Lecture material on the Russian language on the topic "orthoepic norm". What does orthoepy study The meaning of orthoepy in Russian

ORTHOEPY(from Greek orthos "correct" and epos "speech"), correct pronunciation (cf. spelling correct writing). The word orthoepy is used in two meanings: 1) a system of uniform pronunciation norms in the literary language; and 2) the science (a branch of phonetics) dealing with pronunciation norms, their substantiation and establishment.

Orthoepic norms are also called literary pronunciation norms, since they serve the literary language, i.e. the language spoken and written by cultured people. The literary language unites all Russian speakers, it is needed to overcome the linguistic differences between them. And this means that he must have strict norms: not only lexical norms for the use of words, not only grammatical, but also orthoepic norms. Differences in pronunciation, like other language differences, interfere with people's communication, shifting their attention from what is being said to how it is being said.

Pronunciation norms are determined by the phonetic system of the language. Each language has its own phonetic laws, according to which words are pronounced. For example, in Russian percussive sound[o] in an unstressed position changes to [a] ( V[O] do in[A] Yes,T[O] cheat t[A] read); after soft consonants, stressed vowels [o, a, e] change to unstressed sound[And] ( m[I] co – m[And] sleep, V[yo] l – V[And] la, l[e] h – ow[And] zat); at the end of words, voiced consonants change to deaf (du [b] s du[P], moro[h] s – moro[With]). The same change of voiced to deaf occurs before deaf consonants ( RU[b] it – RU[P] ka, how h it – how[With] to), and deaf consonants before voiced change to voiced ( to[With] it – to h bba, molo[T] it – molo[e] bba). Phonetics is the study of these laws. Orthoepic norms determine the choice of pronunciation options if the phonetic system in this case allows several possibilities. So, in words of foreign origin, in principle, the consonant before the letter e can be pronounced both hard and soft, while orthoepic norm sometimes requires a firm pronunciation (for example, [de] kada, [te] mp), sometimes soft (for example [d "e] declaration, [t "e] temperament, mu[h "e] th). The phonetic system of the Russian language allows both the combination [shn] and the combination [ch "n], cf. bulo[h "n] and I And bulo[sn] and I, but the orthoepic norm prescribes to speak horse[sn] O, but not horse[h "n] O. Orthoepy also includes stress norms: pronounce correctly document, but not document,start, but not beginning,call, A Not ringing, alphabet, but not alphabet).

At the heart of the Russian literary language, and hence the literary pronunciation, lies the Moscow dialect. It happened historically: it was Moscow that became the unifier of the Russian lands, the center of the Russian state. Therefore, the phonetic features of the Moscow dialect formed the basis of orthoepic norms. If the capital of the Russian state were not Moscow, but, say, Novgorod or Vladimir, then the literary norm would be “okane” (i.e., we would now pronounce V[O] Yes, but not V[A] Yes), and if Ryazan became the capital “yakane” (i.e. we would say V[l "a] su, but not V[l "and] su).

Orthoepic rules prevent a mistake in pronunciation, cut off unacceptable options. Variants of pronunciation, recognized as incorrect, non-literary, may appear under the influence of the phonetics of other language systems territorial dialects, urban vernacular or closely related languages, mainly Ukrainian. We know that not all Russian speakers have the same pronunciation. In the north of Russia they “okayut” and “ekayut”: they pronounce V[O] Yes, G[O] V[O] rit, n[e] su), in the south “akyut” and “yakyut” (they say V[A] Yes, n[I] su), there are other phonetic differences.

A person who has not mastered the literary language since childhood, but who consciously masters literary pronunciation, may encounter pronunciation features in his speech that are characteristic of the local dialect that he learned in childhood. For example, people from the south of Russia often retain a special pronunciation of the sound [r] they pronounce a voiced [x] in its place (a sound denoted by the sign in transcription). It is important to understand that such pronunciation features are a violation of the norms only in the system of the literary language, and in the system of territorial dialects they are normal and correct and correspond to the phonetic laws of these dialects.

There are other sources of non-literary pronunciation. If a person first encountered a word in written language, in fiction or other literature, and before that he had never heard how it is pronounced, he may read it incorrectly, voice it: the literal appearance of the word may affect the pronunciation. It was under the influence of spelling that, for example, the pronunciation of the word appeared chu[f] stvo instead of correct chu[With] yours, [h] That instead of [w] That, pomo[sch] Nick instead of pomo[w] Nick.

