How to conduct lessons in elementary school. "Learning as an adventure": How to make lessons interesting and fun

Do you want students to run to your lessons and be ready to study your subject all day long?

Then it is worth taking into service the wonderful statement of Anatole France: " The knowledge that is absorbed with appetite is better assimilated.".

Now let's talk about how to put this advice into practice.

Of course, the best way is to conduct non-standard lessons. But this method does not always work. Agree, it is difficult for absolutely every topic to find non-standard ways of explaining and reinforcing. And the methodology does not recommend getting involved in non-standard lessons.

But there are several components that will help you diversify any lesson.

1. A strong start is the key to success. Always start the lesson in an unusual, interesting way. This is the moment when you can use non-standard methods to the fullest. For example, instead of a boring homework survey, hold a blitz tournament, mini-testing, arrange a competition, competition. If the topic is new, then you can start the lesson with some intriguing messages, interesting facts on this topic.

2. Be sure to plan the lesson based on the individual characteristics of the students. Any task should be planned in such a way as to take into account different options for complexity. So you involve not only activists, but also lagging students who often just yawn in the classroom. Find something for everyone!

3. Use technique! Believe me, a presentation that tells, for example, the biography of a writer or the properties of iron, will be remembered much better than a monotonous explanation.

4. Include game elements. Always and in any class! Even high school students are happy to join the game.

5. Break stereotypes! Do not drive the lessons into the usual framework: a lecture is a survey. Try building the lesson differently. The lack of interest of students is often due precisely to the fact that they know in advance all the stages of the lesson. Don't follow patterns.

6. Involve students in explaining a new topic. Searching for information on your own reinforces knowledge more than listening to a ready-made explanation. Let them try! This can be done at a preliminary stage by giving the task to find some information on a future new topic. Or during the lesson, referring to the life experience of the students themselves.

7. Behave outside the box! Are you used to explaining a topic while standing at the blackboard? Try giving a lecture sitting in a chair in front of the class. If you always wear a business suit, try wearing a bright sweater next time.

One can give an example of one of the brightest teachers, a teacher of literature. For example, when a lecture on the work of Mayakovsky was coming, the teacher came to the lesson in a yellow jacket. By the end of the lesson, all the students remembered that the futurists loved shocking. And this teacher came to the lesson on the biography of Gogol in a Ukrainian shirt. The effect was amazing. Such lessons are remembered for a lifetime!

8. Keep in reserve a few unusual, even shocking questions, remarks, riddles. If you notice that during the lesson the students begin to get bored and distracted - it's time to change the subject, pause. An unexpected question will always help to activate attention.

And finally - replenish your methodical piggy bank. Interesting tricks and methods can be peeped from colleagues. Yes, and the worldwide network offers a lot of material for each subject, for each year of study. Believe me, the search for non-trivial solutions and methods is a fascinating thing.

How to spend interesting lesson

Strive to make lessons interesting. After all, a lesson is a road to the heights of knowledge, a process of improvement and intellectual growth of a student. On each of themis born exciting children's consciousness thought and incredible discoveries, or hopeless boredom and dangerous idleness. How valuable and interesting the seconds, minutes, hours and years spent at the school desk will be depends on the efforts of the teacher.

Anatole France very subtly noted the importance of an extraordinary presentation educational material, saying: "The knowledge that is absorbed with appetite is better absorbed." Many experienced and novice teachers are wondering how to conduct an interesting lesson? Such that the guys were afraid to be late for it, and after the bell they were in no hurry to leave the class.

Secrets of preparing and conducting an interesting lesson

So, each lesson should arouse interest in the child. Yes, yes, every one. In this case, the effectiveness of school education increases, and new material digested easily. I will try to tell you how to prepare and conduct productive and interesting lessons.

It is necessary to plan a lesson taking into account the age characteristics of students, their emotional mood, their tendency to work individually or in a group. The concept of each interesting activity should have a creative beginning.

Put yourself in the place of a child, do not limit your flight of fancy - and there will definitely be non-standard solutions. And impeccable mastery of the material and pedagogical improvisation will make the prepared lesson interesting. You should always remember that a great beginning of the lesson is the key to success! You should start the lesson actively (you can with a small surprise), clearly formulate tasks, check homework using non-standard forms of work.

An interesting lesson is always broken into clear fragments with logical bridges between them. For example, you should not bring down a portion of new knowledge on students, but smoothly and logically move from one stage of the lesson to another. Each individual part of the lesson should not be long (up to 12 minutes on average, with the exception of explaining new material).

To conduct a fascinating lesson, use a variety of techniques. With the help of a computer or an electronic projector, you can simply and easily make both open and traditional lessons interesting in any discipline.

Be flexible in class! Equipment breakdown, student fatigue or unexpected questions are situations from which the teacher must quickly and competently find a way out. For example, in order to relieve the tension that has arisen in the classroom, you need to have simple and fun tasks in stock (better in game form).

How to conduct interesting lessons for high school students? Very simple - do not be afraid to break stereotypes. Do not do work for students to "help" them. Stimulate the constant activity of students. Give simple and logical instructions for completing tasks of any complexity. Get the most out of each session. I like to use such a technique as working in groups: such activities are not only interesting, but also teach children to make collective decisions, develop a sense of partnership. I often use this form of work for conducting open lessons.

