 2006. - 49 p.
  12. "Health-saving technologies in physical education lessons".
  13. Zelenkevich I.B., Ivashkevich M.Z., Piliptsevich N.N. Public health and its place in the system of public health protection // Issues of organization and informatization of health care. - 2001. - No. 3. – P.3–6.
  14. Kharlamov, I.F. Pedagogy: Proc. Benefit. M., 1997. 43-75.
  15. Vygotsky, L.S. Pedagogical psychology/ Ed. V.V. Davydov. M.: Pedagogy, 1991, p. 324 - 341.

Akulenko Elena Vladimirovna
G. Rudny
State Institution "Secondary School No. 4 with in-depth study of mathematics in the city of Rudny"
Position: physical education teacher


No. 1. Health saving

- Morning exercises.

Complex 1

1. I.p. o.s. - 1- spread your arms to the sides - up, raise the thigh of the left leg to a right angle; 2 - return to and. P.; 3-4 - the same, raising the thigh of the right leg.

2. I.p. o.s. - 1- hands up - back, bend as much as possible; 2 - i. P.;

3. I.p. - Feet shoulder-width apart, right hand up, left hand down. Alternate circular rotation of the arms forward and backward.

4. I.p. o.s. - 1-2-3 - slowly take a half-squat position; 4 - quickly return to sp.

5. I.p. o.s. - arms bent at the elbows. Running in place at an average pace.

6. Jumping in place, hands on the belt.

7. Walking in place.

8. Execution of commands for attention, if the word “class” or another conditional word is said before the command.

Complex 2

1. I.p. o.s. - 1-4 - walking in place on toes, arms up - inhale, 5-8 - arms down, normal walking in place - exhale. Up to 40 steps at a calm pace.

2. I.p. o.s. - 1 - hands up, palms forward, left leg back on the toe, bend in the lower back - inhale, 2 - arms down, put your foot - exhale, 3-4 - the same with the right leg. Repeat 6-8 times.

3. I.p. - leg stance apart. 1-2 - squeezing your fingers into fists, arches through the sides with force to bend your arms over your shoulders - inhale, 3-4 - sp. - exhale. 6-8 times at a slow pace.

4. I.p. - leg stance apart. 1 - turn the torso to the left, clap the palms above the head - inhale, 2 - i.p. - exhale, 3-4 - the same to the right. 6-8 times in each direction.

5. I.p. o.s. - hands on the belt. 1 - left leg to the side on the toe, 2-3 - torso to the left, 4 - ip, 5-8 - the same from the right leg. 4-6 times in each direction. Breathing is arbitrary.

6. I.p. - stand legs apart, arms bent to the chest, hands clenched into fists. 1 - turning the body to the left, quickly unbend the right arm forward, up, 2 - ip, 3-4 - the same with the other hand. 6-8 times with both hands at an average pace. Breathing is arbitrary.

7. I.p. - stand legs apart, hands back to the castle. 1-2 - raise your hands up as much as possible - exhale, 3-4 - sp. - breath. 6-8 times at an average pace.

8. I.p. o.s. - jumping in place, arms to the sides, 2 - the same arms down. Up to 20-30 jumps, then switch to walking in place, gradually slowing down the pace.

- Physical education minutes.

  • FM to improve cerebral circulation.

1. Starting position (ip) - sitting on a chair. 1 - 2 - take your head back and gently tilt back, 3 - 4 - tilt your head forward, do not raise your shoulders. Repeat 4 - 6 times. The pace is slow.

2. I.p. - sitting, hands on the belt. 1 - head turn to the right, 2 - ip, 3 - head turn to the left, 4 - ip Repeat 6 - 8 times. The pace is slow.

3. I.p. - standing or sitting, hands on the belt. 1 - swing your left hand over your right shoulder, turn your head to the left. 2 - ip, 3 - 4 - the same with the right hand. Repeat 4 - 6 times. The pace is slow.

  • FM to relieve fatigue from the shoulder girdle and arms.

1. I.p. - standing or sitting, hands on the belt. 1 - right hand forward, left up. 2 - change the position of the hands. Repeat 3-4 times, then relax down and shake your hands, tilt your head forward. The pace is average.