The orthoepic norm does not always affirm only one of the pronunciation options as the only correct one, rejecting the other as erroneous. In some cases, it allows for variations in pronunciation. Literary, correct is considered as a pronunciation e[w"w"] at, in and[w"w"] at with a soft long sound [zh "], and e[lj] at, in and[lj] at with solid debt; right and before[w"w"] And, And before[wa] And, And ra[w"w"] istit And ra[w "h"] istit, and [d] believe and [d"] believe, And P[O] Asia And P[A] Asia. Thus, unlike spelling norms that offer one option and forbid others, orthoepic norms allow options that are either evaluated as equal, or one option is considered desirable and the other acceptable. For example, Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language edited by R.I. Avanesov (M., 1997) the word pool allows you to pronounce with both soft and hard [s], i.e. And ba[s "e] yin And ba[se] yin; this dictionary suggests pronouncing maneuvers, glider, but pronunciation is also allowed maneuvers, glider.

The emergence of many orthoepic variants is associated with the development of the literary language. The pronunciation is gradually changing. At the beginning of the 20th century spoke A[n"] gel, tse[R"] cow, ve[p "x], ne[R"] out. And even now in the speech of older people you can often find such a pronunciation. Very quickly, the solid pronunciation of the consonant [s] in the particle - Xia (camping) (dared[With] A, met[With]). At the beginning of the 20th century this was the norm of the literary language, as well as hard sounds [g, k, x] in adjectives on - cue, -gyi, -hi and in verbs on - nod, -gyrate, -cheat. Words high, strict, dilapidated, jump, bounce, shake off pronounced as if it were written strict, dilapidated, jump up, bounce. Then the norm began to allow both options old and new: and dared[With] A And dared[with "] i, and strict[G] uy strict[G"] uy. As a result of changes in literary pronunciation, variants appear, some of which characterize the speech of the older generation, others of the younger.

Orthoepic norms are established by scientists specialists in the field of phonetics. On the basis of what do linguists decide which option should be rejected and which one should be approved? Orthoepy codifiers weigh all the pros and cons of each of the options encountered, while taking into account various factors: the prevalence of the pronunciation option, its compliance with the objective laws of language development (i.e., they look at which option is doomed and which has a future ). They establish the relative strength of each argument per pronunciation. For example, the prevalence of a variant is important, but this is not the strongest argument in its favor: there are common mistakes. In addition, orthoepy specialists are in no hurry to approve a new version, adhering to reasonable conservatism: literary pronunciation should not change too quickly, it must be stable, because the literary language connects generations, unites people not only in space, but also in time. Therefore, it is necessary to recommend the traditional, but living norm, even if it was not the most common.

LITERATURE Panov M.V. About Russian orthoepy. Russian language in the national school, 1971, No. 3
Avanesov R.I. Russian literary pronunciation. M., 1984
Panov M.V. History of Russian literary pronunciation. M., 1990
Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language: Pronunciation, stress, grammatical forms. S.N. Borunova, V.L. Vorontsova, N.A. Eskova; Ed. R.I. Avanesova. 6th ed. M., 1997
Kalenchuk M.L., Kasatkina R.F. Dictionary of Russian pronunciation difficulties. M., 1997

The term "orthoepy" (from the ancient Greek ὀρθός "correct" and ἔπος "speech") is used in relation to to the norms of pronunciation of sounds and significant units of the language correct placement of stress and intonation.

Relatively speaking, orthoepy dictates to us which syllable in a particular word should be stressed, and explains why.

The concept of orthoepy as a section of linguistics

Linguistics interprets the term "orthoepy" in two meanings:

  • a set of pronunciation norms of the literary language, pronunciation features - the sound design of lexical units (words);
  • the name of a science, a section of phonetics that studies pronunciation norms, their variation, and develops pronunciation recommendations (in other words, orthoepic rules).

In modern linguistics, there are two approaches to understanding orthoepic norms: in the first case, the term is interpreted more broadly - in addition to the rules of pronunciation, stress is normalized, in a narrower sense, these norms are excluded from the scope of the study of orthoepy.

Orthoepic norms serve only the literary language, they are necessary for communication between people, facilitating the understanding of speech. Norms and rules are determined by the phonetic laws that exist in a particular language.

They are different in different languages. So, in many European languages, the sound [l,] is always pronounced softly, while in Russian there are two pronunciation options - [l] and [l,].

Pronunciation norms

It is orthoepy dictates the need for pronunciation:

  • [a] instead of [o] in an unstressed position: not in [o] yes, but in [a] yes, not [o] to read, but to [a] to read;
  • [and] instead of [a], [o], [e] in syllables that are not stressed: h [a] s - h [i] sy, in [e] dra - in [i] dro;
  • a deaf sound instead of a soft one at the end of a word (stunning): zu [b] s - zu [n], droz [d] y-droz [t], para [d] ny - pair [t];
  • a deaf sound instead of a voiced one before a deaf consonant sound: ru[b]it - ru[n]ka, lo[d]ochka - lo[t]ka, [in] the lake - [f] park;
  • voiced - instead of deaf before voiced (assimilation): co[s]it - kozba, mol[t]it - youth[d]ba, etc.

