Independent work of students and its methodology. Methodology for organizing independent work of students Organization of independent work in the discipline

The organization of the SRS focuses on active methods knowledge acquisition, development creativity students, the transition from in-line to individualized learning, taking into account the needs and capabilities of the individual.

The whole educational process from the beginning of the study to completion training course designed for independent work of the student under the guidance and with the help of a teacher.

Independent work is implemented:

· directly in the process of classroom studies - at lectures, practical and seminar classes;

· in contact with the teacher outside the schedule - at consultations on educational issues, in the course of creative contacts, in the liquidation of debts, in the performance of individual tasks, etc.;

· in the electronic educational environment of SPbUUE;

· in the library, at home, in the hostel, at the department when the student performs educational and scientific tasks.

Independent work of students involves the following types of reporting:

Preparation and writing of reports, messages, abstracts, essays and other written works on given topics

Doing various homework assignments

search and selection of information on individual sections of the course on the Internet;

current and final testing online.

Tasks for independent work are issued at the beginning of the semester, the deadlines for their implementation are determined. Assignments for independent work consist of compulsory and optional parts, threshold and advanced levels. One of the types of SIW is the writing of a creative work on a given topic or on a topic agreed with the teacher. A creative work (essay) is an original work of up to 10 pages of text (up to 3000 characters) dedicated to a philosophical problem. A creative work is not an abstract and should not be descriptive, a large place in it should be given to a reasoned presentation of their point of view by students, a critical assessment of the material and issues under consideration, which should contribute to the disclosure of creative and analytical abilities.

The scientific report is the result of independent work of students and sums up in-depth study special literature. The topic of the report is agreed with the teacher. The text of the report should contain an introduction, a content-analytical part, a list of references and sources.

The Introduction substantiates the relevance of the topic, its significance, gives short review used literature.

In the Conclusion, the student makes general conclusions about the work. It is necessary to show the key aspects of the problem under consideration, to identify the possibility of applying the acquired knowledge.

A written report should not exceed 12-15 A4 pages, 1.5 spacing, 14-point size.

The speaker receives 3 points if, in addition to substantiating the relevance of the problem, analyzing the positions of the authors of the studied works, the student conducted a comparative analysis of the situation, expressed his point of view on the problem, argued and substantiated it, and made convincing philosophical and methodological conclusions.

The report is evaluated by two points when it substantiates the relevance of the topic and reveals the main content of the problem, but at the same time there are errors in the coverage of the topic and negligence in the design of the text.

The report is rated 1 point if it substantiates the relevance of the problem, reveals the points of view of the authors of the studied works, but does not define their own attitude to the problem, does not draw convincing and deep conclusions, and studies an insufficient number of sources.

An integral part of the educational process is the preparation of an abstract. It involves the achievement of larger and deeper theoretical goals in comparison with the report. The preparation of an abstract contributes to the deepening, systematization and consolidation of the theoretical knowledge gained by students, the ability to independently apply them to solve the problems provided for by the course program, gives the skill of working with primary sources, scientific and periodical literature, including statistical materials.

Preparation of an abstract is one of the forms of independent work of a student. As a result of a creative approach based on a deep study of literature, the student must demonstrate his understanding of the chosen topic, the ability to independently reveal it, highlighting the main thing, and draw reasonable conclusions.

The department develops the topics of essays, and students can make their proposals to clarify the topic or invite the teacher to prepare an essay on an initiative topic.

Having chosen a topic, the student selects literature using the subject and systematic catalogs of libraries. When studying literature, the main attention should be paid primarily to those chapters, paragraphs of books or those articles that are directly related to the outline of the abstract.

At the same time, the student should pay attention to the differences and peculiarities of interpretations of the same questions by different authors. Getting acquainted with the literature, it is necessary to take note of the technical methods of analysis (forms, methods of grouping data) that the author uses to prove his statements.

In the work of collecting, studying and processing material, you can use all sources related to the topic: textbooks, monographs, articles, collections of diagrams, materials of sociological research, scientific and practical conferences, decisions of authorities.

When preparing an essay on philosophy, it may be necessary to refer to materials on history. Special directories and indexes of published works will help you find previously published and unpublished archival documents.

Special attention you need to apply for record keeping. It is recommended to do them in a notebook, on separate sheets or on cards. Records are best kept on one side, which will allow them to be consistently used during the design of the work. The collected material must be systematized, distributed in accordance with the work plan, which is a list of the main issues of the content of the abstract. It can be both simple and detailed, multi-level, when each question is detailed, divided into its component parts. The plan reveals the internal structure of the work, it must be strictly followed logically, so drawing it up is a crucial step in preparing the abstract.

The usual detailed plan is a detailed list of consistent questions and sub-questions, and, if necessary, more points and sub-points to them. This is the "framework" of the abstract, which is then filled with relevant content.

If, during the selection of material, the student went beyond the established volume, editing and reduction are necessary. To do this, you should carefully read the text, remove unimportant phrases and insufficiently convincing evidence, replace lengthy turns of speech with more concise ones. At the same time, abbreviations should not distort the content of the work. The use of various dictionaries helps in the work, primarily on philosophy, etc.

An important element of the abstract is bibliography, which is made up as follows:

full title of the work (textbook, monograph, article, collection of articles, documents) with capital letter without quotes;

volume number, if multi-volume edition, place and year of publication.

The technique of writing essays requires: the sequence of work on the text; compliance with the rules of registration, use of sources and scientific reference apparatus, literary editing.

The abstract must include:

1) title page;

2) abstract plan;

3) main text (introduction, main questions, conclusion);

4) list of used literature.

One of important elements writing an abstract is the correct design of the sources. The author of the abstract must demonstrate the ability to use sources and competently draw up scientific and reference material. The student must state all the most important provisions in the abstract in his own words. However, quite often the justification of this or that position is done with the help of quotations. At the same time, it is necessary to understand the basic requirements for the design of citations and footnotes. They are as follows:

The quote is taken from the original source; its text is transferred exactly, while maintaining the existing punctuation;

Quoted words are enclosed in quotation marks;

The quotation is accompanied by a footnote containing an indication of the source and drawn up in accordance with the standard.

The author of the quoted words and works from which they are taken can be indicated at the end of the quotation on the same line with it in brackets or in footnotes. The rules for writing reference footnotes are mandatory when preparing abstracts.

Abstract writing begins with Introductions. It substantiates the relevance of the topic under consideration, assesses the quality and completeness of the collected material, the sources used, formulates the goals and objectives of the work. The approximate volume of the Introduction is 1.5 - 2 pages.

Main part The work is presented sequentially, and all elements of the abstract should be organically interconnected and subject to the disclosure of the topic. About 80% of the total volume of work is allocated to the main part. The abstract may consider two or three questions, depending on the structure of the plan.

When revealing the topic in the course of presenting the content of the abstract, the student must, on the basis of a thoughtful study of the history of philosophy, modern philosophical problems, demonstrate mastery of the material, show the significance of the initial theoretical and methodological provisions, characterize the existing positive or negative experience, trends and unresolved problems.

The end of the abstract is Conclusion. It contains brief conclusions reflecting the degree and quality of the task set by the author. The conclusions drawn after the disclosure of each issue of the main part should not be repeated in the Conclusion. Conclusions and generalizations Conclusions should synthesize everything previously done and be of a general nature. The volume of the Conclusion, as a rule, should not exceed 1-2 pages.