In order to conduct interesting lessons, I constantly look for and find unusual and surprising facts on each topic that are not in the textbook. I surprise my students and never cease to be surprised together!

I have created and am constantly replenishing my own methodical piggy bank, where the most successful, interesting and exciting forms of work are accumulated.

Thematic games will make the lesson interesting in any class. The game gives rise to a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere in the lesson, in which new knowledge is well absorbed.

The focus is on the personality of the teacher

It is no secret that children often develop interest in the subject due to the bright personality of the teacher who teaches it. What does that require?

Fatigue, troubles, worries should be left outside the school! You need to be open to communication with students! Children really appreciate the appropriate and accessible humor in the classroom, dialogue on an equal footing. You should behave outside the box, sometimes going beyond the usual limits - after all, the personality of the teacher and his behavior are extremely important. I try to give more examples personal experience because the teacher is creative person and an extraordinary personality, and children remember vivid life examples much better than fictional ones.

I hope that these recommendations will help teachers in preparing and conducting new boring lessons. Remember that the pursuit of personal professional development- the foundation of a successful pedagogical activity, a guarantee that each new lesson will be interesting.

Sheveleva E. G.,

Mathematic teacher

How to conduct a quality lesson.

  1. The set objectives of the lesson should be specific and observable during the lesson. The set goal should permeate the entire course of the lesson from beginning to end..
  1. The teacher must confidently (professionally) own the educational material:
  1. freely use the conceptual apparatus, calmly, without tension, present educational material;
  2. to present the material in an interesting, exciting way;
  3. do not avoid answering difficult questions, encourage them to ask.
  1. The teacher must demonstrate correct, expressive, clear, precise, concise, relevant speech.
  1. It is not permissible for a teacher to interrupt a student in a lesson, to show rejection, irritation, anger, to impose one's point of view.
  1. Establish and use links with other subjects.
  1. It is appropriate to use social experience (personal, family, other people, countries, peoples).
  1. Use Handout: cards, tutorials, illustrations, tables, diagrams, etc.
  1. Use dynamic didactic materials: audio, video, computer demonstrations, instruments, etc.
  1. When submitting homework, you can use the assignment of three levels of education:
  1. state standard (minimum level);
  2. school;
  3. individual component.
  1. Encourage (replicas or marks):
  1. if students use facts from other areas of knowledge;
  2. voluntary expression by students of their opinion about something.
  1. Offer tasks that develop intuition, creative imagination, emotional and sensory perception.
  1. Pay attention to the quality of the students' speech. It should be noted not only speech with errors, but also good samples of speech.
  1. You need to finish the lesson on time. After the bell, most students do not perceive the teacher's information well.

Lesson plan

Specific Lesson Plan- this is a personal matter of the teacher, he has the right to independently work out his own plan model, convenient and useful for him.

But five points in the plan must be reflected necessarily:

  1. The goals and objectives of the lesson with specific instructions that students should remember, understand, learn, what skills to develop.
  1. The topic of the lesson and the plan of its presentation. This part of the plan is drawn up arbitrarily, at the request of the teacher: in the form of points of the plan, theses, the text of tasks, solving problems, formulas, etc.
  1. Questions for the survey are, in essence, the main signals of the topic, the main thing that attracts the attention of students. You can't rely on memory. Questions (tasks, assignments, cards) are prepared in advance and solutions and options are immediately attached.
  1. Tasks for independent work and consolidation (questions, paragraphs of the textbook for reading, exercises, examples).
  1. Homework with an indication of how long it takes to complete them.

Lesson plan - this is a plan for a particular section of the topic, therefore it is believed that the teacher can use the previous, but adjusted plans. The requirement to draw up plans for each lesson in each class (even on the same topic), especially in duplicate, according to a single (not rarely complicated) scheme, only leads to overloading the teacher.

First of all, the teacher needs to effectively organize the preparation for the lesson. If the teacher does not plan individual lessons, but the whole topic, then in this case he saves his time significantly for preparation, improving its quality.

We can offer the following technology for preparing the topic (according to A. Gin). It is necessary to prepare as many sheets of paper as there are lessons in the topic. Plan an overview of all lessons in parallel.

Approximate sequence of actions:

  1. base sheet. A "Basic Control Sheet" is being prepared. In the senior class, the basic questions are better formulated in accordance with the programs for entering universities.
  2. Props. Props are planned: visual aids, books, experiments, etc.
  3. Student participation.How will active student participation be organized? For example, what reports will they prepare?
  4. Organization of repetition of previously studied topics.In what lessons and in what form is repetition organized?
  5. Control. At what lessons and in what form to organize control?

The theme as a whole is planned. Inscriptions appeared on the sheets with the corresponding lessons. Now it's time to plan individual lessons. Lesson steps can be implemented various methods or a combination of them.

