Professor of the Higher School of Economics Andrey Ioffe. The structure of the modern lesson Ioffe A.N., Kritskaya N.F., Mostyaeva L.V.

Official information about the teacher: Professor of the department professional development teaching staff, doctor pedagogical sciences.
Higher education- Faculty of History of the Moscow Regional Pedagogical University. N.K. Krupskaya with the assignment of the specialty "Teacher of History, Social Studies and Law" (diploma with honors TV No. 540668). Sept. 1984 - June 1991 (with a break for military service from 1986 to 1988). Specialty - teacher of history, social science and law. End date - 1991.
Academic degrees - candidate of historical sciences (since 1997), doctor of pedagogical sciences (since 2011). Candidate of Historical Sciences - the topic of the dissertation "Socio-political problems of public education (on the example of Moscow)" (defended on May 28, 1997 at the Moscow Pedagogical University, degree awarded on October 17, 1997). Academic degree candidate of historical sciences received in 1997 by the decision of the Dissertation Council of the Moscow Pedagogical University on May 28, 1997. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences - the topic of the dissertation "Theory and practice of preparing a teacher to accompany the process of civic development of schoolchildren" (defended on December 9, 2010, degree awarded 15 July 2011). The academic title of associate professor was received by the decision of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation April 18, 2001
The total work experience in the education system is 26 years.
1988 - 1989 - teacher of history at school No. 196 of the Oktyabrsky district of Moscow.
1991 - 1992 - teacher of history at Pushkinskaya high school No. 6 (Moscow region).
1992 - 1996 - teacher of history at secondary school No. 16 in Mytishchi (Moscow region).
1996 - 1997 - methodologist of the scientific and educational group of the department of general and social pedagogy of the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Public Education Workers of the Moscow Region.
1997 - 2012 - Associate Professor of the Department of History, Socio-Political Education and Law of the Federal Academy for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining of Education Workers (APKiPPRO).
2012 - 2013 - Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Didactics of the History of ISMO RAO.
2013 - 2015 - Head of the Education Center of GBNU "Moscow Institute for the Development of Education" (MIRO).
2015 - 2016 - Professor of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Institute open education» (MIOO), Department of Management and Project Management.
Since September 2016 - Professor of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow City Pedagogical University".
1996 - 2004, 2015-2016 - member of the jury of the All-Russian competition "Teacher of the Year" (expert-developer of a new model of the competition, criteria and indicators for evaluating competitive tasks in 2014).
1996 - 2007 - organizer and member of the jury of the All-Russian Olympiad in civil science disciplines.
1996 - 2000 - Member of the Expert Council of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation on textbooks and teaching aids.
1998 - 2012 - Vice President of the Interregional Association "For Civic Education", which unites teachers, scientists, journalists, representatives of public organizations interested in development civic education.
2008 - 2011 - participant of the international program "Mosaic of civic education-2", which unites teachers from Russia, Bulgaria, Mongolia, USA, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Georgia. As a teacher within the framework of this program, he conducted classes in Bulgaria, Mongolia and Armenia.
2001 – 2015 - member of the Organizing Committee of the All-Russian Campaign "I am a citizen of Russia", member of the jury of the final stages of the Campaign (the campaign is held within the framework of the Priority National Project "Education").
Since 2003 - member and chairman of the jury of the City Moscow competition "I am a citizen of Russia".
Since 2007 - Member of the editorial board of the journal Teaching History at School.
2013 - expert of the public examination of textbooks of the Russian Book Union.
2015 - Program Developer and Expert in the National Survey on the Quality Assessment of Civic Education in Russia (Grade 8).
2015 - 2016 – expert and scientific editor within the framework of the Competition of the best educational and methodological developments teachers on teaching the basics of financial literacy (Uchitelskaya newspaper and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation)
Area of ​​professional interests:
Educational school courses- history, social science, political science, history of religion.
Courses of higher professional education - methods of teaching history and social science, religious studies
Courses of additional professional education - the structure of modern classes, the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards and professional standard"Pedagogue", project activity, social design, pedagogical culture, civic education, upbringing in the education system, evaluation of the effectiveness of pedagogical activity.

Candidate psychological sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Institute for Problems of Integrated (Inclusive) Education, Vice-Rector for Inclusive Education of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Honorary Worker general education RF.

Andreeva Tatyana Evgenievna

Personnel assessment and development expert, SPB TRAINING business coach for the development of key competencies, developer of talent pool development systems, specialist in critical thinking and leadership development, author of the Mindskills interview methodology.

Bastrikov Yury Vyacheslavovich

Organizational psychologist, coach, business coach. Over 20 years of experience working with organizations. Extensive experience in implementing training systems in organizations of various levels, leading long-term programs to develop managerial skills, leadership and mentoring.

Berseneva Evgenia Alexandrovna

Head of the Center for Higher and Additional Professional Education of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “National Research Institute of Public Health named after A.I. ON THE. Semashko, Doctor of Medical Sciences, expert of the WHO Collaborating Center.

Bityanova Marina Rostislavovna

Director of ANO FPE Center for Psychological Support of Education "TOCHKA PSI", Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Scientific Supervisor of the National educational project"Smart School in Irkutsk", an expert in the field of educational psychology.

Borisyuk Yuri Alexandrovich

Specialist in the field system analysis, modeling and optimization of management processes in organizational and organizational and technical systems, doctor technical sciences. Master of Management Consulting Studio "Technologies for effective organization management".

Borovikova Alina Mikhailovna

Professional psychologist, business coach, head of the Borovikova Training Center. A supporter of an exclusively practical system of education. The author is a developer of business training programs. Over the years, she has conducted more than two hundred trainings.

Boyarintseva Anna Viktorovna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Leading Researcher at the Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education, psychologist, Montessori teacher, kinesiologist, international trainer in brain gymnastics (BrainGym).

Buylova Lyubov Nikolaevna

Professor, Head of the Department of Education and additional education State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow Institute of Open Education”, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, honorary worker of general education, expert in the field of additional education of children and extracurricular activities, regular author of pedagogical publications (more than 200 publications).

Buyanova Inna Bronislavovna

Head of the department for coordinating research activities of the Academy of Social Management, certified mediator in the field of business, economics, labor relations, moderator of international conferences in the field of pedagogy.

Vvedenskaya Elena Stanislavovna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, member of the specialized commission of the Ministry of Health of Russia for palliative care, oncologist, head of the outpatient palliative service medical care GBUZ NO "City Clinical Hospital No. 30 of the Moskovsky District of Nizhny Novgorod".

Vennetskaya Olga Evgenievna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Russian Academy of Education, Honorary Worker of SPO, participant in the development of the Worlds of Childhood programs (2015), an Exemplary Educational Program for Preparing a Child for School (2008), head of innovative sites of the Russian Academy of Education.