The work should be about 15 pages of computer text, printed at 1.5 intervals, 34-point size on A4 paper, with margins. The prepared abstract is stitched along the left edge.

The abstract is checked by the supervisor.

Abstracts are evaluated in the same way as reports.

Starting to study the discipline, the student needs to register in the SDO "Hypermethod", sign up for a distance course. Thus, access to electronic educational resources is opened: EPM, various materials, test base. The student can get prompt advice from an online teacher, ask him questions and get answers, discuss problematic topics of the academic discipline.

Serious help in the SIW is provided by the constant work with the electronic textbook on the discipline, available in full-text format in electronic library SPBUUE. EUP "Philosophy" contains lists of basic and additional literature on the course, including those available in the library of the university, in addition, links to recommended Internet resources are provided. In the process of studying the discipline, it is necessary to pay attention to self-control of knowledge. To this end, each student, after studying each individual topic and then the entire course in the textbook and additional literature, must check the level of their knowledge with the help of control questions that are placed both at the end of each topic and at the end of the work with the EPM.

An important component of independent work is the preparation of an abstract, a scientific report for seminars. The abstract requires a deep study of primary sources, the ability to connect their theoretical positions with the present, to conduct a deep analysis, to make practical implications Finally, it teaches to lead discussions.

For an effective organization of the SRS, it is necessary:

Consistent complication and increase in the volume of the SIW, the transition from simple to more complex forms (speech at a seminar, current testing, a report on the topic of a problematic seminar, creative work, etc.).

Constant increase in the creative nature of the work performed, the active inclusion of elements in them scientific research, strengthening their independent character;

Systematic management of independent work, the implementation of a well-thought-out system of control and assistance to students at all stages of education.

"Organization of independent work of students"

Independent work of students plays an important role in cultivating a conscious attitude of students themselves to mastering theoretical and practical knowledge, instilling in them the habit of directed intellectual work. It is very important that students not only acquire knowledge, but also master the ways of obtaining it.

Independent work always causes a number of difficulties for students, especially first-second courses. The main difficulty is related to the need for independent organization of their work. Many students experience difficulties associated with the lack of skills in analysis, note-taking, working with primary sources, the ability to clearly and clearly express their thoughts, plan their time, take into account the individual characteristics of their mental activity and physiological capabilities, the almost complete lack of psychological readiness for independent work, ignorance of general the rules of its organization.

Therefore, one of the main tasks of the teacher is to help students organize their independent work. This is especially important in the modern conditions of the development of society, when a specialist, after graduating from an educational institution, has to engage in self-education - to increase the level of his knowledge through independent study.

Independent work of students is carried out with the aim of:

Systematization and consolidation of the received theoretical knowledge and practical skills of students;

Deepening and expanding theoretical knowledge;

    formation of skills to use normative, reference documentation and special literature;

    development of cognitive abilities and activity of students: creative initiative, independence, responsibility and organization;

    formation of independent thinking, abilities for self-development, self-improvement and self-realization;

    development of research skills.

Types and forms of independent work

In the educational process of the organization of education, two types of independent work are distinguished:



Classroom independent work on the discipline is carried out in the classroom under the direct supervision of the teacher and on his instructions. In this case, students are provided by the teacher with the necessary educational literature, didactic material, incl. teaching aids and methodological developments.

Extracurricular independent work is carried out by the student on the instructions of the teacher, but without his direct participation.

Independent work includes:

Preparation for classroom studies (lectures, practical, laboratory, seminar classes) and the implementation of relevant tasks;

Independent work on separate topics academic disciplines in accordance with perspective-thematic plans;

Preparation for practices and fulfillment of tasks provided for by practices;

Performance of written control and term papers, electronic presentations;

Preparation for all types of tests, exams and tests;

Preparation for the final state certification;

Work in subject circles;

Participation in the work of electives, seminars and conferences, etc.

Methods of independent work of students:

Monitoring of single objects;

Comparative analytical observations;

Educational design;

Solving educational and professional problems;

Work with various sources of information;

Research activities.

Observation of single objects implies a more or less prolonged perception in order to find out features objects.

Comparative-analytical observations stimulate the development of voluntary attention in students, deepening into learning activities.

Designing makes you penetrate deeper into the essence of the subject, find relationships in the educational material, arrange them in the desired logical sequence, and draw reliable conclusions after studying the topic.

Problem solving contributes to memorizing, deepening and testing the assimilation of students' knowledge, the formation of abstract thinking, which ensures a conscious and lasting assimilation of the studied fundamentals.

Working with information sources contributes to the acquisition of important skills and abilities, namely: highlight the main thing, establish a logical connection, create an algorithm and work on it, independently acquire knowledge, systematize it and generalize.

Research activity is the crowning achievement of the student's independent work. This type of activity implies a high level of student motivation.

Directions of independent work of students

1. To master and deepen knowledge:

Reading the text (textbook, primary source, additional literature, Internet resources);

Drawing up various types of plans and theses on the text;

Note-taking of the text;

Acquaintance with normative documents;

Working with dictionaries and reference books;

Educational research work;

Use of computer technology, the Internet;

Creating a presentation.

2. To consolidate knowledge:

Working with lecture notes;

Repeated work with educational material;

Drawing up a response plan;

Compilation of various tables.

3. For systematization educational material:

Preparing responses to Control questions;

Analytical text processing;

Preparation of a message, report, abstract;


Compilation of a crossword;

Formation of the poster;

Compiling a memo.

4. For the formation of practical and professional skills.

Solving problems and exercises according to the model;

Drawing and description of schemes;

Implementation of settlement and graphic schemes;

Solving situational and professional problems;

Conducting surveys and research.

Types of independent work:

Reproducing (reproductive), assuming algorithmic activity according to the model in a similar situation;

Reconstructive, associated with the use of accumulated knowledge and a known method of action in a partially changed situation;

Heuristic (partial search), which consists in the accumulation of new experience of activity and its application in a non-standard situation;

Creative, aimed at the formation of knowledge-transformations and methods of research activity.

Learning tools for organizing independent work

1. Didactic tools that can be a source of self-acquisition of knowledge (primary sources, documents, texts works of art, collections of tasks and exercises, magazines and newspapers, educational films, maps, tables);

2. Technical means, through which it is presented educational information(computers, audio-video equipment);

3. Means that are used to guide students' independent activities (instructive and methodological instructions, cards with differentiated tasks for organizing individual and group work, cards with algorithms for completing tasks).

Development and application of tools learning is that side pedagogical activity, which manifests individual skill, the creative search of the teacher, his ability to encourage students to be creative.

Types of practical tasks for independent work of students

1. Make a basic abstract on the topic ...

2. Formulate questions…

3. Formulate your own opinion...

4. Continue the phrase ...

5. Define the following terms...

6. Make a basic summary of your answer.

7. Write an abstract.

8. Write a report on the topic ...

9. Develop an algorithm for the sequence of actions ...

10. Make a table in order to systematize the material ...

11. Fill in the table using ...

12. Fill in the flowchart ...

13. Model a lesson summary on the topic ...

14. Simulate homework.

15. To carry out an analytical analysis of the publication on a topic predetermined by the teacher.

16. Make a thematic crossword puzzle.

17. Make a text plan, abstract.

18. Solve situational problems.

19. Prepare for a seminar, a business game.

Methods of independent work of students

1. Work with the textbook.

To ensure the maximum possible assimilation of the material and taking into account the individual characteristics of students, we can offer them the following methods of processing textbook information:


Drawing up a plan of the educational text;


Identification of the problem and finding ways to solve it;

Self-statement of the problem and finding ways to solve it in the text;

Determination of the algorithm of practical actions (plan, scheme).