An example of the "Lesson Builder" table:

Main functional blocks

Lesson Sections

A. Beginning of the lesson

Intellectual warm-up or simple survey (on basic questions)

"Traffic light"

Gentle Poll

The Perfect Poll

Discussion of the implementation of d / z

B. Explanation of new material

Attractive target


Press conference

question to the text


B. Consolidation, training, skill development

catch the mistake

Press conference


Business game "NIL"

Training test

D. Repetition

Own support

free support

Your examples


We discuss d / s

D. Control

Chain poll

"Traffic light"

Silent Polling

Programmable Polling

Factual dictation

E. Homework

Array specification

Three levels of homework

Special mission

Ideal Job

Creativity works for the future

G. End of lesson


Delayed guess

The role of "psychologist"

The role of "summing up"

We discuss d / s

Using the "Lesson Constructor" table as a universal cheat sheet, the teacher, in accordance with his goals, draws up a formula (diagram, structure) of a particular lesson. Each teacher can have their own constructor. Creativity of the teacher is the norm of a healthy society. Pedagogical techniques are a tool of creativity. The techniques listed above can be analyzed in the book by A. Gin “Techniques of Pedagogical Technique: Freedom of Choice. openness. Activity, Feedback. Ideality".

A technological map can be defined as a form of planning by the teacher of the educational process, combined in itself the traditional thematic planning with lesson. Its essential characteristic is the presentation of the educational process at the level of technology - at the level of design and construction, including a description of the actions of the teacher and students. The description of the educational process at this level allows us to consider the technological map as the basis for managing the educational and cognitive activities of students and the teacher and the students themselves.

Control planning with the help of a map that is drawn up for the entire topic, and even before starting to study the topic, the teacher draws up the texts of control papers. The teacher highlights all the learning units (terms, facts, concepts, rules, laws), then determines at what level each of the learning units will be studied.

Each unit is subject to control.

When identifying students who have difficulty in mastering knowledge at the level of the standard, the teacher organizes help for them here, in the lesson.

On the basis of the technological map, the nature of the interaction between the head of the school and the teacher also changes. To do this, the head of the school, together with the teacher, carry out the structuring of the educational material, develop a variety of options for students to learn learning topic, determine the control lessons at which the head of the school can be present. If necessary, using the technological map, the head of the school can provide methodological assistance to the teacher, identify the reasons for the low performance of the teacher.

The technological map provides for planning the assimilation of knowledge by students, the formation and development of their special and general skills at a certain level.

There are several examples of maps.

Example 1

Technological map No. n Class

Related: (section topic)

Number of the lesson on the topic

  1. Lesson topic

Lesson Objectives

Type of training sessions

Topic update

Learning new material

Consolidation and application of knowledge

Teacher control


Example 2

  1. Approximate form of technological map

(according to T.I. Shamova, T.M. Davydenko)

Lesson number in the course

Lesson number in the topic

Lesson topic

What the student should know

What should students be able to do (special skills)

Consolidation and development of general educational skills

Types of training sessions


Teacher control

Administration control

Example 3

lesson number

Lesson topic

What students should know

What students should be able to

Type of training sessions

Actualization of the topic of the lesson

Under the guidance of a teacher

On one's own

Learning new material

Under the guidance of a teacher

On one's own

Fixing and application

Under the guidance of a teacher

On one's own

Control of knowledge, skills

Generalization and systematization



The choice and use of the technological map is the right of each teacher at his own discretion.

Summing up, we can highlight the following:

  1. The technological map allows you to plan the educational process in the system.
  2. Allows you to create a general lesson structure, and applications can take into account the characteristics of each class, and even each student individually.
  3. Technological map is a mobile lesson and thematic planning.
  4. In the form of a technological map, you can draw up "Thematic lesson planning"

Groups of lesson objectives.

The birth of any lesson begins with the realization of its goals. It is they who determine the system of actions of the teacher in the upcoming lesson. The main logic of the lesson and its key points are thought out in advance as a way to achieve the goals.

Generally speaking, the objectives of the lesson are understood as the results that the teacher intends to achieve in the process. joint activities with students in their education, upbringing and development.

When preparing a lesson, it is necessary to determine the objectives of the lesson:

  1. objective goals assigned to a particular lesson
  2. goals focused on the development of the personality of the childare put to the whole topic or section.

Subject goals may start with:

  1. Create conditions for...
  2. Provide conditions for...
  3. Help in the assimilation (fixing) ...
  4. Assist in understanding...

Development goals

Child personality:

1. Goals focused on the development of a personal-semantic attitude to the subject:

  1. To update the personal meaning of students to the study of the topic;
  2. To help students understand the social, practical and personal significance educational material;

2. Development-oriented goals value relations students to the surrounding reality:

  1. Promote students' awareness of the value of the subject being studied;
  2. To help students realize the value of joint activities;

3. Goals related to ensuring the development of intellectual culture among schoolchildren:

  1. To create meaningful and organizational conditions for the development of schoolchildren's skills to analyze a cognitive object (text, definition of a concept, task, etc.);
  2. To ensure the development of schoolchildren's skills to compare cognitive objects;
  3. To promote the development of schoolchildren's skills to highlight the main thing in a cognitive object(definition of a concept, rule, law, etc.);
  4. To ensure the development of schoolchildren's skills to classify cognitive objects, etc.

4. Goals focused on the development of a research culture among schoolchildren:

  1. To promote the development of schoolchildren's skills to use scientific methods of cognition (observation, hypothesis, experiment);
  2. To create conditions for the development of schoolchildren's skills to formulate problems, to propose ways to solve them.