2. I.p. - standing or sitting, hands with the back on the belt. 1 - 2 - bring your elbows forward, tilt your head forward. 3 - 4 - elbows back, bend. Repeat 6-8 times, then arms down and shake relaxed. The pace is slow.

3. I.p. - sitting, hands up. 1 - clench your hands into a fist. 2 - unclench the brushes. Repeat 6-8 times, then relax your arms down and shake your hands. The pace is average.

FM to relieve fatigue from the body.

1. I.p. - stand legs apart, hands behind the head. 1 - sharply turn the pelvis to the right. 2 - sharply turn the pelvis to the left. During turns, the shoulder girdle should remain motionless. Repeat 6 - 8 times. The pace is average.

2. I.p. - stand legs apart, hands behind the head. 1 - 5 - circular movements of the pelvis in one direction. 4 - 6 - the same in the other direction. 7 - 8 - hands down and shake your hands relaxed. Repeat 4 - 6 times. The pace is average.

3. I.p. - stand legs apart. 1 - 2 - tilt forward, the right hand slides down along the leg, the left, bending, along the body up. 3 - 4 - ip, 5 - 8 - the same in the other direction. Repeat 6 - 8 times. The pace is average.

Grisha walked, walked, walked,
Found white mushroom.
Once a fungus
Two - fungus,
Three - fungus,
He put them in a box.

Scoliogymnastics. For the prevention of scoliosis, exercises are carried out at the 3rd lesson, which prevents the disease and brings its positive results. All exercises are performed while standing.

1.I.p. hands on the belt. Slow tilts of the head: forward, backward, to the left shoulder, to the right shoulder (repeat 4 times).

2.I.p. hands on the belt. Walking in place. Runs within 30 seconds.

3.I.p. hands to shoulder joints. Circular movements in the shoulder joint forward 5 times, back 5 times (repeat 2 times).

4.I.p. arms along the body. At times - hands to the shoulder joint. For two - hands up, stretch inhale. Three - to the shoulder joint. Four - hands down.

Ophthalmic gymnastics. To prevent the treatment of myopia, special physical exercises are used, which favorably affect the formation of eye refraction in schoolchildren.

Eye Charging Complex(conducted in the first lesson)

1. Blinking eyes (20 times)

2. Raise your eyes up, then down (20 times)

3. Look away to the right, to the left (20 times)

4. Drive eyes up, corner of the eye and down, change movements from right to left (with tension, 20 times)

5. Look at the tip of the nose and the bridge of the nose.

6. Bend your arms at the elbow, look at the tip of your finger and into the distance.

7. Rotation of the eyes to the right and left for 4 counts (repeat 5 times).

One of the main means that strengthens the body well and contributes to the formation of correct posture in children is morning exercises. After a daytime sleep, it is also very useful to perform a set of exercises. The complex is aimed at strengthening the so-called muscular corset, which holds the body in the correct position.

"Catch a mosquito over your head"- raising hands through the sides up.

Starting position (I. p.) - put your feet on the width of your feet, hands down.

1) We raise our hands through the sides up, look at them, clap our hands above our heads (inhale);

2) We lower our hands through the sides down (exhale).

We repeat 5-6 times, slowly, at a slow pace.

2. "Catch a mosquito in front of the chest- Clap your hands in front of your chest.

I. p. - the same.

1) We clap our hands in front of the chest with bent arms;

2) We lower our hands down.

Movements are performed energetically, breathing is uniform. We repeat 6 - 8 times a little faster, at an average pace.

3. "Catch a mosquito near your feet"- torso forward.

I. p. - the same.

1) We lean forward, clap our hands near the knees (exhale);

2) Straighten up in sp. (inhale).

Do not try to bend your knees. Repeat 6 times at an average pace.

No. 2. Gaming.

- Games for athletics lessons.

Calling numbers.

2-3 teams play. Players are built in columns and calculated in numerical order. The teacher calls the number and the players with this number run from each team, run around the object and return to the ranks. The team with the most wins wins. If children of primary school age are playing, then instead of numbers, players can be called little animals. Then it will be "Animal Relay".