Vinogradov Viktor Nikolaevich

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Management and Economics of Education, St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Education. Expert of the Committee on Education of St. Petersburg. Author and developer of training seminars for city leaders on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Herman Lyubov Anatolyevna

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Law and Economic Security of St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, business consultant, CEO of the consulting company "WinB-consult", author of more than 30 publications, presenter of the MBA course "General Management".

Derkachev Pavel Vladimirovich

Leading Researcher at the Center for Applied Economic Research and Development, Associate Professor at the Department of Educational Programs at the Institute of Education of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Zingerman Boris Valentinovich

Head of the IT department of the Hematological Research Center of the Ministry of Health of Russia, more than 25 years of experience in healthcare informatization, member of the Expert Council on ICT of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, head of the working group "Electronic Medical Record" of the Expert Council.

Ivanov Oleg Borisovich

Expert in the field of housing and communal services, Chairman of the Board of NP "Housing Control of the Moscow Region", Deputy Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region, Head of the Settlement Center social conflicts, Honored Lawyer of the Moscow Region.

Ilyina Svetlana Sergeevna

Director of MBOU Gymnasium No 3 (Samara City District), Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation, winner of the All-Russian competition "Director of School-2013", winner of the competition "Woman Leader", laureate of the public award "People's Recognition -2013", head of the city club "Teacher" of the year".

Kadyrov Farit Nakipovich

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Economist of the Russian Federation, Deputy Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Central Research Institute for the Organization and Informatization of Health" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Kaldin Konstantin Mikhailovich

Professional consultant in the management of medical institutions since 2000, extensive experience design work, developer of effective business solutions, 12 years of managing medical institutions, founder of the consulting company Kaldin Consulting LLC.

Karazhakova Dina Alexandrovna

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Law and Economic Security of St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, certified business coach, business consultant, author of more than 30 publications.

Kirsanova Yulia Andreevna

Head of the laboratory of ANO "Institute of Progressive Technologies", current technical expert of the Federal Accreditation Service, participant of the "BIOT" exhibitions, participant of the "All-Russian Occupational Safety and Health Week", participant of the "All-Russian Congress of Occupational Safety and Health Specialists".

Kozelskaya Tatyana Alexandrovna

Head of the MBDOU "Center for Child Development - Kindergarten No. 86 of the city of Orel", expert of the certification commission of teachers of the preschool educational institution, specialist in the field of preparation for inspections by control and supervision authorities in the field preschool education.

Kotova Evgeniya Viktorovna

PhD in Economics, owner and general director of an audit firm for more than 23 years, certified auditor, from 2002 to 2016 an arbitration assessor of the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, a practicing lecturer, author of 4 books and more than 300 articles

Kryukova Alena Mikhailovna

Director of the MAOU - Gymnasium No. 47 (Yekaterinburg), Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation, winner of the All-Russian competition "Director of the School-2013", holder of the title "Elite Russian education”, an expert at the federal level in the field of education.

Kutepova Elena Nikolaevna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education", author scientific works in the field of special and inclusive education. Speech therapist, teacher of Russian language and literature for children with severe speech disorders.

Laptev Andrey Feliksovich

Head of the NP "Institute of Progressive Technologies", member of the working group of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation for conducting All-Russian public monitoring in the field of labor protection, expert of the Rostrud commission for interaction with public associations and expert communities, head of the labor protection department of the All-Russian trade union NSB.

Lindenbraten Alexander Leonidovich

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Head scientific direction and head of the department of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "National Research Institute of Public Health named after N.A. Semashko", member of the board of the All-Russian Society of Specialists in the Organization of Public Health and Public Health, member of the Public Council under Roszdravnadzor.

Machekhina Olga Nikolaevna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Scientific Supervisor of the innovation project of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Institute of Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education "Development of motivation for semantic leisure reading through the development of media design techniques", teacher of history and social studies, member of the Council of the Pedagogical Community of Educational Design.

Medvedeva Tatyana Pavlovna

Teacher-psychologist of the kindergarten "Nash Dom" GBOU secondary school No. 1206, a leading specialist in organizing and conducting seminars for specialists and parents on the problems of education and inclusion of children with Down syndrome, prevention of social orphanhood.

Morar Ivan Nikolaevich

Assistant of the Department of Polyclinic Therapy, Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics and Medical Biochemistry of FSBEI HE "Yaroslavl State Medical University" (YSMU), methodologist of the regional center for the organization of primary health care (RC PHC), general practitioner.

Moskova Ekaterina Olegovna

Leading trainer of SPB TRAINING, more than 12 years of experience, conducted more than 600 corporate trainings, created two training centers from scratch, conducts original trainings on the topics of teamwork, performance improvement and personnel management.

Muravieva Anna Alexandrovna

Candidate of Philology, leading expert of the Center for the Study of Problems of Vocational Education, engaged in research in the field of improving the quality and efficiency of Russian vocational education and the integration of Russian vocational education into the European educational space.

Musienko Svetlana Igorevna

Executive director of the publishing house "Linka-Press", methodologist of the Primary Educational Public Educational Institution "Tatyaninskaya School", member of the Interregional public organization"Association of independent experts of game, educational-methodical and electronic products for children".

Mushinskaya Oksana Alexandrovna

Deputy Director of the ANO "Institute of Progressive Technologies", specialist in the field of labor safety, head of the department of outsourcing and distance learning, speaker of the All-Russian Week of Occupational Safety, Russia, Sochi, 2015-2016, participant of the BIOT exhibitions, participant of the All-Russian Congress of Occupational Safety Specialists.

Mushtavinskaya Irina Valentinovna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of General Education of St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Education, Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation. Scientific supervisor of the experiment on the advanced implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in St. Petersburg. Author of manuals for the Federal State Educational Standards of the SOO.

Ostrovskaya Irina Vladimirovna

Candidate of Sciences in Psychology, MBA in Healthcare, Associate Professor of the Department of Nursing Management, Branch of the Military Medical Academy. CM. Kirov (Moscow); Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Medical Sister", member of the General Council of the Association of Specialists with Higher Nursing Education.

Pavlova Oksana Anatolievna

Senior researcher at the Center for the Development of Vocational Education at the Moscow Polytechnic University, curator of the federal project "Introduction of a demonstration exam into the system of secondary vocational education."

Panov Alexey Valentinovich

Managing Director of Center for Medical Law LLC, editor-in-chief of the information portal, member of the editorial board of the journals (Moscow) Healthcare, Deputy Chief Physician: Medical Work and Medical Expertise, Legal Issues in Healthcare, member Russian Bar Association.

Petrov Sergey Petrovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Deputy Chief Physician for Clinical Expert Work at the Center for Innovative Medical Technologies, is one of the authors-developers of Order No. 203n “On approval of criteria for assessing the quality of medical care” dated May 10, 2017 and a rubricator of clinical recommendations.

Petrov Yury Nikolaevich

Chemistry teacher of Federal State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 1699" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, holder of an international certificate of a technology teacher of the RKMCChP, winner of the competition for the "Grant of Moscow" in the field of education.