5. Developmental goals for students organizational and activity Culture (Culture Self Teaching):

  1. To ensure the development of schoolchildren's ability to set goals and plan their activities;
  2. Create conditions for the development of schoolchildren's ability to work in time;
  3. To promote the development of children's ability to exercise self-control, self-assessment and self-correction learning activities.

6. Development goals information culture students:

  1. Create conditions for the development of schoolchildren's ability to structure information;
  2. To provide students with the development of skills to make simple and complex plans.

7. Goals related to the development of the communicative culture of students:

  1. Help children develop their communication skills;
  2. To ensure the development of monologue and dialogical speech among schoolchildren.

8. Goals focused on the development of the reflective culture of schoolchildren:

  1. Create conditions for the development of schoolchildren's ability to "suspend" their activities;
  2. To ensure the development of schoolchildren's ability to highlight the key moments of their own or someone else's activities as a whole;
  3. To promote the development in children of the ability to step back, to take any of the possible positions in relation to their reality, the situation of interaction;
  4. To ensure the development of the ability of schoolchildren to objectify activities, i.e. translate from the language of direct impressions and ideas into the language of general provisions, principles, schemes, etc.

Study session and its connection

With other forms of education

The subject goal of the lesson

Lesson Type

Other forms

  1. To create meaningful and organizational conditions for perception, comprehension and primary consolidation by students ...
  2. Organize student activities for...
  3. Provide perception, comprehension and primary memorization ...

Training session for the study and primary consolidation of new knowledge and methods of activity.

  1. classical lesson;
  2. lecture;
  3. seminar;
  4. game forms;
  5. didactic fairy tale;
  6. etc.

To organize the activities of students to consolidate knowledge and skills ...

Training session to consolidate new knowledge and methods of activity.


  1. laboratory work;
  2. research laboratory;
  3. pedagogical workshop;
  4. "smarts and smarts";
  5. "Lucky case";
  6. consultation

To organize the activities of students for the independent application of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic ...

Educational lesson for the complex application of knowledge and methods of activity.

  1. workshop;
  2. seminar;
  3. lesson - research "Eureka";
  4. action labyrinth;
  5. the game is a journey.

Provide systematization and generalization of knowledge on the topic ...

Educational lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge and methods of activity.

  1. lecture;
  2. seminar;
  3. conference;
  4. discussion.

Provide verification, assessment and correction of knowledge and skills of students

Training session for checking, evaluating and correcting knowledge and methods of activity.

  1. offset;
  2. exam;
  3. review of knowledge;
  4. TV show.

Reminder to maintain discipline in the classroom

  1. Come to the office a little before the call. Make sure everything is ready for the lesson, if the furniture is nicely arranged, if the board is clean, if visual aids, TCO are prepared. Be the last to enter class. Make sure all students greet you in an organized way. Look around the class, be sure to look at the undisciplined guys. Try to show the students the beauty and attractiveness of the organizational beginning of the lesson, but strive to ensure that it takes less and less time each time.
  1. Don't waste time looking for your item page in class magazine. It can be prepared at recess, teach the attendants to leave a note on the teacher's desk with the names of absent students.
  1. Start the lesson vigorously. Do not ask students the question: who did not do their homework? This teaches us to think that not doing the lesson is inevitable. It is necessary to conduct the lesson in such a way that each student is busy from the beginning to the end of the lesson. Remember: pauses, slowness, idleness are the scourge of discipline.
  1. Engage students with interesting content, mental stress, control the pace of the lesson, help the weak to believe in themselves. Keep an eye on the whole class. Especially watch out for those who have unstable attention, who are distracted. Prevent attempts to disrupt work order.
  1. Address a little more often with requests, questions to those who can do something else in the lesson.
  1. When motivating knowledge assessments, give your words a businesslike and interested character. Instruct the student on what he should work on, check the performance of this task. This will teach disciplined work. The student will get used to the fact that the instructions of the teacher must be followed without fail.
  1. Objectively evaluate the student's knowledge, use marks for behavior and diligence to assess behavior.
  1. End the lesson with a general assessment of the work of the class and individual students. Let the students experience a sense of satisfaction from the results of the work in the lesson. Try to notice the positive in the work of undisciplined guys, but do not do it too often and for little effort.
  1. End the lesson with a bell. Remind the duty officer.
  1. Refrain from overreacting.
  1. Get by without the help of others. Remember: discipline may be the only area teaching practice where help in the classroom is not useful.Seek help from the students themselves. An intruder that the class does not support is easier to deal with.
  1. Remember: where there are doubts about the correctness of the teacher, not to mention those cases where his guilt is indisputable, the conflict should be unleashed in favor of the students.
  1. Remember the words of N.A. Dobrolyubov:

"A fair teacher is a teacher whose actions are justified in the eyes of the students."