2. Basic abstract.

Often the teacher teaches from paragraph to paragraph, from point to point, and only at the end of the topic tries to connect all the material in a general lesson. It is much more expedient, even from a psychological point of view, to give students an idea of ​​the topic under study in the first lesson, skillfully arranging its content as a small reference summary. Everyone needs it, both the strong and the weak.

And then students will not study today, forgetting what they learned yesterday and not knowing what will happen tomorrow.

The reference summary must be given at the stage of studying new material, and then used when repeating, when organizing students' independent work.

The reference summary allows not only to generalize, repeat the necessary theoretical material, but also gives the teacher a huge gain in time when passing through the material.

3. Tests.

Tests are perceived by students as a kind of game. Thereby

removed a whole series psychological problems- fears, stresses, which, unfortunately, are characteristic of the usual forms of control of students' knowledge.

Main advantage test form control is the simplicity and speed with which the first assessment of the level of training on a specific topic is carried out, which, moreover, allows one to realistically assess readiness for final control in other forms and, if necessary, correct certain elements of the topic.

Level 1 tests

Requires the choice of one or more correct answers to the questions below.

To check the quality of knowledge acquisition and application of knowledge in practice: choose one of the listed methods ...;

For correlation: find common and differences in the objects under study;

To check reflection: match ...;

Level 2 tests

Substitution tasks: these tasks require the selection and completion of phrases, formulas, graphics, diagrams, etc. proposed missing or constituents.

Tasks for constructing an answer: filling out a table, depicting a diagram, graphics, writing a formula, etc.)

Tasks for solving a specific situation.

Test requirements for students:

1. Tasks should be typical for this discipline;

2. The volume of the task should ensure the completion of the test in a limited time (no more than an hour);

3. The task in terms of complexity, structure, difficulty should be objectively feasible for students to complete at the appropriate stage of education;

4. The content assignment must be such that its correct execution has only one standard;

5. The complexity of tasks in the test system should increase as students advance in mastering the profession;

6. The wording of the content of the task should reveal the task assigned to the students: what he must do, what conditions to fulfill, what results to achieve.

4. Seminar.

The form of the seminar is very flexible.

The following tasks are solved at the seminars:

Deepening, concretization and systematization of knowledge gained by students on previous stages of study;

Development of independent work skills;

Professional use of knowledge in educational settings.

Types of seminars:

Question-answer seminar;

A detailed conversation based on a plan given to students in advance, discussion of written abstracts;

Listening to oral reports of students with their subsequent discussion;

Seminar - debate;

Theoretical conference;

Seminar - simulation game;

Commented reading of primary sources.

5. Task based learning.

Practice-oriented tasks: they act as a means of forming a system of integrated skills and abilities in students that are necessary for mastering professional competencies. These can be situations that require the use of skills specific to a given profession (knowledge of the content of the subject), situations that require the organization of activities, the choice of its optimal structure, personality-oriented situations (finding a non-standard solution);

Professional tasks: they act as a means of forming students' skills to determine, develop and apply optimal methods for solving professional problems. They are built on the basis of situations that arise at various levels of practice and are formulated in the form of production orders (tasks).

Task-based learning can provide targeted, step-by-step formation and control of the formation of the necessary professional competencies.

6. Preparation of the report.

A report is a message on a given topic, with the aim of introducing knowledge from additional literature, systematizing the material, illustrating with examples, developing skills for independent work with scientific literature, cognitive interest in scientific knowledge.

The topic of the report should be agreed with the teacher and correspond to the topic of the lesson. It is necessary to comply with the rules agreed upon when receiving the assignment. Illustrations should be sufficient, but not excessive.

The student's work on the report includes the development of oratory skills and the ability to organize and conduct a debate. The student, in the course of working on the presentation of the report, develops the ability to navigate the material and answer additional questions from the audience, develops the ability to independently summarize the material and draw conclusions in the conclusion.

The student is obliged to prepare and deliver a report within the strictly allotted time by the teacher, and on time.

7. Preparation of a multimedia presentation.

A presentation is a student's oral report on a specific topic, accompanied by a multimedia computer presentation. A computer presentation is a multimedia tool used during reports or messages to increase the expressiveness of a speech, a more convincing and visual illustration of the facts and phenomena described. A computer presentation is created in Microsoft Power Point. When preparing a presentation, special attention should be paid to the fact that the speaker and his speech should become the focus of attention during the presentation, and not the inscriptions in small print on the slides. If the whole process of working on a presentation is built chronologically, then it starts with a well-developed plan, then moves on to the stage of selecting content and creating a presentation, then comes the final, but most important stage - direct public speaking.

The student, based on the speech plan, needs to determine about 10 main ideas, conclusions on the chosen topic, which should be conveyed to the audience, and based on them, make a computer presentation.

Additional information, if any, should be placed in handout or simply voiced, but not included in the computer presentation.

After the selection of information, the student should systematize the material.

Elements that complement the content of the presentation are:

1. Illustrative series. Illustrations of the "picture" type, photo illustrations, schemes, pictures, graphs, tables, diagrams, videos.

2. Sound range. Musical or speech accompaniment, sound effects.

3. Animation series.

4. Color range. The general tone and color screensavers, illustrations, lines should be combined with each other and not contradict the meaning and mood of the presentation.

5. Font row. It is advisable to choose fonts without being carried away by their intricacy and variety. The selected fonts should be easy to read at first glance.

6. Special effects. It is important that in the presentation they do not distract attention to themselves, but only reinforce the main thing.

Rules for organizing material in a presentation:

1. The main information - to the beginning.

2. Thesis of the slide - in the title.

3. Animation is not entertainment, but a method of conveying information that can be used to attract and hold the attention of listeners.

Computer presentation should consist of no more than 10-15 slides.

The performance time is 15 minutes.

8. Preparation and defense of the abstract.

The abstract is a summary in writing or in the form of a public report of the content scientific work or works of specialists on a chosen topic, a review of the literature of a certain direction.

His task is to summarize what others have achieved, to state the problem independently on the basis of facts gleaned from the literature.

The abstract writing process includes the following steps:

1. Choice of topics for the abstract. The topic of the abstract should not be too general, global, as a relatively small amount of work will not allow to reveal it. When choosing a topic, it is necessary to analyze how it is covered in the available scientific literature.

The choice of topic should be conscious and meet the personal cognitive interests of the future author. In this sense, consultations and discussion of the topic with a teacher who can and should provide assistance in right choice topics and task setting.

2. Study of literature.

3. Drawing up a work plan. A properly constructed abstract plan serves as an organizing beginning in the student's work, helps to systematize the material, and ensures the consistency of its presentation.

The student draws up a plan independently, taking into account the plan of the work.

4. The process of writing an abstract. Having chosen a topic, made extracts from the literature and made a plan, you can proceed directly to writing an essay.

It is recommended to present the material in the abstract in your own words, avoiding verbatim rewriting of literary sources. The work must be written in a competent literary language. Shortening of words in the text is not allowed. Exceptions are well-known abbreviations and abbreviations. The abstract must be correctly and neatly formatted, the text (handwritten, typewritten or computerized) must be legible, without stylistic and grammatical errors.