Pirogov Mikhail Vasilievich

Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute (MONIKI), Professor of the Military Medical Academy (VMedA), Professor of the Moscow State Regional Technological University (MGOTU), Professor of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA).

Plotnitskaya Larisa Ivanovna

Expert in the field of financial management, author of the PLOTLI financial management system, member of the ECF of the European Federation of Coaches, trainer at Moscow Business School, Russian School of Management, MIRBIS, City Business School, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, owner of the distance learning center Financial Navigator LLC .

Popov Dmitry Vitalievich

Leading expert in procurement and information security. Associate Professor, accredited lecturer at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, electronic trading platforms: Sberbank-AST, EETP, RTS, Electronic Trading System. Analyst - consultant of departmental control commissions of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations. Expert-auditor of the State Research Institute for System Analysis of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation (NII SP) in the Siberian Federal District.

Puzyrev Alexander Vladimirovich

Professor of the Department of Psychology and Social Pedagogy of the State Educational Institution of Higher Education "State Humanitarian and Technological University", certified specialist in integrative psychology, full member of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences (IAPS), author of more than 260 scientific papers, in including 4 monographs.

Samoilova Natalya Viktorovna

Business coach, leading anti-crisis consultant on the development and implementation of marketing strategies for promotion and sales promotion. Included in the top ten marketing coaches in Russia, recognized as the best consultant in the field of marketing communications, named one of the eight stars of Russian marketing by the expert council of the Guild of Marketers of Russia.

Samsonova Elena Valentinovna

Candidate of Sciences in Psychology, Head of the Scientific and Methodological Center of the Institute for Problems of Inclusive Education of the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University, head of research, methodological projects in the field of inclusive education.

Senenko Aliya Shamilyevna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of Department scientific foundations organization of primary health care Federal State Budgetary Institution "Central Research Institute of Organization and Informatization of Health" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Health and Health of the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry.

Skoryukin Konstantin Vladimirovich

Business coach, psychologist, facilitator, coach, licensee of the University of Rhetoric and Public Speaking, Head of the School of Public Speaking “Ask the Speaker”, Leading Business Trainer of the HiPo Training and Development Department of MTS-Bank, Senior Business Trainer of the Collection Department of Tinkoff Bank. Among the clients: Alfa-Bank, Blago Credit, MFO Trust Alliance, Art Cluster TAVRIDA 5.0, RNKB Bank, MTS Bank, Tinkoff Bank, X5: Pyaterochka.

Smolyakova Diana Viktorovna

Director of the Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution of Lyceum No. 7 of Tomsk, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, academic title Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Theory and Methods of Teaching Mathematics, Member of the All-Russian Council of Heads of Organizations Implementing educational activities on educational programs NO, NGO and SO of Education under the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (2019); finalist of the All-Russian competition "Principal of the school" (2018); Laureate of the Tomsk Region Prize in Education, Science, Health and Culture (2015).

Sokolov Lev Alexandrovich

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Civil Service and Human Resources Management, Vice-Rector for Professional Development of the Moscow State University of Management of the Government of Moscow, business coach, specialist in the field of personnel management, development and training, development of leadership and managerial skills, communications, conflict resolution, corporate training management, developer and moderator of strategic sessions.

Ioffe Andrei Naumovich

Year of birth – 1967.

Place of Birth- the city of Pushkino (Moscow region).

Family status- married.

Place of residence- the city of Pushkino (Moscow region).

Foreign language skills– English (spoken).

Place of work– History Didactics Laboratory of the Institute of Teaching Tools and Methods (ISMO) Russian Academy education (RAO).

Job title- Leading Researcher.

Education- higher education (pedagogical).

Moscow Regional Pedagogical University (Faculty of History) - Sept. 1984 – June 1991 (specialty - teacher of history, social science and law).

Military service– 1986 – 1988

Degrees- Candidate of Historical Sciences (since 1997), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (since 2011).

Candidate of Historical Sciences - the topic of the dissertation "Socio-political problems of public education (on the example of Moscow)" (defended in May 1997 at the Moscow Pedagogical University, degree awarded on October 17, 1997).

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences - thesis topic "Theory and practice of preparing a teacher to accompany the process of civic development of schoolchildren" (defended in December 2010, degree awarded on July 15, 2011).

Academic titles- Associate Professor (since 2001).

awarded Honorary diploma Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for significant success in organizing and improving the educational process, in training and improving the pedagogical and scientific qualifications of scientific and pedagogical personnel (2006), a diploma from the Government of Moscow and the Department of Education of the City of Moscow for conducting an examination of projects and participating in the VIII jury City competition of social projects of students "I am a citizen of Russia".

Professional experience

History teacher at Pushkin secondary school No. 6 (Moscow region) 1991-1992.

History teacher at secondary school No. 16 in Mytishchi (Moscow region) 1992-1996.

Methodist of the scientific and educational group of the Department of General and Social Pedagogy of the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Public Education Workers of the Moscow Region 1996-1997.

Associate Professor of the Department of History, Socio-Political Education and Law of the Federal Academy for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining of Educators (APKiPPRO) since 1997. to September 2012

Leading Research Fellow of the Laboratory of Didactics of the History of ISMO RAO since September 2012.

From 1989 to 2004 - teacher, taught educational institutions different types, subjects - history, social science, political science, history of religion, optional course "Elections in a Democratic Society", modular course "My Choice".

Teaching history at the preparatory courses of the State Institution "Higher School of Economics" 2001-2002.

Teaching the course "Religious Studies" in State University Management (Moscow) 2003

Since 2011 - Professor of the Department of Open educational technologies Moscow Institute of Open Education (MIOO).

From January 2012 - Professor at the Institute of Education of the Higher School of Economics.

Social work

Vice President of the Interregional Association "For Civic Education", which unites teachers, scientists, journalists, representatives of public organizations interested in the development of civic education - since 1998.

Head of the program "Mobile seminars" of the public organization "Civitas" - 2003-2011. Within the framework of this program, seminars were held on active and interactive approaches in teaching social disciplines (by 2010, seminars were held in 63 subjects of the Russian Federation).

Coordinator of the international program "Mosaic of civic education" in Moscow and the Moscow region, dedicated to the exchange of experience between Russian and US teachers with an emphasis on comparative aspects in teaching history and social disciplines - 2003-2006.

Member of the international program "Mosaic of civic education-2", uniting teachers from Russia, Bulgaria, Mongolia, USA, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Georgia - 2007-2010. As a teacher within the framework of this program, he conducted classes in Bulgaria, Mongolia and Armenia.

Member of the Organizing Committee of the All-Russian Campaign “I am a Citizen of Russia”, member of the jury of the final stages of the Campaign at the Orlyonok All-Russian Center (action under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) - since 2001.

Member of the editorial board of the journal "Teaching history at school" - since 2007.

Member of the editorial board and methodologist of the journal "Social Sciences" - 2012.

