Class hour with graduates of previous years. Scenario of the evening of the meeting of graduates "evening of school friends"

School songs are playing, the presenters are speaking in the background.

B.1 To our comrades and friends:

B.2 To our teachers and students:

B.1 For yesterday's, today's and future graduates:

B.2 To everyone who shares with us the cares, anxieties and joys of school life:

B.1 Dedicated to our festive evening, the evening of the meeting of graduates!

B.2 Hello, dear friends!

B.1 Thank you for not forgetting your school and coming to us to meet friends and teachers.

B.2 The school in your memory is bright classes,

B.1 A school is a chalkboard

B.2 Strict teachers,

B.1 A diary lost somewhere,

B.2 Parent notations,

B.1 First love:

B.2 And how cool the bell rang for you since the last school lesson! "Hooray!" - You screamed. Books flew into the briefcase like birds!

B.1 The locker room is crowded. The doors of the school victoriously thundered salute! The school yard resounded with joyful cries! Hooray! Lessons are over!

B.2 And in the schoolyard the trees are dropping leaves: Autumn winds are walking around: And they are running after the wind school years:

The song "Frecked Girl" sounds.

Who is a year, who is 2, who is 10 years ago,
Having passed his way, he left these walls.
And the bells are still ringing
Lessons are coming, changes are coming.

And you came to meet with youth,
Where they remember, love and know you.
You have found good friends here,
And, leafing through thick textbooks,

You learned the world, learned to live,
Work, relax and have fun:
And tried to keep in my heart
Kindness, warmth and tenderness particles.

IN 1. You, yesterday's schoolchildren, now young professionals: lawyers, cooks and doctors, businessmen and doctors.

IN 2. To those who have found their place in life and to those who are only looking for it, the first-graders dedicate these words to our teachers.

Block elementary school:

The first time you came to the first class -
They couldn't write or read.
You carried flowers on a line.
You have a nice uniform...

First class is the first call.
There were joys, there were hardships,
Our teacher and the first lesson -
This is how the school years began.

Do you remember it was around
A sea of ​​colors and sounds.
From warm mother's hands
The teacher took your hand.

He put you in first grade.
Solemn and respectful.
Your hand and now
In the hand of your teacher.

Book pages turn yellow.
Change the names of the river
But you are his disciple Then, now and forever.

And if in life big,
Willingly or unwittingly
You suddenly twist your soul
It will hurt him a lot.

And if in a harsh hour
You will stand like a man.
A smile will spill immediately
Rays of good wrinkles.

Give in the fresh breeze
Brighter for her to flare up -
From warm mother's hands
Master took your heart...

For all those present in the hall, the song "Welcome to Childhood" is performed by the school choir.

IN 1. Eleven years each of you spent at school. Here you read the first word, wrote the first letter.

IN 2. Here you cried, laughed, quarreled, put up, played pranks in the classroom.

IN 1. And what just didn't happen here, behind these walls: But always invariably there was a person who heads our school - the director. And now the floor is given to her.

(Word to the principal of the school)

IN 2. Today, on the day of our meeting, I would like to sincerely and on your behalf the graduates thank our teachers, everyone who taught you and teaches us today.

Maybe it seems familiar
But you can't see this:
And our teacher usually
Tired eyes in the evening.

We know what it is -
Children restless swarm,
Here with one you will not find peace,
And not what with a sort of family!

That one is funny, and this one looks askance,
There the fighter is already starting a fight
What about questions? .. A thousand questions,
And everyone needs answers.

How much affection and care is needed -
Help everyone and understand everyone.
Thankful and hard work -
Learn to read, count, write.

Thank you, of course, we all.
It's hard to even find a word.
And today, on our festive evening
I would like to thank you.

The ensemble will perform the song "The Magician - Dropout".

IN 1. And now we give the floor to our graduates.

Dear graduates, tell us how your life has turned out: where you study, work. Tell future graduates about your educational institution, perhaps one of them will decide to follow in your footsteps.

(Performances of graduates)

Q2. Dear graduates, now we invite you to return to the past and remember your school life. We ask you to answer our questions.

  1. A place that students don't like to go to. (Board).
  2. Surprise on the teacher's chair. (Button).
  3. Dating club for parents and teachers. (Parent meeting).
  4. Flat globe. (Map).
  5. Album for autographs of parents. (A diary)
  6. From 2 to 5. (Grade).
  7. A place where children serve 11 years. (School).
  8. A signal for the beginning and end of torment. (call)
  9. President across the school. (Director).
  10. There are in every class. (Board).
  11. All teachers look forward to this. (Vacation).
  12. You can't live on this in school. (Salary).

IN 1. You know, guys, we still have problems that we still cannot solve.

Q 2. What problems are you talking about?

IN 1. Well, firstly, a universal way of cheating from under the nose of a teacher has not yet been invented.

Secondly, why, when Socrates said in the 5th century BC: "I know that I know nothing", he was called a genius of philosophy, and when we say this phrase to the teacher, he thinks quite the opposite?

And why there are only 24 hours in a day, you only have time to go to the section, hang out with friends, and there are always not enough hours for lessons. It is unfair, it would be necessary to round this figure up to 30.

And also this eternal problem of "fathers and sons". Constantly someone does not understand someone: either we are adults, or they us:

For you, dear guests, the song "Adults and Children" sounds.

Express interviews with graduates.

(questions are written on the card, the presenter invites graduates to choose any).

1. Have you ever wanted to burn a school magazine?

2. Where does childhood go?

3. Which teacher has the most memorable voice? Why?

4. How often did you run away from lessons?

5. From whom did you like to cheat?

6. Who is the youngest in your class?

7. Which "5" was the most joyful for you?

8. What subject have you studied all 11 years and its name has not changed in 11 years?

9. What is your favorite moment in class?

10. What is your favorite place at school?

11. What is your future profession?

12. Your wishes to teachers and your former classmates.

The final song performed by "You know, it will still be."

You broke up a long time ago
Scattered in all directions.
Only in memory remained
These years are forever.
And again you are drawn to school,
This is very important to you -
Conversations, cheerful laughter,
Sadness and joy in half.

And the heart will suddenly beat
And it's hard to know
That childhood will not return
But you can remember.

We need these meetings
To keep your heart warm.
And solemn speeches
It's better to just postpone.
Need a heartfelt conversation
And the radiance of kind eyes,
Both wonderful and magical
Evening where you are loved.

Friends! Wherever fate takes you,
You will always be awaited with love,
You don't forget us
And come to school sometimes!