If the language system allows for several possibilities of pronunciation, orthoepy dictates the choice. Often this need arises when words of a foreign origin enter the language. For example, in most foreign languages the consonant before the sound [e] is not softened. When a word enters the Russian language, some words require a hard pronunciation, some, on the contrary, a soft one.


  • solid pronunciation: t [e] mp, accent [e] nt, amber [e] and others;
  • soft: music [e] th, d [e] declaration, d [e] can, etc.

The rule says:

  • a solid consonant is preserved in foreign surnames (Volt [e] r, Shop [e] ngauer);
  • in bookish and little-used words, as well as those that have recently entered the language, a solid consonant is retained (r[e]iting, d[e]-jure, d[e]-facto), although as the word is actively fixed in the language, it is possible to replace the solid pronunciation to soft (as, for example, now it happens with the words r[e]iting, d[e]zodorant, where a double pronunciation is possible).

Pronunciation may vary and on the type of consonant before a vowel. Recently, in words of foreign origin, there has been a tendency to soften the consonant sound in the combination “de” (as we write, we pronounce it: d[e]claration, d[e]ekret, d[e]monstration, etc.). Similar processes are observed in the combinations “not”, “re” (shin[e]l, aquar[e]l).

Due to the presence of orthoepic norms, it is necessary to speak bulo[shn] aya, yai[shn]itsa, kone[shn]o, etc.

Stress norms

Orthoepy also normalizes stress, establishes accent norms. The fact that it is necessary to speak calls, but does not call, the alphabet, and not the alphabet, many people know from school course Russian, but complex cases are also possible.

Many languages ​​have a fixed accent. Russian is considered difficult to learn also because the accent in it is:

  • free - it does not have a specific position, the stress can fall on any syllable;
  • mobile - even when a word changes, the stress can move, not to mention related words.

Stress is often the only sign of the grammatical form of a word (hands - hands), it helps to distinguish the semantics of words (atlas - atlas).

Literary and non-literary orthoepic norms

The literary pronunciation is based on the Moscow dialect. Other regions have their own characteristics:

  • "Akanye" and "yakane" - for the southern ones;
  • "okanye" - for the northern ones;
  • characteristic pronunciation of the sound [g] - [g].

A person consciously striving for a literary pronunciation tries to get rid of them, but in the dialect system they can be considered the norm.

With the development of the literary language pronunciation may change however, a person can be considered literate only when he adheres to the traditional norm.

Orthoepy studies the norms of pronunciation adopted in the literary language. Like other linguistic phenomena, orthoepic norms change over time, and in the modern one there is an “older norm”, reflecting the canons of the old Moscow pronunciation, and a “younger norm”, corresponding to the modern pronunciation features of the Russian language.

The main orthoepic norms include the rules for pronouncing vowels and consonants in various positions, as well as the rules for setting stress.


Stress in Russian is musical and mobile, i.e. it is not rigidly tied to a certain part of a word, a certain syllable, as, for example, in French, where the last syllable is always stressed.

Moreover, in the Russian language there is a group of homonyms called homophones, which have identical spelling, but differ in stress: “atlAs - Atlas”; "goats - goats".

If staging in one or another causes difficulty, you can find out about its correct pronunciation in the orthoepic dictionary.

Vowel sounds

The vowels of the language are clearly pronounced only in stressed position. In an unstressed position, they have a less clear pronunciation, i.e. become reduced.

The main orthoepic norms based on the law of vowel reduction include the following:

The vowel sound [o] and [a] at the beginning of a word in an unstressed position is always pronounced as [a]: “- [a] bezyan”; "window - [a] window".

The vowel sound [o], which is in any unstressed syllable after the stressed one, is pronounced as a sound conventionally denoted [b] and sounds like a sound that fluctuates in the range from [a] to [s]: “rustle - shor [b] x”; "- pat [b] ka".

If the letters a, i, e are in a position after soft consonants, they are pronounced as a sound that has a middle sound between [i] and [e], which is conventionally denoted in transcription [ie]: “heavy - t [ie] yellow”; “patience - t [ie] rpeniye”; lay - st [ie] pour.

The vowel sound reflected in the letter by the letter “and” after solid consonants in some cases is pronounced as [s], and this rule is valid even if the following word begins with “and”: “pedagogical institute - pedagogical [s] institute”, “to Irina - to [y] rine.