Member of the jury and chairman of the jury in the nomination "History-2" (social science) of the All-Russian competition "Teacher of the Year" - from 1996 to 2004.

Organizer and jury member of the All-Russian Olympiad in civic disciplines - 1996-2007.

Member of the Expert Council of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation on textbooks and teaching aids - 1996-2000.

International activity

Expert of the Council of Europe - since 1996.

Participation in conferences on civic education within the framework of the international partnership "Civitas" - Sarajevo (1998), Moscow (2002), Mexico City (2003), Budapest (2004), Warsaw (2006), Buenos Aires (2007) ), Efran, Morocco (2008), Cape Town (2009), Jakarta (2010).

Conducting classes on teaching methods and civic education for teachers of Ukraine in Kharkov and Lvov - 2003 and 2004.

Conducted civic education classes for US teachers in Anchorage, Alaska - 2006.

Speech at 8 international conferences within the framework of the international program "Mosaic of Civic Education": Williamsburg, USA (2004 and 2005), Washington, USA (2006), Saratoga, USA (2007), Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (2008) , Primorsko, Bulgaria (2008 and 2009), Yerevan, Armenia (2009).

Participation in projects

Project "Elections in a Democratic Society" (Teacher's Newspaper and the International Foundation for Electoral Initiatives) - 1995-1997.

Project "My Choice" - 2000-2004

Participation in the international projects of the Council of Europe "Civic education: retraining of teachers" (increasing the qualifications of teachers of the Chechen Republic 2000-2002), "Education in the spirit of peace, human rights and democratic citizenship" (since 2004)

Expert of the group for the development of the program "Participation of children and youth in the life of society" - 2009-2011. Participant of working meetings in Helsinki (2009), Vienna (2010), Strasbourg (2010 and 2011) and Brussels (2011), carrying out an examination of youth participation in public life in Chisinau, Moldova - 2011.

Russian-Canadian project "Spirit of Democracy" - member of the expert committee and developer of materials within the framework of the Russian-Canadian project on teaching social disciplines using the Internet (3 publications prepared, participant of the conference in New Orleans, USA - 2003, conducting classes for Canadian schoolchildren ) – 2000-2004

Trainer and leader of the group of trainers at the Summer Academy "Democracy at School" in Warsaw, Poland (joint project of the Council of Europe, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Poland, the Wengeland Center in Norway) - 2010, leader of the group of trainers at the Summer Academy "Democracy at School" in Warsaw, Poland – 2011-2013

Coordinator of the Correspondence Academy "Democracy in School" (Internet project with the annual participation of more than 100 teachers from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan) - since 2011.

The developer of the methodological apparatus and the teacher in the methodology within the framework of the project "Updating the historical and social science education" - 2007-2009. As part of the project, conferences were held for teachers of history and social studies in 7 federal districts, trained about 1000 tutors from all subjects of the Russian Federation.

Trainer and expert in the project of introducing the course "Fundamentals religious cultures and secular ethics" - 2010-2011.

Major Publications


1. Ioffe, A. N. Methods of civic education: theory and practice [Text]: monograph / A. N. Ioffe. - Bryansk: Cursive, 2006. (6 pp. (108 p.))

2. Ioffe, A. N. Preparation of a teacher to accompany the process of civil formation of a schoolchild [Text]: monograph / A. N. Ioffe. - M .: APKiPPRO, 2010. (7.5 pp. (120 p.))

3. Ioffe, A. N. Life of Moscow in the 1920s [Text] / A. N. Ioffe // Teaching history at school. - 1997. - No. 5. - S. 15-20. (0.5 p. l.)

4. Ioffe, A. N. Ediny State exam in social science [Text] / A. N. Ioffe // Teaching history at school. - 2006. - No. 7. - S. 10-12. (0.1 p. l.)

5. Ioffe, A. N. Modern challenges and risks of the development of civic education in Russia [Text] / A. N. Ioffe // Teaching history and social science at school. - 2006. - No. 9. - S. 19-24. (0.5 p. l.)

6. Ioffe, A. N. Lesson "Ethnos, people, nation" [Text] / A. N. Ioffe, O. V. Kishenkova // Teaching history at school. - 2007. - No. 3. - S. 25-32. (0.7 / 0.5 p. l.)

7. Ioffe, A. N. Theme " Political history Russia of the 18th century. Final lesson ”[Text] / A. N. Ioffe // Teaching history at school. - 2007. - No. 4. - S. 19-28. (1 p. l.)

8. Ioffe, A. N. The concept of teaching social science in the modern Russian school and the textbook “Social science. Class XI” (project) [Text] / A. N. Ioffe // Teaching history at school. - 2008. - No. 1. - P. 40-42. (0.3 p. l.)

9. Ioffe, A. N. The concept of teaching social science in the modern Russian school and the textbook “Social science. Class XI” (project) (continued) [Text] / A. N. Ioffe // Teaching history at school. - 2008. - No. 2. - S. 35-43. (0.8 p. l.)

10. Ioffe, A. N. Work with test tasks in preparation for the exam in social science [Text] / A. N. Ioffe // Teaching history at school. - 2008. - No. 3. - S. 63-68. (0.5 p. l.)

11. Ioffe, A. N. Modern challenges and risks of the development of civic education in Russia [Text] / A. N. Ioffe // Teaching history at school. - 2008. - No. 9. - P. 3-8. (0.5 p. l.)

12. Ioffe, A. N. Motivation in teaching history and social studies [Text] / A. N. Ioffe // Teaching history at school. - 2009. - No. 6. - P. 4-8. (0.3 p. l.)

13. Ioffe, A. N. “Manifesto of peaceful coexistence” (role-playing game on tolerance) [Text] / A. N. Ioffe // Teaching history at school. - 2010. - No. 1. - P. 10-15. (0.5 p. l.)

14. Ioffe, A. N. Game methods in teaching. "Political Propaganda" (an example of using the game in educational process) [Text] / A. N. Ioffe // Teaching history at school. - 2010. - No. 2. - P. 3-7. (0.4 p. l.)

15. Ioffe, A. N. Democracy as an idea and political reality. [Text] / A. N. Ioffe // Teaching history at school. - 2011. - No. 6. - P. 5-7. (0.2 p. l.)

16. Ioffe, A. N. The role of education in the civil development of personality. [Text] / A. N. Ioffe // Teaching history at school. - 2011. - No. 8. - S. 19-25. (0.7 p. l.)

17. Ioffe, A. N. Teaching modern history Russia: traditions and innovations. [Text] / A. N. Ioffe // Teaching history at school. - 2011. - No. 9. - P. 33-40. (0.7 p. l.)

18. Ioffe, A. N. The structure of the modern history and social science lesson as a basis for organizing students' activities. [Text] / A. N. Ioffe // Teaching history at school. - 2012. - No. 1. - P. 7-13. (0.6 p. l.)

19. Ioffe, A. N. Social design based on the experience of the All-Russian action "I am a citizen of Russia". [Text] / A. N. Ioffe, V. P. Pakhomov, M. D. Pokatovich // Teaching history at school. - 2012. - No. 2. - P. 49-54. (0.5 p. l.)