Approximate lesson self-analysis scheme

  1. What is the place of the lesson in the topic, section, course? How does this lesson relate to the previous ones, how does it “work” for subsequent lessons? What is the type of lesson?
  1. What is the characteristic of real learning opportunities students in this class? What features of the students were taken into account when planning this lesson?
  1. What tasks were solved in the lesson: educational, educational, developing? Was their relationship ensured? What were the main tasks? How are the characteristics of the class and individual groups of students taken into account in the tasks?
  1. Was time allocated rationally at all stages of the lesson for questioning, learning new material, consolidating, reviewing homework (if the lesson was combined)? Logical connection between the stages of the lesson.
  1. What content (concepts, ideas, provisions, facts) is the main focus of the lesson and why? Is the main thing highlighted in the lesson?
  1. What combination of teaching methods is chosen to reveal new material? Justification of the choice of teaching methods (mandatory!).
  1. What combination of forms of education was chosen to reveal the new material and why? Is a differentiated approach to students necessary? What is the basis for differentiation? What differentiated: only the volume or only the content, or the degree of assistance provided to students, or all of them?
  1. How was the control of the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities organized? In what forms and by what methods was it carried out?
  1. How was the classroom, teaching aids used in the lesson?
  1. Due to what was the high efficiency of schoolchildren ensured in the classroom during the entire lesson?
  1. Due to what was a good psychological atmosphere maintained in the lesson, what specifically manifested the culture of communication between a teacher and a group of students, a class? How does the teacher behave in critical situations? How was the educational influence of the teacher's personality implemented?
  1. How and due to what was provided in the lesson (and in homework) rational use time, preventing student overload?
  1. Were there other methodological options for conducting the lesson? Which?
  1. Were you able to fully implement all the tasks? If failed - why?

Indicators for assessing the quality and effectiveness of training


(Based on materials by T.I. Shamova and V.P. Simonov)

No. p / p



Score in points (max 4)


Teacher Qualities

  1. Knowledge of the subject and general erudition
  1. The level of pedagogical and methodological skills
  1. The culture of speech, its figurativeness and emotionality
  1. Sense of tact and democracy in relationships with students
  1. Appearance, facial expressions, gestures

Features of educational activity students

  1. Cognitive activity, creativity and independence
  1. The level of development of general educational skills and abilities
  1. Availability and effectiveness of collective (group) forms of work during the training session
  1. The manifestation of discipline, organization in this subject during the lesson
  1. Scientific nature, accessibility and feasibility of the studied material
  1. Relevance and connection with life (theory with practice)
  1. Novelty, problematic and attractive educational information
  1. Optimality of the amount of material proposed for assimilation

Teaching effectiveness

  1. Rational use of class time optimality of the pace of alternation and change of activities in the lesson
  1. The expediency of using visualization techniques and TCO
  1. Rationality and efficiency of methods and organizational forms work
  1. The nature of student feedback
  1. Monitoring the work of students and the content of the requirements for assessing their knowledge, skills and abilities
  1. The degree of aesthetic impact of the lesson on students
  1. Compliance with the rules of labor protection and safety during the lesson

Goals and results of the lesson

  1. Concreteness, clarity and conciseness of the formulation of the purpose of the lesson
  1. Reality, expediency, complexity and achievability of the goal
  1. The learning effect of the lesson (what and to what extent the students learned)
  1. The educational effect of the lesson
  1. The impact of the lesson on student development
  3. (Based on materials by S.V. Kulnevich, T.P. Lakotsenina)

The pedagogical aspect of the lesson can be considered through the following components:

  1. Place of the lesson in the system of lessons on a topic or subtopic.
  2. The correctness of setting the goal of the lesson
  3. Organization of the lesson:
  1. lesson type;
  2. Structure, sequence of steps and dosage over time;
  3. Correspondence of the structure of the lesson with its content and purpose;
  4. Class preparation for the lesson;
  5. Forms of organizing the work of students: frontal, group, individual, etc.;
  1. Lesson content:
  1. scientific nature of the material;
  2. The correct selection of material and activities for various stages of the lesson
  3. The connection of the studied material with the previously studied. Repetition techniques;
  4. Disclosure of the practical significance of the studied material;
  5. Intersubject communications;
  6. Teacher's speech: literacy, emotionality, lexical richness, scientific speech;
  1. Lesson methodology:
  1. Methods and techniques used by the teacher at each stage of the lesson;
  2. Compliance of the methods used with the content and objectives of the lesson, the age and level of preparedness of students;
  3. Setting the goal of the lesson for students and involving them in summing up the results of the lesson;
  4. Working with lagging students and students showing increased interest in the subject;
  5. Knowledge assessment system;
  1. Communication in the classroom: tone, style of relationships, manner of communicating with the class and individual children.
  2. The work and behavior of students in the classroom:
  1. Activity of the class and individual students;
  2. Interest of students in the studied materials;
  3. Attitude towards the teacher;
  4. discipline, organization
  5. Students' speech: literacy, emotionality, lexical richness, scientific speech, the ability to express and defend their point of view, the ability to ask questions.



Main learning goal lesson:

The goal was formulated by the teacher in general view or in the actions of students;

Achieving the goal in the lesson: at various stages, at the level of familiarization and comprehension, at the level of reproduction, etc. ;

Achievement of the subject goal in the lesson;

Achievement of the developmental goal in the lesson.

  1. Methodological logic of the lesson

The structure of the lesson, its validity;

The expediency of the distribution of time, the timing of the lesson;

The feasibility and nature of checking homework;

The nature of the presentation of new material by the teacher;

The nature of the perception of new material by students, the degree of their independence;

Development of general educational and special skills and abilities in students;

Evaluation activities of the teacher and self-assessment of students;

The nature of homework, ways of informing about homework;

Lesson effectiveness.