Ball to the target.

A volleyball is placed in the middle of the court. The players, with tennis balls in their hands, stand 10 steps from him beyond the line. Everyone takes turns throwing their ball at the volleyball. The winner is the one who did not miss and who, after hitting the ball, rolled further.

Wolf in the ditch.

The players line up on one side of the court. In the middle of the "moat" 2-3 meters wide. Leading in the ditch (wolf). The players, having run up, jump over the ditch, trying "not to fall into the paws of the wolf." If the player stepped in or was touched by the driver, then he is out.

Hunters and ducks.

The players are divided into two teams, one of which - hunters - becomes in a circle, and the second - ducks - enters the middle of the circle. The hunters have a ball. On a signal, they begin to knock the ducks out of the circle. Each player can throw the ball himself or pass the ball to a teammate for throwing. Ducks, running inside the circle, escape from the ball by dodging and jumping. The knocked out duck leaves the circle. The result of the game is summed up by the number of ducks knocked out in the time set by the teacher.

- Outdoor games with elements of sports games.


Two teams of 6-8 people play. Teams are located on opposite sides of the grid. The ball is put into play with a volleyball serve. Players of the opposing team must catch the ball, and using the three-pass rule, throw it to the opponent's side. No more than three steps are allowed with the ball. The rollover continues until the ball touches the ground, on the opponent's court, or flies into touch. The game continues up to 15 points, up to two victories in the game.

To your catcher.

The game is similar to basketball. Two teams are playing. Each tries to take possession of the ball and throw it at the target. The goal is your player (catcher) standing in a circle. Catching the ball, the catcher has no right to go out of the circle. The circle is surrounded by a neutral zone (1 meter). Players from both teams are not allowed to enter this area. For this and other technical violations, the ball is transferred to the opposing team. For rough play - a penalty kick from 6 meters from the catcher. The thrower may be hindered by an interceptor positioned in front of the catcher near the neutral zone. Each well-aimed throw to the catcher is 1 point. They play 2 halves of 10 minutes.

- Games for attention.

Forbidden movement.

The teacher before the formation shows a number of simple general developmental exercises that the children repeat after him. Before the game, they agree on one or two "forbidden movements" that cannot be performed, although the teacher can show them (for example, hands on the belt, crouching emphasis). The one who makes the mistake is out of the game.

Dwarfs and giants.

Players are built in one line (or in a circle). At the “Giants” command, they stand on their toes and raise their hands up, and at the “dwarfs” command, they squat as low as possible, hands on the floor. The one who made a mistake should take a step forward. After 6-8 teams sum up.

#3 Presentations.

- Physical education minutes.

Rules of conduct at the lesson of physical culture.

Athletics (Low start, starting run, sprint technique).

Sports technology. (Boxing. Hockey. Swimming. Basketball.)


Elective course program

The program of the elective course "Innovative technologies of physical culture" is aimed at mastering the students of the specialty 032101 "Physical culture and sports" and the direction of training 032100 "Physical culture" with modern educational and recreational technologies in the field of physical culture, and is also aimed at developing students' professional competencies, characterizing the quality of personnel training in this industry.


1.1. Purpose of the course

Purpose of the course– formation of students of the faculty of physical culture professional thinking, skills, abilities and competencies that will allow the use of innovative technologies of physical culture in future work.

1.2. Course objectives

▪ Achieve a strong mastery of the system professional knowledge about innovative technologies of physical culture.

▪ Educating students' ability to comprehend information related to innovative technologies of physical culture and determine effective ways of its use in future professional activities.

▪ Instilling experience in students creative activity, the ability to analyze and design innovative work.

▪ Ensure that students apply the acquired technologies in practical activities.

1.3. Place of the course in vocational training graduate

Domestic and foreign science in the field of physical culture and sports in recent years offers various innovative projects. Their introduction is often of a local nature, and the experience of teaching in the practice of training physical education personnel is practically absent. Undoubtedly, the students of the Faculty of Physical Education mastering innovative technologies of physical culture and their introduction into the practice of physical education of the Russian education system will allow solving many both private and general problems in this area.