20. Ioffe, A. N. Elections and electoral systems. [Text] / A. N. Ioffe // Teaching history at school. - 2012. - No. 3. - P. 5-11. (0.5 p. l.)

21. Ioffe, A. N. Patriotism and its examples in the history of Russia. [Text] / A. N. Ioffe // Teaching history at school. - 2012. - No. 5. - P. 51-55. (0.5 p. l.)


22. Ioffe, A. N. We, the people ... The Russian Constitution [Text]: textbook / N. M. Voskresenskaya, A. N. Ioffe, A. F. Nikitin. - M .: Interregional Association "For Civic Education", 1998. (15/7 pp. (190 p.))

23. Ioffe, A. N. Introduction to social disciplines [Text]: textbook / T. V. Bolotina, V. F. Borodich, A. N. Ioffe, V. N. Lebedeva, T. V. Karadzhe, O. V. Kishenkov. - M .: Educational Center "Vedi-M", 2000. (17/5 p. l. (252 p.))

24. Ioffe, A. N. Fundamentals of political science [Text]: an experimental textbook for high school students / T. V. Bolotina, A. N. Ioffe. - M .: APKiPRO, 2000. (4/3 pp. (64 p.))

25. Ioffe, A. N. Introduction to social science [Text]: textbook for the 8th grade of elementary school / A. N. Ioffe, O. V. Kishenkova, S. V. Tyrin. - M .: Publishing house "S-info"; Balass Publishing House, 2000. (14/8 pp. (272 pp.)) Griffin Approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

26. Ioffe, A. N. Fundamentals of social science [Text]: a textbook for 8 classes of general education educational institutions/ A. N. Ioffe, O. V. Kishenkova. - M .: Publishing house "New textbook", 2001. (17/7 p. l. (272 p.)) Grip Approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Programs, teaching aids, reference materials

27. Ioffe, A. N. Book of methods [Text] / E. B. Ershova, A. N. Ioffe, T. V. Osipova. - M .: New countdown, 2001. (5.75 / 4 p. L. (92 p.))

28. Ioffe, A. N. Methodological aspects of studying the foundations of the constitutional structure of the Russian Federation [Text] / A. N. Ioffe // Theoretical and methodological foundations of teaching law at school: a collection of articles. Lecture course. – M.: Ed. house "New textbook", 2002. - S. 55-60. (0.5 p. l.)

29. Ioffe, A. N. Guidelines for conducting lessons using interactive and active methods works [Text] / A. N. Ioffe // Civic education: methodology, content and teaching methods. - M.: APKiPRO, 2002. - S. 158-166. (0.3 p. l.)

30. Ioffe, A. N. Theoretical basis methods of teaching social disciplines [Text] / A. N. Ioffe // Theoretical and methodological foundations of teaching law at school: a collection of articles. Lecture course. – M.: Ed. house "New textbook", 2002. - S. 61-79. (1 p. l.)

31. Ioffe, A. N. Methodical materials on civic education [Text] / A. N. Ioffe. – M.: Ed. house "New textbook", 2003. (12 sheets (240 pages))

32. Ioffe, A. N. Modern methods of civic education [Text] / A. N. Ioffe, V. P. Pakhomov. - Samara: Publishing House "NTC", 2003. (6/5 pp. (117 p.))

33. Ioffe, A. N. Methodological guide to the textbook "Fundamentals of Social Science". Grade 8 [Text] / A. N. Ioffe, O. V. Kishenkova. - M .: Publishing house "New textbook", 2004. (10/7 pp. (192 p.))

34. Ioffe, A. N. Methodological guide to the textbook "Fundamentals of Social Science". Grade 9 [Text] / A. N. Ioffe, O. V. Kishenkova. - M .: Publishing house "New textbook", 2004. (18/14 pp. (288 p.))

35. Ioffe, A. N. A variety of understanding of tolerance [Text]: teaching materials for the course "Human Rights" / A. N. Ioffe; ed. E. N. Rakhmanova. - M .: Publishing House "Cameron", 2004. (2 pp. (32 p.))

36. Ioffe, A. N. I am a citizen of Russia. Book for students. Grades 5-7 [Text]: student guide educational institutions/ A. N. Ioffe, N. F. Kritskaya, L. V. Mostyaeva. - M .: Education, 2009. (8.17 / 6 pp. (143 p.))

37. Ioffe, A. N. I am a citizen of Russia. The book for the teacher. Grades 5-7 [Text]: a guide for teachers of educational institutions / A. N. Ioffe, N. F. Kritskaya, L. V. Mostyaeva. - M .: Education, 2009. (7.94 / 6 pp. (158 p.))

38. Ioffe, A. N. Basic techniques and technologies in the work of a trainer-teacher [Text]: teaching aid / T. V. Bolotina, A. N. Ioffe, E. A. Mishina, E. I. Kazakova, T. G. Novikova, A. E. Novikov, E. N. Petrova, O. N. Rudneva, E. N. Shimutina, O. V. Chindilova, S. G. Yakovleva. - M .: APKiPPRO, 2010. (9/1 pp. (72 p.))

39. recent history Russia: teaching at school: textbook / Yu.A. Nikiforov, E.E. Vyazemsky, A.N. Ioffe [and others]; ed. V.D. Nechaev. - M .: Alfa-M: INFRA-M, 2013. (25/8 p. l. (384 p.))

- Andrey Naumovich, you developed the methodological apparatus and recommendations
for a teacher in the TMC on social science for the 11th grade, which is based on a textbook edited by Professor Leonid Polyakov.
What new textbooks are being prepared by members of this team of authors?

- Leonid Polyakov and Leonid Ionin are currently working on a social science textbook for the 10th grade. The textbook for the 11th grade was devoted to Russia in the global world, the topic of the textbook for the 10th grade is “Man in the global world”. They have already prepared a book for the teacher, and a textbook is being written on its basis. The methodological support for this textbook is being developed by Alexander Morozov, an employee of the journal Teaching History at School. He took part in the creation of an electronic application that was included in the TMC for the 11th grade.
And now I'm working in a different direction.

Firstly, together with colleagues - Nadezhda Kritskaya (Kirov), Lyudmila Mostyaeva (Ryazan) and Nina Baulina (Moscow) - we prepared a textbook on social science for grade 5 in the "Spheres" format. The Prosveshcheniye publishing house has already released textbooks in this format in other subjects (biology, geography, history). It is planned to publish a line of new textbooks on social studies for grades 5-7 with the general subtitle "I am a citizen of Russia." It is also important that among my co-authors there are practicing teachers who have the opportunity to test the textbook in their daily work.

Secondly, an educational course has been prepared: “I am a citizen of Russia”: a book for teachers and a book for students. There is no traditional class division and this course is for students in grades 5 to 7. Nadezhda Kritskaya and Lyudmila Mostyaeva also participate in its creation.