This evening of the meeting does not end,
It continues in your former classes.

Good teachers are waiting for you there
Both high school and old friends!
And we say goodbye to all of you:

Together: "See you again, friends! And goodbye!".


The teacher comes in… don’t forget to get up….??



Native classrooms, windows, walls
And a cute old bell
Calling us to change
And returning to class.
An unsolvable riddle
Lesson without end, without end...
And someone's nose, broken in a fight
Right here on the school porch...
No, you can't hide that time
Though the year and month are forgotten,
And yet sometimes sometimes
The past hurts my heart...

Meet everyone - it's a holiday!

And a holiday is a day when flowers bloom and smiles on faces, when music, fun, jokes!

And we will joke about ourselves and our school life.


You have to participate in the game "Mouths of a baby"

P1: There are a lot of windows, brushes and paints. There are a lot of boys and girls, they get "2" and "5". Fairy tales are read to them, and they become smart, kind and polite. (SCHOOL)

P3: Everyone runs to him. When he walks, they sit on him and sit quietly. (LESSON)

P4: You can draw on it, you can scratch on it, even some people manage to sleep behind it. (DESK)

P5: It's a little treat. Sometimes some students in the lesson ask when it will be, and the teacher scolds them, because the lesson has just begun. And sometimes the student asks to go out, and the teacher says: “When she was, then it was necessary to go.” (CHANGE)

P6: It happens in summer, and in winter, and in spring, and in autumn; when parents give money to their children so that they go to the cinema, the theater. And it is better, if there is no money, to sleep a lot, watch TV or read a book. (HOLIDAY)

P7: He is the first and last. (CALL)

P1: What good children grew up!

Well, where else can you find them?

P2: And in vain they say that the lessons only torment:

They will teach you a lot in life.
During the lesson we will write independent work
on how to find me
- phone .. email address, any coordinates
And also in this lesson we will remember the ABC.
Well .. no one doubts .. that we are educated people .. But do we know the alphabet ..?
From the letter A and further alphabetically, in turn, to the next letter, you need to say the phrase: Congratulations to the audience.

"CALL" (The bell rings)
Lesson 2 "GEOMETRY" (portfolios)

Now let's check the Spatial Imagination and logical thinking, by the method of proof.
2 boys and 2 girls will go to the board
(optional or will we call?)
The situation is this: in your portfolio there are things that are not related to learning process and your task is to convince everyone of the need for these items during school time. (multiple items)
Take out one item at a time, demonstrating it,
you say “I need this for…” or “I need this for…”
in the girl's briefcase

Cosmetics catalog

Nail polish

in the boys' briefcase
We will give 10 minutes to prepare………… but for now

Our students are READY...
Take turns... boys and girls
take out one item from their portfolio

"CALL" (The bell rings)
Lesson 3 "HISTORY of our class"

I will give you questions and then we will answer in turn.
In this lesson, it is allowed to write off, consult and change tickets
If someone doesn't know the answer...
Who will start?

What year did you go to school?

When is the birthday of ...... (all classmates, class leader)?

What is the date .... (day High school prom)?

How many doors are there in our school? (____ - 2nd floor, ____ - 1st floor)

How many "fire escape plans" hang on the walls of the school? (2)

How many dining room tables?

How many steps does the staircase to the second floor - (school entrance) consist of?

What phrase did teachers always end their math lessons with?

Who in your class has a birthday on the 13th?

Who is the youngest in the class?

Who is the tallest in our class?

How many people in the class have a patronymic "Alexandrovich - Alexandrovna", Vladimirovich - Vladimirovna? Olegovych?

Which classmates live on the same street?

Who in the class set the record for being late to class?

"CALL from the lesson" (The bell rings)

"CALL" (The bell rings)
Lesson 4 "MUSIC"

1. Actualization of basic knowledge.

Dear children, you need to guess as many children's songs about the school as possible;

2. Learning new material:

I would be very upset if you knew that you would not need to sing...
this is of course understandable ... therefore the second task:

sing a song to the tune of a song about bears.

SONG (give out printed words)

Chorus: la-la-la-la-la-la-la
the earth spins faster

Years flew by again, we parted ways with the school
And in a year everything we are gathered here together

"CALL from the lesson" (The bell rings)

"CALL" (The bell rings)

Lesson 6 "Physical education"

We will pass the GTO standards
For offset in the first discipline: track and field athletics - possession of a hoop.
I invite two girls.
For offset in the second discipline: hammer throw. -
I invite two boys. Who is the most accurate.

One twists wads of paper. And the second tries to get them into the urn. 5 sets each.

"CALL from the lesson" (The bell rings)


Cl. leader: And now we have extracurricular activity. We invite you to take part in the game "Lucky case". Teams are formed by lot.

So, the first competition is "Warm-up".
1. What question cannot be answered in the affirmative? (Are you sleeping?)
2. There are teeth, but no mouth. What's this? (Saw)
3. When it is needed, the sailors throw it away, when not, they raise it ... (Anchor)
4. What can be smashed in peacetime, receiving gratitude for it? (Garden)
5. Which branch does not grow from a tree? (Railway)
6. What habitue of kitchens, canteens and restaurants has a mustache longer than legs? (At the cockroach)
7. What do a rider and a rooster have in common? (Spurs)
8. When can I carry water in a sieve? (in winter)
9. The mainland on which there are no rivers. (Antarctica)
10. Between what two identical letters can you put a small horse and get the name of the country? (Japan)
11. With what notes do sailors measure distance? (Mi-la-mi)
12. What great composer, being deaf, performed his works? (Beethoven)
13. What two notes grow in the garden? (Beans)

14. Which of the great composers at the age of preschooler gave concerts? (Mozart)
15. Which bird breeds chicks in severe frosts? (Crossbill)
16. "And yet the car is inferior to the horse!" said the sparrow thoughtfully. Sparrow logic? (Does not excrete manure)

Leading. And our second competition is river time.

1st task. Imagine opening a new specialty store. Think of at least 5 types of goods that could be sold in it, and explain why. The store is called "All for Losers".
2nd task. Come up with texts for posters that could hang: in the school locker room; above the director's office; on the doors of the dining room.
(Completing tasks)

Leading. Well done! It is clear that you have developed creativity and know how to work in a team.

Cl. supervisor. Our third competition - "Take more - throw more ...". Teams must respond very quickly to my questions.