The elective course "Innovative technologies of physical culture" refers to the national-regional (university) component of the block of general professional disciplines (OPD). Its content should be implemented before students enter pedagogical and professionally oriented practice.

1.4. Requirements for the level of mastering the course content

Mastering the elective course "Innovative technologies of physical culture" provides for three levels:

1st levelintroductory- involves the student's perception, comprehension and memorization of the main content of the course "Innovative technologies of physical culture".

2nd leveladaptive- involves the acquisition by the student of the professional competencies necessary for the implementation of innovative activities in familiar conditions and the obligatory fulfillment of the tasks of the SIW.

3rd levelproductive- involves the implementation in practice in the new conditions of innovation.


2.1. Course sections.

The elective course "Innovative technologies of physical culture" consists of sections:

1. Introduction.

2. Modern innovative technologies of physical culture.

3. Independent work of students (SIW).

2.2. Themes and their content.


Topic 1. Innovative technologies of physical culture and their place in the system of professional training of physical culture personnel.

An introduction to the course "Innovative technologies of physical culture", its goals, objectives and significance in the professional education of a specialist in physical culture and sports. The place of innovative technologies in the professional training of a specialist. Organization and forms of CPV classes. Requirements for students.

Definition of the concepts "innovation", "innovative processes", " innovative activity”, “Pedagogical technologies”, “ pedagogical projects”, “innovative technologies” and their correlation. General and specific features that characterize modern innovative technologies of physical culture. Innovative technologies of physical culture and the quality of professional training of a modern specialist.



The concept of sports-oriented physical education in Russia.

Purpose, objectives and features of the organization of sports-oriented physical education in educational institutions. Methodology for building sports-oriented physical education in educational institutions. Mechanisms for the implementation of sports-oriented physical education of schoolchildren.

Educational and social aspects of sports-oriented physical education.

Topic 2. All-Russian movement "Children of Russia are educated and healthy" (DROZD)

Purpose, tasks and main stages of development of the DROZD movement. Experience in the implementation of the DROZD project in Russia. Prospects for the development of the DROZD movement.

The historical aspect of Olympic education. Olympic movement: principles, traditions, rules. Neo-Olympism and its priorities. Philosophical meaning of modern Olympism.

Purpose, objectives, means, methods and essence of Olympic education.

Olympic education as an innovative technology of physical education. Organizational and pedagogical foundations of Olympic education in Russia. Features of the implementation of Olympic education in the practice of educational institutions.

Valeological functions and tasks of the education system.

Conceptual foundations of valeological pedagogy in educational systems. Methodological principles of valeological upbringing and education.

Modern valeological and progressive psychological and pedagogical technologies and teaching methods that contribute to the preservation of human health.

Valeological foundations of the strategy and tactics of pedagogical skill of a specialist in physical culture and sports.

Healthy school as a valueologically oriented model of the educational process. The most effective methods and forms of valeological work in educational institutions of various types.

The concept, methodology and methodology of the “Presidential competitions” of the population Russian Federation. Features of the organization of "Presidential competitions". Information support of the "Presidential competitions". Sociocultural effect of "Presidential competitions".

The project of the world sports and health movement. Basic assumptions, components and sequence of implementation of the international part of the program "Presidential Competitions". Conceptual foundations of the President's sports and recreation program.

The concept of the Spartan movement. Goals and main tasks of Spartan technology. Specific goals and objectives related to physical education and sports.

Forms and methods of Spartan technology. Spartan Games. Spartan Club. Inclusion of children and youth in the Spartan movement.

Features of Spartan technology - humanistic orientation; complex integrative character; the value of competition for children and youth; relationship between sport and art.

The main directions and social effect of using Spartan technology in working with various groups of the population.


Topic 1. Sports-oriented physical education.

To develop annual planning of sports-oriented physical education for one of the secondary schools and propose it for implementation.

Topic 2. All-Russian movement "Children of Russia are educated and healthy" (DROZD).

Prepare an abstract on the topic "Experience in the implementation of the DROZD project in ...".

Topic 3. Olympic education.

Develop at least 10 tests for the program of the theoretical round of the subject Olympiad for schoolchildren "Olympic Games of our time".

Topic 4. Valeological education.