  1. Using different learning tools:

Tasks of a different nature, instructions, algorithms, supports (diagrams, models, illustrations, etc.);

The adequacy of the means used for the main goal of the lesson;

Efficiency in the use of funds in this class;

Proper use and combination of various teaching aids.

  1. The use of various methodological techniques:

The adequacy of this technique to the purpose and objectives of the lesson;

The validity of the use of this technique;

The effectiveness of the use of these techniques.

  1. Use of various organizational forms of training:



steam room,


Differentiated forms of work

Failure warning

1. An important condition for preventing poor progress in mathematics is the systematic, consistent study by each student of the class of program material:

  1. establish connections between new material and previously studied;
  2. teach to perform independent work according to the sample;
  3. provide timely assistance to students.

2. The next condition is that each student must master the necessary methods of independent work.

Methods for organizing the educational activities of students

1. Methods of working with a mathematics textbook.

Well-organized and systematically carried out work on the textbook is one of the decisive conditions for students to acquire knowledge and skills in mathematics.

Reading mathematics textbooks should be specially taught.

  1. Reading the rules, definitions, formulations of theorems after the explanation of the teacher.
  2. Reading other texts after their explanation by the teacher.
  3. Analysis of textbook examples after their explanation by the teacher.
  4. Reading textbooks aloud by the teacher, highlighting the main and essential.
  5. Reading the text by students and breaking it into semantic paragraphs.
  6. Reading a paragraph of the textbook, independently drawing up a plan and answering students according to the plan.

It is necessary to teach how to use not only the text and illustrations of the textbook, but also its table of contents, notes and tables placed on the endpapers, annotations, and subject indexes. The correct use of the textbook by this auxiliary apparatus greatly speeds up the search for the necessary material in the textbook.

2. General method of working with the textbook.

1. Find the task by the table of contents.

2. Think about the title. Those. answer the questions:

  1. What will be discussed?
  2. What am I to know?
  3. What I already know about it.

4. Select all incomprehensible words and expressions, find out their meaning (in a textbook, reference book, from a teacher, parents, comrades).

5. Ask questions as you read. For example these:

  1. What is being said here?
  2. What do I already know about this?
  3. What should not be confused with this?
  4. What should come of it?
  5. What is it for?
  6. What can it be applied to?
  7. When and how to apply?

And answer them.

6. Highlight (write out, underline) the basic concepts.

7. Highlight the main properties of these concepts (rules, theorems, formulas).

8. Study the definitions of concepts.

9. Study their basic properties (rules, theorems, drawing).

10. Disassemble and understand illustrations (drawing, diagram, drawing).

11. Analyze the examples in the text and come up with your own.

12. Conduct independent justification of the properties of concepts (derivation of a formula or rule, proof of a theorem).

13. Make diagrams, drawings, drawings, tables, etc., using your notation.

14. Remember the material using memorization techniques (retelling according to a plan, drawing or diagram, retelling difficult places, mnemonic rules).

15. Answer specific questions in the text.

16. Come up with and ask yourself such questions.

17. If not everything is clear, note the unclear and contact the teacher (parents, comrades).

3. General organization homework.

1. Recognize the goals of homework and their importance.

2. Familiarize yourself with the tasks, determine in what sequence they are best performed (alternating oral and written, easy and difficult).

3. Remember what you studied in the lesson, look at the notes in your notebooks.

5. Complete written assignments.

4. What you need to know about the theory.

  1. Basic provisions of the theory.
  2. Experienced facts that served as the basis for the development of the theory.
  3. Mathematical apparatus of the theory (basic equation).
  4. The range of phenomena explained by this theory.
  5. Phenomena and properties predicted by theory.

5. Algorithm for solving the problem.

1. Understand the content of the problem, establish what is unknown and what is given and what the condition is.

2. Draw a diagram of the content of the task, breaking it into parts according to the meaning.

3. Establish the relationship between these quantities and the desired ones.

4. Express the numerical data of all unknown quantities through the known ones, and the indicated value on the basis of the regularities established between these quantities.

5. Based on the compared values, make an equation or a system of solutions.

6. Check the solution of the problem in a way known to you (composing an inverse problem, solving this problem in a different way, etc.)

6. How to solve a geometry problem.

  1. Read the condition of the problem carefully.
  2. Reading the condition a second time, establish the relationship between the numerical data.
  3. Make a drawing according to the numerical data of the problem.
  4. Write down the condition of the problem to the right of the drawing.
  5. If necessary, perform additional constructions.
  6. Think about what you need to answer the question.
  7. Using the condition of the problem, drawing and previously studied material, find the necessary elements.
  8. Then define the elements you are looking for.
  9. When you have a general plan for solving a problem, write it down.
  10. Each action is accompanied by a brief explanation.
  11. Do not write intermediate names.
  12. See if the found solution satisfies the condition of the problem.
  13. write down the answer to the problem.
  14. Consider whether the problem can be solved in another way.
  15. Solve geometric problems from the main question.

7. How to prove the theorem.

To prove a statement means to proceed with the help of logical reasoning from its condition to the conclusion.