Questions for the first team.
1. Birds whose wings are covered with scales. (Penguins)
2. Where can you not find dry stone? (In water)
3. What grows upside down? (Icicle)
4. Do migratory birds nest in the south? (Not)
5. They get cold in the hut, but not on the street. (Window)
6. Wishing you a safe voyage... ("Seven feet under the keel")
7. When do women talk the least? (In February. There are only 28 days in this month)
8. Harvesting time. (Strada)

Leading. And now questions to the second team.

1. Where is it better for a hare to run - uphill or downhill? (Uphill)
2. Why do yogis sleep on nails? (It is more difficult to get up from the screws)
3. Does the chick breathe in the egg? (Yes)
4. What flower has a male and female name? (Ivan da Marya)
5. What elephant does not have a trunk? (At the chess)
6. In what case can a boy be called female name? (If he is a sleepyhead)
7. Will a snowman melt if you put on a fur coat? (Not)
8. Which watch shows the correct time only twice a day? (broken)Cl. supervisor. Dear participants, remember that you often had to fantasize, explaining to the teacher the reason for unlearned or missed lessons. Have you lost this amazing gift of fantasy yet? Now we will check it in the fantasy contest.
Come up with a new use for an object that no one needs:
Empty tin can.
Burnt out light bulb.
(Completing tasks)

Your imagination, dear participants, can only be envied. It's time to give Nobel Prize for your inventions.

Cl. supervisor. Our teachers have not yet forgotten what our children were like, so they have to guess from the photos of the guys and remember what our graduates were like at school.

Cl. supervisor. So our school day is over. Congratulations also for your excellent academic achievement and exemplary behavior.

Cl. supervisor:

Remember that your successes, your joy are both our successes and our joy. Do not forget home school and often come here, here they remember you, love and wait for you.

Cl. supervisor:

We do not say goodbye to you and believe
What will you remember this evening, friends!
The school doors are always open for you.
And remember you, and wait for you here always.

Cl. supervisor:

And we say goodbye to all of you:
"See you again, friends, and goodbye!"

Somehow in the world, in the morning at a fine hour
We proudly walked with a bouquet to school in the first grade.
And mothers shed tears when the bell rang
He invited us to our first lesson in our life.

Chorus: la-la-la-la-la-la-la
the earth spins faster

Years passed quickly, together we grew up
We learned a lot in the school walls with you
ABC, theorems, Pushkin remember again
The first school love in our life.

Remember school today, our friendly class
To return to childhood for a moment at this hour.

Somehow in the world, in the morning at a fine hour
We proudly walked with a bouquet to school in the first grade.
And mothers shed tears when the bell rang
He invited us to our first lesson in our life.

Chorus: la-la-la-la-la-la-la
the earth spins faster

Years passed quickly, together we grew up
We learned a lot in the school walls with you
ABC, theorems, Pushkin remember again
The first school love in our life.

The years have flown by again, we parted ways with the school
And a year later we all gathered here together
Remember school today, our friendly class
To return to childhood for a moment at this hour.

Scenario of a humorous theatrical greeting at a meeting of school friends (for graduates 25 years ago)

Odnoburtseva Oksana Nikolaevna, music teacher.
Place of work: MOU secondary school No. 8 of the city of Atkarsk, Saratov region.

Targets and goals:
- uniting and rallying graduates who graduated from school 25 years ago,
- creative self-expression of the gathered school friends,
- education of current students of the school on the example of graduates of past years,
- creating a festive atmosphere and a joyful atmosphere.
Purpose of material: this scenario is intended for head teachers for extracurricular activities, teachers, organizers of the evening of the reunion of graduates, as well as everyone creative people(after all, we were all once school graduates), interested in expressing themselves creatively at the evening of meeting classmates.

Holiday progress:

All the roles of acting characters are played by 25-year-old graduates.
1 Graduate
Good evening classmates and classmates!
How nice to meet you today, to meet those with whom we studied for many years at this school.
Remembering those school years, we all now understand that it was the most wonderful time when we were not bound by obligations, did not decide global problems, did not consider financial benefits, and if they intrigued, then only about how to skip a lesson or declare love without revealing secrets ...
Each of us has our own school of life - it is always different, and our school No. 9 is one for all. This is our common home, in which we grew up, matured, brought up, fell in love, hooligans and even studied ... Although now, we can probably already admit that we could have studied much better.
School time is always remembered with a smile, and when you hear an announcement that the school is inviting its students to the evening of the meeting, it immediately becomes warm in your soul, and you want to call all your classmates and tell them that you haven’t seen each other for a long time, or maybe even sing a sincere “ It's great that we're all here today."
And even though 25 years have passed since our graduation party, the meeting of school classmates in the school building is always a good holiday of memory, and it is also an exam for friendship.
2 Graduate
Let's remember the year 1991...
Oh, he patted the nerves of our country!
From the collapse of ideas to the Moscow coup -
That is why the graduate is tempered better.
We are a generation - hardened,
Survivors, honest, beautiful, in love.
Since then 25 years have passed
Nothing is impossible for us.
The star of each personality shines from the sky,
Each of us in this life is a phenomenon,
Our luck, talents, aspirations,
We drew inspiration at school.
Sounds like music from Star Wars", marching on the stage Asterisks with flashing neon sticks in their hands (subsequently, the stars become a star choir and remain on stage). At the same time, the narration text sounds against the background of the music.
Once in the Star Galaxy, the news of an approaching bright event spread - a meeting of graduates of school No. 9 - 1991 will be held on planet Earth. Do they recognize each other, have they changed a lot? former students were you able to become worthy people and achieve your goals? To answer these questions, an intergalactic detachment was created, which included traditional school satellites - School Bell, Class Magazine, Briefcase, Pointer and Globes. Literally, in a few seconds, these masters of school sciences will appear in this hall.
“Earth in the porthole” sounds, characters appear on the stage, move as if in weightlessness.
Hello, and here we are - your friends from school time!
School bell
I am your School Bell!
I am Portfolio!
I am a magazine!
And I am Pointer!
We are heroes from childhood, we are like from a fairy tale!

School bell sings a song to the motive "Call me, call."
Song text.
Old school I call
My granddaughter is electronic.
I did what I could for you

I have touched your soul many times.
Call us, call us!
I heard the cry of the soul loud,
I am alive, not electronic,
I am alive, not electronic,
I called as soon as I could
I'll call again!
In a loss, the Bell runs around the stage and rings.

Cool magazine sings a song to the motive "I would like my life like a film."
Song text.
You would have your life, like a film,
Scroll back 20 years
You were boys and girls
I keep a number of your ratings.
I don't hide anything
And everything, I know everything about all of you,
Don't fool anyone
Hiding your deuces and triples.
At the end of the song - the character takes out cool magazine huge painted "2" and "3".