- What are the features of the social science textbook in the "Spheres" format?
- The fact that "Spheres" are not like traditional textbooks. There is no superfluous information - for example, there are no introductory paragraphs usual for textbooks, authors' addresses to children, words about why it is important and interesting to study something. Modern children perceive the textbook not as a book for reading with lengthy discussions, but as the quintessence of the topic, which allows them to focus on the most important thing.

Therefore, the editors set a strict condition for us: one paragraph should fit on one or two spreads. And all kinds of additional information is placed in an electronic application. A number of methodological, training and control functions are taken over by the exercise book and other elements of the educational and methodological complex. The electronic format allows you to expand and deepen the content to infinity - there are specially allocated zones, referring to which you can find statistical data, additional diagrams and illustrations, interactive games, entertaining information and much more. Thus, various manuals in paper format are combined with an unlimited number of materials in electronic form, enabling the teacher and student to choose the strategy for their work on the topic.

This textbook is nearing completion and, if approved by peer review, could be used in schools at the beginning of the next school year.

- Now tell us more about the educational course "I am a citizen of Russia."
What tasks is it intended to solve? What is the difference from traditional WMC?

- The educational course includes two books - for the teacher and for the student. The course proposes a system of educational work, based on three themes. “Our Motherland is Russia” (issues of patriotism), “We are Russians” (the multi-ethnic composition of Russia and relations between peoples within Russia), “Young Citizens of Russia” (project activities of students to solve the problems of their school and local community).

An important difference from traditional teaching materials is that children can study a book for a student without the participation of a teacher. It does not have a mandatory "binding" to the school system - it can be read as educational literature, discuss together with parents and comrades.

The book for the teacher is intended for class teachers, teachers of additional education, teachers who can include in their programs issues related to the education of citizenship, patriotism, and responsibility. This is material that the teacher can use both in the classroom and in the framework of any individual educational event. But the rigid format of such events is not set - there remains an opportunity for the creativity of the teacher. In addition, we did not write down what should be used in the fifth, sixth or seventh grade. Moreover, we believe that a group working on our books can be of different ages - for example, in the system of additional education or when working on a social project that can be carried out by children from different classes.

- To what extent do these approaches relate to new state standards general education?
- These approaches are closely connected not only with the Concept of Teaching Social Science, which we developed as part of the creation of new standards, but also with the fundamental core of education in social science, which is also included in the documents accompanying the draft standards of the second generation.
The concept of teaching social science provides that the course of social science in grades 5-7 is based on the social experience of students. It tells about the country in which they live, about the classmates with whom they communicate, about their family. The emphasis is shifted from an abstract consideration of scientific social science concepts to practice Everyday life a student - a member of a society that builds relationships with others. The concept assumes that such scientific systematization (the study of types of political regimes, types of families, cultures, societies, etc.) is effective at an older age. In grades 8-9, comparative components will appear in the course of social science: children will not only study the realities of everyday social life, but also generalize concepts, discuss the most important patterns .

- Is it possible, therefore, to talk about a revolution in school social science education?
- No, I would not talk about the revolution. The authors would like to maintain continuity in social science education and take into account the existing positive experience in teaching social sciences. In the fundamental core of social science, the main topics are practically the same as in the mandatory minimum standards of 2004. It's just that the material is structured differently, besides, a significant reduction has been made.

If earlier the structure of the course was based on various spheres of social life with a bias towards philosophical understanding, now social relations are considered through a person and his life in society. The following areas are distinguished: a person in family relations, in political relations, in culture, in social relations, in the economy, in the global world.

- In the Soviet school, children studied social science in grades 10-11, in modern school- from the 6th grade.
New standards include social studies from the 5th grade?

- According to the current standards, social science is studied from the 6th grade. Perhaps, within the framework of the new standards, it will be studied from the 5th grade, but we proceed from this in our planning, but these topics can be studied from the 6th grade.

As for the Soviet school, social science was also studied in the 9th grade - after all, there was a legal course "Fundamentals of State and Law", which, in fact, was part of social science education. Today, in my opinion, legal issues should also be taken as the basis of the course of social science, which will help maintain continuity. And although there is no separate section “Man in Legal Relations” in the fundamental core, we proceed from the fact that law should become the basis for the study of all social disciplines. There are legal aspects in family, political, and economic relations.

- Do you mean the formation of the first ideas about existing laws?
- Primarily. Not only children, but also adults often do not know, for example, that in Russia a person is considered a citizen from birth. I have heard different answers - from the age of 14, from the age of 16, from the age of 18 - even from people working in the education system. Children must understand that they are citizens of Russia, and will not become so in an indefinite future. In the fifth grade, they need to be explained that they not only have a number of rights, but also bear certain responsibility for their actions. From the age of 6, a person can already make some transactions, until the age of 18 he does not have the right to buy alcohol, and from the age of 14, criminal liability begins. Some regions have their own legal regulations for example, prohibiting children from being outside unaccompanied by adults at night, and it would be good to discuss such regional laws in the classroom. We need to understand who makes laws, that we choose these people ourselves, and if a person does not participate in elections, he relieves himself of responsibility for what is happening in the country.

In general, both the educational course and the textbook for grade 5 are based on the idea of ​​a person's responsibility both for himself (internal) and for what is happening around (external). We often talk about the duties of children, and at conferences I was repeatedly recommended to use the term duty. And I always answer that a duty is something imposed from the outside, although, of course, a person must know and fulfill his duties. And responsibility is an internal awareness of your duties, when, for example, you work well, not because the boss comes and checks, but because you understand that you need to work well, and this gives you pleasure.

Tell me, are there certain definitions and norms within the framework of the educational course that the student should simply learn?
- Of course, the book provides a knowledge component for the student - at the beginning of each topic there is a conceptual apparatus, including excerpts from laws. In my opinion, it is not necessary to learn all this at all. You just need to understand.

At one time, together with Olga Kishenkova, we wrote a textbook on social studies for grades 8-9, which is now used in Moscow schools. My son was in 8th grade with this textbook. When the teacher did not have time to explain some topics in the lesson, she said that you need to learn the definitions in bold in the text, and then turn them in for her. As a result, the son began to memorize these definitions and was very surprised that I, the author of the same textbook, could not reproduce them verbatim. But they checked it this way: it was necessary to memorize and reproduce the definition word for word!

Given this experience, new teaching materials for 11th grade, including methodological guide for teachers, I gave several definitions of the same concept - for example, 4 definitions of democracy. They ask me: which one should be used on the exam? I answer that the exam, I hope, will be such that any definition will be correct. This is not poetry to be learned by heart. Understanding is especially important in this course.

Primary school has never had and probably never will have a social studies course. Nevertheless, to what extent should education of citizenship and responsibility take place already at this stage?
- Within the framework of the new standards, a system of educational work is planned in primary school, and the possibility of civic education is being discussed. Even in the absence of a separate course, the great potential of the civic education subjects available in primary school can be used. Materials for extracurricular activities will also be developed, including those with elements project activities. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to take into account age characteristics, pay more attention to game methods in teaching, be based on creativity to the consideration of public life.