The consonant sounds of the Russian language are characterized by such phenomena as assimilation and deafening.

Assimilation - the property of sounds to be assimilated in hardness / softness to the sounds that follow them. So, according to orthoepic norms, hard sounds are softened if, for example, they are in a position in front of the always soft hissing “Sh”, “Ch”: “a woman is a woman [n’] woman”.

Stunning - deaf pronunciation of voiced consonants at the end of the word: "mushroom - gr[p]"; "pillar - table [p]".

A certain difficulty is caused by the pronunciation of the combinations "Th" and "Ch". According to the "older norm", the combination "th" was always pronounced as [pcs], and "ch" - like [shn]. According to the "younger norm", such pronunciation was preserved only in some cases:

In female patronymics: "Ilyinichna - Ilini [shn] a"
- in the word "what" and the words formed from it: "something - [piece] about"
- in some words: “scrambled eggs - eggs [shn] ica”, “bakery - bulo[shn] aya”, although, probably, this form will soon be considered obsolete.

Of course, it is impossible to consider all the subtleties of orthoepic norms in one article. But if there is doubt about the correct pronunciation of a particular word, it will not be superfluous to turn to the spelling dictionary or spelling guide - this will help make the speech more literate and understandable to others.

Orthoepy (from the Greek. orthos- "correct" and epos- "speech") - these are the historically established norms of Russian literary pronunciation of individual sounds and sound combinations in a stream oral speech.

The pronunciation features of the Russian literary language were mainly formed by the middle of the 17th century. based on the spoken language of the city of Moscow. Of course, certain changes have taken place since then, but the main features have survived to this day as an orthoepic norm. Let's consider some of them.

1. In the Russian literary language, the sound [o] is not pronounced in an unstressed position. In its place, after solid consonants at the beginning of a word and the first pre-stressed syllable, [a] is pronounced, so the words are pronounced the same way P O ry" And P A ry", st A gave birth And st O gave birth, although they are spelled differently.

2. After soft consonants in place of vowels, which are indicated by letters e, e, i(i.e., in place of the sounds [e], [o], [a]), in an unstressed position, a sound close to [and] is usually pronounced, for example: carries, blind, spring. Therefore, the same (with a sound close to [and]) are pronounced, for example, the words dedicated I tit - dedicated e tit, approx e ryat - approx. And ryat.

3. Paired voiced consonants, denoted by letters b, c, d, e, g, h, become deaf (stunned) at the end of a word and before paired deaf consonants, denoted by letters p, f, k, t, w, s: cru G ([To]), bro V b([f"]), gara and ([w]), V cous([f]), uka h ka([With]), By d jumped([T]).

Paired deaf consonants before paired voiced consonants become voiced (voiced): O T glitter([d]), about With bba([z"]).

4. In some combinations of consonants (stn, zdn and some others) there is a loss of sound, although the letter is written: poses d ny, chu V to succumb.

5. Combination ch excellent ch oh then ch th, ve ch O etc. But in some words the combination ch pronounced like [shn]: horse ch oh naro ch oh laundry ch ah, yay ch itza, square ch ik, empty ch wow, Nikiti ch A etc. In a number of words, a double pronunciation is allowed ([ch] and [shn]): bulo ch oh, plum ch oh, yay ch oh, gre ch left.

6. Combination thu, as a rule, is pronounced in accordance with the spelling: me thu a, neither thu burning, by thu and, at thu And etc. But in union What and pronoun What, and also in words derived from them it is pronounced [pcs]: thu O, thu oby, thu about anything, thu oh something, something thu O.

7. In foreign words, double consonants are often found; in some words they are pronounced as double (wa nn a, then nn a, ma ss a, ha mm A), in others as solitary (A kk urate,compromise ss, A kk emulator,gra mm).

8. In many foreign words, consonants before e pronounced firmly: svi those R([te]), ka fe ([fe]), summary me ([me]), she de vr([de]), those sis([te]). But in many borrowed words the consonants before e softly pronounced: aka de mia, p re ssa, shi Not l, comp re ss, those rmometer.

9. In reflexive verbs at the end it is written - to be or -tsya (laugh, laughs), but it is pronounced the same - [ca].

10. At the beginning of some words is written mid, but pronounced [w "]: mid astier, mid et.

Orthoepic norms also relate to setting the correct stress in words. You should memorize words with the correct stress, and in case of difficulty, refer to the "Orthoepic Dictionary".