Briefcase sings a song to the motive "I am a water".
Song text.
And I am a portfolio, and I am a portfolio,
I didn't get through the door before!
And now life is simpler -
I'm very skinny!
Ah, life is my science!
What a thing!
And I'm friends, and I'm friends -
Only with a laptop!

I'm the only one who hasn't changed!
I know I dreamed at night
And the threat and the hint -
Your old pointer.
I'm smart and I'm accurate
And still slim
Well, you, gentlemen,
Grow something in the wrong place
Come on, together, in order,
Repeat with me.
The original of Vera Brezhneva's song "I know the password, I see a landmark, I believe - beauty will save the world" sounds. The pointer dances, shows rhythmic movements, the star choir and all the characters standing on the stage repeat after her.

Globe 1
Such distances are reflected on us,
But unfortunately - no waist!
We will show you the world, as if in flight, in an airbus,
We spin for you - we are globes.
Globe 2
You look at us with all your eyes,
And we can't help but admit...
Globe 1
All your teachers were wonderful
But most of all, they put their soul into you - cool!
globes sing a song to the motive "Oh, what a woman!". The other globes invite two class teachers to a slow dance.

Song text.
1. In the whirl of school life,
Difficult, restless,
I don't know a more reliable person.
Children were taken in the 5th grade,
You took away all the misfortunes,
Kindness warmed the soul.
You loved the class very much, you defended it every time,
And forgave them any prank ... ..
Here is would all such!
Oh, how cool, how cool
Here is would all such!
2. The years ran quickly,
Carrying with you adversity
And it's time to part.
And in an elegant school hall
You gave certificates
Wishes were spoken.
We got into a close friendly circle,
And suddenly wiped away a tear,
Imagining our other life ....
A musical screen saver sounds - a Star appears.

The graduates have bows tied: A-class - green, B-class - red.

Looks like it just recently rang last call in our school, and your class has scattered through life in different directions. It's only been 10 years since you all gathered at this table to see each other and remember those unforgettable moments of school life.
Opening toast:

You haven't seen each other for many years, friends,
Everyone has their own destiny:
Work, hobbies, family
There are many worries in life!

But despite this, together you
And the evening of the meeting again unites you,
And your eyes are full of joy
And the road to the past has opened again!

Let's remember the school years
And let's have a great evening
But for starters, I, like a toastmaster,
I propose a toast to you!

In order for our glasses to be in order tonight, let's appoint a "duty officer". We will determine it according to the results of the competition. Let's remember each teacher of our school - we call the name and patronymic, and the subject. Who will be the last, he won this competition.

Who is the last - that Duty.

You are lucky, you are "On duty"! Get the props (whistles) for today's feast, your task is to keep order and whistle before each toast, calling everyone to silence and order, and also if I suddenly talk and your throat is dry - you can whistle !!! I ask questions. Competition "I came because .."

It would be time to see each other more often -
there would be occasions to drink a hundred times.
No time! For real friends
There is only one way out - to catch up now.
Glasses - higher! Closer appetizers!
Let's drink to your best deeds.
And we wish habitually, in Russian,
so that your life is carefree. For you! Whistle!

Well, as folk wisdom says between the first and second (let them say options) ... pour, otherwise I'll leave!
So the second toast arrived, I propose to pronounce it all together.
You just have to repeat the words: the left side is “You need to drink for this”, the right side is “And we don’t mind”
Today classmates
We gladly welcome
For this you have to drink!
And we don't mind!
The years go by fast
But we don't count them.
For this you need to drink
And we don't mind!
We didn't see each other for a long time
But we all remember, we know
For this you need to drink
And we don't mind!
Many heights have been reached
But don't forget the class.
For this you need to drink
And we don't mind!
For our strong friendship
Let's pour!
For this you need to drink
And we don't mind!

I want to note that the attention of the guests may be somewhat scattered, so we will help each other so that not a single toast goes unnoticed. As soon as you need to drain your glasses, I will certainly say: “You need to drink for this!”
You unanimously answer me: “But we don’t mind!”
And on my command "let's go" you can safely drink your drinks.

And now I ask you to play along a little more with me. Let's raise both hands up ... and after me together, loudly, in chorus, repeat: "Goodbye" -guests, respectively: "Goodbye!" …… “More”……”Sober”….. “You won’t see me!” For this you have to drink!

color competition
Of course, you all came here today to see each other, remember your school years, and have a good rest. But deep down in everyone's heart is hidden the real intention with which you came here. So, guys, I put colored candy wrappers under your plates in advance.
Raise your hands, please, those of the guys who have a blue candy wrapper - these gentlemen will eat and drink the most today. Applause for their healthy appetite.
Now raise your hands, who has a green wrapper. Look at them carefully. These comrades will shout “Hurrah, we met!” for the whole evening.
Raise your hands, who has a candy wrapper yellow color. These comrades will stay at dawn to clean the dishes. Applaud them!
So, who has a white wrapper? These gentlemen will take everyone home after the end of the evening!
And finally, please raise your hand, those who have a red wrapper. These guests came here to come off in full! They applauded each other!
Tovarischi! For this you have to drink!

Presentation of teachers.
I go up to a couple of _________, I ask my wife:
Are you the spouse of ________? Please introduce yourself! How many years of marriage? Are you happy with your choice? Is Dima well-mannered and attentive? I ask questions. Competition "I came because ..."
I go up to a couple of _________, I ask my husband:
- You are the spouse of _____! What is your name? ___ - good wife? Is she economic, kind to children, affectionate to you? I ask questions. Competition "I came because ..."

Friends, I am sure everyone in this hall can be proud of their soul mate, brought up within the walls of our school. And who is to blame for all this? Of course, teachers! And the dearest of them are present at our party tonight. I think they should be introduced for those who are not yet familiar with them.
How inexorable time is fleeting
Suddenly they realized when they came to the evening of the meeting.
Teachers, once, in your childhood, young,
We met you again at the entrance, but already gray-haired.
All the same sparkle in the eyes, all the same tone, -
It's like you're back in class, gaining knowledge.
Teachers! From all students bow to the earth!
Let belatedly, we express our recognition to you!
For this you have to drink! Go! Toast to teachers
The school bell sounds!
Oh, what does that mean? Call to class! Are you bored?