For this:

  1. It is necessary first of all to know what is the condition and what is the conclusion of the theorem.
  2. When proceeding to the proof, select all the points of the condition and conclusion of the theorem and use the conditions of the theorem in full in the reasoning.
  3. Replace each term with its definition.
  4. Transform the condition and conclusion of the theorem so that it is easier to prove.
  5. Use analogies with proofs of well-known theorems.
  6. Find other proof methods.

control works

  1. Control works are carried out in order to identify the levels of formation of the system of qualities of students' knowledge.
  2. Exam topics are determined in accordance with the leading ideas subject, course.
  3. After choosing a topic, it is necessary to determine the basic concepts, facts, laws that make up the essence of a particular theory, the quality of assimilation of which must be verified.
  4. When selecting content control work it should be borne in mind that in order to obtain objective information about the final result, it is necessary to check knowledge at the final stage of their assimilation.
  5. When compiling tasks, one should proceed from the principle “from simple to complex”. Each previous task should help to carry out the next one, and the next one should prepare for the perception of new tasks and attach the previous one.
  6. The following sequence of tasks is required:
  1. The task of reproducing the definition of a concept or the formulation of a rule, law, theorem with the requirement to indicate all the quantities included in the definition, law, etc .;
  2. A task that requires students to apply knowledge according to the model based on the first task (tasks for solving problems according to the formula reproduced in the first task, law, etc.);
  3. A task of a constructive nature, during which the student has to use several algorithms, formulas, theorems, if they are given explicitly. Starting to perform such a task, the student must analyze possible common ways to solve problems, find characteristics cognitive object, i.e. see a model in a changed situation;
  4. A task of a creative nature, during which the student needs to find a way out of a non-standard situation.

Test work can be designed for 30-45 minutes


  1. “Prevention and overcoming of indiscipline as a reason for lagging behind schoolchildren in learning”, Rostov-on-Don, 1972
  1. "Organization of work with young specialists" (Methodological recommendations), comp. Belova V.A., Banina K.S., Moscow, 1984
  1. Shamova T.I., Davidenko T.M. Managing the process of forming a system of qualities of students' knowledge. M., 1990
  1. Yu.A. Konarzhevsky "Analysis of the lesson", M .: Center "Pedagogical search", 2000
  1. Magazine "Zavuch" No. 3 - 2004
  1. Sevruk A.I., Yunina E.A. “Monitoring the quality of teaching at school: Tutorial.- M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2004
  1. M.L. Portnov. "Lessons of a Beginning Teacher", Moscow: Enlightenment, 1993
  1. "Initiative, creativity, search" - Information bulletin, issue No. 14. compiled by Povalyaeva L.Yu., Belgorod 2002
  1. T.I. Shamova, T.M. Davydenko Management of the educational process in an adaptive school. / M .: Center "Pedagogical Search", 2001
  1. Zavelsky Yu.V. How to analyze your own lesson, / magazine No. 4 - 2000, pp. 92-93
  1. Zavelsky Yu.V. How to prepare a modern lesson (to help a novice teacher), / magazine No. 4 - 2000, pp. 94-97
  1. Gin A.A. Methods of pedagogical technique: Freedom of choice. openness. Activity. Feedback. Ideality: A teacher's guide. - 4th ed. – M.: Vita-Press, 2002
  1. T.I. Shamova, V.A. Antipov, T.M. Davydenko, N.A. Rogacheva

"Control educational process at school based on the teacher's technological maps", ( guidelines school leaders and teachers), Moscow, 1994

  1. Shamova T.I., Tretyakov P.I., Kapustin N.P. "Control educational systems»: Textbook for students. higher textbook institutions / Ed. T.I. Shamova.- M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2002.
  1. Episheva O.B. Technology of teaching mathematics based on the activity approach: Book for teachers / O. B. Episheva. - M .: Education, 2003 (Teacher's Library)
  1. Manvelov S.G. Construction modern lesson mathematics. Book. for the teacher / S.G. Manvelov. M .: Education, 2002 - (Teacher's Library)

It has been proven that the more interesting the lesson, the higher the motivation and effectiveness of learning English. In this regard, there are three general type classes: frontal, group and individual.

Front lessons

Frontal lessons are those in which the teacher gives the students new information, the students listen and then ask questions at the end of the lesson. The whole process is based on a monologue and a visual presentation of information. Usually this is not the most exciting type of class, but there is a variant of the frontal lesson that can be considered an exception: an excursion.

For example, an English lesson on the topic of animals can be held at a local zoo; the teacher can name each animal and give it short description, depending on the level of knowledge of the class. To make the children more interested, the teacher can assign group tasks. For example, at the end of the tour, each group should talk about their favorite animal ().

You can also use an interesting book as a basis for the lesson. Such, for example, as popular book"Funny English Errors and Insights: Illustrated". This book contains 301 examples of funny English mistakes made by schoolchildren, journalists, parents and even teachers.

You can read the mistakes to the class, and if someone does not understand what the humor is, then you or one of the students can explain it to him. A child will learn a lesson much better if it is presented in the form of a joke.

Group lessons

Group classes usually involve competition or teamwork. This type of class is recommended for the advanced level. An example of an interesting lesson in this case could be a theater competition, where each group chooses a play or a fragment of it for themselves.

Each group must make their own costumes and be as creative as possible with the scenery and the embodiment of the plot. You can suggest a specific theme, such as Halloween, Shakespeare, or even a TV series.