Apartments "nty, pampered" ba "nty, ba" rust, faith "giving, turn on" t, gas pipeline "d, dispensary" r, envy "bottom, neighing" vet, call "t, and" long ago, industry " i, rolled "g, quart" l, kilometer "tr, whooping" w, paint "vee, flint" n, necrolo "g, provide" chenie, facilitate "t, illumine" home, parte "r, reward" t, to force, rust, vet, means, orphan, you, table, then mouths, moves, secrets, Christians, hosts, gypsy, scoop, sorrel.

It should be borne in mind that in some verbs of the past tense, in short adjectives and participles in feminine forms, the stress falls on the ending: took - bra "whether - took", on "hired - on" hired - hired", on "chal - on" chali - beginning ", but put - cla" li - cla "la; rude - gro "bo - gro" would be - rude", right - right "in - right" you are right "; when "accepted - when" accepted - accepted "accepted - accepted", about "given - about" given - about "given - sold" and about "given.

The participles often have an accent on the same syllable as in the indefinite form of the corresponding verb: having put, having set, having filled, having taken, having taken, having exhausted (DO NOT: have exhausted), having begun, having raised, having lived, watering, having put, having understood, having given, having undertaken, having arrived, having accepted, having sold, having cursed, having spilled, having penetrated, having drunk, having created.

You can find out how a particular word is pronounced in the “School Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language” by P. A. Lekant and V. V. Ledeneva, as well as in the book “Russian Literary Pronunciation” by R. I. Avanesov, in the orthoepic dictionary I.L. Reznichenko.


  1. Orthoepy as a science
  2. Development of Russian orthoepy
  3. Diversity of stress (accentological aspect)
  4. Accent options


List of used literature


The relevance of this topic lies in the development and formation modern trends Russian language and linguistics. Modern technologies allow you to study this topic using new approaches.

The historical development of orthoepy, as one of the areas of linguistics, allows you to look for an answer to long-existing expressions (their correctness and incorrect pronunciation).

The invasion of enemies in Rus' was the cause of drastic changes in the pronunciation and spelling of words and phrases. Much during the historical period of development was erased by time and irrelevant, the reforms of the Russian made it possible to most actualize the Russian language and unify its composition.

The modern Russian language, which has a long historical basis, should reflect both the words from European languages ​​and the historical basis.

The purpose of this work is to trace the development of orthoepy and accentology; and also to determine what problems are studied by these disciplines.

1. Orthoepy as a science

Each literary language exists in two forms - oral and written - and is characterized by the presence of mandatory norms - lexical, grammatical and stylistic. At the same time, the written form of the language is also subject to spelling and punctuation norms (i.e., spelling rules), while the oral form is subject to pronunciation, or orthoepic, norms.

The word orthoepy is of Greek origin: orthos - correct, epos - speech. It denotes both the set of pronunciation rules and the science that studies these rules. Orthoepy is the doctrine of the norms of oral speech: the rules for the pronunciation of individual sounds and their combinations, the patterns of stress.

Good literary pronunciation is one of the important indicators of the general cultural level modern man. “The correct pronunciation of a word is as important as the correct spelling. It is known that mispronunciation distracts the listener's attention from the content of the statement, thereby making it difficult to exchange information ... Role correct pronunciation especially increased in our time, when oral public speech at meetings and conferences, on radio and television has become a means of communication between thousands and millions of people.

It is especially important to spread the correct Russian literary pronunciation, since the Russian language is not only the language of the Russian people, but also a means of interethnic communication of all peoples, Russia and one of international languages modernity.

This is facilitated by special reference and study guides, scientific and popular science publications, regular radio and television programs. However central figure in the spread of orthoepic skills was and remains school teacher. Therefore the student pedagogical university he himself must master the norms of orthoepy, clearly imagine the direction in which the language norm develops in the field of stress and pronunciation, be able to distinguish variants of the norm from non-normative, incorrect pronunciation.

2. Development of Russian orthoepy

Russian literary pronunciation developed gradually, mainly on the basis of Moscow pronunciation norms. In the XIV century. Moscow became the center of the Russian state, so the pronunciation and many other norms of the emerging Russian literary language were formed on the basis of the Moscow dialect. The Moscow orthoepic norm finally took shape by the end of the 19th century. This was the pronunciation of the native Moscow intelligentsia.

By the second half of the XIX century. Petersburg pronunciation was also formed. If the Moscow pronunciation was based on salient features alive vernacular and was supported by the theatrical tradition (the Maly Theater was the greatest authority in the field of Moscow pronunciation), the St. Petersburg pronunciation was characterized by the preservation of spelling features in oral speech, bookishness, “literalism”. In addition, certain features of the Northern Great Russian dialects, including the so-called ekanye, affected the St. Petersburg pronunciation. Petersburg pronunciation was not recognized by the theater, did not become a literary norm, but some of its features subsequently had a noticeable impact on the development of Russian literary pronunciation.