5. Registration and protection of the abstract. An abstract is drawn up in accordance with the accepted rules and submitted for verification to the teacher 1-2 weeks before the test session.

The defense of a thematic essay can be carried out in a dedicated one lesson within the hours of the academic discipline or one essay when studying the relevant topic, or by agreement with the teacher.

The defense of the abstract by the student provides

report on the abstract no more than 5-7 minutes

responses to the opponent's questions.

It is forbidden to read the text of the abstract during the defense.

Organization of independent work of students

When presenting types of assignments for independentnuyu work is recommended to use a differentiated approach to students. Before students perform independent workyou are a teacher giving instructions on how to complete the task, whichincludes the purpose of the assignment, its content, deadlines, estimated scope of work, basic requirements for the results of the work, evaluation criteria. IN during the briefing process, the teacher warns students about possibletypical mistakes that occur when performing a task.

The completeness of instruction depends on the stage of training. At the initial stage, it is more detailed. Introductory briefing when performing laboratory and practical work includes an explanation of the task (what to do?), the order of its implementation (how to do it?), showing and performing techniques (why do this?).

Written instructions are necessary in those independent works that require a strict sequence of execution. A written instruction is a learning algorithm, guided by which the student solves the problem along a strictly planned path, without allowing arbitrary steps.

During the performance by students of extracurricular independent
work and, if necessary, the teacher can consult for
account of the total budget of time allotted for consultations.

Independent work can be carried out individually or
groups of students depending on the goal, the volume of a specific topic of independent work, the level of complexity, the level of students' skills.

The material for independent work of students should be designed by the teacher according to the following principles:

1. A preliminary comprehensive analysis of the studied material is required with the answer to the questions: What is given? How given? Why is it given? Why exactly this way and not otherwise?

What and how of the material must be used directly, and what can be used in a transformed form.

2. Determine the methods of logical and methodical processing of the material.

3. Clarify the place of the topic in the course system and common system learning.

4. Identify difficulties for trainees associated with individual characteristics, level of knowledge and cognitive activity.

5. Prepare for the following tasks:

Formation of skills to separate the understandable from the incomprehensible, to isolate the incomprehensible;

Formation of skills to highlight the internal connections between the elements of the phenomenon;

Formation of skills to isolate the main thing.

6. When selecting and developing tasks, exercises, proceed primarily from comparative analysis giving the questions a clear target direction, defining the expected answers of the trainees.

7. The structure of the material as a whole must strictly follow the principle - from simple to complex, from particular to general.

Needs encourage a person to look for ways to satisfy them. The formation of students' cognitive needs is one of the important tasks of a technical school teacher.

The systematic complication of tasks for independent work stimulates cognitive interest, promotes the activation and development of thought processes, the formation of a scientific worldview and communication skills.

Organization of control of independent work of students

Control of the results of independent work of students can be carried out within the time allotted for compulsory training sessions in the discipline and extracurricular independent work of students in the discipline, can take place in written, oral or mixed form, with the presentation of a product or product creative activity student.

Control of independent work of students provides:

1. Correlation of the content of control with the objectives of training;

2. Objectivity of control;

3. Differentiation of control and measuring materials.

Forms of control of independent work are:

1. Viewing and checking the performance of independent work by the student.

2. Organization of self-examination, mutual examination of the completed task in the group.

3. Discussion of the results of the work performed in the classroom.

4. Conducting a written survey.

5. Conducting an oral survey.

6. Organization and conduct of an individual interview.

7. Organizing and conducting interviews with the group.

8. Seminars

9. Protection of progress reports.

10. Organization of conferences.

The criteria for evaluating the results of independent work of students are:

The level of development of educational material;

The level of ability to use theoretical knowledge in the performance of practical and situational tasks;

The level of formation of general educational skills;

The level of ability to actively use electronic educational resources, find the required information, study it and put it into practice;

Validity and clarity of presentation of the material;

The level of ability to navigate the flow of information, highlight the main thing;

The level of ability to clearly formulate the problem, proposing its solution, critically assess the solution and its consequences;

The level of ability to identify, analyze alternative possibilities, options for action;

The level of ability to formulate one's own position, assessment and argue it;

Formulation of material in accordance with the requirements.

Pedagogical support independent work of students.

When analyzing the general structure of the discipline, the teacher determines in advance:

Fragments of the topic that students can learn on their own;

Tasks aimed at the formation of general educational skills;

Tasks of a reproductive and creative nature, aimed at developing special skills, individual abilities of students;

Forms of organization of collective independent activity (work in pairs, brigade-group work).

IN work program the main types of independent work should be indicated, reflecting the logical sequence of studying the material.

To determine the place of independent work in the lesson means to calculate the time required for its implementation. This problem can be most effectively solved by using differentiated tasks that determine the load that corresponds to the individual characteristics of students.

Memo to the teacher on the organization of independent work of students

1. Independent work must be organized at all levels of the educational process, including in the process of mastering new material.

2. Students must be placed in active position to make them direct participants in the process of cognition.

3. The organization of independent work should contribute to the development of students' motivation for learning.

4. Independent work should be purposeful, be clearly articulated.

5. The content of independent work should provide a complete and deep set of tasks for students.

6. In the course of independent work, it is necessary to ensure a combination of reproductive and productive learning activities students.

7. When organizing independent work, it is necessary to provide adequate feedback, i.e. properly organize the control system.

Independent work is considered as a didactic form of learning, which is a system of organization pedagogical conditions providing management of educational activities of students. It takes place without the participation of the teacher. Without the skills of independent work, a young specialist will not be able to improve and meet the requirements of professional activity.

So, independent work - this is a specific type of teaching, the main purpose of which is the formation of students' independence, their skills and qualities, which is carried out in independent work indirectly through the content and methods of all types of training sessions. Independent work as an activity of learning has two main goals: the development of independence as a personality trait and the assimilation by students professional knowledge, the formation of their professional skills and abilities. The first often develops in extracurricular independent work, and the second - during classes. According to A.P. Minakova, "independent work is, first of all, an independent thought. It is necessary to teach to think independently both at lectures and while solving problems. Only those who think can work creatively. Therefore, the teacher's task is to determine the emergence of thoughts, stimulate activity and independence already at lectures , seminars, lessons. And independence of thinking will contribute to the desire to work independently, without waiting for instructions and stimuli from the outside "1.

A qualitative description of independence as a result of learning in conditions of increased independent work can be manifested through the ability of students to systematize, plan, control and regulate their activities without the constant help and guidance of a teacher.

Independence is a necessary condition for the effectiveness of any activity: educational, industrial, social, mental, cognitive, etc. The expression of the independence of the individual is the actions, actions, statements, assessment of the personality of both those around her and herself. So, independence is not a will or character trait, ability or thinking, but a more complex, integrative personal quality. Independence correlates with the self-realization of the individual, with its activity in relation to internal motivation, without external coercion, with relative independence. For top level In the development of independence, the productive creative nature of the activity is typical, and not the stereotype of the decisions, actions, actions of the individual himself.

Independence is manifested in the results of activities, in relation to the environment and in the direction of behavior. It is not an innate organic property of a person, but arises and develops in the process of life. Independence does not always become a stable characteristic of behavior and activity. The level of its development depends on the conditions in which the personality is torn, the nature of its relationship with environment.