Take part in a survey of schoolchildren as part of the program of the international project "Health and Behavior of Schoolchildren".

Topic 5. Presidential competitions.

Draw up a program of "Presidential competitions" for schoolchildren for its implementation in the practice of schools during the passage teaching practice.

Topic 6. Innovative Spartan technology of spiritual and physical healing of children and youth.

2.3. Control tasks

Exercise 1:gnostic skills of students.

1. Find the website of the State Committee for Sports of the Russian Federation.

2. To study the materials of the last meeting of the State Council on the development of physical culture and sports in Russia.

3. Identify priority tasks and proposed ways to solve them.

Task 2:predictive skills of students.

1. Compile a questionnaire for faculty applicants to identify their professional orientation and suitability.

2. Conduct a survey of applicants during the "Days of open doors of the faculty".

3. Process the survey results and submit them to the subject committee.

Task 3:design skills of students.

1. Develop a Health Day program for a comprehensive school.

2. Get an expert opinion on the program from a leading teacher.

3. During the period of teaching practice, conduct a “Health Day” at the school according to the approved program.

Task 4: communication skills students.

1. Compose the text of your own introduction on the topic "The contribution of Stavropol athletes to the development of the modern Olympic movement."

2. Record the speech on a voice recorder and listen to it. Correct mistakes.

  1. Make a presentation in a group.

Task 5:organizational skills of students.

1. To study the program of the Spartakiad of the faculty.

2. Choose one type of intergroup competition and join the panel of judges.

3. Assist in organizing and holding competitions in one of the sports.


The form of the final control is a test. To receive a credit, a student must master the 3rd (productive) level of the course content and complete the volume of SIW provided by the program and control tasks.


5.1. Main literature

  1. Balsevich V.K. Sports vector of physical education in the Russian school. - M.: TPFC, 2006. - 112 p.
  2. Lubysheva L.I., Magin V.A. Innovative technologies in the professional training of a sports teacher: a textbook. – M.: TPFC, 2005. – 191 p.
  3. Student's Olympic textbook: Textbook / V.S. Rodichenko and others - M .: Soviet sport, 2005. - 128 p.
  4. Fundamentals of Valeology: Textbook / Ed. V.P. Solomina, L.P. Makarova, L.A. Popova. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University im. A.I. Herzen, 1999. - 205 p.
  5. Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports: Textbook / Ed. V.A. Magina, I.Yu. Sokolova. - Stavropol: Publishing House of SGU, 2009. - 264 p.
  6. Stolyarov V.I. Innovative Spartan technology of spiritual and physical health improvement of children and youth. - M .: Center for the Development of Spartan Culture, publishing house "Soviet Sport", 2003. - 336 p.
  7. Stolyarov V.I., Balsevich V.K., Mochenov V.P., Lubysheva L.I. Modernization of physical education in a comprehensive school. - M.: TPFC, 2009. - 320 p.
  8. Your Olympic textbook: Textbook for educational institutions in Russia / V.S. Rodichenko and others - M .: Soviet sport, 2007. - 144 p.

5.2. additional literature

  1. Balsevich V.K. Lubysheva L.I. Sports-oriented physical education: educational and social aspects // Theory and practice of physical culture. 2003. No. 5. p. 19-22.
  2. Vavilov Yu.N., Vavilov K.Yu., Silina A.Yu. On the project of the world sports and health movement // Physical culture: upbringing, education, training. 2001. No. 4. p. 58-61.
  3. Kontanistov A.T. On the Formation of the Organizational and Pedagogical Foundations of Olympic Education in Russia // Theory and Practice of Physical Culture. 2003. No. 3. p. 44-47.
  4. Popov S.V. Valeology at school and at home (On the physical well-being of schoolchildren). - St. Petersburg; UNION, 1998. - 256 p.
  5. Physical culture: upbringing, education, training. 1998. No. 3.
  6. Physical culture: upbringing, education, training. 2001. No. 1.
  7. Physical culture: upbringing, education, training. 2003. No. 1.