In connection with the creation of new educational standards, much is said about the fact that they should be implemented by teachers of the new generation. Tell me, what kind of teacher is needed to teach a new course of social studies in a basic school? How to prepare such a teacher?
- The lack of qualified personnel that meets modern requirements is a common problem in the country. Need not only good teachers but also good doctors, engineers, workers, etc. Everyone admits that, unfortunately, in last years the level of teaching staff has declined. Even a significant salary increase will not be able to solve this problem immediately - it will take years for a new generation of teachers to appear in the school.

Therefore, the first thing that, in my opinion, needs to be done is to increase the teacher's motivation to effective work provide clear guidelines and clear requirements for performance. It will be necessary to hold more seminars on the teaching of social studies. In the summer of 2008 at APKiPPRO we trained tutors who are already teaching teachers all over Russia. Emphasis was placed on the use of active and interactive methods in the system of advanced training and training of teaching staff, organization of project work in the education process. The teacher must understand how to use different methods in his work, that it is necessary to maintain a balance between passive and other methods, not to get carried away with games and discussions, but also not be limited to lectures. Teachers need to be given more information, to provide them with modern teaching aids.

The second problem is related to our professional pedagogical culture and perhaps culture in general. Experienced teachers and methodologists want young teachers who come to school to fully master both the content and teaching methods. And the higher system teacher education does not always meet the high requirements of training a modern teacher, and far from the best university graduates go to school. In such a situation, it is easiest to constantly criticize young teachers and accuse them of incompetence. It is much more difficult to help with advice, systematically discuss with them the secrets of difficult pedagogical work, and share accumulated experience. Unfortunately, the mentoring system is gradually leaving schools, when an experienced teacher feels responsible for an inexperienced colleague, worries about his failures and rejoices at his successes. If such an environment were recreated in most schools, there would be significantly more young people in the education system.

- That is, there is not enough positive in the system of work with young teachers?
- Yes. The coach of the national football team of Russia, Guus Hidding, said that the reason for many of the troubles of our football is in unfounded criticism, the result of which is the uncertainty of the players in their abilities. So it is at school: if everyone constantly criticizes you, then the work will fall out of hand. I am convinced that the professional development of teachers should be based on constructiveness and effectiveness - you need to focus on what a person succeeds in, and very carefully say what needs to be changed. Criticism should be constructive: if you think that the beginning of the lesson did not work out, show it as it should. It’s just that most often criticism is based on the principle: “I don’t know how it should be, but I know how it shouldn’t be.”

Another problem is the improvement of pedagogical education. In order to train teachers of a new generation, teacher training universities should pay more attention to practice at school, especially for senior students, use active and interactive methods along with traditional lectures and seminars. It makes no sense to confine ourselves to studying the theory that describes such methods. A graduate of a pedagogical university should have behind him a set of lessons that he developed himself, and did not write off or download from the Internet.

From my own student experience, I clearly remember the few classes in which we presented the development of our lessons and “tested” their fragments on our classmates. Of course, our developments were not perfect, but this work turned out to be the most useful and memorable, and the lectures and theories were largely erased from memory. The advanced training system should also provide more practical skills and create situations for the exchange of best practices, rather than focusing on theorizing and transferring new information (although this component should not be completely forgotten).

Give examples of how the educational course forms patriotism, how the essence of interethnic relations is explained.
- Traditionally, teachers perceive the idea of ​​forming patriotism as the study of state symbols: anthem, flag, coat of arms. In the section "Our Motherland - Russia" we consider this idea much more broadly. The teacher must understand that patriotism is a complex integral characteristic of a citizen, combining love for the country in which you were born and live, for your small homeland (your city, village, village), where you grew up, for your native nature, about preserving beauty which needs to be taken care of.

Patriotism must be conscious, not "trained". Therefore, we propose not just to memorize the text of the anthem, but to think about the social values ​​that are embedded in the text of the anthem of Russia, the anthem of your subject of the Federation, city or even school. Another aspect of this concept is the patriotism of action, when a person seeks to change the surrounding life in his own strength. better side to solve emerging social problems.

In the section "We are Russians" of the educational course, a new interpretation of the concept of "nation" is proposed. Until recently, it was invested mainly in ethnic content - there is a nation of Bashkirs, Tatars, Armenians, etc. It seems more justified to consider this concept in the civil-political sense. The nation is the Russians, and the peoples are the ethnic groups that make up the Russian nation. Such an understanding is more in line with international standards (for example, the United Nations clearly does not imply an ethnic characterization of the concept of a nation). Of course, the concept of "ethnos" should be introduced only in high school, and in elementary school this can be explained using more understandable terms.

The modern Russian school has a multicultural environment, and children should be able to live in this environment. How does the educational course contribute to the formation of tolerance?
- In the section "We are Russians" it is explained that people living in the territory of Russia are Russians. At the same time, a Russian does not have to be Russian. To live in a multi-ethnic society, it is necessary to understand each other, to know the traditions and characteristics of different peoples. We offer material for studying the culture of peoples up to costumes, traditional symbols and even the cuisine of different peoples of Russia. Materials on the most numerous peoples of Russia (according to the 2002 census) are taken as a basis, but it is emphasized that it is possible to study the culture of other peoples living in a particular region.

For example, a school can organize a festival of peoples whose representatives study there, and studying the traditions and characteristics of peoples can help to understand specific people. Both in the textbook and in the educational course we introduced the term "dignity". The word is used in the singular - we are talking about the inner dignity of another person, which cannot be violated and which needs to be taken care of. After all, concern for the dignity of each other in modern society especially missing. This is where tolerance begins - with respect for one's own dignity and recognition of the dignity of the people around you.

- In the 1980s, the traditions of different peoples were also studied at school - I remember
our class studied Uzbekistan, we made skullcaps from paper, etc., but all this was done, in my opinion, for show.
How to avoid formalism in such situations? And can they be avoided altogether?
By the way, this also applies to the education of patriotism: how not to reduce it to singing the anthem?
- Just this topic - the problems of socio-culture in the Soviet Union - was devoted to my Ph.D. thesis: I wrote about how a Soviet person was brought up in the 1920s. It was at that time that very talented pedagogical models which, combined with ideological manipulation, formed a certain type of consciousness in children. A hackneyed example is Pavlik Morozov. He was convinced that there were enemies around, and his well-known act was largely the result of upbringing. In those years, people sincerely believed that the more enemies were shot, the happier life would be.

In the subsequent period of Russian history, the war became the determining factor for the education system, and patriotic education it just couldn't be fake. This topic was an exposed nerve for the post-war generation. And in the 1970s and 80s, when it became less painful, young people appeared who were not touched by the troubles of wartime, all educational work turned into a routine. I myself studied in those years, and we honestly wrote Lenin's plans, not understanding why this was necessary. And grandmothers were helped to improve accountability, unlike Timurovites, who did it at the call of their hearts. Yes, today, in a period of stability and the inadmissibility of a return to a single ideology, there is a risk of reducing educational work to the next report.