Asking teachers:
Can you tell me, please, where does each lesson begin? (from roll call)
Tell me, were there any record holders in this class for the number of n-ok in the class magazine?
Who was first on the list? Who is the last? I ask questions. Competition "I came because ..."

Let's not change the traditions today and will carry out a roll call of those who are present at the holiday today.


Now those who recognize themselves raise their hands together and shout "It's me, it's me, it's my whole family!"

I start the roll call
And I firmly assure you:
I'll try to name everyone
Let me start...

Who does not change the roots,
native village glorifies,
Praise, honor and honor to you
Who settled here? (This is me, this is me, this is my whole family!)

Hello for now
those who are here from afar,
Who are our birds
From near, far abroad?

Who built himself a house
hosted a housewarming party
and now he lives in it,
survive this fun?

There is nothing more beautiful in this world
live in your own apartment
Who is the owner of that?
Who is the lucky one? Who is the hero?

Are you an experienced parent?
Someone with a big one, shall we say?
Who mom and dad became a little light,
Whose children are older, 7 years old?

We will continue about children
heroic families
Who, mind you,
The large family? (who has 3 or more)

Who is still single
Who holds his tail with a pipe?
who wish happiness
To create a family quickly.

Live and learn
who has such a life?
Are there students among you?
Who is this, stand up now?

Who's on the site, on the famous
Lovely classmates
Everyone is trying to find?
Hangs who in a network?

Who, despite the burden of life,
Found an opportunity, means, time
And today I'm very happy
10 years back?

And let's not forget about those who are absent today - for them a penalty in the magazine, and for you - an occasion to drink! A toast to you, to your desire and opportunity to be here! For this you have to drink!

The school bell sounds!

And the first lesson today is Russian. We will write an essay. Let's remember again school days and look at them with humor. Which of you wrote compositions best of all? ... .. (invite) I ask questions. Competition "I came because ..."

The Russian language has not yet been forgotten, what is an adjective remember? Name adjectives and funnier, and you write it down and in 5 minutes we will have an essay “we are graduates!”
When September 1 came 21 years ago, it was the most……………………………. day in our life.
We put on …………………….. a uniform, ……………………………… satchels and with……………………….. a bouquet of flowers went to the first class for the first time. Hello ……………………………… school!
What are the ………………………… classes, …………………………… desks and ………………………………. teachers with ………………………smiles! We enjoyed learning the basics of science and dreamed of becoming………………………….and…………………………………….
Time flew by imperceptibly. We got a lot of ……………………………friends and …………………………… school subjects. Every day we happily hurried to school. And then came…………………………………. the day of graduation. Everyone’s faces would be………………….., and the gait………………………………. But when we picked up this …………………… document, we immediately became…………………………..!
And now, 10 years later, we are sitting at………………… a table, with……………………… snacks and ………………………… drinks and celebrating our………………… …… meeting! Let's raise our glasses and drink for us, such………………………. AND…………………………….! Long live we, the most………………………..graduates of 2003!!

For this you have to drink!
We drink to the compositions of each of you - let them end with a happy ending in many, many years!!!

AT primary school you had just mastered the basics of writing, but even then notes of a love nature were flying around the class with might and main, with tips on the control, etc. Guess who wrote? I ask questions. Competition "I came because ..."
Or maybe someone was in love with someone? Today I think this can be recognized.
It was not in vain that I remembered the notes, so a small parcel came to me, let's find out to whom it is intended:

Competition-game "Parcel"

A parcel came from the messenger
Only without a signature, that's how insulting,
She must go around the hall in a circle,
To find owners for yourself!
What is in this parcel?
Beauty dear, let her look, that
What sits closest to the leader of all! (I pass the parcel)

You can hold the parcel
But then you have to give it away
Not sisters, not brothers,
And the girl in the most elegant dress! (We transmit)

Bridget Bordeaux would weep with envy,
How would I see your outfit
But waiting for another parcel
The man with the biggest baldness. (transfer)

Your bald head is a sign of a great mind,
But again the parcel came to the wrong place,
You will receive your prize later!
Give the parcel to a man with a big belly,

This is a tummy, this is a miracle!
It will fit a keg of beer,
But the prize is not for you, run down the road
To the girl who has the longest legs! (We transmit)

The legs are beautiful, what can I say,
And you will have to give the parcel,
That in it do not suffer the question,
And give it to the man with the Greek nose!

Your nose is not so big, and in general,
You are a great man
Turn the parcel in your hands a little,
And find a woman with magnificent breasts. (We transmit)

Yes, it's nature
But you will flirt with her later, my friend!
It's a pity, but you will also have to give the parcel,
You have to run to the tallest guy! (We transmit)

Growth though you are great
But strength is not in height, really, man!
You better look around
And give the parcel to the best dancer

Yes, this beauty is amazing!
And she dances beautifully.
You hold the bag in your hands
And find a guy with big ears.

Your ears - wow!
And again, the bag fell into the wrong place.
There is a surprise in the parcel, it's all clear.
Give it to the lady with the most beautiful hairdo. (We transmit)

This is art, indeed beauty,
But again the recipient is not the same
It's far from over
The strongest fighter will receive the parcel! (We transmit)

And the truth is an athlete, strength, mind, beauty,
Only the gift is not there again.
Although the hearts of the girls you terribly torment,
But you still won't get a gift.