Before the Great October Socialist Revolution, the influence of the pronunciation skills of such large cultural centers as Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod on oral literary speech was also noticeable. Therefore, there were pronunciation options, local differences in pronunciation, which prevented the unification of orthoepic norms.

After October, the change in the social composition of the Russian intelligentsia caused a temporary loosening of the culture of oral literary speech. However, as the masses of speakers mastered the literary language, as their common culture they gradually assimilated the pronunciation norms of the literary language. At present, orthoepic norms have become more uniform, more unified than in the pre-October era. The number of pronunciation options has been reduced. All kinds of pronunciation "idioms" have disappeared or are gradually disappearing, that is, a special pronunciation of individual words or their forms that do not correspond to the general orthoepic norms of the language. The most significant differences between Moscow and St. Petersburg (Leningrad) pronunciation have been erased. This happened due to the loss of many specific features of the pre-revolutionary Moscow pronunciation.

The result was a convergence of Moscow and Leningrad pronunciation. When people talk about the “Moscow norm” today, they mean the old, pre-October Moscow pronunciation. It was preserved in Moscow in the speech of the older generation of Muscovites as early as the 1920s and 1930s. XX century, but in the post-war period it was subjected to enhanced processing. Now even the actors of Moscow theaters, radio and television announcers noticeably deviate from specifically Moscow norms.

Some minor differences in the pronunciation of Muscovites and Leningraders still remain, but they are not regular and do not determine the nature of the pronunciation as a whole: in Moscow, hiccups are more pronounced, in Leningrad, sometimes there is still ekanye, cf .: [r "and e] ka and [r 'e] ka, [n'i e] middle and [n'e] middle; in Moscow, assimilative softening of consonants is more often observed: [z"d"e]s, [s"n"a]t; stronger is the reduction of non-high vowels: [gъl ^ va], [hort].

In the speech of the inhabitants of the Volga region and the North, the ringing pronunciation may still be preserved.

However, these deviations from the literary norm are irregular and do not affect modern orthoepy as a whole.

Thus, the main pattern in the development of pre-modern Russian orthoepy is the elimination of local peculiarities of pronunciation, the establishment of uniform orthoepic norms for all native speakers of the Russian literary language.

The unification of literary pronunciation occurs largely under the influence of writing: pronunciation in many cases approaches writing. This is due to the strengthening of the public role writing under conditions of universal literacy achieved in the Soviet Union. We learn many linguistic facts not from the oral speech of others, but from books and newspapers. The loss of the specific features of the old Moscow pronunciation is primarily due to the influence of the graphic appearance of the word. This is the pronunciation of [l] after hissing (sh] and [g] in the first pre-stressed syllable (heat, naughty, steps); the pronunciation of soft back-lingual before [and] in adjectives and verbs (quiet, flexible, strict; tap, scare, wave) ; distinction in the pronunciation of the endings of the 3rd person plural of verbs of the 1st and 2nd conjugations (they will say, take out, lay, cackle, but hear, walk, praise, love); pronunciation of a solid long [zh:] in the roots of words ( reins, yeast, squeal); the pronunciation of the soft [s"] in the postfix -sya (-s) (decided, took, bathed).

3. Diversity of retention

(accentological aspect)

The diversity and mobility of the Russian stress create significant difficulties in its assimilation. However, these features of Russian stress make it possible to distinguish between words that coincide in spelling different words(homographs): sharpness (blades) and sharpness ( witty expression), ear (petting ear for the word) and ear (hole), satin (geographical) and satin (silk fabric), sharp (sharpen) and sharp (witty), bald (cut) and bald (hold checkers bald), wrinkle ( forehead) and wrinkle (about clothes): the dress wrinkles in "shoulders; chaos (in mythology) and chaos (mess), pick (Protestant church) and pick (tool); knocks (lumberjack knocks down a pine tree) and knocks (people knock down the street , brings down smoke, snow); flour (suffering) and flour (grains ground into powder); cowardly (afraid) and cowardly (running, jogging), immersed (on the platform) and immersed (in water), etc.

With the help of the place of stress, grammatical forms of words (homoforms) that coincide in spelling are also distinguished: blood test (R. p.) - in the blood (P. p.); will not give hands (R. p.) - clean hands (I. p. pl.); crop (perfect view) - crop (imperfect view); load (indicative) - load (imperative); little coat (short form of adjective) - slept little (adverb); around (Tv. p. noun circle) - around (adverb or preposition) - silently (adverb) - silently (general participle); stand at ease (adverb, circumstance)—it was free for him to leave (category of state, predicate); he says tricky (adverb, circumstance) - it’s tricky to figure it out (the category of state, part of the predicate to figure it out).