Self-motivation and justification of actions, the ability to see the objective reasons for actions and make adequate decisions, draw up a program of action are developed with experience, as a result critical appraisal external influences and own capabilities. In addition, an independent person not only solves the tasks set or those that arise before him, but also sets goals for himself, i.e. proactive, and moreover, has a need to make and implement their own decisions. After making a decision, such a person is ready to bear responsibility for its practical implementation, for his actions, which are based on confidence in their correctness and timeliness. At the same time, an independent person is able to admit his mistakes, if reality shows that not all circumstances were taken into account in the decision. Based on self-critical analysis, reflection, she makes more adequate decisions that lead to problem solving. So, independence is an integrative quality of a person, it consists in the ability and need to make and implement decisions on their own initiative and bear responsibility for them.

The potential qualities of a person can be fully manifested and realized only with the rational self-organization of educational activities. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the ability for independent study work does not have a direct connection with the level of development of individual cognitive processes or motivations. Effective independent work includes the ability to work in the classroom, at home, in the library, the ability to organize certain forms of work and all educational activities without systematic control, assistance and stimulation of the teacher.

Students in whom independence in learning is sufficiently developed, L.M. Friedman calls "autonomous", independent of outside help, and those who have the ability to learn independently are not developed, can be called "addiction".

students "standalone type" see the main meaning of study in obtaining the professional knowledge and skills they need. Their criteria for learning success are not limited to getting grades. These students believe that success in learning greatly depends on their personal qualities and the efforts that are made. They carefully monitor and critically evaluate their performance during each task.

students "dependent type" can be divided into two subgroups. The students of the first subgroup, despite the low success of their studies, evaluate their educational activities as quite successful for themselves. They agree to smaller results so as not to spend a lot of effort and time, not to strain their thoughts, not to do something new, unusual. They believe that the assessment when testing knowledge and skills depends mainly on chance (luck).

Students of the second subgroup assess their studies as unsuccessful. They want top marks, and many of them spend on preparation. a large number of time. However, they do not realize the dependence of academic success on the development of their personal mental properties, educational and mental skills, therefore they do not try to develop, train their own mental processes, abilities, skills (memory, ability to compare, highlight the main thing, generalize; quickly and consciously read and take notes, etc.), on which the effectiveness of independent study work depends. their activities are unsystematic, irrational, suboptimal, they often need external help during preparation for classes.

So, the development of independence is a process of transition from external leadership to self-government, self-organization of one's educational activities. For effective independent study work, a student must master rational, optimal ways of learning, thinking, and obtaining information.

Management of the process of self-study work should not be aimed at forcing students to spend many hours "sitting at a desk", but at shaping their need for the learning process itself, the desire to learn rationally, efficiently, optimally and enjoy it.

For this, the following conditions are necessary: ​​the student must know the program for the semester, the list and criteria for assessing not only knowledge, but also the skills that he must master; each independently completed task of each of the students is subject to control and evaluation; evaluation of the results of independent work should be public and reasoned; a positive psychological atmosphere in the group should support rationally organized independent work.

In a professional school, the following forms of extracurricular independent work are used:

Search and work with educational and reference literature (note taking, drawing up plans, abstracts, formatting information into diagrams, tables, graphs, etc.);

Fulfillment of cross-cutting individual tasks in the cycles of academic disciplines (writing abstracts, reports, reviews and speaking with them at seminars);

Preparation for the most responsible and integrative laboratory work;

The study of the topic by a small group of students, each of which then teaches another group of classmates, followed by the presentation of the topic by the teacher;

Student Development teaching materials on the subject (diagrams, tables, reference notes, computer programs, tasks, etc.);

Implementation of practical tasks, calculations using a PC;

Studying new equipment, technologies, methods at basic enterprises, laboratories, schools, compiling and defending reports;

Competitive performance of special developmental, creative tasks and their public defense;

Independent study of the discipline.

One form of independent work is home study work students. It is carried out without the guidance of the teacher, but on his instructions. Doing homework, students themselves distribute their time, determine the order of work, control it themselves, find and correct errors. Success homework depends on these skills, preparedness for independent homework in general and on a specific topic in particular.

The connection between homework and classwork is found in a different way. In most cases in vocational training institutions i-P levels of accreditation in the process of homework, the material studied in the classroom is consolidated. Students repeat the lesson material after the textbook and abstract, solve problems, exercises similar to those that were solved in the classroom. Sometimes homework is a continuation of the classroom. For example, in class, the problem is only analyzed, but solved at home.

At senior courses or in higher professional educational institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation, up to the content of homework is included independent study some parts of the program. Sometimes homework is aimed at activating perception in future classes.

When determining the content and volume of homework, it is important to take into account the individual level of development of mental and educational skills and the interests of individual students. A differentiated approach to this issue has a positive effect. An individualized approach is also needed for homework assignments for students who have gaps in knowledge, skills, and abilities after missing classes. Therefore, it is useful to combine frontal, differentiated and individual tasks. Differentiation and individualization of homework is expedient not only in terms of the degree of complexity, but also in terms of the interests and specialization of those who study.

Homework, typical for vocational schools, is divided into four main groups: oral, written, graphic, practical. The first group includes the study of material from textbooks, reading drawings, diagrams, solving qualitative problems, preparing answers, reports on additional literature, documentation, and analysis of production activities.

Written homework contains quantitative tasks, tasks and calculations, description of observations, development technological maps, reporting on laboratory and practical work.

The group of graphic homework includes various work with drawings, drawing up diagrams, graphs, diagrams, sketches, etc.

During the study of special disciplines, practical independent homework is widely used. The teacher and the master of industrial training (practice leader) jointly offer students to develop maps of technological processes for manufacturing specific parts, assembling components, mechanisms with the choice of tools, mode calculations, justification of control methods, designing fixtures, and making improvements to the design of tools.

A specific type of independent homework is interdisciplinary complex tasks, the implementation of which requires the use of a set of knowledge from professional, general technical, general education subjects as well as practical knowledge and skills.

Performing independent work is not possible without the development of mental properties (memory, imagination, thinking), the ability to concentrate. The first among the mental processes that develop in the course of independent work is memory. The teacher should take into account that what is needed to solve problems is remembered better - 90%, while in the process of listening - 10%, reading - 30%, observing - 50% ". for what purpose, as well as logical and emotional-personal accents that convey the attitude of the teacher, master to information.Productive semantic memorization is more effective than mechanical, therefore, at the beginning of teaching any subject, specialty, it is advisable to use special tasks for independent work, which require the establishment logical, semantic, associative, structural connections, relationships: partial - general, cause - effect; establishment of analogies, contrasts; classification, designation capital letters, drawing up structural and logical diagrams, tables, etc. Consequently, the development of memory is closely related to the development of students' thinking, improving the ability to analyze, compare, abstract, concretize, transfer knowledge and skills to new conditions, circumstances, as well as the ability to learn independently.

However, reproductive independent work cannot be sufficiently effective in the formation of independence as a professional quality of an individual. We need not only the ability to work without outside help, but also the ability to solve integral problems that contain all the components of human activity: awareness and formulation of problems and tasks; setting goals and drawing up a plan; analysis, forecasting and adoption (choice) of a decision, its practical implementation; control and evaluation of the process and results of activities; setting new goals and objectives aimed at further improvement of the objective world and oneself. The absence of any component makes it impossible to form independence as a personal quality of a future specialist.