For a long time the parcel walked around the hall,
Just couldn't find the owner.
Since the owner is not alone.
I'll see for myself what's inside.
Inside is a mind reading hat.
Wow hat!!! Yes, not simple, but magical!
mind reading
1. For example, I would like to start with _________. I am very interested in the question - why is he still not married? And he has a good girlfriend, and they have been dating for a long time! Here is a hat that will reveal all the cards to us!
1. How good it is that there is no wife
2. What does ________ think about this?
2. And I won’t get married at all!
- Ahhh, well, it's mutual for you !!! ______, don't forbid ________ to eat candy anymore!
3. And you, young man, why are you smiling? Probably remembered something very cheerful, pleasant? Sit all evening so satisfied! Share!
3. Erotic evening
4. Your neighbor is clearly not happy with this idea!
4. Well, the men went, Lord
5. You weren't watching this girl by any chance? Now we find out what she did yesterday?
5. I got up on the wrong foot yesterday
6. But ¬¬¬ __________ (married) is sitting angry, did he also get up on the wrong foot today?
6. I'm hungry
- Well, actually, before leaving for a party, all decent people have dinner at home.
7. Darling (to his wife), what did you feed your betrothed today?
7. I-I-I-cooked eggs
- You're lucky, you got off with only eggs. I wonder if your husband always falls asleep full? (to husband again)
8. I noticed at night I was going to the refrigerator
Well, someone likes to eat well, someone likes to drink .... Here you _______ I see you decide today to come off to the fullest, and tomorrow morning look at yourself in the mirror and think ...
9. What a disgusting face
We have at the holiday and those who are planning to pick up someone today. Here sits ___________ and thinks:
10. Sexy
And in front of him, all such a beautiful _________________, shoots with her eyes, but thinks to herself ....
11. I'm so beautiful
And so ____________ decides to seduce her, his eyes are fixed on a charming lady. Do not be shy! Tell her what you want to say...
12. Let's go there-court
____________ quickly raises her eyes, heard the tempting offer of the gentleman and said ...
13. What are you stroking me
You know, __________ with such an approach, few will bite! Here is ______________ master of love affairs, he will tell you how to take care of a lady ...
14. Leave me old woman, I'm sad
And what are you, on such a beautiful evening, sad. Problems at work?
15. I live only on a salary
Well, I found the problem! And who in this hall does not live on one salary ??? Or maybe someone else has other sources of income? Let's find out from ___________
16. Where is the toilet
Oh, got out! That's right! And who will admit to you how much he actually earns. Toilet, outside, behind the gym.
Here come the men today! They just think how good it would be to eat and drink well, and then go out and smoke! Not like girls - their heads are always filled with the same thoughts ...
17. Oh my God what a man
It is clear that this lady wants both a son and a daughter, but this married couple? Whom does he want? (to the lady)
18. I want 5 children from you
Nothing so condition! I wonder what your husband thinks about this?
14. Can't you see we're eating
Well then, at least say a toast! (to him)
15. Toast without wine
- Wow, how witty! Pour wine for this comrade, please! Toast from you!!!
16. Zhirinovsky - for the men
Did you like the toast?
17. Well, the men went, Lord

Slide show!
Today the occasion is just class!
You have a good meeting.
10 years have gone by
How did you leave school?
Divorced you all roads:
Some are seamstresses, some are teachers.
Someone in business
Who where!
Well, let's go, gentlemen!
For this warm evening
For this wonderful meeting!
I guess you need a drink
for all for you: for your friendly class!
For this you have to drink! Go!

Massage at the table
Here we have been sitting for more than an hour, we are all eating and sitting, eating and sitting! And at school, they would have had a warm-up long ago. Who remembers the easiest warm-up?

We wrote, we wrote
Our fingers are tired
And now we'll rest
And let's start writing again.
We read, we read
Our eyes are tired.
And now we'll rest
And let's start reading again.
We drew today
Our fingers are tired.
Shake our fingers
Let's start drawing again. etc.

The dance break is approaching, so first we need to thoroughly warm up and prepare, and for this, take napkins in your hands, dry your hands and put the napkins on the table (all this must be pronounced with a mysterious intonation, the guests are perplexed why all this). And now turn around half a turn to the right and put these very clean hands on the shoulders of your neighbor (that is, the whole feast turns in one direction) and we begin to give the neighbor a relaxing massage ... to peppy music ...
And then we turn to the left side and win back on our neighbor))))))

Competition "He + She"
Select pairs for the competition through a quiz.
1. Tale of a vegetable farm (Turnip)
2. About the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones (Three Little Pigs)
3. About the overpopulation of living space, which led to the destruction of the building (Tere-mok)
4. About the difficult path of a bakery product to the consumer (Kolobok)
5. About the first victim of an unsuccessful investment of money (Pinocchio)
6. About how love turns a beast into a man (Scarlet Flower)
7. About a girl who almost entered into an unequal marriage three times, but then still found her prince (Thumbelina)
8. Kikimora under a watermelon. (Princess on the Pea)
9. Dog in mittens. (Puss in Boots)
10. Dressed beggar. (Naked king)
11. Rubik's Cube. (Kolobok)
12. Peasant monkey. (Princess Frog)
13. Vasily Stupid. (Vasilisa the Wise)
14. Green boot. (Red Riding Hood)
15. Rusty padlock. (Golden Key)
16. Gray shrub. (The Scarlet Flower)
17. Beautiful drake. (Ugly duck)

Who guesses, chooses a couple and goes to the center of the hall

Words for Women

1. I, Malvina, have blue hair.
And with almost model legs.
Pinocchio is my heart friend,
Took away my sleep, took my peace.

2. And I'm Cinderella with a crystal slipper,
Do you happen to know my prince?
He promised to marry me soon
Good people, find the prince!

3. I, Thumbelina, daughter of summer.
I expect sweet greetings from the Elf.
My winged friend, fly in
Take your girl!

4. I am secretly in love with Owl,
I give the teddy bear the words:
Winnie the Pooh, I'm looking forward to seeing you again
And I'm ready for anything with you!

5. I am Panther Bagheera.
My soul is torn to Mowgli.
His eyes are always on fire
He is a real male

6. Let Baba - Yaga be called!
I'm not ashamed of the name.
I love the kitty.
I'm dry and just skinny.

7. They gave me a red hat,
They gave me a strange name.
Wolf, my friend in a fairy tale,
Makes me predatory eyes.

8. Good to see you. I am Cheburashka.
With big ears muzzle.
Gene, where are you?
Show up here with an accordion.

Words for Men

You are my sweet doll!
Nice blue dress!
Hug Pinocchio faster.
There is no point in living without you, Malvina!
Pinocchio - a couple hug in 5 different ways

Cinderella! My love is big!
For me, you are a dear girl!
Hooked on love
Let me try on a shoe for you
Prince - put on your ladies shoes and walk around
Elf fast-winged is heading towards you.
To a little baby, to a super beauty.
Thumbelina, sit on my knee.
I will sing a lullaby

Elf - sing a lullaby with a lady on her lap

I don't call myself Winnie the Pooh for nothing,
I meet Owl like a spy.
I'll write her a letter carefully.
It will be pleasant for both of us
Winnie the Pooh - tell a funny story in class, the lady writes down
Yagulka, babistaya berry.
Let it be impure, but it is eloquent.
I'll tell you a poem by Pushkin
After all, I am Koschey, the immortal grandfather.
Koschei - to tell the verse "At the seaside there is an oak ..." as a toothless grandfather

I am shaggy, tongued,
The wolf is a little shaggy.
Give Little Red Riding Hood a comb,
Let her do my hair!
Wolf - comb a man, tie a lot of ponytails

"Let run clumsily
Pedestrians in the puddles, -
I lose my peace from the song,
Cheburashka, come sing with me!
Crocodile Gena - couples sing a verse of the song

In a pack of wolves was not in vain.
My soul has become attached to Bagheera, my friends.
Mowgli dreams with this cat
Play a fun song on the harmonica
Mowgli - play something fun on the button accordion

At the end, everyone is spinning in general well and the musical break begins !!!