Being an important distinguishing tool, Russian variegated and mobile stress eliminates the monotony of speech, contributes to its rhythmic organization. In particular, due to the diversity of stress, Russian poetic speech is distinguished by an exceptional richness of rhythms, a variety of musical construction of the verse.

4. Accent options

Accentological variations within the literary norm are an inevitable consequence of the evolution of language. As a rule, they do not differ in either semantic or grammatical meanings. For example: thinking - thinking, barge - barge, born - born, flooded - flooded, true - true, to the hut - to the hut, to the bridge - to the bridge, etc. Such equivalent (in meaning, but not in use) accentological doublets in modern Russian there are a lot - more than 5000 common words. "The variability of stress provides a less abrupt and painful transition from the old literary norm to the new one. For example, the stress cemetery was generally accepted in the literary language of the 19th century, the new version of the cemetery began to gradually come into late XIX V. The old version is still used in poetry today. In the XVIII - XIX centuries. Turner accent was the norm. Oscillations (turner and turner) began at the end of the 19th century. and continued until the 1930s. 20th century Now everyone says turner, but you can still meet cooper and cooper.

The reasons for the change in emphasis are different. Sometimes dialectal stress competes with the literary one (cf. lit. keta and Far Eastern keta). The stress fluctuates in some little-known, exotic words (pimy - pimy, high boots - high boots).

Variants of stress are widespread in many borrowed words, which is associated with the influence of different source languages, and in some cases, intermediary languages. So, in the 30s. the variants revolver and revolver were normative (later - only revolver), since this word was erected to different source languages ​​- French and English. Borrowed in the 18th century. from German language the word alcohol was pronounced alcohol, but subsequently influenced French alcohol began to be pronounced. Influenced Polish, which was an intermediary in borrowing, the stress in the words document, pulpit, heretic, climate fluctuated (now only document, heretic, climate).

Some accentological variants originate or remain in a professional environment: agony (among doctors), atom, atomic (among physicists), spark (among drivers), complex numbers(for mathematicians), report (for sailors), landing gear (for pilots), mania (for doctors). In the speech of the miners, the obsolete "in the modern literary language, the stress is mining, in the speech of the sailors - the compass. Many obsolete stresses are preserved in poetry. From professional speech, the accents of the wind, text, cutter, and boy have come into the literary language. Now the emphasis is widespread in the speech of teachers teenage, although it is not recognized by orthoepic dictionaries.

At the same time, church pronunciation (price, endure, protect), seminary (teacher, library, plural, catastrophe), class variants (noble principle or principle and raznochinnoe, including seminary, principle or principle) have long been forgotten.

The accentological features of borrowed words are often ignored if the borrowing is carried out with the help of an intermediary language. So, through Latin in the XVI-XVIII centuries. such dissimilar names as England, France, Nor-ge were borrowed, which in Russian received the same type of structural and accentological design: England, France, Norway. In the XVIII-XIX centuries. through the French language, many words were borrowed from various Western European languages, which received in Russian the stress on the last syllable characteristic of the French language, including English Liverpool, Milton; Hamlet, Shakespeare, Newton, etc.

Words borrowed through Turkic media usually have an accent on the last syllable, even if this accent does not correspond to the original one: Mohammed, Akhmet (cf. Arabic Ahmad, Muhammad).

For the Russian language, the stress is most typical on the last two syllables, so most often the stress of the source language remains unchanged in the words of French, Polish and Turkic languages. Words borrowed from the Germanic, Baltic and Finno-Ugric languages, in which the stress on the first syllable prevails, are perceived as borrowed for a longer time, and in the process of mastering the Russian language, they often experience fluctuations in stress. In some borrowed words, fluctuations in stress last for centuries, as they are supported by vocabulary tradition and poetic speech.

In the XX century. the number of stress fluctuations in borrowed words compared to the 19th century. decreased, which indicates the development of their Russian language.

At present, new fluctuations arise in previously borrowed words, due to the desire to bring the stress of a foreign word closer to the stress in the source language (cf .: Hamlet -> - Hamlet, Los Angeles - Los Angeles, Peru - Peru, Newton-Newton, Bacon-Bacon, etc.).

“Newly borrowed words tend to follow the stress of the source language, because in most cases the time for hesitation to arise in them has not yet come. This should be preceded by a certain period, during which the words should "take root" in the language, become known to most native speakers and "find" an analogy for themselves among the words included in the vocabulary system.