Another example is a gaming trial. The characters in the book can serve as a basis here. One group of students can defend the actions of the character, the other can condemn; another can be a jury, and a teacher can be a judge. Have the "advocate" and "prosecutor" groups discuss their arguments, and then one or two will come forward and argue for the group's point of view.

The jury must hear the parties and reach a verdict, and the judge will manage everything that happens. You can take literary classics like Charles Dickens's Great Expectations as a basis (and consider, say, whether Miss Havisham's actions are fair), as well as films or television series.

Individual lessons

Individual lessons depend on the level of each student. It is important not to impose anything in them, but only to give advice and offer interesting material for work so that it stimulates the child - for example, homework built in a playful way, or analysis of an interesting text for advanced levels.

Interesting English lessons are not difficult to conduct, their only requirement is that they must be creative and stimulate knowledge of the language.

What interesting English lessons do you know or practice?

Anatole France very accurately noted the importance of an unusual presentation of educational material, saying: “The knowledge that is absorbed with appetite is better absorbed.” Many experienced and novice teachers are wondering how to conduct an interesting lesson? Such that the guys were afraid to be late for it, and after the bell they were in no hurry to leave the class.

How to awaken the “appetite” of students for new knowledge? How to make each lesson interesting and unusual? How to competently use well-known pedagogical techniques and techniques in order to conduct memorable lessons? This topic is devoted to our material.

Secrets of preparing and conducting an interesting lesson

So, each lesson should arouse interest in the child. Yes, yes, every one. The history lesson should be interesting and in English, open class and traditional. In this case, the effectiveness of school teaching increases markedly, and new material is easily absorbed. We will tell you how to prepare and conduct productive and interesting lessons.

  • Plan the lesson taking into account the age characteristics of the students, their emotional state, their tendency to work individually or in a group. The concept of each interesting activity should have a creative beginning.
  • Put yourself in the place of a child, do not limit your flight of fancy - and there will definitely be non-standard solutions. And impeccable mastery of the material and pedagogical improvisation will make the prepared lesson interesting.
  • Always remember that a great start to a lesson is the key to success! Start the lesson actively (you can - with a little surprise!), clearly formulate its tasks, check your homework using .
  • An interesting lesson is always broken into clear fragments with logical bridges between them. For example, do not bring down a portion of new knowledge on students, but smoothly and logically move from one stage of the lesson to another. Each separate part of the lesson should not be delayed (on average - up to 12 minutes, with the exception of explaining new material).
  • Use a variety of techniques for a fun lesson. Using a computer or an electronic projector, you can simply and easily make both open and traditional lessons interesting in any discipline. For example, a presentation on the big screen of a significant event or watching a military newsreel will help the teacher to conduct an interesting history lesson.
  • Be flexible! Equipment breakdown, student fatigue or unexpected questions are situations from which a teacher must be able to quickly and competently find a way out. For example, in order to relieve the tension that has arisen in the classroom, you need to have in stock simple and fun tasks on the topic (preferably in a playful way).
  • How to conduct interesting lessons for high school students? Don't be afraid to break stereotypes! Don't be afraid to experiment and improvise! Avoid templates! After all, the lack of interest in the lesson is most often due to the fact that students know in advance all its stages. This chain, which is pretty annoying for the guys, can and should be broken.
  • Do not do all the work for the students to avoid silence and help them! Encourage students to be active. Give children simple and logical instructions for completing tasks of any complexity. Get the most out of every task.
  • Use group work: such activities are not only interesting, but also teach children to make collective decisions, develop a sense of partnership. This form of work is often used to conduct an interesting open lesson.
  • To teach interesting lessons, constantly look for and find unusual and amazing facts on each topic that is not in the textbook. Surprise your students and never stop being surprised with them!
  • Create and constantly replenish your own methodological piggy bank of the most successful, interesting and exciting tasks and forms of work, use entertaining material in every lesson.
  • Thematic games will make the lesson interesting in any class. The game gives rise to a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere in the classroom, in which new knowledge is well absorbed. For example, by passing a small ball through the rows, you can arrange an active blitz poll. A role-playing games will help to conduct an interesting lesson in English.

The focus is on the personality of the teacher

It is no secret that children often develop interest in a subject due to the bright personality of the teacher who teaches it. What does that require?

  • Leave fatigue, worries, troubles outside the school threshold! Open to communicate with students! Children really appreciate the appropriate and accessible humor in the classroom, dialogue on an equal footing.
  • Behave outside the box! Go beyond the usual limits, because the personality and behavior of the teacher in the classroom is extremely important. Do you traditionally wear a business suit? Put on a bright sweater for the next lesson! Is energy always in full swing? Conduct the lesson in a relaxed manner. Prefer to explain new material while standing at the blackboard? Try to tell new topic, sitting at the table. As a result, children will follow the teacher with interest, subconsciously expecting something new and unusual from each lesson.
  • bring more interesting examples from personal experience, because a teacher, first of all, is a creative person and an extraordinary personality. Vivid life examples are remembered much better than fictional ones.

We hope that our recommendations will help teachers in preparing and conducting new boring lessons. Remember that the desire for personal and professional self-improvement is the basis of successful and effective pedagogical activity, a guarantee that each new lesson will be interesting.