The most important and dominant component of independence is decision making. It is with him that the meaningful motives of the behavior and activity of the individual are connected. In it, first of all, the need for self-realization is realized. The ability to make decisions is based on an understanding of the essential ability to compare, analyze, synthesize and generalize, classify, plan, draw conclusions, and organize one's activities.

An independent person not only makes decisions, but also controls the process of their implementation, during which he self-critically evaluates his activities, corrects them if necessary and achieves his goals, bears responsibility for them. Independence is also impossible without the presence of one's own opinions, assessments, and judgments. The person's confidence in the truth of knowledge, the correctness of his position leads to a readiness to defend it conclusively, to defend it in disputable and conflict situations.

Independence can develop only in the process of certain activities, while making decisions and following them. As a result of this activity, changes occur in the subject itself, which are expressed in mastering the methods of decision-making and the development of certain qualities. In turn, this is the basis for effective actions, adequate orientation in circumstances predetermined by the content of the tasks being solved.

The highest, creative level of development of independence lies in the need to constantly set new goals and objectives aimed at going beyond the given, at the search and discovery of new patterns and solutions.

Setting further goals and objectives based on an adequate self-assessment of what has been done helps to develop a positive emotional attitude to independent activities and decisions, and creates a need for them.

Teaching students the strategy and tactics of independent decision-making at the first stage is possible with the help of problem-based learning, educational discussions and solving practical problems of a problematic nature (analysis of specific situations).

When choosing problems, one should be guided by the following criteria: it is better to choose the leading ideas, concepts, methods of science, conflicting ideas, provisions and the search for ways to solve them in the history of science; contradictions, unresolved issues of modern science, new technologies emerging in industrial practice.

Using these methods on practical exercises introduces students to generalized methods of decision-making, teaches them to consciously carry out mental operations during independent decision-making, develops independent thinking. On this path, one should consistently focus on the operations of comparison, highlighting the essential, analysis through synthesis (i.e., revealing various hidden properties and qualities of the task object by including it in various possible relations and conditions of activity).

For effective acceptance independent decisions a person must have a sufficiently large amount of information, but generalized, compressed according to the principle of systemicity "The key concepts of science are a necessary element of generalized knowledge. Several others are always associated with one concept, understanding their relationships, hierarchy provides knowledge with a systemic, generalized character. To develop the ability to generalize, it is worth using concise speeches at seminars, drawing up plans, logic diagrams, tables.

Independence as a quality of personality is most clearly manifested in the conditions of choice, resolution of contradictions, overcoming obstacles. That's why effective way inclusion of students to independent activities, the decision-making process is discussions. Moreover, it is important that each student determines his own position, his own attitude to the problem, its justification and reasoned defense.

Discussions should be based on problems that do not allow an unambiguous answer, require a dialectical approach, taking into account a wide range of issues relevant to modern practice, there are several concepts developed in the literature that are available to students.

Very useful for future professionals is performance students in turn duties of the leader of the seminar (practical lesson). The student leader is responsible for the preparation and conduct of the lesson. He leads the seminar, monitors the rules, formulates questions and organizes discussion, conducts a collective analysis and evaluation of the work. At the same time, the teacher assists the leader during the preparation for the lesson, takes part in the formulation and discussion of problems, in the results and evaluation of the process of work on basis of the principle of cooperation. in this way, students gain real experience in leadership, discussion and decision-making, monitoring and evaluation, preparation and implementation of decisions, responsibility.

In senior years, it is advisable to include students in research work, which involves making independent decisions during a diagnostic experiment, writing and defending term papers, projects. The work should cover a theoretical review of the literature on the topic, a description of the experimental micro-study methodology and an analysis of its results.

Students who are working on related topics can be combined into one research group. In consultations with these groups, it is useful to use methods such as brainstorm, role-playing game, discussion without a leader, conducive to independent decision-making.

Independence as a quality of a person lies not only in the correct solution of educational and practical problems, but also in the ability to defend these decisions, to fight for their implementation. Therefore, on defense scientific work each student must briefly report on the essence of his work, and then make decisions and defend them with reason, answering questions from teachers and classmates. At the same time, it is important to have one's own position and the ability to logically and reasonably prove its legitimacy.

For the formation of independence, it is very important for students to actively participate in the collective assessment and self-assessment of their process of making and implementing decisions, which should be carried out after discussing and solving problematic problems, conducting discussions, while writing and defending scientific work.

The important point is that not only the result is subject to discussion, but also the decision-making process that led to this result. Awareness of the effectiveness of decision-making methods and their implementation contribute to the consolidation of optimal decision-making methods and activities for the subject, which are characteristic of an independent person.

In one of the first practical exercises, it is necessary to discuss the criteria for evaluating performance. At the next stages, the criteria selected as a result of the discussion become the basis for self-assessment and self-assessment by students. The criteria can be the argumentation of the essential provisions, the logic and conciseness of the presentation, the ability to combine theory with practice, to generalize the main thing and draw conclusions, to defend one's position with evidence. The ability to review, evaluate and compare their decisions and actions with the activities of their comrades contributes to the formation of an adequate self-esteem, in addition, students gain experience in the evaluation activities necessary for a leader.

The independent work of the future specialist should be aimed at the formation of not only professional knowledge and skills, but also at the development of qualities necessary for any leader, primarily organizational and communicative.

Before you can manage others, you must learn to manage yourself. To control yourself means to feel your body, to be able to relieve tension and relax, and also to evoke in yourself a feeling of restrained strength and confidence.

The optimal psychophysical state is not a gift of fate, but the result of systematic work on oneself in order to be able to manage one's emotions, tune in to overcome difficulties, reduce the psychological impact of failures, fear of upcoming activities.

These skills are formed with the help of psychophysiological training. Psychophysiological training - this is a method of personality development, which involves teaching a person muscle relaxation, self-hypnosis, concentration of attention and imagination, the ability to control involuntary mental activity in order to achieve optimal results in the chosen activity. Psychophysiological training has the following tasks: facilitating the transition from work to rest and ensuring its optimality, creating the most favorable mental and physiological prerequisites for the successful implementation of any activity.

Leadership is the ability to work in conditions of uncertainty, to create, to improvise. To do this, you need to get rid of the acquired stamps, internal restrictions, from stiffness as a result of previous experience. Psychotraining gives the experience of liberation and improvisation, there is no single correct solution in it, everyone needs to look for their own.

Psychophysiological training contributes to the development of self-control skills and the regulation of one's behavior and well-being. Learning self-regulation is not a general recommendation to "keep yourself in control", but a system of exercises with ever-increasing complexity. In most psychophysiological training exercises, deep relaxation of all muscles is used. Excitement, irritation, anger associated with strong muscle tension. By relaxing the overstressed muscles of the face, neck, arms, back, we reduce the negative impact of these conditions.

Excessive activity of the central nervous system associated with negative emotions, reflects badly on the physical condition of a person. The psychophysiological mechanism of exercises that relax is to increase the flow to the central nervous system corrective information. Flow nerve impulses from these distractions can be stronger than the negative impacts caused by anxiety, anxiety, fear, anger.

The use of special exercises (facial, breathing, etc.) also affects the regulation of psychophysical states by purposefully releasing certain substances, hormones into the blood. Thus, a gloomy face contributes to an active release of adrenaline, which, in turn, causes anxiety, depression, and uncertainty. A smile sets up a release of norepinephrine and causes a feeling of confidence, excitement, enthusiasm, energy. Endurance can also be brought up by reducing the motivational significance of incentives. This is achieved by a set of exercises for rational psychological defense.