Grishkina Tatyana Nikolaevna, teacher of physical education, MBOU "Kormovishchenskaya secondary school" pos. Kormovishche, Lysvensky district, Perm region.
I think you will agree with me: "To make a child smart, reasonable - make him strong and healthy" So, what is a lesson? For me, a lesson is the time allotted for communication with children, but communication is unusual: this is the time of movement towards positive emotions. This is a lesson-game, where the dry lines of the curriculum turn into amazing and exciting minutes when you can prove yourself, see what the “little man” is capable of. I think that the lesson is a kind of performance that takes a long time to be prepared by a talented director-teacher, where all the roles are distributed, and the action itself is played out more than once in the imagination.

Publication date: 09.02.2015

Innovative technologies at the modern lesson of physical culture.

The purpose of physical education is to promote the comprehensive development of the personality through the formation of the physical culture of the student's personality.

"To make a child smart, reasonable - make him strong and healthy."

The school presents a wide range of educational pedagogical technologies that are used in the educational process.

Implementation in educational process modern educational and information technologies will allow the teacher to:

* work out the depth and strength of knowledge, consolidate skills and abilities in various fields of activity;

* develop technological thinking, the ability to independently plan their educational, self-educational activities;

* build an individual learning path for each student;

* cultivate habits of strict adherence to the requirements of technological discipline in the organization of training sessions.

However, the introduction of modern educational and information technologies does not mean that they will completely replace the traditional teaching methods, but will be its integral part. After all pedagogical technology is a set of methods methodological techniques, forms of organization of educational activities based on the theory of learning and providing planned results.

So what is a lesson? For me, a lesson is the time allotted for communication with children, but communication is unusual: this is the time of movement towards positive emotions. This is a lesson-game, where the dry lines of the curriculum turn into amazing and exciting minutes when you can prove yourself, see what the “little man” is capable of.

I believe that a lesson is a kind of performance, which is prepared for a long time by a talented director-teacher, where all the roles are distributed, and the action itself is played out more than once in the imagination.

And this action begins with observing the change in the mood of the guys when they go to the gym: their eyes burn with joy in anticipation of the fact that it will be possible to jump, practice on the gymnastic wall and somersault, and for this they will only be praised.

The components of the physical culture of the student's personality are good health, good physical development, the optimal level of motor abilities, knowledge and skills in the field of physical culture, motives and abilities to carry out sports and recreational activities.

Therefore, the purpose of physical education is to promote the comprehensive development of the personality through the formation of physical culture of the student's personality.

In my opinion, this goal will be achieved by solving the following tasks:

Teaching vital motor skills and abilities;

Development of motor abilities;

Raising the need to independently engage in physical exercises, use them for recreation, health promotion.

The realization of the goal of physical education and the solution of the above tasks are possible through the modeling of complexes and the development of an algorithm for their implementation, the realization of the ability to organize independent activities of students in the classroom and manage it.

This is facilitated by the definition of the ultimate goals of education of physical qualities, their development at a particular stage of training; analysis of performed exercises; as well as the fact that the set of exercises should fit into a certain part of the lesson, taking into account the physical fitness of the group of students. It is necessary to take into account the amount of work and rest, taking into account age and gender differences; follow the sequence of exercises and transitions from one task to another.

The effectiveness of the lesson is achieved through interrelated and at the same time relatively independent parts: preparatory, main, final.

In the preparatory part of the lesson, the psychological and physiological preparation of students is carried out, it is aimed at achieving the body's readiness for the direct fulfillment of the tasks of the lesson with the help of general developmental and preparatory exercises.

In the main part of the lesson, educational tasks related to the education of the moral and volitional qualities of the individual, health promotion, and the development of physical qualities are solved. Here, students acquire new motor skills, improve and consolidate previously acquired ones.

In the final part of the lesson, it is necessary to create conditions for a gradual transition from an excited state, caused by intensive exercises in a variety of exercises, to subsequent work in other lessons. Calm walking, sedentary play, attention exercises contribute to this.

Physical education lessons are a fragment of the natural life of children, as children grow in movements, discover the world, try their hand. Movement strengthens the body, and most importantly, brings health and joy of being.

“Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, the strength of knowledge, faith in their own strength depend on the vitality and vivacity of children ...”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky


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