2 table
A toast to women
Who got married when
Fairy tale "Turnip"
Turnip - "Both-on!"
Dedka - “I would have killed!”
Grandma - "Who's here?"
Granddaughter - "But I'm not ready yet!"
Bug - "Fuck you!"
Cat - "Pour it up!"
Mouse - "Well, finally!"
Another person from the audience at the words “pull-pull” says a drawn-out “Ah-ah!”
Believe me, explosions of laughter are guaranteed.

Beauty contest!!!
4 men, they are given lipstick, they turn away and have to make up their lips, put handkerchiefs on their heads. They turn to the audience, they are given a mirror and looking into it, they must say 5 times without laughing:
Whoever doesn't laugh wins.

Contest "Poured, drank, ate"

Competition "In my pants"
The next lesson is physical education. Why is everyone out of shape? So you will now explain why you didn’t bring such (I show pants, there are notes in them) sports pants. And you will begin with the words: “In my pants ...”
(game in progress)

Competition "Where have you been?"
The host stands behind one of the guests, in his hands is a sheet of paper with the name of a particular institution: “Maternity hospital”, “Tavern”, “Sobering-up station” and so on. It is important that the guest does not know what is written there.
Imagine yourself in your favorite place. Where you feel good and can relax and just answer my questions.
(put the chairs with their backs to the audience. I glue the signs on them with adhesive tape, seat the players so that they do not see what is written there and ask them questions)

Do you like this place?
Do you visit there often?
How much time do you spend there?
Should everyone have a place like this?
Have you brought your soulmate there?
Do you prefer it alone or with friends?
Do you remember this place when you haven't been there for a long time?
Do you agree that the time spent there is the best thing in your life?

Now see for yourself where this wonderful place is located.

- I, perhaps, will finish my program in my own words:
Time, unfortunately, is fleeting.
And year after year many years have flown by.
You can't get school back, of course,
But a good memory remains.
See you again for sure!
Meet the sunrise every time!
Meet - it's so priceless!
Meet every 5 years!!!

Competition "Cribs".
This game requires two or more players. They are offered a nostalgic activity - to hide the "cribs" in their clothes. As cheat sheets, each is given a roll of toilet paper. The task of the participants is to hide the roll as quickly as possible, tearing it into small pieces, into pockets, by the collar, etc. The winner is the one who hid the paper most quickly and reliably.

Fir-trees - thick forest sticks! Get fined for downtime!
You quite rightly guessed that now the toast will sound again! For this reason, I suggest that everyone pour into their drinking containers the drink that you are going to consume during the evening.

Raise your hand who would like to have a lot of money (guests raise their hands).
Now raise your hands those who would like to have more money than your boss.
Now raise your hands, those who would like to have as much money as the president.
And now I will tell you the magic recipe. Rub your palms to make them hot. Ruined? And now rub your chest with these hot palms... (pause)... You feel... how the toad lets go!!! And now let's drink to everyone having as much money as they want!!! For this you have to drink!

The happiest time
The children rejoiced
How much laughter
Fun for friends.
I invite you to remember the most funny case from school life.

Each of us already has a life,
Paths diverged around the world - paths,
And it's great that we're here today
To return to youth at least a little.

Let's not say solemn speeches,
May it be a good and sincere evening,
In the circle of familiar faces, teachers, friends,
I want to raise a glass - FOR YOUR MEETING!

There is a popular sign: If you don’t remember anything in the morning, and your wife doesn’t talk to you, then the evening was a success. So let's drink to the fact that the main thing is a party, and in the morning we'll figure it out.


Education is one of the most important components educational process. In accordance with federal law Russian Federation“On Education”, upbringing is considered as a purposeful activity focused on creating conditions for the formation of a spiritual and moral personality, the integration of a person into national and world culture, the formation of a person and a citizen integrated into his contemporary society and aimed at improving this society (p. 2, article 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"). The task of the education system is socio-pedagogical and psychological support for the formation of life self-determination of young people, the formation of personal, family and social culture.

A young person, entering adulthood, must master many social roles.

In order to successfully realize themselves in the chosen profession in the future, a student of a secondary vocational educational institution has to master the general education and professional cycles in a short time. The short duration of training initiates a rapid change in the role position of the student: at the beginning of training, he must cease to be a schoolboy, and by the end - a student. All this presupposes intensive maturation and professional personal development students. It happens that a teenager from an NGO branch cannot cope with this, and soon after entering educational institution begins to doubt the correctness of the choice of profession, hence the low academic performance, absenteeism. One of the forms of educational influence helps to solve these problems - the organization of meetings with interesting people.

Meetings of teenagers with interesting people is a heart-to-heart conversation, a conversation about life, views on the world, these are answers to questions that concern the participants of the meeting. Such meetings are an opportunity to meet amazing personalities, communicate in an informal setting and significantly expand your horizons and understanding of your profession, life in general and people in particular..

Classroom hour"Meeting interesting people."

Class teacher of group 2AM1: Petrushina N.M.

Form of conduct: meeting-conversation with a 1978 graduate of GPTU No. 6

Markin G.N.

Audience: 1st year students.


    to introduce students to the graduate of the educational institution Markin G.N. (major of internal services, retired and writer);

    Encourage students to develop respect for older peopleto their work.

    Show the importance of purposefulness, the ability to achieve the chosen goal in life; the formation of positive qualities in oneself, a healthy lifestyle.

    Formation of an active civic position of students,

civic responsibility of students.


    stimulate students' interest in learning, learning the traditions of their educational institution.


1. Preparatory stage

Creation of initiative (creative) groups;

    Collecting material and creating a presentation on the topic

"History of my lyceum" - 1 group prepares.

    Collecting material and creating a presentation

on the topic "Life and creative way Markin G.N-graduate ... "

prepares group 2. 9 students meet with the guest in advance, talk and make a presentation based on the information collected)

    Preparation of the cabinet - prepares the 3rd group.

    Preparation of a mini-tour of the educational building for the guest.