Psychophysiological training is not only about relaxation. This is, first of all, training in switching and concentration. When the object of self-control, concentration becomes the sensation of the body "here and now", then attention, concentrating on them, dissociates itself from everything else in order to stop the flow of negative experiences.

Self-regulation training should begin with the development of the ability to monitor the external manifestations of emotions and states: facial expressions, posture, breathing, muscle tone. Then the necessary training of the ability to change their experiences, facial expressions, gait, movements, facial expressions. Self-regulation - this is the impact of a person on himself with the help of words and their corresponding images. The essence of psychophysiological self-regulation lies in the fact that a person makes the feelings that accumulate in the process of communicating with the environment and learning about his own body the subject of systematic training. Signals for this can be a feeling of heaviness of the body, warmth, combined with muscle relaxation and a sense of physical comfort.

Another principle of psychophysiological regulation is that the more sensitive the verbal definition gets the content of What perceived, and the more actively it will be reproduced, the more accurately it will be transformed into self-government.

The ability to independently actively change the processes occurring in one's own body and manage them has importance. This skill is the most decisive factor in achieving professional success. Through self-regulation, it is possible to activate or slow down psychophysiological processes, improve the quality of training and the effectiveness of the activities performed. With the help of various methods of self-regulation, it is possible to influence both cognitive and motivational processes, increase the effectiveness of motives and attitudes.

Conscious activity is always motivated, and in this regard, it is inevitably associated with the volitional qualities of the individual. The ability to self-control and self-regulation is manifested in organization, determination, self-confidence, purposefulness. The ability to remove physical fatigue forms endurance, the ability to withstand heavy loads, overcome unexpected obstacles.

Psychophysiological training can be carried out during practical classes by dividing a group of students into microgroups of 7 (±2) persons. The exercises are designed for the collective interaction of the participants. Contact and mutual trust are favorable psychological factors for psychophysiological training. A close-knit group creates psychological protection for its members, giving everyone the opportunity to be relaxed in relationships with others and, most importantly, with themselves.

Therefore, the inclusion of students in independent work using such methods as problem-based learning, discussions, role-playing and business games, research work, psychophysiological training contribute to the formation of the necessary professional qualities personalities of future specialists.

General approaches to the methodology of student's independent work and its implementation. Student's independent work(SRS) is an independent diyalnisg-teaching of a student, which the scientific and pedagogical worker plans together with the student, but the student performs according to the tasks and under the methodological guidance and control of the scientific and pedagogical worker without his direct participation.

An important role in the study of the discipline is played by rational means: methods of organizing independent work, working conditions, daily routine, work technique, etc.

When studying an academic discipline, the following types of independent student learning are distinguished:

Listening to lectures, participating in seminars, performing practical and laboratory work;

Development of topics for lectures and seminars, implementation of practical and laboratory work by students correspondence forms s of training (WFD)

Preparation of abstracts and term papers, writing a thesis;

Preparation for modular control and testing;

Work with literature, etc.

Each of these types requires students to work hard on their own.

First of all, it is necessary that every student in the process of learning adhere to mental hygiene. Therefore, they need to reveal the mechanisms of mental work, the causes of fatigue, ways to improve efficiency, as well as diet, recreation, etc. To do this, they need to conduct an orientation lesson, especially with students of distance learning. Let them know that the daily rhythm of the human body is determined by a number of physiological functions that are constantly changing during the hours vigorous activity and sleep.

An important role in the optimal organization of the life and activities of the student daily form learning is played by the daily routine - it is recommended by scientific and pedagogical workers in the first days of training sessions.

First-year students need to adapt to independent study work. Therefore, first-year students have to adapt to the conditions of life and work in higher education. educational institution. To do this, purposeful pedagogical assistance of scientific and pedagogical workers is needed here. This is, first of all, attention to the student who experiences psychological discomfort, inconvenience, awkwardness, uncertainty.

It must be remembered that the student is affected by three groups of difficulties: social, educational, professional. Social difficulties are caused by a change in place of residence, new living conditions, peculiarities of communication with a significant circle of new people (scientific and pedagogical workers, colleagues, service personnel); the need to independently manage your own budget, arrange your own life, get used to the new regime and daily routine, and so on.

Educational difficulties are due to new forms and methods of teaching, the peculiarities of the organization of independent work, control over it by scientific and pedagogical workers. Therefore, scientific and pedagogical workers should:

To acquaint students with the psychological and pedagogical features of the organization of education in higher education;

Help in mastering the methods and techniques of educational work;

Adhere to a special method of lecturing for first-year students in the first two or three months, gradually increasing the structure and pace;

To teach students of receptions to listen to a lecture, write down its contents, methods of preparation for seminars, practical and laboratory classes;

Clearly dose tasks for each lesson;

Tolerantly monitor and evaluate independent work, etc.

Occupational difficulties tend to result in the frustration of individual students in their professional choice. Therefore, scientific and pedagogical workers should explain the process of mastering a specialty, their prospects and significance.

1. Getsov G. Working with a book: rational methods. -M.: Book, 1984.

2. Genetics N. P. There is no limit to perfection. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989.

3. Zagvyazinsky V. I. Theory of learning: modern interpretation: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook establishments. - M.: Ed. Center "Academy", 2001.

4. Kuznetsov A. A, Khromov L. N. Technique fast reading. - M.: Book, 1977.

5. Kuzminsky A. I. Pedagogy of higher education: Proc. allowance. - M.: Knowledge, 2005.

6. Levy V. The art of being yourself. - M.: Knowledge, 1973-

7. Pekelis V. Your possibilities, man. - M.: Knowledge, 1975-

9. Rachenko I. P. NOT a teacher. - M.; Education,

sh. Smorodinskaya M.D., Markova Yu.P. On the culture of reading: What everyone needs to know. - M.: Book, 1984, etc.

The transition to a modular construction of learning content involves the integration of various types and forms of learning that are subject to a common theme. subject. For each content module, a set of reference and illustrative materials is formed, which the student receives before starting the study. A list of recommended literature is also included. Each student moves from one content module to another as they master the material and goes through the stages of current control.

With regard to students of distance learning (ZFO), they basically study the material on their own during the semester, that is, independently work out the topics of lectures, as well as seminars, practical and laboratory classes.

For them, at the beginning of each semester, an orientation session is held, during which lectures are given and some seminars, practical and laboratory classes are conducted.

The scientific and pedagogical worker is obliged to familiarize the students of the WFD during the orientation session with the relevance, purpose and objectives of studying the academic discipline, its place, role and significance in vocational training, determine the total volume of the academic discipline and the volume of sections and topics for the current semester; distribute the program of the academic discipline and the working curriculum; explain the content and structure thematic plan, the sequence of studying sections and topics; explain the methodology for self-working out of seminars, practical and laboratory classes; to acquaint with the questions that are submitted for the exam or test; submit main and additional literature for each topic; clarify the forms and methods of monitoring the knowledge of WFD students; inform the schedule of consultations during the introductory session and in the period before the credit-examination session; reveal the methodology for independent work of sections and topics of the academic discipline for this semester, etc.

The student must master the methodology of independent work during the lecture and working out the lecture. First of all, full-time and part-time students need to form the ability to listen and take notes on lectures, since working on them directly in class and outside of class time requires considerable effort: to be able not only to listen, but also to perceive, to be aware of the content of the lecture, to systematize and group the knowledge gained into abstracts; be able to creatively comprehend the lecture material in the process of independent work, etc.