To avoid this, it is necessary to form in children a sense of responsibility for what is happening around. Each person should ask himself what he does for the development of the country and whether he enjoys his daily work. To be able to combine the personal with the public, the collective with the individual, to find ways for cooperation and interaction with others - this is the basis for the development of a citizen. For this, an educational course is being created, and we undoubtedly have reserves for the formation of citizenship, responsibility, pride in our Motherland. Citizens of Russia are far from being as passive as it sometimes seems - suffice it to recall the events of June 2008, when the whole country took to the streets, celebrating the victory of our football team.

The upbringing of patriotism, responsibility and other important qualities should be facilitated by specific useful activities in which schoolchildren participate and the importance of which they are aware of. The section of the educational course "Young Citizens of Russia" provides for projects to solve the problems of their school and the local community - from cleaning a spring to organizing elections for the president of the school republic. If after such elections life in the school changes for the better, then the children who saw the positive results of the elections on the example of the school will subsequently go to the presidential elections and the elections of deputies.
Since 2000, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has been holding the All-Russian campaign “I am a Citizen of Russia”, within the framework of which students develop and implement social projects aimed at solving the problems of public life. The experience of this action shows that we often underestimate what can be done to change the life around, and schoolchildren achieve amazing results by showing their active citizenship.

- With the help of what techniques can children be interested not only in studying a course of social science,
but also to read a book for students on their own?

- Of course, we took into account the need to form motivation - we selected examples, parables, questions to interest the guys. To give them a choice, we offer different types tasks that form certain qualities in different ways.
The student must understand that a lot depends on him, and in this case he feels himself not the object of pedagogical influence, not the one who is being fought and educated (you can recall the textbook example from the famous film "Big Break", where the lesson is compared with a fight, and the work of a teacher with participation in hostilities). The student must feel like a person who has dignity, who is a person, a citizen, whose opinion is respected and with whom there is a dialogue.

In the educational course, we abandoned traditional system evaluation. It is based on self-assessment: students themselves can evaluate their achievements with the help of special reflective questions, tables, crossword puzzles, etc. We proceed from the fact that assessment is not limited to grades. The teacher evaluates the student's achievements when he praises him, when he simply smiles or frowns. However, there are also tasks that test knowledge, including test ones.

- How to evaluate the effectiveness of educational work, including,
conducted as part of a social studies course? School graduate became a patriot or not?

- Anyone who learns to check it will probably be recognized as a genius. Checking the results of work on the formation of such qualities as patriotism is a problem not only for Russia, but also for any country in the modern global world (European countries, America). You can try to evaluate this work based on the change social situation at the level of the municipality, region, country as a whole for a certain period of time. Will the number of ethnic conflicts decrease? Will juvenile delinquency go down? How will the economy of the municipality or region develop? Will the number of citizens' appeals to the courts increase, which indicates the formation of a legal culture? Will the electoral activity of young people increase - those who vote for the first time after reaching the age of 18?

- These are long-term indicators, and I want to know about the efficiency of work right away.
- Then you need to evaluate the results of "small deeds": The results of social projects in which schoolchildren participated, their assistance to those in need (disabled people, unsecured pensioners, single people) are good indicators of patriotism and civic responsibility.

- Will there be time in schools to study the educational course?
After all, student overload is the reality of today.

- We proceed from the fact that in the fundamental core of social science and in general in the new standards there is no division into educational and educational work, and thus, the long-standing norm of the law "On Education", according to which education is a single process of training and education, is getting a real embodiment. Teachers can use selected materials from our books, study both in social studies lessons and as part of extracurricular activities.

Interviewed by Boris Startsev

Approaches to the organization of the lesson Stages of the lesson Forms and methods Results motivation goal setting???? - relevance of the topic for students - independent determination (acceptance) of goals and rules for working with information? - product of processing student information control reflection ???? -knowledge of the degree of achievement of the student's goals -self-assessment of the process and results of one's own activities

Motivation is a set of psychological causes that explain the behavior and activity of a person. Causes "internal" - dispositional motivation; reasons "external" - situational motivation. A motive is an internal stable psychological reason for a behavior or act.

Motivation: what will help in the lesson? Procedural and substantive motivation: the need for this knowledge and skills (direct result) Pleasure from the process of activity, interest (Be interested yourself!) Self-development motive: desire to realize one's capabilities; Healthy competition, the motive of self-affirmation and success; Approval, recognition, encouragement (reward), a sense of personal responsibility Affiliation motive (desire to establish relationships and communication with other people, self-value of communication) NAME THE WAYS OF MOTIVATION IN THE LESSON

The surest ways to destroy motivation - Do not engage in communication with students - Assume that everything that happens in the lesson is not needed by anyone: neither the children nor the teacher - Make the audience passive - Criticize more often - Make the person feel stupid when asking questions -… ?...

Goal-setting A) the teacher does not set goals, but does everything to achieve them. B) goals are communicated to students (the child is the subject of goal realization). C) the student formulates the goals himself (only the topic of the lesson is reported). Operational goal setting means the formulation of a specific, measurable, qualitatively determined desired result; clarity of the way to determine the correspondence between the goal and the result; determination of the time to achieve the result.

Working with information Compliance of the selected content with the objectives of the lesson and the level of students' preparation (a task for independent search for information for the goals of the activity) The presence of clear instructions for working with information Providing access to information LIST METHODS OF WORKING WITH INFORMATION

WORKING WITH INFORMATION Types of information sources Oral Written Graphic (diagrams, diagrams) Electronic Video sources OTHER (real, pictorial, statistical) Analysis Generalization synthesis Comparison Systematization Creativity (activities to create a new product)

Control and reflection Goals and objectives: Knowledge + skills + experience of the USE training program? cognitive activity Information and communication activity Reflective activity Evaluation Self-assessment Expertise Attitude Identification of difficulties Assignment of experience

Changes in the organization of the lesson Stages of the lesson Forms and methods Results assessment motivational "Gap situation" ..., opinion, action, concept, brainstorming, etc. External internal "Inclusion situation" Problematic Main problem - question, contradiction, opinion, situation The range of questions that will be be discussed? Information-analytical Lecture, film, demonstration, reading, etc. Group work Filling in general schemes and tables, conclusions on the designated problem? Dialogue methods - conversation, expressing one's own positions, presentation of works, conference? Control - reflective Written - "square", essay, analytical table, "assessment sheet" Oral - statements, opinions Graphic - "Target" Reflection of the content, own activity and its components, sensations, feelings (experiences) ?

Thank you for your attention! Ioffe Andrey Naumovich Mostyaeva Lyudmila Vasilievna Kritskaya Nadezhda Fedorovna Questions and suggestions are accepted by e-mail