Event progress

1. Introductory speech of the teacher. Meeting the guest.

Today, a graduate of vocational school No. 6 (that was the name of the educational institution where you are now studying) came to meet us, and now - a retired writer and major of internal services Markin G.N. Many years ago, after graduating from the 8th grade, Gennady Nikolayevich chose a school to receive his first profession. Today our guest will tell how the training took place, how his fate and the fate of his classmates developed, which influenced the choice of his life path after graduating from vocational school.

I hope that our meeting will be held in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Addressing a guest : Gennady Nikolaevich, I suggest you watch a presentation about the history of the professional lyceum and a short story about you, prepared by students.

2.Showing presentations.

    Presentation " The history of my lyceum ”- a representative of the first group of students tells about the history of the lyceum.

    Presentation " The life and career of G.N. Markin, a graduate, says a representative of the second group.

3. . Chat with a guest.

Students ask questions and share experiences.

Questions from students.

    Why did you come to vocational school after finishing the 8th grade, because many of your peers went to the 9th and 10th grades, then to institutes?

    What was your favorite subject in school?

    Tell us about your teachers, the master, have you kept friendship with your classmates?

    Did you enjoy studying at vocational school?

    What influenced your choice to join the police?

    When did you discover your talent for prose?

    Has it always been easy for you to achieve your chosen goal?

The guest answers questions.

4. Reading by the guest of his short work and discussion with students.

5. Tea drinking.

6. The final stage.

Thank you guest. Request for guidance from freshmen. Presentation of a small gift (book) to the guest. (Music by V. Zubkov “Meeting” sounds)


Message prepared by the second group.

Markin, Gennady Nikolaevich, was born on June 14, 1960 in the city of Shchekino, Tula region.

In 1975, he graduated from the 8th grade of secondary school No. 11 and entered the Secondary State Vocational School No. 6, after which in 1978 he received the specialty of a Pump and Compressor Units Engineer. From September to November 1978 he worked at the Shchekino Azot Production Association. In November 1978 he was drafted into the ranks Soviet army, served in the Red Banner Eastern Border District.

Since January 1981, after demobilization, he was accepted into the police service, in the first company of a separate battalion of the teaching staff in the city of Tula. Then he worked as a police officer of the OVO, a district inspector of the Shchekinsky District Department of Internal Affairs. In 1985 he entered, and in 1988 he graduated from the Moscow Special high school police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, and at the end he received the specialty of a lawyer, after which he served in the penitentiary system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and then the Ministry of Justice of Russia. In 2002, from the position of head of the department for educational work and in the rank of major internal service retired due to years of service and poor health.

Being the head of the department for educational work of the institution UYU-400/7 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Tula region, he began to actively cooperate with various print publications, in which he covered the life and activities of the institution. He was a freelance correspondent for the newspaper "Fate" of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Tula region and the magazine "Crime and Punishment" of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. In total, he has over 100 publications in local and central media. Upon his retirement, he worked as a correspondent for the Moskovsky Komsomolets in Tula newspaper, head of the information and public relations group of the Gosnarkokontrol of Russia in the Tula region, and at the same time was a freelance correspondent for the Narkomat magazine of the Gosnarkokontrol of Russia.

In 1998, for the convicts of the colony, who took part in the regional amateur art competition held by the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Tula Region, he wrote a short play called “Misunderstanding” about a tragic incident that occurred in the life of a varmint guy who was convicted by misunderstanding for a crime that he didn't do it. The play was then remade into a story called "According to Newly Discovered Circumstances." This story was published in the newspaper "Fate" of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Tula region and the magazine "Crime and Punishment" of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. From that moment he began to work as a writer, continuing to engage in journalism. He wrote essays about Olympic champions: cyclist Vitaly Petrakov and hockey player Alexander Maltsev, about the holder of the Order of Lenin, a participant in the hostilities on Damansky Island, Colonel of the Border Troops Alexander Konstantinov, cosmonaut, Hero of Russia Sergey Zalyotin. Interviewed People's Artist of the USSR Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, People's Artist of Russia Yuri Gorobets, Honored Artist of the RSFSR Mikhail Zhigalov, writer Hero of Socialist Labor Valentin Rasputin. Prepared several publications based on the results of journalistic investigations.

Since 2008, he was the staff correspondent of the all-Russian named after G.R. Derzhavin literary and artistic and journalistic journal "Priokskie Zori". Interviewed famous modern Russian literary critics Lev Anninsky, Igor Zolotussky, Valentin Kurbatov, Pavel Basinsky, writer, screenwriter and playwright Timur Zulfikarov, writers Viktor Pakhomov, Mark Dubinsky, Eduard Georgievsky, Valery Maslov, editor-in-chief of the Priokskie Zori magazine, writer and professor Alexei Yashin.

In March 2009, he was awarded the title of laureate of the N.S. Leskov “Levsha”, and in September of the same 2009, by the decision of the editorial board of the journal “Priokskie Zori”, he was admitted to the editorial board of the journal, to the position of executive secretary.

Published in newspapers: "Destiny" of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation in the Tula Region, "Kazenny Dom" of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation, "Shchekinskiy Vestnik", "Moskovsky Komsomolets in Tula", "Tula Writer". In the magazines: "Crime and Punishment" of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation, "People's Commissariat" of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation. Published in literary magazines, collections and almanacs: "Prioksky Dawns", "Tula", "Moscow Parnassus", "On the Wings of Pegasus", "Nightingale", "Ark". In the collection of Tula writers "Ivan - Lake". One of the authors of the Book of Memory of the Victims political repression in the Tula region, compiled by the Tula regional branch of the All-Russian public organization"Russian historical-educational, charitable and human rights society Memorial".

The first book of short stories, In Vain Search for Truth, was published by Shchekinskaya Typography OJSC in 2010. As the author of the book, he was invited to a meeting ( Round table) employees of the Yasnaya Polyana House-Museum with members of the public, the media and clergy of the Shchekino Diocese, where the topic was revealed: “Tolstoy and Orthodoxy”. The second book of short stories and the story "Random Companion" was published by Tulsky state university in 2011.

The third collection of short stories and novels "Letter with notification" was published by the publishing house of Tula State University in 2012.

In January 2013 he was admitted to the Writers' Union of Russia.

Is the head. Department of Prose of the All-Russian Order G.R. Derzhavin literary and artistic and journalistic magazine "Priokskie Zori".

Currently, the Shchekinsky Vestnik newspaper, entitled “This is such a story”, based on archival data, publishes historical documentary and fiction stories of the writer from the life and work of the police of the Krapivensky district of the Tula province during the times of Tsarist Russia.