During the lecture session, students need to familiarize themselves with the content of the previous lecture in order to establish a logical connection with the next one; try to comprehend the material in the process of its presentation; listen carefully to the scientific and pedagogical worker, highlight the main, essential and eliminate the secondary, etc.

Lecture material must not only be listened to, but also outlined. Therefore, scientific and pedagogical workers must form the ability to take notes correctly. To do this, you need to learn how to write quickly, thanks to the use of symbols and abbreviations of individual words and phrases.

It is important for a student to be able to carry out a kind of "filtering" of educational material, to single out the main and displace the secondary, in addition, the main thing is to generalize and systematize. You need to know that the main thoughts, unlike the secondary ones, are usually emphasized by teachers with intonation, a slow pace of speech. For systematization, the student must be able to identify key issues, generalize and logically comprehend the sequence and relationship individual components lectures.

Outlining the lecture, it is necessary to write down the title of the topic, plan, recommended literature in full. Particular attention should be paid to the records of rules, quotations, formulas, diagrams, etc.

Indicative methodology for working out the topic of the lecture:

1) study the program of the academic discipline and the working curriculum;

2) determine the topics of this lecture in the structure of the academic discipline according to the thematic plan;

3) find out all the questions that need to be studied;

4) study the educational material that is in the abstract, clarify the amount of missing material on the basis of control questions, tasks for control work and questions submitted for the exam (see the Program of the academic discipline and the working curriculum)

5) determine the literature in which there is the necessary educational material, and the sequence of its assimilation;

6) process each educational material as follows:

c) for the third time, highlight the basic concepts, the essence of phenomena and processes, their structure and content, as well as the connections between them;

d) write it all down in a summary;

e) establish a link with previous educational material;

f) independently answer all control questions on this topic.

The methodology for organizing independent work depends on the structure, nature and characteristics of the discipline being studied, the amount of hours allotted for its study, the type of tasks for independent work, and the conditions of educational activity.

Methodically to ensure the independent work of students means:

draw up schedules for independent work, containing a list of forms and types of independent work of students, the goals and objectives of each of them, deadlines and forms of control;

develop guidelines for students on independent work, containing the target setting and motivational characteristics of the topics studied, structural-logical and graphological schemes on the topics studied, lists of basic and additional literature for studying topics of academic disciplines, interdisciplinary courses of the professional module, theoretical questions and questions for self-study, algorithms for target the activities of students in the performance of the received tasks in practical classes, etc.

The main element of independent work is creative learning task (task).A learning task is a formed task aimed at searching for new knowledge, requiring a solution in the course of observation, experiments, studying literature and other types of cognitive activity. The educational task, as a didactic unit, has a number of functional features:

is the subject of cognitive activity;

contains a contradiction between the given and the desired;

It includes all parts of cognitive activity: goal setting, motivation, choice of rational solutions, selection of methods of action and means of their implementation, obtaining a result, its analysis and presentation forms;

acts as a means of logical and psychological organization of educational material;

integrates the processes of knowledge acquisition, skills development, formation practical experience activities that are necessary for mastering general and professional competencies.

The solution of a creative problem includes several stages:

1. Preparatory: setting and understanding the creative task. An unknown new is determined, which should be found as a result of solving a creative problem.

2. Informational: search for the necessary information sources to solve a creative problem.

3. Analytical: analysis and processing of information. The content of this stage is the perception, understanding, comprehension of the information received, its evaluation, the establishment of links between disparate facts and phenomena, their generalization to obtain the result of solving a creative problem.

4. Final: design and definition of forms for presenting the result of solving a creative problem.

Depending on specific learning objectives which must be solved in the process of independent work, the content content, the duration of individual stages change, but their presence in the structure of the process is mandatory.

Practical task:

1. Analyze the functional features and stages of solving a cognitive learning task (task).

2. Fill in the table.


Independent work of students is divided into classroom and extracurricular.

Independent (classroom) work of students takes place under the control of the teacher and involves the definition of group or individual cognitive learning tasks (assignments) for students, their independent implementation by students under the methodological and organizational guidance of the teacher.

Classroom independent work of students provides for:

performance of independent work;

Performing control and laboratory work, drawing up diagrams, diagrams;

problem solving;

work with reference, methodical and scientific literature;

protection of the work performed;

Interviews, colloquia business games, discussions, conferences;

testing, etc.

The amount of time for classroom independent work of students is included in the total amount of time for their classroom work and is regulated by the class schedule (class timetable).

Practical task:

1. Analyze the proposed information material on independent (classroom) work of students.

2. Fill in the table.


Independent (extracurricular) work of students - planned educational, educational-research, research work performed outside the classroom on the instructions and with the methodological guidance of the teacher, but without his direct participation. In the system of average vocational education in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, up to 50% of the study time is allocated for independent (extracurricular) work of students.

The purpose of independent (extracurricular) work of students is to master fundamental knowledge, skills and abilities of professional activity, experience of creative, research work, design skills. The content of extracurricular independent work is determined in accordance with the types of organization of independent (extracurricular) work. In educational practice, the following types of independent (extracurricular) work are used:

· knowledge acquisition: reading the text (textbook, primary source, additional literature); drawing up a text plan; graphic representation of the text structure; note-taking of the text; extracts from the text; work with dictionaries and reference books; familiarization with regulatory documents; educational and research work; analysis of the content of audio and video recordings, Internet resources, etc.;

· consolidation and systematization of knowledge: work with lecture notes; work on educational material (textbook, primary source, additional literature, audio and video recordings); drawing up a plan and theses of the answer; drawing up tables to systematize educational material; analysis normative documents; answers to control questions; analytical text processing (annotation, reviewing, abstracting, etc.); preparation of abstracts for presentations at a seminar, conference; preparation of abstracts, reports: compilation of bibliography, thematic crossword puzzles, etc.;

· skills formation: solving problems and exercises according to the model; solution of variable tasks and exercises; execution of drawings, diagrams; performance of settlement and graphic works; solution of situational production (professional) tasks; preparation for business games; design and modeling different types and components of professional activity; preparation of course and diploma works (projects); experimental design work; experimental work; exercises on the simulator; sports and health-improving exercises; collection (biological, numismatic, fashionable own products, collection of hobbies, technical inventions, drawings…); forecast of the development of the situation (for example, environmental); reference book (for example, on the toponymy of city streets); comparative analysis ( contemporary works, own translation of poems, etc.); tutorial on a specific topic, a cycle of training sessions (possibly electronic); dictionary (on a specific topic).

As forms and methods of monitoring extracurricular independent work of students, frontal surveys at seminars and practical classes, colloquia, tests, testing, self-reports, tests, defense can be used. creative works, educational project, etc.

The criteria for evaluating the results of independent (extracurricular) work of a student are:

the level of mastering the educational material,

the ability to use theoretical knowledge in the performance of practical tasks,

completeness of general educational ideas, knowledge and skills on the topic under study, to which this independent work relates,

the validity and clarity of the presentation of the answer to the question posed on extracurricular independent work,

Design of reporting material in accordance with the requirements known or specified by the teacher.

The main types of organization, management and control of independent (extracurricular) work of students, approximate norms of time for students to perform independent (extracurricular) work are given in tables 1, 2.