The influence of territorial and social dialects, interlingual contacts, etc., are extralinguistic factors of change and fluctuations in stress. However, intralinguistic reasons turn out to be more important: the influence of analogy, the tendency to dissimilarize grammatical forms and increase the distinctive role of word stress.

Under the influence of analogy, the emphasis is leveled in short forms passive participles: feminine forms are increasingly pronounced with an accent on the basis, like all other forms, and not on the ending, as they were pronounced before: sold, taken, inclined (instead of the only permissible previously, sold, taken, inclined).

The stress in derivatives is increasingly moving away from the stress in the generators: whirlwind - swirl (in dictionaries it is also indicated to swirl), luxury - luxurious, tiger - tiger, brake - brake (old stresses are luxurious, tiger, brake), think - thinker, save - deliverer, comfort - comforter (in the XVIII - early XIX c.: thinker, deliverer, comforter). The emphasis was shifted to the suffix -enie in the words calculation, straightening, purpose, melting (in the dictionaries of the 18th century: calculation, straightening, purpose, melting). The original stress of the word intention, provision, concentration is retained, although violations of the literary norm are common: provision, concentration, intention. The stress in the words thinking, detection, vulgarization, simplification fluctuates within the limits of the literary norm ( linguistic term) and simplification.

A very important pattern of stress change has been established: Russian stress in polysyllabic words tends to the center of the word, and the most common words do not have more than three unstressed syllables in a row.

Obsolete accentological options are fixed in stable phrases, in phraseological units: run your hand across your forehead (what’s on your forehead, what’s on your forehead), hang it on the wall (climb the wall), the lip is not a fool (but the lower lip), the onset of morning (from morning to in the morning), twelve languages ​​​​(twelve languages), about versts (two versts), concerned about the fate of sons (what fates!), Cooks porridge (cooks head), to horses (team: on horses!), Bought a goose (as from a goose water), did not know the need (no need).

At the same time, fixing accentological variants for different meanings polysemantic words is often unstable. Increasingly, the distinction between options such as rolls a barrel and rolls on a bicycle, knocks down and brings down snow, broke through the door and struck the hour, etc. is lost, expanding the scope of use of a more productive option (rolls, knocks, struck).


The concept of orthoepy and accentology in the modern Russian language began to worry literary critics and linguists.

The correctness and incorrectness of the pronunciation of certain words can be characterized by knowing the history of the Russian language, the system of influence of other language schemes on the Russian language.

Accentological aspects of the development and formation of the Russian language make it possible to study the dialectical side of word forms.

The use of modern methods of linguistics allows you to form modern knowledge about the development of the Russian language. Scientific manuals devoted to this topic allow you to explore this topic in a modern context.

The historiography of the Russian language traces the centuries-old history of the formation of the Russian language, pronunciations and spellings of the symbolic-sound scheme. The role of historical periods characterizing the modifications of the Russian language is traced.

The Mongol-Tatar invasions, Swedish influence, as well as the type of settlement, local dialects and colloquial forms played a huge role in the development and formation of orthoepy.

List of used literature

  1. Avanesov R. I. Russian literary pronunciation. - 5th ed. - M-, 1972.
  2. Bulakhovsky L. A. Russian literary language of the first half of XIX in. - M., 1994.
  3. Gorbachevich K. S. Norms of the modern Russian literary language. - M., 1998.
  4. Kolesov V. V. Development of verbal stress in modern Russian pronunciation.— In the book: Development of the Russian language after the Great October Socialist Revolution. L., 1997.
  5. Obnorsky S. P. Selected works on the Russian language. - M., 1990
  6. Panov M.V. On pronunciation styles.— In: Development of the modern Russian language. M., 1993.
  7. Panov M. V. Modern Russian language: Phonetics. - M., 1999.
  8. Development of the phonetics of the modern Russian language. - M., 2001.
  9. Russian literary pronunciation and stress: Dictionary-reference book. / Ed. R. I. Avanesova and S. I. Ozhegova. - M., 1990.
  10. Accent Dictionary for Radio and Television Workers. /Comp. F.L. Ageenko and M.V. Zarva; ed. D. E. Rosenthal. - 4th ed. - M, 2001.
  11. Superanskaya A.V. Emphasis in borrowed words in modern Russian.—M., 1968.
  12. Superanskaya A. V. Emphasis in proper names in modern Russian. - M., 1966.
  13. Fluid A. V. Teaching the Russian language in dialect conditions.—M., 1994.
  14. Ushakov D.N. Moscow pronunciation.— Rus. speech, 1968, no. 2.
  15. Shcherba L.V. On the norms of exemplary Russian pronunciation.— In the book: Selected works on the Russian language. M., 1997.